ICT and Education in The XXI Century

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ICT and education

in the XXI century

Platform Virtual Campus

Milagros Membrillo Jimenez


Abstract ............................................................................................................................. 2
Background ....................................................................................................................... 2
History of ICTs in education: An introduction ............................................................. 2
ICT and inquiry learning ............................................................................................... 3
The impact of ICT on what is learned .......................................................................... 3
Advantages and disadvantages ..................................................................................... 3
Aim and Methods ............................................................................................................. 4
Results .............................................................................................................................. 4
Virtual Campus ............................................................................................................. 4
Survey students ............................................................................................................. 6
Conclusion ........................................................................................................................ 7
References ........................................................................................................................ 7

ICTs are a great challenge for education in the XXI century, these represent new modes
of expression, of participation and a new culture. ICTs have some problems, the
solutions are related to correct policy in the formation of the student and teachers. The
objective is to combine the old classroom with the new technologies and thus extends
the offer educative. I speak in my investigation about how to get it and the methods, use
example is the Campus virtual of the university of Extremadura. Some advantage of
Virtual Campus is communication between teachers and students and between students
sends the works and downloads notes of the teachers Some disadvantages are a teacher
can delay to answer us, because the communication isn't synchronous and if we don't
have connection we cant use the Virtual Campus. ICTs are essential in the education of
XXI century to for the communication and for get information.

History of ICTs in education: An introduction
Since the early 1990s, schools have been on the frontline of the ICT revolution. The
new technologies of the digital age have presented school systems and educators with a
perplexing mix of promise and problem.
The reality has not quite matched up. As a teaching and learning tool-system, ICT has
also created the greatest frustrations and the greatest disappointments. It is also true to
say that for education ICT offers particular challenges and particular advantages.
A 1999 study on computer use in schools, Real Time: Computers, Change and
Schooling, Training and Youth Affairs, found that many students are competent and
experienced computer users who do not depend on schools to access information or
develop technological skills. In surveying the basic and advanced computer abilities of
primary and secondary students, the research also showed that many computer skills are
picked up at home and that girls and boys have different patterns of computer use.
While there are areas of disadvantage among Indigenous students and students in rural
and isolated areas, approximately 60% of Aust

ICT and inquiry learning

It is a common misconception that ICT necessarily involves using the Internet.
Fascinating and valuable though the Internet is, computers provide a multitude of ways
and means to assist teachers and students with other learning tasks.
They identified five modes of computer use in schools.

(The National Centre for History Education)

The impact of ICT on what is learned

Conventional teaching has emphasised content. For many years course have been written
around textbooks. Teachers have taught through lectures and presentations interspersed with
tutorials and learning activities designed to consolidate and rehearse the content.
Contemporary settings are now favouring curricula that promote competency and
performance. Curricula are starting to emphasise capabilities and to be concerned more with
how the information will be used than with what the information is


Advantages and disadvantages


Giving to teacher chance to plan short, timed, tightly focused activities.

There is also a high advantage of ICT equipment aiding pupils with learning

Planning activities across a number of sessions to allow sufficient time for all
pupils to take part.







Lack of Resources

Aim and Methods

The objective is to combine the old classroom with the new technologies and thus
extends the offer educative. To get this has been created the virtual campus
To reach this goal, we have created a virtual platform in which teachers can upload documents
and activities. Also teachers may open forums to discuss or share resources with other peers.

Through the platform, students can contact teachers or vice versa. Teachers can
communicate test scores or jobs.
For the creation of the virtual platform has been carried out a study on the needs of
students, thereby came to the conclusion of the creation of the virtual campus.

Virtual Campus
Is the online platform of a university where work is completed either partially or wholly
online through of virtual campus, often with the assistance of the teacher.

Many universities now offer many courses (or entire degree programs) either partially
or wholly online. In the near future, virtual campuses will become simulated campuses
rather than a physical campus that you attend. Texas Tech University has already begun
the process of creating a simulated campus.
In the virtual campus used at the University of Extremadura, enrolled students can view
all courses in which they are enrolled.
To use the virtual campus must be registered, in this case is the university who gives
you the username and password
The options available to the virtual campus are:

Calendar: in which appear the dates indicated in exams or activities to deliver.

Student profile: where are our personal data and photographs

List of subjects: these are the subjects in whom the student is enrolled, you can
access them pressing them and you can see their contents.

Within each link of the subjects we find:

Forum in which students and teachers can discuss or report news.

Program and evaluation: This document is detailed program and evaluation of

the subject.

Choosing Resources: This option is to have students could choose when to do an

exhibition or examination.

Documentation: the documentation used in the subject:

o Syllabi.
o Presentations.
o Videos.
o Links.

o Test.

Links to upload files: here the students will rise files or work requested by
teachers, the teachers also can evaluate the work, and we can see the marks

Survey students
To complete my study and I know the opinion of students on the use of ICT in
education, I have made a number of surveys, a total of 50, 50 students from different
races and different courses.
The questions included in the survey are 6, these are the following:

You know it's the virtual campus of the University of Extremadura?

You use frequently virtual campus?

Do you use the virtual campus to communicate with teachers?

Do you use the resources that are on campus to study?

Have you had problems using the virtual campus?

You think it's useful virtual campus?

The answers (in percent) to these questions are:

Number of question















With the introduction of ICT in education, it has improved in education. Students have
access to more resources and have more direct contact with teachers.
According've tested with surveys, most students use the virtual campus and find it very

Oliver, R. (. (s.f.). http://bhs-ict.pbworks.com/. Recuperado el 14 de 05 de 2013, de
The National Centre for History Education. (s.f.). Recuperado el 14 de 05 de 2013, de

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