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/* DIWire Bender

* 3D Wire Bender by Pensa -

* Written by Marco Perry. Email for questions.
* Drives on 3 Stepper Motors to bender wire in 3D space
* This file is part of the DIWire project. This is the Arduion firmware for 2D
or 3D bends
* DIWire is a free software & hardware device: you can redistribute it and/or
* it's software under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
* the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
* The hardware portion is licenced under the Creative Commons-Attributions-Sha
re Alike License 3.0
* The CC BY SA licence can be seen here:

DIWIre is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,

but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License and CC-BY-SA for more details.


You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with DIWire. If not, see <>.
No portion of this header can be removed from the code.
Now enjoy and start making something!

/*This program is to be uploaded onto the DIWire arduino.

Bend angles and feed lengths are imported from processing running on a computer
plugged into the arduino.
This program takes these lengths and angles and moves the motors and solenoid a
* Feed Motor 1 - drives wire
* z Bend Motor - performs 3D bends by rotating entire assembly
* bend Motor - performs 2D bends by bending wire over
* benderPin - solenoid
// pin assignments
// Motor pulse and solenoid pins
const int bendMotorPls = 9;
const int zMotorPls = 10;
const int feedMotorPls = 11;
const int benderPin = 12;
// AWO pins to allow motor shaft to free spin
const int bendMotorAWO = 3;
const int zMotorAWO = 4;
const int feedMotorAWO = 5;
// Direction pins to select drive direction

const int bendMotorDir = 6;

const int zMotorDir = 7;
const int feedMotorDir = 8;
//misc program constants
const int pulseWidth = 20;
const int pulseDelay = 700;
// Drive directions in english
boolean ccw = true; // counter-clockwise drive direction
boolean cw = false; // clockwise drive direction
boolean curDir = cw; // resets direction before next angle command
int lastbend = 0;
int fieldindex=0;
int values[300]; //creates array
void setup() {
Serial.begin (9600); //com port communication
pinMode (bendMotorPls, OUTPUT); //Declaring motor pins as out
pinMode (zMotorPls, OUTPUT);
pinMode (feedMotorPls, OUTPUT);
pinMode (bendMotorAWO, OUTPUT);
pinMode (zMotorAWO, OUTPUT);
pinMode (feedMotorAWO, OUTPUT);
pinMode (bendMotorDir, OUTPUT);
pinMode (zMotorDir, OUTPUT);
pinMode (feedMotorDir, OUTPUT);
pinMode (benderPin, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite (bendMotorPls, LOW); //starts with everything off
digitalWrite (zMotorPls, LOW);
digitalWrite (feedMotorPls, LOW);
digitalWrite (benderPin, LOW);
digitalWrite (zMotorAWO, HIGH);
digitalWrite (feedMotorAWO, HIGH);
digitalWrite (bendMotorAWO, HIGH);
void bend (float angle) {
//bender pin movement
if (angle!=0){
//sets direction of bend based on + or - angle
boolean dir=cw;
boolean back=ccw;
if (angle<0){
dir = ccw;
back = cw;
float rotations = 0;
angle = abs(angle);
if (angle <= 90){
angle = -.0012*angle*angle+.5959*angle+.2452; //converts angle into calibr
ated motor steps
angle = 6000 * (angle/360)+220;
else if (91 <= angle <= 120){
angle = .0044*angle*angle-.5481*angle+57.981; //converts angle into calibr
ated motor steps
angle = 5960 * (angle/360)+220;

else if (121<=angle<=180){
angle = angle-63.26; //converts angle into calibrated motor steps
angle = 5960 * (angle/360)+220;
} //calibration will differ depending on set up
rotations = angle;
// Serial.println (angle);
digitalWrite (bendMotorDir, dir);
for (int i=0; i <=rotations ; i++){ //moves bender bin the desired angle
digitalWrite(bendMotorPls, HIGH);
delayMicroseconds (pulseWidth);
digitalWrite(bendMotorPls, LOW);
delayMicroseconds (pulseDelay);
delay (100);
digitalWrite (bendMotorDir, back); //moves bender pin back to home positio
n ready for next feed
for (int i=0; i <=rotations ; i++){
digitalWrite(bendMotorPls, HIGH);
delayMicroseconds (pulseWidth);
digitalWrite(bendMotorPls, LOW);
delayMicroseconds (pulseDelay);
void rotatePin (boolean dir, float angle) { //moves bender pin during duck. dire
ction specified from duck subroutine
float rotations = 0;
angle = 6000 * (angle/360); //converts angle to steps
rotations = angle;
Serial.println (dir);
digitalWrite (bendMotorDir, dir);
for (int i=0; i <=rotations ; i++){ //rotates bender motor appropriate number
of steps
digitalWrite(bendMotorPls, HIGH);
delayMicroseconds (pulseWidth);
digitalWrite(bendMotorPls, LOW);
delayMicroseconds (pulseDelay);
void zbend (float angle) { //rotates z motor
if (angle!=0){
Serial.println("Z bending");
boolean dir=cw;
if (angle<0){ //+ angle is clockwise - angle is counter clockwise
dir = ccw;
float rotations = 0;
angle = abs(angle);
angle = (2000 * angle)/360; //converts angle to motor steps
rotations = angle;
digitalWrite (zMotorDir, dir); //sets motor direction
for (int i=0; i <=rotations ; i++){ //rotates z motor appropriate number of
digitalWrite(zMotorPls, HIGH);
delayMicroseconds (pulseWidth);
digitalWrite(zMotorPls, LOW);
delayMicroseconds (2000);

void feed (float dist) { //feeds wire
if (dist != 0){
float rotations = 0;
float feedCalib = 25.4*PI; //feed mm per revolution of motor
dist = 2000 * dist/feedCalib; //dist converted from mm to steps
rotations = dist;
digitalWrite (feedMotorDir, 1); //feed motor only moves forward
for (int i=0; i <=rotations ; i++){ //rotate feed motor appropriate number
of steps
digitalWrite(feedMotorPls, HIGH);
delayMicroseconds (pulseWidth);
digitalWrite(feedMotorPls, LOW);
delayMicroseconds (pulseDelay);
void duck (){ //ducks bender pin under wire
digitalWrite (benderPin, HIGH);
delay (100);
rotatePin (curDir, 45);
digitalWrite (benderPin, LOW); //pin down move under wire
curDir = !curDir;
//direction reversed for next duck
void loop() {
int copies = 0;
while (Serial.available ()){ //starts once serial entry made
digitalWrite (bendMotorAWO, LOW);
digitalWrite (zMotorAWO, LOW);
digitalWrite (feedMotorAWO, LOW);
int in =;
byte incoming = in+128; //converts bytes from processing
if (incoming != 255){ //255 signifies end of incoming array
Serial.println (;
values[fieldindex] = values[fieldindex]*10+incoming; //fills array fieldin
dex from incoming processing
//if array end marker inputs from processing en
for (int i=0; i<=fieldindex;i++){
if (copies==1){ //once bend is complete eject shape
delay (1000);
feed(50); //eject

void motorrun(){
int lastbend=0;
for (int i=0; i<= fieldindex;i++){
delay (100);
if ((values[i]-128)==126){ //convert bytes from processing and look for feed
motor marker
feed (values[i+1]-128); //if feed motor marker detected next value in arr
ay is a feed length
else if ((values[i]-128)==125){ //convert bytes from processing and look for
bend motor marker
int bendAng = (values[i+1]-128); //if bend motor marker detected next val
ue in array is a bend angle
if ((bendAng<0&&curDir==cw) || (bendAng>0 && curDir ==ccw)){ //if incoming
bend angle is opposite direction from previous angle duck pin
duck ();
delay (100);
bend (bendAng);
lastbend = bendAng;
else if ((values[i]-128)==124){ //convert bytes from processing and look for
z motor marker
zbend (values[i+1]-128); //if z motor marker detected next value in array
is z bend angle

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