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Can We Call This Reconciliation? - Military News for Canadians

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Can We Call This Reconciliation?

Saturday, 06 February 2010 15:04 administrator

After the London Conference, the Kabul surrogate administration farcically speaks of peace and reconciliation. Hamid Karzai, Head of the stooge
administration, visited Saudi Arabia to request Saudi King Abdullah to mediate between the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan and the Kabul regime and, Digg
by extension, with the USA. However, if we ponder over the whole process of reconciliation,
we see that it is no more than an eye-wash, designed to ostensibly show to the public of these countries who submit
are against the war, that the power-that-be wants peace and an end to the current war. But, contrarily, Share
Pentagon is at present making preparation for a new military operations in Helmand province, south
Afghanistan. Similarly, they put forward conditions, which are tantamount to escalating the war rather than ending it.
For example, they want Mujahideen to lay down arms; accept the Constitution and renounce violence. None can
name this reconciliation.
Likewise, it is in condition that the Kabul stooge regime has no writ beyond the capital Kabul. Even in Kabul they are not safe.
The audacious attack of Mujahideen on building of some important ministries, near the presidential palace in Kabul is an
example of the military strength of the Mujahideen and the inability of the stooge regime to face the committed members of the
Islamic Emirate.

According to International Council for Development and Security, the Islamic Emirate has influence in 80% of Afghanistan and
with the passage of time, the influence is spreading. So the Kabul regime effort to call on the Islamic Emirate to surrender
under the pseudo-name of reconciliation is a futile effort.

This is not the first time that the Kabul regime and the invading countries want to throw dust into the eyes of the public of the
world by announcing reconciliation in words and, in practice, make preparation for war. Ironically, the Pentagon is trying to
lure away files and ranks of the Islamic Emirate by offering them cash money rather than making an honest effort for peace
based on ground realities and on realization of the natural rights of the Afghans. No doubt, by resorting to the old British
formula divide and rule, the invading Americans will only prolong the war but will not end it.

The Islamic Emirate has curtains goals to achieve. They are: 1. Complete independence of the country. 2. Establishment of an
Islamic system representing the wants and aspiration of the Afghan people. 3. Progress and prosperity of the country and

Our first priority is to achieve these goals through talks and negotiation. But if the invading powers in Afghanistan are not
ready to give the Afghans their natural rights which is the right of independence and establishment of a government based on
their aspirations and wants, then the Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate are determined to carry on the fight until the
realization of the said goals.

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Retrieved 062308UTC Feb 10

1 of 2 06-02-2010 18:08
Can We Call This Reconciliation? - Military News for Canadians

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06 02 10 5 U.S.Troops killed in Nad Ali battle
06 02 10 Helmand bombings inflict fatalities on 11 soldiers
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06 02 10 Kandahar airfield comes under missile attack
05 02 10 Mujahideen fight British troops in Musa Kala
05 02 10 Bomb kills 5 Candains in Kandahar
05 02 10 4 Britons killed, 1 Mujahid martyred in Laskar Gah
05 02 10 6 German troops killed, 4 wounded in Kunduz battle
05 02 10 Mujhideen bombings kill 7 Britons in Helmand
05 02 10 Two policemen killed in Kust, 2 injured
05 02 10 Three Britons killed, one injured in Helmand
05 02 10 Heavy fighting ongoing in Helmnad
04 02 10 Bomb in Khost kills 3 Afghan soldiers
04 02 10 Mujahideen kill 5 U.S troops in Kunar
04 02 10 4 Britons take loss of life and injures in Helmand
04 02 10 Two Dutch, 8 Afghan soldiers killed in Uruzgan
04 02 10 3 U.S-coalition tanks destroyed, 4 soldiers killed in
Helmand battle
04 02 10 Three U.S soldiers killed in Logar province, tank
04 02 10 Commander killed in remote-controlled IED's in Paktia
04 02 10 Mujahideen bombings and attacks in Helmand kill 5 U.S
soldiers, wound some
04 02 10 Mujahideen in Zabul kill six Afghan soldiers



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Retrieved 062308UTC Feb 10

2 of 2 06-02-2010 18:08

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