Crai Brown

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{\Huge \bf Statement of Purpose}
I am a final year student of the four year Bachelor of Technology program
at the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay. I will be graduating in
June 1996 with a degree in
Computer Science and Engineering. I am applying for admission and financial
aid to the Ph.D. program in Computer Science at Brown University. Detailed
information about my academic record and my research and other experience is
attached to this statement. \\
I was introduced to computers at the age of 11 and working and playing with
them remained a hobby throughout school. It was in high school that I first
considered Computer Science as a career. To this end, I took the Joint
Entrance Examination (JEE) for admission to the Indian Institutes of
Technology. Though my performance in the JEE was not entirely to my
satisfaction, I did very well in my first year as an undergraduate and
secured a change to the department of my choice. \\
The Department of Computer Science and Engineering at IIT Bombay has
taught me a lot besides Computer Science. A spirit of
competitiveness has been the result of having some very intelligent
people as classmates. Besides this, a close-knit batch and a number
of group course projects have ensured the development of a spirit of
teamwork. \\
Coming back to Computer Science, my interest in the subject has grown with
every year I have been here.
I have, over the past few months, tried to analyze my reasons for
considering a career in research in the field of Computer Science. I believe
the choice of research is due to a thrill in ``thinking what
no-one has thought before", i.e., in working with ideas and in doing
something creative. The liking for Computer Science comes from a deeper
interest in Mathematics and in abstractions of reality (which is
probably why I chose Computer Science over a science like Physics it is ``cleaner"), though the element of taste can neither be ignored
nor analyzed. \\
The most important components of my preparation for a career
in research and teaching and a demonstration of my ability for the
same have been my undergraduate studies. I have performed well
at IIT Bombay and am at the top of
my class and of my entire undergraduate batch at the end of six semesters.
My research experience has consisted primarily of a study
in my junior year (B.Tech. Seminar) on {\em Probabilistic Applications of
Symmetric Group Representation Theory} under the guidance of Dr. Sundar
Vishwanathan and an ongoing project (B.Tech. Project) titled {\em Realistic
Image Synthesis with the Radiosity Method} under Dr. Sharat Chandran. \\

The seminar in my junior year, along with courses such as
{\em Data Structures and Algorithms}, {\em Theory of Computation} and
{\em Design and Analysis of Algorithms} have given me a solid background in
Theoretical Computer Science which is necessary for any research
effort. Apart from this, I intend to take a course titled {\em Foundations
of Parallel Computation} next semester. \\
I have realized, however, that I find a balance of theory and practice more
satisfying than something purely theoretical and this has propelled me
towards Systems. I have developed a particular interest in Computer Graphics
and in Networks and Distributed Systems.
My preparation for research in Systems includes, apart from the many
courses, a taste of research in Computer Graphics through the
B.Tech. Project mentioned above.
In the first stage, besides surveying the literature on the radiosity
method, we have outlined a new form factor algorithm which greatly
reduces the aliasing problem inherent in the hemicube method and a research
paper is in the pipeline. \\
I decided to apply to the Department of Computer Science at Brown University
primarily because it compares to the best in the world and has a strong
faculty in my fields of interest. My advisor has encouraged me to apply,
and I would consider it
my privilege to be able to pursue my doctoral studies at Brown and avail of
the excellent facilities and research opportunities it has to offer. \\
In conclusion, I would like to reiterate that I possess the background, the
ability and the motivation to make a significant contribution to Computer
Science and to Brown. This is testified by my excellent academic record
from school through my undergraduate years. I hope you will take
a favorable decision regarding my admission to the Ph.D. program
and look forward to joining the Department. \\
Chetan Rai.

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