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I'AIS shall JCI as parl or the Conlrad , \l.hh.

h wtrns lht
Ir ction JHOCCSS<"S anJ 111Spccllon proceJures or shopbuddlllg.
c;p\IS mtnJs to enwmpa.s conv.ntional comontrcial v.ssels

Crgo Slups, Oulk Carroers, Ool Tankers etc.) constructoun,

d, gned by Rules anJ Regulations.

For the -esscls or a plll ol vtsscl, csp<..:o.olly desogned hy partkular
desogn philosoploy (ex. fitness for P.orpose, leak befure faolure
deSigro), the tualoty cnteoil sloall be Jwvcd 10 accotdance wllh

!k destgn crileria and sloall he separately documented.

SJ,ould tlocre he any incon,tstency bet"cen the Speofkatton and

SPAIS, tloe Spccillcaticn shall govcrn uooless olhtrwo>e spcd
fcall agrced.

n e background of U1t qualot) crilcria S dcrived frum SCJWortho

ness (structual safcty and rcliabllity and strcngth"isc consi.lera
ttonJ. Otlocr particular rcqnucmcnts sueh as commerciJI appcrance
re u remcnts


or artosttc consnlcratwns sloJII be scparltely and

.bly ncgo uatcd wtth cost(dclovcr)'/"egl,t unpad aJust


ut n

SPAIS shall he reVIt\\CJ Jnd <CVI eJ pcnodKally in 1-year

h. TJu: uscrs :uc :lutatHJCd to obtJin t1u: IJtest tJ,rions.

Cl s:>:m ofQu:!!!y Tenns

Qualtly As<tlfat,_9A
All those planncJ and systcmatic actou11s ncce.sary to providc
quate confiJence tloJI product or scrvoce "''" sallsfy gen requirc
ls for quality

Qu 1) Cont rQ.f

The operational tcchnoques and activillcs that are uscJ to fulfil


remen u fl>r quality.

"'IIVtlJeS su.:h as measurang. exam111ing, tcsllng, gJuing one or
dar ctcristics of a proJuct or se mee and compating these woth

. 1.

To ""'mmc charctemtiCs of producl or scrvice.

Alloublc U mil (Tolcrnnct' Urnit)

Mu. unge of dcviations "herc tl1e product docs not reqoirc any
rectl\c 3dions nor spoil thc final quaht)

AIJo,.able Umil ofTnlerancc in Production

A slup. as of an mdustlial product, consi<ts of numbcrs of compo
ts, hull

structurcs, outfillongs, m3clunery

} of slups

and equipmcnls. The

naturally dpcn ds on thc accuracy mamlarncd in produc

procces of such componcnls. There "'"" unovoodable range of

.llJons on thc ae<uucy of work.rnamlups m the productoon proces'Cs,


h rnrcalcs tle omrorlance of lhe accuracy control 111 enlire fields


1111 hs eslabh<hc throu1:h and ba<cd on thc vasl expenences in

pbo;ldrng, thc judgcmcnl cnlcroa on all owab lc hmols of lolcrance lo

!,e, con fonncd undcr thc proucloon, "hercby Ure final quahly of ships
be cnsurcd lo lhe complete sat,.factron of !Juyers' requiremcnls.

allo,.ablc luruls of tolcrancc have becn establrslred by

WIO& faCilHS.

Ech e<'mponcnl shall, by itsclf. assurc its perfoml3n<e and/or

funct.on and/Pr slrcnglh, both logr"ll) and throrclrcally.
An) dev1tmns "ilhin such aiiO\o\4ble range exi\tmg, in ind1visual
componen! shJII nnl produce anv source of defects rn lhe perfonn
ce vr functinn or qahl) rccuucd fur the totJI S} stern or t:qlllp
cnl or structurc composc by su"h comronrnt.

cl1 ai!O\\a{llc hmits shall 1101 be lhe IC3S!ln lo CIC31e any defccls 111
a pcarancc " hcrcby lhc cornrncrcrol >ahrc of thc producl<, ruarkedly


IJct serves lo define thc rnnu11urn al!u"able lrnuts uf !oler ancc

f prOclUCltClU Or contruc:llufl hJsrd upon thr aforcmcntionctJ basu:

1 l e tcchnolo:) C\lractcd from lhc long 3nd nurobero11' cxpcri
ougu actual shrpbuildmg "ell as rcfcrrrn to thc crolcroa sct
.se Shrpbuddmg Qualrty Standard (JSQS)"' ossucd by Thc

Arclulccts of Japan

t llu.llhc dcnJ((Illl! '" e.ce<s of !hose uo,.ablclurns sct

. 2

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