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A Comprehensive List of Selected Open-Access International Refereed/Peer-Reviewed Journals


Discipline of Linguistics, University of Adelaide
Updated as of 1 January 2014
This list is devoted to providing information on selected open-access international refereed/peer-reviewed journals.
These journals are freely available online. Language teachers, teacher educators, scholars, and researchers who have
no access to subscribed scholarly journals can make use of the list. Undergraduate and graduate students majoring in
Applied Linguistics, English Education, TEFL, TESOL, and TESL will also find the list useful for their final-term paper,
thesis, and dissertation projects. Articles published in the following respective journals are fully downloadable either in
html format or in PDF format or in both formats. The journal links are provided to allow for a quick search, and the
following journals are alphabetically arranged. Kindly note that in case a particular journal link, for instance, does not
automatically appear or take you directly to the journal website, simply type the journal name within the Google Search
Box; the link may be changed. Please bear in mind that the list also comprises journals devoted to qualitative research
publication (Please see green highlights). On the last page, two dedicated websites are listed to provide you with more
open-access international refereed/peer-reviewed journals and with criteria for identifying bogus journals. There is a
plethora of high-quality journals, so stay away from these fake journals. Please do not hesitate to contact me by email
if any questions or concerns arise.
(1) Accents Asia (ISSN 1948-3503)
Accents Asia is an electronic, academic journal dedicated to current issues related to English education in East Asia.
Accents was established by current students and alumni of Teachers College Columbia University, Tokyo.
Accents aims to provide a forum for teachers working throughout East Asia to share their ideas and research with
other educators who could most benefit from their important work. Increasingly, graduate students are turning to
electronic sources to find reference materials for their own research, and Accents aims to make a meaningful
contribution to the wealth of quality scholarly research already available on the Internet. We hope that you join us in
this mission to accent English education by sharing your work with educators in Asia - and the world.
(2) Asian EFL Journal (ISSN 1738-1460)
The Asian EFL Journal is published monthly and presents information, theories, research, methods and materials
related to language acquisition and language learning. This journal is one of the world's leading refereed and
indexed journals for teaching and learning English. It provides a unique and major forum devoted to discussions on
English as an International Language research and development. This journals global readership includes linguists,
teachers, students of language acquisition and others with a professional interest in English second language
(3) Asian ESP Journal (ISSN 1833-3001)
The Asian ESP Journal is peer reviewed with multiple layers of editorial reviews. The journal is the leading ESP
journal across Asia, Africa, and the Middle East. Topics such as the following may be treated from the perspective of
English for Specific Purposes: second language acquisition in specialized contexts, occupational needs assessment,
ESP curriculum development and evaluation for growing areas of ESP such as:English for Academic Purposes,
English for Specific Purposes, English for Strategic Purposes, English for Financial Purposes, Business English,
Nursing English, Flight Attendant English, Hotel Industry English, Global EIL English, Legal English, Research-inProgress, and Tourism English.
(4) Australasian Journal of Educational Technology (ISSN 1449-5554)
The Australasian Journal of Educational Technology (AJET) is a refereed academic journal publishing research and
review articles in educational technology, information and communications technologies for education, online and elearning, educational design, multimedia, computer assisted learning, and related areas. The journal is published by
the Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education (ASCILITE).

A Comprehensive List of International Journals (Widodo, 2013) 2

(5) Canadian Journal of Applied Linguistics
The Canadian Journal of Applied Linguistics is a bilingual scientific and professional journal dealing with the various
aspects of applied linguistics: mother tongue and second-language teaching, first and second language acquisition,
bilingual education, sociolinguistics, language planning, sociology of language, psycholinguistics, literacy, applied
phonetics, translation/terminology and multimedia and language teaching.
(6) Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology (ISSN: 1499-6685)
The Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology is a peer-reviewed journal that welcomes papers on all aspects
of educational technology and learning. Topics may include, but are not limited to: learning theory and technology,
cognition and technology, instructional design theory and application, online learning, computer applications in
education, simulations and gaming, and other aspects of the use of technology in the learning process.
(7) CALICO Journal (ISSN: 0742-7778)
The CALICO Journal provides free access to back-issue articles (1983-2005). This journal is the journal of the
Computer Assisted Language Instruction Consortium (CALICO) is devoted to the dissemination of information
concerning the application of technology to language teaching and language learning. The CALICO Journal is fully
refereed and publishes articles, research studies, reports, software reviews, and professional news and
announcements. The journal is published three times a year (September, January, and May).
(8) Critical Literacy: Theories and Practices (ISSN: 1753-0873)
The journal Critical Literacy: theories and practices publishes articles related to practices and theoretical
discussions of critical literacy based on a wide range of perspectives.
(9) Electronic Journal of Foreign Language Teaching (ISSN: 0219-9874)
e-FLT is a peer-reviewed academic journal published by the Centre for Language Studies of the National University
of Singapore. Its primary objective is to disseminate scholarly information on research and development in the field
of Second and Foreign Language Teaching and Learning in Asia and beyond. The journal publishes articles and
book reviews in English as well as in any of the following nine languages taught at the Centre for Language Studies:
Chinese, French, German, Japanese, Indonesian, Malay, Tamil, Thai and Vietnamese. e-FLT also welcomes any
information on upcoming academic conferences, seminars or symposiums as a service to its readers.
(10) Electronic Magazine of Multicultural Education (ISSN: 1559-5005)
The EMME is published twice a year for international scholars, practitioners, and students of multicultural
education. EMME is committed to providing a forum in which scholarly and practical ideas can be exchanged to
strengthen the theories and practices of multicultural education. Uniquely theme-oriented, each issue of EMME
contains articles, instructional ideas, and reviews of arts, juvenile and professional books, and multimedia materials
on a particular theme. EMME also publishes articles that may not deal with specific issue themes, but broad topics
of multicultural education.
(11) ELT World Online
English Language Teaching World Online: Voices from the Classroom (ELTWO) is a free refereed e-journal
published by the Centre for English Language Communication, National University of Singapore. It aims to provide
a forum for ELT and English language communications skills practitioners to discuss issues concerning teaching
methodologies and techniques, curriculum and syllabus design, testing and assessment, materials development,
and other areas of interest in the ESL/EFL and English language communication skills classroom. It also aims to
provide a platform for these practitioners to share and exchange innovative classroom teaching ideas that maximize
the potential of print, audio-visual, and web resources.

A Comprehensive List of International Journals (Widodo, 2013) 3

(12) English Australia
The EA Journal is a professional journal for teachers of English to speakers of other languages, specifically to
international students, in Australia. It comprises peer-reviewed articles from TESOL practitioners and academics as
well as a section on classroom practice and reviews of TESOL resources. It is published twice a year, in April and
September. The current issue is distributed to subscribers (English Australia member colleges receive three
complimentary copies) and back issues are posted online. The EA Journal welcomes relevant contributions from
those involved in TESOL teaching, training and research.
(13) English Teaching: Practice & Critique (ISSN: 1175-8708)
English Teaching: Practice and Critique (ETPC) is a peer-reviewed journal aimed at encouraging critical reflective
practice and classroom-based research. It seeks to promote theorizing about English/literacy that is grounded in a
range of contexts: classrooms, schools and wider educational constituencies. ETPC provides a place where
authors from a range of backgrounds can identify matters of common concern and thereby foster professional
communities and networks.
(14) English Teaching Forum (ISSN: 1559-6621)
English Teaching Forum is an international, refereed journal published by the U.S. Department of State for teachers
of English as a foreign language (EFL). The journal accepts submissions of previously unpublished articles from
English teachers, teacher trainers, and program administrators on a wide variety of topics in second/foreign
language education, including principles and methods of language teaching; activities and techniques for teaching
the language skills and subskills; classroom-based studies and action research; needs analysis, curriculum and
syllabus design; assessment, testing, and evaluation; teacher training and development; materials writing; and
English for Specific Purposes.
(15) Heritage Language Journal (ISSN: 1550-7076)
HLJ, established in 2002, is to provide a forum for scholars to publish the results of their research and to advance
knowledge about educating heritage speakers. HLJ is published jointly by the Center for World Languages of UCLA
and the UC Consortium for Language Learning and Teaching and is housed on a server hosted by the UCLA
International Institute. The journal seeks submissions from researchers and practitioners in linguistics & applied
linguistics, psychology, sociology, language education, language policy, and other relevant fields.
(16) Ibrica (ISSN:2340-2784)
Ibrica publishes research articles, research notes, interviews and reviews and is aimed at teachers, scholars and
researchers interested in modern languages as applied to academic and professional purposes (LSP)
(17) Issues in Educational Research (ISSN 0313-715)
Issues in Educational Research is a refereed academic research journal founded by the Western Australian
Institute for Educational Research in 1991. From 1995, IIER has been published jointly by Australia's Institutes for
Educational Research in New South Wales, Northern Territory, South Australia and Western Australia.
(18) International Journal for Educational Integrity (ISSN: 1833-2595)
The IJEI provides a platform for educators across all sectors to research issues in the multi-disciplinary field of
educational integrity (i.e., plagiarism, cheating, academic integrity, institutional integrity, or honor codes). In
addition, the journal provides an opportunity for researchers and practitioners to take a leadership role in the
relatively new field of educational integrity. The IJEI is an international refereed journal where research on
educational integrity is disseminated in an accessible and cost-effective format. The journal challenges readers to
consider the changing nature of education in a globalised environment, and the impact that conceptions of
educational integrity have on issues of pedagogy, academic standards, intercultural understanding and equity.

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(19) International Journal of Instructional Technology and Distance Learning (ISSN: 1550-6908)
The International Journal of Instructional Technology and Distance Learning is a refereed global monthly publication
focused on technology assisted teaching and learning at all levels of education and training in traditional, distance
and open learning. The journal addresses specific topics, including research, innovation, theory and practice,
curriculum, instructional design, technology, interactive technologies, synchronous and asynchronous learning,
learning from television, online learning, peer learning, learning styles, learning objects, learning management
systems, administration and evaluation of distance education and training programs, policy frameworks, institutional
change, adaptation to different cultures, education-industry partnerships, legislation, and related topics.
(20) International Journal of Language Studies (ISSN: 2157-4898)
International Journal of Language Studies (IJLS) is interested in contributions that focus on the relation between
language and real-world problems. The journal aims at providing a forum which makes connections between fields,
theories, research methods, and scholarly discourses. IJLS invites contributions which critically reflect on current
practices in applied linguistic research. It strives to advance scholarly and scientific discussion of issues that bring
together or differentiate between scholars in applied linguistics.
(21) International Journal of Multicultural Education (ISSN 1934-5267)
The IJME is committed to promoting educational equity, cross-cultural understanding, and global awareness in all
levels of education. The journal publishes a variety of writings: (1) reports of empirical research, typically in
qualitative research orientation; (2) literature-based articles advancing theories and scholarship of multicultural
education; (3) praxis articles discussing successful multicultural education programs or practical instructional ideas
and strategies; and (4) reviews of visual arts, professional and children's books, and multimedia resources.
(22) International Journal of Qualitative Methods (ISSN 1609-4069)
This journal is a peer reviewed journal published quarterly by the International Institute for Qualitative Methodology
at the University of Alberta, Canada, and its international affiliates. This journals goals are to advance the
development of qualitative methods, and to disseminate methodological knowledge to the broadest possible
community of academics, students, and professionals who undertake qualitative research.
(23) International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (ISSN 1812-9129)
This journal, is a publication of the International Society for Exploring Teaching and Learning (ISETL), provides a
forum for higher education faculty, staff, administrators, researchers, and students who are interested in improving
post-secondary instruction. The IJTLHE provides broad coverage of higher education pedagogy and the
Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) across diverse content areas, educational institutions, and levels of
instructional expertise. The specific emphasis of IJTLHE is the dissemination of knowledge for improving higher
education pedagogy.
(24) International Journal of Education and Development using Information and Communication Technology
(ISSN 1814-0556)
The International Journal of Education and Development using Information and Communication Technology
(IJEDICT), an e-journal, aims to strengthen links between research and practice in ICT in education and
development in hitherto less developed parts of the world, e.g., developing countries (especially small states), and
rural and remote regions of developed countries. The emphasis of the journal is on providing a space for
researchers, practitioners and theoreticians to jointly explore ideas using an eclectic mix of research methods and
disciplines. IJEDICT brings together research, action research and case studies in order to assist in the transfer of
best practice, the development of policy and the creation of theory. Thus, the journal is of interest to a wide-ranging
audience of researchers, policy-makers, practitioners, government officers and other professionals involved in
education or development in communities throughout the world.

A Comprehensive List of International Journals (Widodo, 2013) 5

(25) International Journal of English Studies (ISSN 1989-6131)
The International Journal of English Studies (IJES), published by the University of Murcia, Spain, is a refereed, peer
reviewed, journal which seeks to reflect developments in the general field of English Studies: English Language and
Linguistics, Applied English Linguistics, Literature in English and Culture of the English-speaking countries.
(26) Journal of Academic Writing (ISSN 2225-8973)
The Journal of Academic Writing is an international, peer-reviewed journal that focuses on the teaching, tutoring,
researching, administration and development of academic writing in higher education in Europe. Published by the
European Association for the Teaching of Academic Writing (EATAW), the Journal of Academic Writing is relevant
to teachers, scholars, and program managers across disciplines and across the world who are interested in
conducting, debating and learning from research into best practices in the teaching of writing.
(27) Journal of Effective Teaching (ISSN 1935-7850)
The Journal of Effective Teaching is a peer reviewed electronic journal devoted to the discussion of teaching
excellence in colleges and universities. JET publishes two regular issues per year and possibly a special issue on a
current topic. The regular issues will contain articles in two broad content areas: effective teaching and the
scholarship of teaching, particularly, including empirical research on pedagogy, innovations in teaching and
learning, and classroom experiences.
(28) Journal of English as an International Language (ISSN 1718-2298)
The Journal of English as an International Language is a refereed publication which aims at providing on-line
access to all those involved in the research, teaching and learning of English as an International language. The
Journal studies the structure and development of English across the globe, and in particular, its relationship to and
effect on cultures and other languages. The Journal of English as an International Language is the sister journal to
the long established Asian EFL Journal.
(29) JALT Journal
JALT Journal is the research journal of the Japan Association for Language Teaching. It is published semiannually,
in May and November, with submissions accepted throughout the year. Papers are first screened by the Editor to
ensure that submissions guidelines have been met and to determine whether the paper merits further independent
review. Most importantly, submissions must meet the remit of JALT Journal which, as an applied research journal,
is to link theory to practice. JALT Journal places a high premium on anonymous peer review. If a submission
passes through the screening process, the paper is assigned to Editorial Advisory Board members and additional
readers with specialization in the area of the submission. JALT Journal publishes both quantitative and qualitative
research. Authors hoping to publish research in JALT Journal may submit in either Japanese or English.
(30) Journal of Information Literacy (ISSN ISSN 1750-5968)
Journal of Information Literacy (JIL) is an international, peer-reviewed, academic journal that aims to investigate
Information Literacy (IL) within a wide range of settings. The journal encourages papers on any topic related to the
practical, technological or philosophical issues raised by the attempt to increase information literacy throughout
society. JIL is published in electronic format only. The aim of JIL is to investigate and to make generalized
observations on how Information Literacy impacts on organizations, systems, and the individual.
(31) Journal of Intercultural Communication (ISSN 1404-1634)
The goal of the journal is to promote research but also education and training in the area of intercultural
communication. The journal is an outgrowth of the activities of NIC the Nordic Network for Intercultural
Communication. The great interest shown in the activities of NIC have pointed to a need for more journals
employing a peer review procedure within the area of intercultural communication.

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(32) Journal of Literacy and Technology (ISSN 1534-0975)
The Journal of Literacy and Technology (JLT) is an online peer-reviewed international academic journal exploring
the complex relationship between literacy and technology in educational, workplace, public, and individual spheres.
The journal welcomes scholarly articles and reviews spanning from the historical to the cutting-edge, from critical
research to applied theory and practice. The JLT provides a free, accessible scholarly forum for all interested
parties to explore and debate issues pertinent to novel literacies and digital culture. Part of the mission of the JLT is
to open new spheres of academic conversation, with the goal of making ideologies and assumptions apparent and
considering possibilities and alternatives.
(33) Journal of Online Learning and Teaching (ISSN 1558-9528)
The MERLOT Journal of Online Learning and Teaching (JOLT) is a peer-reviewed, online publication addressing
the scholarly use of multimedia resources in education. JOLT is published quarterly in March, June, September,
and December. JOLT welcomes papers on all aspects of the use of online multimedia educational resources for
learning and teaching. Topics may include, but are not limited to: learning theory and the use of multimedia to
improve student learning; instructional design theory and application; online learning and teaching initiatives; use of
technology in online education; innovative online learning and teaching practices.
(34) Journal of Second Language Teaching & Research (ISSN 2045-4031)
The Journal of Second Language Teaching and Research (JSLTR) is a new, open-access journal which hopes to
provide a platform both for established and early-career researchers. JSLTR is engaged with building a community
of practice (both online and offline) and supports debate and scholarship in second language teaching and
research. The journal is published twice a year and accepts research papers and forum articles from the fields of
English language and modern language teaching. Research papers and forum articles are all subject to peer review
before being accepted for inclusion. Contributions for future editions are welcome.
(35) JoSTrans: Journal of Specialized Translation (ISSN 1740-357X)
This journal is intended to create a forum for translators and researchers in specialized translation, to disseminate
information, exchange ideas and to provide a dedicated publication outlet for research in specialized, non-literary
translation. This international journal provides a publishing opportunity for researchers to submit articles in a range
of languages, including minority languages. Articles written in languages other than English should also be made
available in an English version. To view the journal articles in PDF format, just click the icon Full Table of
(36) Journal of Translation (ISSN 1558-7282)
This journal publishes articles reflecting recent trends in translation theory and practice, including but not limited to
exegesis, communication, text-linguistics, and cognitive linguistics.
(37) Korea TESOL Journal (ISSN 1598-0464)
The Korea TESOL Journal is a refereed academic journal concerned with teaching English as a foreign language
and related issues. Files of past issues are available for viewing and downloading. The journal welcomes previously
unpublished practical and theoretical articles on topics of significance to individuals concerned with the teaching of
English as a foreign language. Areas of interest include: (1) classroom-centered research, (2) second language
acquisition, (3) teacher training, (4) cross-cultural studies, (5) teaching and curriculum methods, and (6) testing and
(38) Language Learning & Technology (ISSN 1094-3501)
Language Learning & Technology (LLT) is a refereed journal which began publication in July 1997. The journal
seeks to disseminate research to foreign and second language educators in the US and around the world on issues
related to technology and language education.

A Comprehensive List of International Journals (Widodo, 2013) 7

(39) 3L: Language, Linguistics, Literature (ISSN 0128-5157)
3L: Language, Linguistics, Literature The Southeast Asian Journal of English Language Studies is a Scopus
indexed peer reviewed international journal published in March, June, and September by UKM Press. The journal is
committed to exploring and highlighting issues in the broad areas of English language, linguistics and literature
particularly in the Southeast Asian context.
(40) Language Testing in Asia
Language Testing in Asia (LTA) was founded in 2011 as a high quality peer-reviewed online academic journal. The
purpose of LTA is to acknowledge and showcase scholarly findings in Asia in the field of Language testing. We
welcome essay submissions from anywhere in Asia that fit within this aim. Note that we use the broad definition of
Asia which includes any countries east of the Suez canal and south of the Caspian and Black seas, to Japan in the
east and Indonesia in the south. Areas of particular interest include research articles on any aspects of proficiency
tests such as IELTS, TOEFL and TOEIC and high stakes national university entrance tests. Classroom, school and
university evaluation methods are also most welcome as are reviews or research on software and internet
applications for testing language skills.
(41) Malaysian Journal of e-Learning (ISSN 1985-6024)
Malaysian Online Journal of e-Learning (MOJeL) is devoted to the dissemination of information concerning the
application of e-learning in learning and teaching. This journal is published twice a year online. It is a fully
refereed journal that publishes articles, research studies, reports, software, and book reviews related to online
language learning and teaching.
(42) Novitas Royal: Research on Youth and Language (ISSN 1307-4733)
Novitas-ROYAL is an open access, international, and fully refereed (peer-reviewed) journal devoted to research
and critical discussion about all aspects of learning and teaching of foreign languages. The journal publishes interand multidisciplinary research on the intersections of the education of youth with a focus on teaching of foreign
languages, cultures, and literatures. The primary aim of the journal is to help accumulate knowledge of how foreign
languages, cultures, and literatures have the potential to change the lives of students.
(43) Papers in Language Teaching and Assessment (ISSN 2201-0009)
Papers in Language Testing and Assessment (PLTA) is published by the Association for Language Testing and
Assessment of Australia and New Zealand. It offers an opportunity for both new and experienced researchers to
publish original research papers, commentaries or reviews of tests or books on language testing and assessment
(44) Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (ISSN 0128-7702)
Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities aims to provide a forum for high quality research related to
social sciences and humanities research. Areas relevant to the scope of the journal include: accounting, agricultural
and resource economics, anthropology, communication, community and peace studies, design and architecture,
economics, education, ethnic relations, extension education, finance, gerontology, hospitality and tourism, human
ecology, human resource development, language literature, language studies, management, marketing,
psychology, safety and environment, social and behavioural sciences, sociology, and sustainable developmentor
related fields of study
(45) Qualitative Researcher (ISSN 1748-7315)
This Journal provides an interdisciplinary forum for social scientists to share their research and discuss questions
arising from the application, innovation and dissemination of qualitative research. Please note that to view the
Qualitative Researcher articles for free, click on the Issue title.

A Comprehensive List of International Journals (Widodo, 2013) 8

(46) Reading in a Foreign Language (ISSN 1359-0578)
Reading in a Foreign Language (RFL) has established itself as an excellent source for the latest developments in
the field, both theoretical and pedagogic, including improving standards for foreign language reading. This fullyrefereed journal is published twice a year, in April and October. The RFL seeks manuscripts concerning both the
practice and theory of learning to read and the teaching of reading in any foreign or second language.
(47) Research Papers in Language Teaching and Learning (ISSN 1792-1244)
This peer-reviewed electronic journal is dedicated to publishing research in the domains of TESOL (Teaching
English to Speakers of Other Languages) and Applied Linguistics. Its mission is two-fold: (a) to promote efficient
dissemination of the best of the research that is carried out by students and graduates of the M.Ed. in TESOL of the
Hellenic Open University, and (b) to facilitate academic exchange between the students and faculty of that
programme and members of the wider professional and academic community on a world-wide basis.
(48) SCENARIO (ISSN 1649-8526)
SCENARIO is a bilingual (EnglishGerman), fully peer-reviewed on-line journal. The journal's main focus is on the
role of drama and theatre in the teaching and learning of foreign / second languages, including the literatures and
cultures associated with these languages. It is aimed at scholars, teachers, theatre professionals and drama- and
theatre-in-education specialists. The journal has a distinctly interdisciplinary orientation, encouraging contributions
from different research disciplines and fields of practice. The editors intend to stimulate the subject debate revolving
around the use of drama and theatre in foreign language teaching and learning by making interested colleagues
aware of new publications, upcoming events and hot links and by publishing books which will be based mainly on
selected contributions to SCENARIO.
(49) Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching (ISSN 2083-5205, eISSN 2084-1965)
SSLLT is a refereed journal published four times a year by the Department of English Studies, Faculty of Pedagogy
and Fine Arts, Adam Mickiewicz University, Kalisz, Poland. The language of publication is English. The journal is
devoted to reporting previously unpublished highest quality theoretical and empirical research on learning and
teaching second and foreign languages. It deals with the learning and teaching of any language, not only English,
and focuses on a variety of topics ranging from the processes underlying second language acquisition, various
aspects of language learning in instructed and non-instructed settings, as well as different facets of the teaching
process, including syllabus choice, materials design, classroom practices and evaluation.
(50) TESOL Law Journal (ISSN 1833-2986)
The journal devoted to discussions on legal and ethical issues that encompass all aspects in TESOL. As the
TESOL profession develops and advances, we believe it is imperative to complement the academic advancement
with legal advancement. This journal is developing (a) ethics in the second & foreign language classroom, (b) The
TESOL code of ethics, (c) TESOL teachers and the law, (d) academic malpractice, (e) laws impacting on the
TESOL teacher, (f) International law and the SLA teacher, (g) employment laws for TESOL teachers, (h)
immigration laws and rules for TESOL teachers, (i) Internet laws, (j) collateral areas such as ESP and the Law, and
(k) The TESOL Certificate Industry.
(51) TESL Canada Journal (ISSN 0826-435X)
TESL Canada Journal, established in 1984, is a refereed journal for practicing teachers, teacher educators,
graduate students, and researchers. The journal invites the submission of unpublished manuscripts about the
learning and teaching of official languages; subsequent language teacher education; and the maintenance and
development of minority, heritage, or Aboriginal languages. Free articles of the journal can be accessed from 2004
to Issue 2, 2007.

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(52) TESL-EJ (ISSN 1072-4303)
TESL-EJ began as the brainchild of a group of scholars who saw the need for a freely-distributed electronic
academic journal. It has grown to become an internationally- recognized source of ESL and EFL information for
people in scores of countries.
(53)The Australian Journal of Teacher Education (ISSN: 1835-517X)
The Australian Journal of Teacher Education is peer reviewed and published at least twice a year by the School of
Education, Edith Cowan University. The purpose of the journal is to enhance the quality of teacher education in
Australia through the publication of research reports, learned points of view and commentaries. Contributions may
address proposals for, or descriptions of, development in the purpose, structure and methodology of teacher
education; curriculum issues; changes in schools; or general social, ideological or political issues relating to teacher
(54) The Australian Review of Applied Linguistics (ISSN 1833-7139)
The Australian Review of Applied Linguistics (ARAL) is the journal of the Applied Linguistics Association of Australia
(ALAA). The aim of the journal is to present research in a wide range of areas, but in particular research that is
relevant to the particular region of the world that it covers. The journal aims to promote the development of links
between language related research and its application in educational, professional, and other language related
settings. Areas that are covered by the journal include first and second language teaching and learning, bilingualism
and bilingual education, the use of technologies in language teaching and learning, corpus linguistics, discourse
analysis, translation and interpreting, language testing, language planning, academic literacies and rhetoric.
(55) The Canadian Journal of Action Research
The Canadian Journal of Action Research is a freely accessible, full-text, peer-reviewed electronic journal intended
for elementary, secondary, and university teachers who are concerned with exploring the unity between educational
research and practice. While our primary aim is to serve the needs of educators in Canada, we welcome readership
and submissions from the world.
(56) The Journal of Specialized Translation (ISSN: 1740-357X)
In today's academic and professional environment, the growth of specialised translation has resulted in the
development of a significant area in Translation Studies. JoSTrans aims to create a forum for translators and
researchers in specialised translation, to disseminate information, exchange ideas and to provide a dedicated
publication outlet for research in specialised, non-literary translation. This international journal is indexed with the
main humanities bibliographies, including the MLA,Benjamins Translation Studies bibliography, and St Jerome's
Translation Studies Abstracts Online. JoSTrans is peer-reviewed and web-based to allow maximum flexibility and
access. We accept contributions in a range of languages, including minority languages, to provide a publishing
opportunity for researchers of all nationalities. English abstracts are provided for all articles.
(57) The English Teacher (ISSN: 0128-7729)
The English Teacher promotes effective English language teaching and learning and is intended for teachers and
instructors who are primarily involved in teaching schoolchildren and adults. This is a refereed print-based journal
published once a year. Authors are invited to submit articles that provide practical techniques and strategies for
ELT, identify effective classroom-tested instructional techniques and/or provide descriptions of procedures that can
be implemented in classrooms with a variety of students. Articles may also focus on insights and understanding
about ELT research and its application to the classroom.
(58) The Journal of Teaching English with Technology
The Journal of Teaching English with Technology is listed in the Directory of Open Access Journals, Cabells
Publishing Directory, MLA Directory of Periodicals and is also B-ranked on the new 2010 ARC Australian
government list of approved academic journals.

A Comprehensive List of International Journals (Widodo, 2013) 10

(59) The Philippine ESL Journal (ISSN 1718-2298)
The Philippine ESL Journal is a new, academic refereed publication which aims at providing on-line access to all
those involved in the research, teaching and learning of EFL | ESL theories, methodologies and approaches. Our
international journal has the goal of accepting and promoting second language acquisition research with the
emphasis on the Philippines. The study of SLA (within EFL zones) is now embracing new ideas, which are free of
orthodoxy and challenge existing theories. The Philippines provides a valuable opportunity to test existing and past
theories. In particular, we are establishing this journal in anticipation of the opening up of the Philippines to new
variations in the English language as 10s of thousands of Asians flock the country to learn English in the unique
one on one style found in language schools across the Philippines.
(60) The Journal of Language Teaching and Learning (ISSN 2146-1732)
JLTL, a refereed professional journal, promotes research into foreign language teaching and learning by providing a
forum specifically for foreign language teaching professionals to share their findings and explore ideas in the field
of foreign language teaching. This journal is a biannual scientific journal dedicated to the exploration of original and
high-quality research and critical scholarship that helps define and advance inquiry concerned with issues related to
language and education. JLTL aims to provide a medium for communication among researchers as well as a
channel linking researchers and practitioners. JLTL includes research articles, book reviews, and critical literature
reviews, and innovative practical articles.
(61) The Journal of Technology, Learning, and Assessment (ISSN 1540-2525)
The Journal of Technology, Learning and Assessment (JTLA) is a peer-reviewed, scholarly on-line journal
addressing the intersection of computer-based technology, learning, and assessment.
(62) The Journal of Writing Research (ISSN 2030-1006)
The Journal of Writing Research (JoWR) is an international peer reviewed journal that publishes high quality
theoretical, empirical, and review papers covering the broad spectrum of writing research. The mandate of
the Journal of Writing Research is:
to publish excellent and innovative writing research drawn from a range of academic disciplines (e.g.
psychology, linguistics, pedagogy, design studies, communication studies, information and communication
technology, learning and teaching)
to stimulate interdisciplinary writing research
to be fully international
to apply high academic standards, including double blind peer review
to share knowledge through open access
(63) The Language Teacher
The Language Teacher, the monthly publication of the Japan Association for Language Teaching (Zenkoku Gogaku
Kyoiku Gakkai) is a refereed language education journal. Free articles of the journal are accessible from to
September issue, 1996 to July issue, 2008. If articles in a PDF format, juts click the icon [Download Issue 30.01;
January 2006].
(64) The Linguistic Journal (ISSN: 1718-2298)
The journal is the scientific study of language, as such it is comprised of the study of the structure and development
of a particular language and its relationship to other languages, the connection between language and mind, the
relation between language and society and many other fields. The Linguistics Journal is the sister journal to the
long established Asian EFL Journal.

A Comprehensive List of International Journals (Widodo, 2013) 11

(65) The Qualitative Report (ISSN 1052-0147)
This journal is devoted to writing and discussion of and about qualitative, critical, action, and collaborative inquiry
and research. The Qualitative Report serves as a forum and sounding board for researchers, scholars,
practitioners, and other reflective-minded individuals who are passionate about ideas, methods, and analyses
permeating qualitative, action, collaborative, and critical study.
(66) The Reading Matrix (ISSN: 1533-242X)
The Reading Matrix: An International Online Journal is a peer-reviewed professional journal with an editorial board
of scholars in the fields of second language acquisition and applied linguistics. The journal seeks to disseminate
research to educators around the world. It is interested in exploring issues related to L2 reading, L2 literacy in a
broader sense, and other issues related to second language learning and teaching. This publication was created as
an interactive journal, not an electronic version of a traditional print publication. The journal is published twice a year
exclusively on the World Wide Web.
(67) The TESOL Journal (ISSN 2094-3938)
The TESOL Journal is a refereed publication which aims at providing free on-line access to all those involved in the
research, teaching and learning of of English as an International Language. It has as its central theme of global EFL
(68) Voices of Practitioners: Teacher Research in Early Childhood
Voices of Practitioners: Teacher Research in Early Childhood Education is NAEYC's peer-reviewed,
professional online journal. Its main purpose is to provide a vehicle for publishing the research of early childhood
teachers, who are often underrepresented as authors in the educational research arena. This publication includes
informative articles, resources, and tools to promote the participation of early childhood teachers in teacher research.
In teacher research, teachers engage in the systematic study of their own practice. Deeply involved in the daily lives
of children and their families, teachers provide a critical insider perspective through publishing their investigations
and reflections on life in their classrooms.
For more open-access international refereed/peer-reviewed journals, please visit

Please be mindful that many open-access international journals are bogus or fake. You need to visit this Website: This provides you with a comprehensive list of bogus journals and
vanity publishers.

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