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Semantic Digital Libraries Evaluation - Results (Anna Karpinska/DSpace) 25/01/2008 16:36

Semantic Digital Libraries Evaluation

Results of Anna Karpinska (DSpace)

Pre-Evaluation Questionnaire

1. Your age

< 20 21 - 25 26 - 30 31 - 35 36 - 40 > 40

2. Your education

under- BSc MSc PhD Other


3. Main domain of education / research

Informatics / Computer Science

Electronics / Telecommunications
Business / Marketing
Fine Arts / Architecture
Life Science / Social Science
Maths / Physics

4. How often do you visit the university library? (slide the X marks on the lines below)

at least at least at least

once a once a once a
day week month

5. How often do you visit the university digital library? (slide the X marks on the lines below)

at least at least at least

once a once a once a
day week month

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6. Do you know what social tagging is?


7. Do you use any online bookmarking system? (If yes - name up to 3 most often used.)


8. Are you subscribed to any online social networking site? (If yes - name up to 3 most often


9. Have you ever come across the term “Web 2.0”? Do you know what it means?


10. Have you ever come across the term “Semantic Web”? Do you know what it means?


Questionnaire After the Initial Task

1. What is your general first impression about the system? (slide the X marks on the lines

hard to use easy to use

complex, mind boggling simple, clearly organized

hard to master, intuitive, straight

unintuitive forward

boring interesting

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ugly, unattractive attractive

useless useful, handy

2. How did you find the task of registering to the digital library? (slide the X marks on the
lines below)

hard to understand easy to understand

hard to execute easy to execute

hard to master, intuitive, straight

unintuitive forward

3. How did you find the task of finding publications described with either of two given
keywords: ''web services'' and ''semantic web''? (slide the X marks on the lines below)

hard to understand easy to understand

hard to execute easy to execute

hard to master, intuitive, straight

unintuitive forward

4. How did you find the task of finding ''publications about'' ? (slide the X marks
on the lines below)

hard to understand easy to understand

hard to execute easy to execute

hard to master, intuitive, straight

unintuitive forward

5. How did you find the task of bookmarking articles about ? (slide the X marks on
the lines below)

hard to understand easy to understand

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hard to execute easy to execute

hard to master, intuitive, straight

unintuitive forward

6. Please describe how (using which system) did you bookmark articles about
(Please, provide a link to the bookmarking services if you used an online bookmarking
solution, outside of the digital library.)

I didn't

7. Do you have any comments to this part of the evaluation?


First Task

Question: Which personality features are considered to be the factors increasing the
usage of the Internet (and for which purposes)?
(PL: Ktore cechy osobowosci uwaza sie czynniki zwiekszajace wykorzystywanie sieci
internetowej (do jakich celow)?)


Openness and Neurocism




Evaluation Questionnaire after the First Task

1. How did you find the task of finding information in the digital library? (slide the X marks
on the lines below)

hard to understand easy to understand

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hard to execute easy to execute

hard to master, intuitive, straight

unintuitive forward

2. How do you find search feature in the digital library? (slide the X marks on the lines

hard to use easy to use

complex, mind boggling simple, clearly organized

hard to master, intuitive, straight

unintuitive forward

boring interesting

ugly, unattractive attractive

useless useful, handy

3. Do you have any comments to this part of the evaluation?

Second Task

Question: What (credibility) dimension are used to evaluate the credibility of the
information on the Internet (used in the research)?
(PL: Jakie skale/kryteria uzywane sa do oceny wiarygodnosci informacji Internetowej
(wykorzystywane w badaniach)?)


To evaluate credibility of the information on the Internet * believability * accuracy *

trustworthiness * bias * completeness. "The Yale group defined credibility in terms of
speaker's expertise (as web coprehesiveness of a Web information) and trustworthiness (as
web site's integrality)" but also dynamism, composure and sociability.


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Evaluation Questionnaire after the Second Task

1. How did you find the task of finding information in the digital library? (slide the X marks
on the lines below)

hard to understand easy to understand

hard to execute easy to execute

hard to master, intuitive, straight

unintuitive forward

2. How do you find search feature in the digital library? (slide the X marks on the lines

hard to use easy to use

complex, mind boggling simple, clearly organized

hard to master, intuitive, straight

unintuitive forward

boring interesting

ugly, unattractive attractive

useless useful, handy

3. Do you have any comments to this part of the evaluation?


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Third Task

Question: Based on the results of the research, what is the credibility of the Internet and
information delivered by it, compared to the credibility of other media sources?
(PL: Jak oceniana jest, na podstawie wynikow badan, wiarygodnosc Internetu i informacji z
niego pochodzacych w porownaniu z wiarygodnoscia innych mediow?)


"Students in this study reported that they perceived the Internet to be moderately to
somewhat credible (M=4.09, S.D.=0.82), although less credible than newspapers,
television, and magazines. Compared to the nonstudent sample the students found all
information channels to be more credible than did the nonstudents, as indicated by a
significant between-subjects (student status) effect in a repeated-measures ANOVA." <>



It was easy to find articles, but difficult to find sth in it. To less time to right good essay about

Evaluation Questionnaire after the Third Task

1. How did you find the task of finding information in the digital library? (slide the X marks
on the lines below)

hard to understand easy to understand

hard to execute easy to execute

hard to master, intuitive, straight

unintuitive forward

2. How do you find search feature in the digital library? (slide the X marks on the lines

hard to use easy to use

complex, mind boggling simple, clearly organized

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hard to master, intuitive, straight

unintuitive forward

boring interesting

ugly, unattractive attractive

useless useful, handy

3. Do you have any comments to this part of the evaluation?


Post-Evaluation Questionnaire

1. What is your overall impression about the DL library you used? (slide the X marks on the
lines below)

hard to use easy to use

complex, mind boggling simple, clearly organized

hard to master, intuitive, straight

unintuitive forward

boring interesting

ugly, unattractive attractive

useless useful, handy

2. “I think, I would perform better if only ...” (complete the sentence)

there was better funcionality of finding more information inside

articles. It's easy to find sth connected to subject, but in most cases
it don't help in find an answer I needed.

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3. Would you like to continue using this digital library (DSpace)? (Say why)



I have a feeling that it will be easier to find an answer to that

questions in google. I mean that their search engine is more
"semantic" than Dspace. In this case I would prefer to get paper
article than read it on the screen to find my answer.

4. Do you have any comments to this part of the evaluation?


[Main Page]

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Semantic Digital Libraries Evaluation - Results (Anna Karpinska/DSpace) 02/03/2008 14:37

Semantic Digital Libraries Evaluation

Results of Anna Karpinska (DSpace)

Memory Task

Question: What (credibility) dimension are used to evaluate the credibility of the
information on the Internet (used in the research)?
(PL: Jakie skale/kryteria uzywane sa do oceny wiarygodnosci informacji Internetowej
(wykorzystywane w badaniach)?)

I think there was 5 of them, but I'm not sure. I can't tell which



After this time it is very difficult to answer any question

Evaluation Questionnaire after the Memory Task

1. How did you find the task of recalling previously learned information? (slide the X marks
on the lines below)

hard to understand easy to understand

hard to execute easy to execute

hard to master, intuitive, straight

unintuitive forward

2. “I think, I would perform better if only ...” (complete the sentence)

There was more sematics in it. This time my search look like
google search and it was not enough time to give a good answer. Page 1 of 2
Semantic Digital Libraries Evaluation - Results (Anna Karpinska/DSpace) 02/03/2008 14:37

3. Do you have any comments to this part of the evaluation?

[Main Page] Page 2 of 2

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