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Maximize Internal Power

Written by Dr. Able Yuanxia Zhang, Master Chen's Disciple

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Thursday, January 24, 2013
Xin Yi, Maximize Internal Power
Dr. Able Yuanxia Zhang
Phone Number: 718-666-7176
I now see that these three styles of internal martial arts touch different parts
of the elephant, but none of them see the whole picture. Therefore, people in C
hina tend to learn all three styles to get the better picture of Nei Jing.
Only after I met Grandmaster Shoufu Chen, that I saw the whole picture the first
time in my life. I was so excited to learn the ultimate secrets from him that I
treated it as a mission for me to reveal the secrets of Nei Jing to the world.
Xinyi Liuhe is the mother form of Xingyi Quan. Because Xinyi Liuhe was secretly
transmitted generation by generation in the Chinese Muslim world, it was not kno
wn by the majority of Chinese people until it was revealed to the public by Gran
dmaster Songgao Lu in the early 20th century.
After I systematically learned Xinyi Liuhe from Grandmaster Chen Shoufu, I first
got insight that the basis of Nei Jing is from tendon power. Xinyi Liuhe actual
ly is a systematically designed system for developing tendon power from every pa
rt of the body. If tendon power from the whole body is ideally developed, that p
erson will become super strong and look like a super-being.
A master with full Nei Jing does not need to use their fists and feet, because e
very part of their body becomes a weapon. The whole body turns into a tough rubb
er ball. They can tolerate violent attacks, and can naturally assault their oppo
nent by simply using their body s natural reaction.
A master with full Nei Jing does not need any specific techniques for fighting.
For a person reaching that high level, fighting is not fighting, so it is fighti
ll in
in a

Most Tai Chi masters say that you can get Nei Jing if you relax enough.
Most Xing Yi masters say that you can get your Nei Jing if you practice we
Zhuang Gong (power from standing like a stake)
Most Ba Gua masters say that you can get your Nei Jing if you keep walking

What is the internal power (Nei Jing)?

Everybody in China knows that Nei Jing (Internal Power) is critical to the pract
itioners of internal martial arts. If you only learn the external forms, you are
able to practice a whole routine, but you do not know Nei Jing, you are not pra
cticing internal martial arts. What you are doing is only a fancy way of doing b
ody exercises.
Nei Jing is like a hidden secret of the human body. Before you practice internal
martial arts, you do not even know where it exists. After you start to practice
, you will gradually feel the growth of Nei Jing (internal power). A skillful in
ternal martial artist is a master who wakes up and develops their Nei Jing. Whe
n they face a challenge from other strong opponents who also have good shapes ba
sed on other styles of body training, they may defeat their opponents easily, si
mply because they used Nei Jing. In China, an old grandmaster of internal martia

l arts may show much superior Nei Jing compared to their disciples. Therefore th
e grandmaster possesses invincible abilities compared to those who may be younge
I learned Ba Gua, Tai Chi from several famous masters in China. However, none of
them really showed me what Nei Jing was. After many years of practice, I could
control my body better than ordinary people. When I fought with practitioners fr
om other styles of martial arts, most of time, I demonstrated better skills and d
efeated them. However, deep in my mind, I knew that I might be just a little bett
er than those people who were defeated by me. I never had the sense of dominating
the situation. There was a big difference between my dream and reality.
It is weird that everybody talks about this Nei Jing, but nobody could really sh
ow it systematically and perfectly. We are like a group of blind people who are
touching a huge elephant.
In China, martial arts are divided into two styles: internal and external. Shaol
in Kung Fu represents external martial arts, which are characterized as extraver
t speed, strength, and toughness. There are three styles of internal martial art
s: Tai Chi (Taiji Quan), Pa Kua (Ba Gua Zhang), and Xing Yi (Xingyi Quan) which
are characterized as introvert sensitivity, resilience, and explosion.
What Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan, and Jet Li demonstrate most often in their movies a
re external martial arts. It is difficult to visually show the secrets of intern
al martial arts. However, in a peaceful world, internal martial arts shall attra
ct more and more people, because they shape beautiful tunnels for people to expl
ore their inner strength and potential.
There is an apparent connection between internal martial arts and human health.
Tai Chi, which is an internal martial art, has been so widely accepted as a heal
th exercise, people almost forget that it is one of the most powerful martial ar
ts in China.
For people who practice internal martial arts, attention should be turned to wha
t happens inside of the body. It is more like a style of moving meditation. By o
nly being aware of everything changing inside of your body, you are on the right
track to practicing internal martial arts.
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