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How to update Kaspersky PURE 3.0 offline

Kaspersky PURE 3.0




How to update Kaspersky PURE 3.0 offline

Back to "Setting Update"

2013 Feb 15

ID: 9499

In order to update all necessary databases and application modules of Kaspersky PURE 3.0, you can use a special
update utility, which should be run manually from another computer or from an USB device which is connected to the
computer with the Internet connection.
First time the utility is launched all databases and modules necessary for the application and released to the present
moment are loaded into a special folder, which resides in the folder with the update utility. With each next start only
missing, i.e. recently released, databases and modules will be loaded into the folder.
By February, 2013 the size of Kaspersky PURE 3.0 databases takes about 410 MB on the flash carrier. Bear this
information in mind, when selecting a flash carrier to store the updates for the application. With the time the size of the
updates is only going to increase.
The update method described below is auxiliary, not the basic one; use this method if the computer with
installed Kaspersky PURE 3.0 has no Internet connection. The described update method does not provide an
instantaneous delivery of the released updates and consequently does not keep the application in the actual state.

Brief instructions how to use the utility

1. Download an archive with the update utility
2. Save the folder with the utility on the removable USB device, connect it to the computer with the Internet
3. Run the utility (the file Updater.bat).
4. Once the work of the utility is over, connect the USB device to the computer (without the Internet connection)
with Kaspersky PURE 3.0 installed.
5. Configure Kaspersky PURE 3.0 to update from a folder which contains the databases on the removable USB
device (the Updatesfolder).
In future regularly connect the same flash-carrier to any computer with the Internet connection and download new
databases (i.e. run theUpdater.bat file) and update your Kaspersky PURE 3.0 using the USB device.
See below step-by-step instructions how to use the update utility.

Step 1. Start working with the update utility

1. Download the update utility
2. Unpack the downloaded utility (using WinZip, for example) on another computer which is connected to the
Internet or to an USB drive which is connected to the computer with the Internet connection.
Pay attention, the full path to the folder with the update utility should contain only Latin symbols and should not contain
space characters!

Step 2. Run the update utility

1. In the folder with the utility find and double-click the file Updater.bat.



How to update Kaspersky PURE 3.0 offline

A command prompt window will open, which means the download of databases and modules has started (the name and
path to the fileUpdater.exe may differ on your computer from the one on the picture below).

If you connect to the Internet via a proxy-server, then add proxy-server settings to the
file for_crystal_13.0.2.558.ini the following way:
In the utility folder find and double-click the file for_crystal_13.0.2.558.ini.

In the window for_crystal_13.0.2.558.ini in the Proxy Settings section find your proxy
server settings (instead of the default settings):
Address (proxy_url).
Port (proxy_port).
Login (proxy_login).



How to update Kaspersky PURE 3.0 offline

Password (proxy_pwd).

Save the file for_crystal_13.0.2.558.ini by pressing Ctrl+S on the keyboard

In the upper left part of for_crystal_13.0.2.558.ini window select File > Save.



How to update Kaspersky PURE 3.0 offline

Close the file.

2. When the window disappears, in the folder of the update utility open the file iupdater.txt and make sure the
file contains the record Retranslation successful and update is not requested (implying successful

Step 3. Update Kaspersky PURE 3.0

1. Connect a flash-card to the computer with the Internet connection with Kaspersky PURE 3.0 installed.
2. Open the main program window.
3. In the upper right part of the window click the Settings link.



How to update Kaspersky PURE 3.0 offline

4. In the Settings window go to the Update tab.

5. In the right part of the Settings window click the Update source button.



How to update Kaspersky PURE 3.0 offline

6. In the Update window on the Update source tab clear the box Kaspersky Lab update servers. Click
the Add button.



How to update Kaspersky PURE 3.0 offline

7. In the Update source window select the Updates folder from the utility folder. Click OK.

8. In the Update window click the OK button.



How to update Kaspersky PURE 3.0 offline

9. In the Settings window click the OK button.



How to update Kaspersky PURE 3.0 offline

10. Run the databases update process.

What to do if update problems occur

If you have any problems with the download of the databases/ modules, then depending on the problem you have
perform the following actions:
If you have problems downloading databases, enable detailed report (trace) of the download process. For
this, do the following:
1. Right-click the file Updater.bat and in the context menu select Edit.



How to update Kaspersky PURE 3.0 offline

In the Updater.bat file to the line Updater.exe -u -c -o for_crystal_13.0.2.558.ini >

report_crystal3.0.txtadd the command -tf trace.txt.

Save the file and close it.

Double-click the file Updater.bat. A command prompt window will open, which means a
detailed download report is being collected (the name of the window and path to the
file Updater.exe may differ on your computer).

When a command prompt window disappears, send a request with a problem description
to Kaspersky Lab Technical Support via My Kaspersky. To your request attach the received
trace (the file trace.txt from the utility folder). You can find the information on how to use the
service in FAQ for My Kaspersky.
If utility work was terminated by the system (the file iupdater.txt contains the error Process is



How to update Kaspersky PURE 3.0 offline

terminated), then to resolve the error, do the following:

Download the archive.
Unpack the archive into the update utility folder (using WinZip, for example).
Run the utility once again.
If the utility was unpacked on the computer (not a removable drive), an error concerning folder access may
appear. To eliminate the problem, move the folder with the utility to the Disk root directory (for example, C:\).
For the report not to be overwritten, but added, open the file Updater.exe for editing and add one more
symbol ">".
Updater.exe -u -c -o for_crystal_13.0.2.558.ini > report_crystal3.0.txt
Updater.exe -u -c -o for_crystal_13.0.2.558.ini >> report_crystal3.0.txt


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