Agrippina The Younger Notes

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1. Historical context
Geography, topography and resources of Rome and the Roman Empire
Overview of Roman social and political structures; principate
Role of imperial women in Roman society
2. Background and rise to prominence
Family background and status
Early life, ambitions and marriages
3. Career
Basis of her power and influence; patronage
Role during the reign of Gaius (Caligula), including exile
Role during the reign of Claudius
role and changing relationship with Nero during his reign
Relationships with other members of the imperial court: Seneca, Burrus and imperial
Impact of her personality on career: public image
Attempts on her life
Death: motives, manner and impact of death
4. Evaluation

Impact and influence on her time

Assessment of her life and career


Ancient and modern images and interpretations of Agrippina the Younger


Key terms

14 Death of Augustus
15 Agrippina born
19 Death of Germanicus
28 Marriage to Ahenobarbus

auctoritas personal prestige and standing

potestas the power of magistrates

potentia power, authority, sway, influence

vis power, force, vigour

fastigium height, summit (of a


29 Death of Livia

artes honestae respectable, worthy skills

impotentia lack of control and restraint

impudicitia unchastity

37 Death of Tiberius, accession of Gaius, birth of

lascivia wantonness


noverca a stepmother

cupiditas greed for money and power

avaritia greed

superbia arrogance

socia partner, comrade, companion,

33 Death of Agrippina the elder

38 Conspiracy against Gaius, exiled

40 Death of Ahenobarbus
41 Assassination of Gaius, accession of Claudius,

associate, ally, relative, wife

recall from exile

42 Marries Crispus

times and bad

48 Death of Messalina
49 Marriage to Claudius, Seneca recalled

prosperis dubiisque socia an ally in good

domestica cura domestic concerns

domination domination/lordship

50 title Augusta, Nero adopted

51 Burrus appointed
53 Marriage of Nero and Octavia
54 - Death of Claudius, accession of Nero

55 Acte involved, fall of Pallas, death of

Britannicus, Agrippina left palace
59 Murder of Agrippina

Geography, topography and resources of Rome and the Roman

62 Death of Burrus

65 - Death of Seneca



As Rome developed into an empire, relied heavily on the Italian countryside,

resources and manpower to run army and industry.

Livy: Tiber river favourable for navigation upstream to inland crops, sea close
enough for trade yet far enough for threat of invasion, centre of Italy therefore good
for expansion, hills provide healthy environment

Strabo: walls, defence (not easily defended open to attack), open to attack (not
enough population, fertile land, marshy, mountainous, rocky, pests, problems,
prone to flooding and fire.

Efficient sea transport ensured Rome and Italy received their supplies e.g. Grain
(Africa, Egypt and Sicily), Wine (Spain and Italy), Iron tin and copper, Lead (Spain)

Plentiful in stone, clay, pottery and wood

Trade and industry were strong milling, baking, dyeing, glass manufacturing

Markets provided pottery, weapons, silverware, jewellery, wine and perfume

Overview of Roman social and political structures; principate

TACITUS (on Augustus) then he gradually pushed ahead and absorbed the functions
of the Senate, the officials and even the law. Opposition did not existPolitical
equality was a thing of the past; all eyes watched for the imperial commands.

Augustus established Principate (system of government) -> rule by first citizen

Did this by accumulating powers given to him by the senate during the first
settlement of 27BC and the second settlement of 23BC

The first settlement of 27BC gave Augustus:
1) Proconsular imperium over a large Provincia (province consisting of Spain, Gaul and
2) Control of most of the legions to administer these provinces
3) The consulship
4) The name Augustus (Revered one)
5) The title Imperator

The second settlement of 23BC gave him
1) Proconsular maius imperium (his power extended over all provinces and governors)
2) Tribunicia potestas gave him increased political power and prestige
The princeps was distinguished from all other magistrates by the wide scope of his powers and
functions including

Paid army out of military treasury

Made political decisions
Appointed governors to imperial provinces
Controlled imperial provinces
Controlled the army
Nominated names for magistrate positions
Controlled the civil service
Controlled foreign affairs through his maius imperium

His dominant position meant that he controlled the army and ruled with the help of
the senate

Although the government continued to function according to republican tradition,

there was now a sharing of its powers with the princeps

The sharing of powers meant that the senate had the following authority

Controlled senatorial provinces (although Augustus had supreme military

power in all provinces)

Could mint coins and control finances

Was a court of law e.g. for treason trials

The principate developed over time so it appeared that the princeps shared
authority with the senate. In reality, however, the princeps control of the army was
the true basis of his power


Social Structure

From the times of the early Republic, Rome had two distinct class
1) Upper-class patricians
2) Lower class plebeians.

A middle class emerged called the equestrians

During the period of the early empire new opportunities opened for each class,
including the freed men.

Senatorial order (Patricians)



Chief military posts

Control of the state treasury

Administration of peaceful provinces

Supervision of the civil services

Equestrian order

Civil and military service for the princeps, for example

Prefect of Egypt

Commander of the praetorian guard

Administrator of the grain supply

Commander of the fire brigade


Staff officer in a legion

Commander of an Auxiliary infantry cohort

Plebeian order

Were involved in trades industries or farms

Worked on imperial building sites or were lower officers in legion

Made up two thirds of the plebs urbana (urban mob)

Received the grain dole

Attended the free shows

During the early empire freedmen played a very important role, they were the former slaves
who had been freed by their masters. They took on the citizenship of their former masters
but were not fully privileged roman citizens


were artisans, shopkeepers and clerks

Remained with former masters as secretaries

Became apart of the emperors household and managed his private affairs

Became influential civil servants

Rome during the early empire also consisted of women, non citizens and slaves

Overview of Roman social and political structures; principate:


Political structure was organised into the cursus honorum, ranking of magistrates


Proconsul - ex-
consuls, governors
of senatorial
Consul - supreme civil and
military magistrate position
often taken by emperor or
family members. Princeps
Praetor - dealt largely with legal
affairs. Also reponsible for public

Tribune - "defender of the common people".

Ability to veto magistrate and were sacrosanct

Aedile - General administrative dutie, streets of Rome,

public order, water supply, corn supply etc.

Quaestor - General Ainancial duties, especially in provinces. Had

the ability to assume military command

Role of imperial women in Roman society

100 year period leading up to Julio-Claudians saw a change from women being
frowned upon if they wished to act independently to a time where they enjoyed
significantly more personal freedom that women at any other time in Roman history

Held some freedoms: ability to attend most social functions with their husbands,
administering their own properties as well as positive legislative change made on
their behalf, women with +3 children did not need a male counter-signature for legal

Despite these, women held no direct political power/influence and were forced to
gain and wield it by furthering the political ambitions of husbands lovers or sons

A Roman womans main role was to be a good daughter, wife and mother

They were often controlled for political gain; commonly being forced into marriage
for purposes such as securing wealth or of establishing a link to power (Augustus,
other princeps etc.)

Roman society was patriarchal (run by men)

Major role for all Roman women was within the family as daughters, mothers, wives
or mistresses.

Used as a means of uniting noble families through marriage (women married and
remarried quite easily)


Women had a great deal of personal freedom however had no direct political power
and could only influence the political activities of their husbands and sons

Always under the control of a male (fathers, husbands or a male next of kin) our
ancestors did not want women to conduct any - not even in private - business
without a guardian; they wanted them to be under the authority of parents,
brothers or husbands. (Livy)

By first century significant changes occurred that challenged this traditional view.

Julio Claudian family contained a number of well educated and talented women who
wielded great power and influence e.g. Augustus wife Livia, daughter Julia and sister
Octavia and Agrippina the Elder.

Main historians of the time, Tacitus, Suetonius and Cassius Dio disapproved

Background and rise to prominence

Family background and status

Agrippina was part of the Julio-Claudian family which provided the first emperors e.g.
Augustus, Tiberius, Gaius, Claudius and Nero.

Was the great-granddaughter of Augustus

Was the daughter of Germanicus there is no doubt that Germanicus was immensely
popular with the Roman people and the army. (Bradley) who had great influence on
her life

the family was loved by the people of Rome (Lawless)

To understand Agrippinas later actions it is necessary to examine the events in her life
leading up to her marriage with Claudius. During these years she learned the
brutalities of life and intrigue within the imperial family

Early life & Ambitions

Family was immensely popular and loved by the people of Rome power and
influence at an early age Agrippinas birth placed her at the centre of imperial

Her mother Agrippina the Elder was involved in masculine activities (Tacitus) and
was outspoken about political issues e.g. Tiberius involvement in Germanicus
death, and was therefore exiled. She was powerful yet unwise.

Agrippina learnt her ambitions from her mothers actions e.g. Promotion of sons for
emperor, cultivation of the military, masculine activities (Tacitus)

Agrippinas aunt was also exiled for the murder of her husband Drusus

Agrippina learned valuable lessons about the consequences of female involvement

in politics.

Her brother Gaius became Emperor after Tiberius death. Made Agrippina and her
sister Vestal Virgins.

They appeared on coins as goddesses and were able to sit in the Imperial seats at
games and festivals heightened her influence and popularity

Caligula became ill imagined all sorts of plots against him (Koutsoukis) and
exiled Agrippina on the grounds of treason and adultery he deported his sisters to
the Pontian islands because of their relationships with Lepidushe was always
pretending to be in danger (Cassius Dio)

Before she was exiled Agrippina gave birth to Nero (Ahenobarbus son) who was
sent to live with his aunt when his father died during Agrippinas exile

When Gaius was assassinated, Claudius became the new Emperor and recalled
Agrippina from exile, and with Ahenobarbus dead, she was on the search for a new
husband, first aimed for Galba but settled for Crispus

First marriage to Ahenobarbus

Arranged by her guardian Tiberius

He became consul in AD32

Was the father of Agrippinas son Nero

He became ill with dropsy and died in AD40



Second marriage to Crispus

He held the consulship in AD 27 and 44

Came form a noble family and was quite wealthy (wealth was a key factor in politics)

He died in AD 47 and left an enormous inheritance to Agrippina and Nero

Third Marriage to Claudius

Agrippina was determined to achieve a position of great power was achievable if

she married Claudius however he was married to Messalina it was a position
of utmost power, and a very attractive one, considering her life so far (Lawless)

Agrippina needed to be wary of Messalina. Messalina was a jealous woman who

eliminated those who stood in her way. Messalina had reasons for disliking
Agrippina e.g. her popularity, threat to Britannicus heir to the throne

Messalina was executed on the grounds of adultery and plotting (was outed by
Claudius Advisors). Agrippina was now in a position to marry Claudius

Agrippina made alliances with the Praetorian Guards who were looking to stop
Britannicus from inheriting the throne as they were fearful of revenge for the death
of Messalina.

Claudius relied heavily on his advisors and listened when they suggested Agrippina
over the other candidates. [Pallas proposing Agrippina]let the Emperor ally
himself with a noble race and unite two branches of the Claudian house, rather
than allow this lady to transfer the glorious name of the Caesars to another
family (Tacitus)

Law had to change to allow the marriage otherwise the union would have been
incestuous as Claudius was Agrippinas uncle.

Historians vary in their analysis as to why Claudius picked Agrippina for marriage:
political or sexual

This marriage was of great importance placed Agrippina in the highest position of
power for a Roman woman granting her greater power and influence allowing her to

achieve her two main goals 1. Secure and strengthen a position of power and
influence 2. Secure her sons position of Emperor

Marriage would assist in Nero becoming Emperor: adoption of Nero by Claudius

gave Nero precedence over Britannicus making Nero the heir to the throne, this
took Agrippina three years to achieve Nero received the title Prince of Youth
was betrothed to Claudius daughter Octavia, strengthening Neros position

Agrippina dominated and influenced many of Claudius decisions and accompanied

him on his political duties she set out to dominate Claudiusshe was following
the pattern set out by Messalina but was infinitely more successful (Koutsoukis)

Evidence of Agrippinas power and influence: - given her own Praetorian Guard,
rode in the carpentum; appeared on coins next to Claudius and Nero; received the
title of Augusta; accompanied Claudius whilst on political duties. [Her growing
power] is confirmed by two pointsAgrippina was named Augustusand the
appearance of her portraitupon the official gold and silver coinage (Grant)

Relationship with Claudius was a key factor in her political successes

Advantages of marriage between Claudius and Agrippina:-

To Claudius

To Agrippina

Agrippinas connections with Augustus who

Satisfied her ambitions for herself and Nero

was considered as a god

Agrippina had Julian blood

Safeguard her. She was now in a very

powerful position

Proven capacity for child bearing

Now a woman of great eminence


Organisational and leadership ability

Potential threat if she married someone else

who was influential



Basis of her power and influence; patronage

Patron gave gifts, legal support etc to client in return for them advancing their career.

Agrippina used influence during Claudius to recall Seneca from exile and give him position of

Burrus was made sole praetorian prefect in 51 who then in turn allowed Agrippina to use his
position to her benefit.

The wealth Agrippina has acquired through her marriages and her family allowed to her
build a support base.

Her family background & status.

The honours & privileges she received.

The elimination of rivals & political intrigues under Gaius, Claudius & Nero.

Her use of wealth & patronage, especially with Seneca & Burrus.

Her wealth along with her family connections, patronage and position in society paved the
way for the basis of her power and influence.

Role during the reign of Gaius (Caligula), including exile


When assessing Agrippina and Gaiuss relationship one must take into account the sources
at are their most opaque here. Bauman

Gaiuss reign is perhaps the most badly documented principate of the Julio-Claudians with
Tacitus lost books consisting of his reign. Instead we must rely on Suetonius and
archaeological evidence to draw our conclusions.

After her family persecution by Sejanus under Tiberiuss rule Gaiuss principate signalled a
new beginning for Agrippina. When Tiberius died and Gaius succeeded in March of 37,
Agrippinas fortunes underwent a complete change. Suetonius

When Gaius become emperor the three sisters; Agrippina, Drusillia and Julia were given
unprecedented constitutional status, including being made honorary vestal virgins, included
in the annual vows of allegiance and having a coin issued with their images

Annual vow: I will not value my life or that of my children less highly than I do the
emperor Gaius and his sisters...Good fortune attend the emperor Gaius and his sisters.

Other honours included vestal privileges and seats in the imperial enclosure at the games.

The prominence given to the sisters has no precedent in the history of Roman coinage
and suggests an extraordinary honour. - Barrett

It can be argued that these honours served a political purpose. The political reasoning
behind these actions is thought to be that Gaius was attempting to establish an Eastern
style monarchy.

These close relations between Gaius, Agrippina, Drusilla and Livilla spurred stories of incest
it was his habit to commit incest with each of his three sisters. Suetonius

Agrippinas role during Gaiuss reign shifted dramatically by 39 A.D; Gaius fell dangerously
ill which is said to have affected his mental state and Drusilla his favourite sister died.

While it is not completely clear why the following events occurred we do know Agrippina
and Livilla fell from grace. Gaius charged them with adultery with Drusillas husband Lepidus
and of being involved in a political conspiracy against him and his emperorship.

Gaius sisters Agrippina and Julia Livlla, also parties to the conspiracy, were banished and
Agrippina, who had become Lepidus mistress, was forced to carry his ashes to tome in an
urn Garzetti humiliating Agrippina

Gaius confiscated Agrippinas property and sent her into exile.

Gaius was assassinated in 41AD and Claudius was hailed emperor.

Role during the reign of Claudius


Dio Cassius says Agrippina seduced Claudius, but Salmon disagrees.

Levick tells us of the political advantages Agrippina was the last surviving daughter of the
beloved Germanicus and his martyred wifeBy marrying her, Claudius could both right old
wrongs and immeasurably reinforce his political position

Sebastian relief shows Claudius and Agrippina with clasped hands, (conferriatio marriage)

The sisters inclusion on coins also is unparalleled and portrays the great distinction given to
the sisters; the fact they appeared as god-like figures emphasises their importance to Rome
and the principate. -> GEMMA CLAUDIA COIN

She dominated the politics of her time like no other women had- Bauman




In marrying Claudius Agrippina significantly increased her role in Roman politics; she was
now the emperors wife and in a perfect position to use her relationship with Claudius to
influence his decisions and promote Nero as his successor over Britannicus.

Ahphrodisiass relief of Agrippina and Claudius depicts the influence Agrippina had; they are
represented as having equal prominence and standing (their height and hand gesture signals
this) and the partnership shared between the two represents the extent of Agrippinas
power in Claudiuss principate.

Tacitus writes once sure of her marriage, she enlarged the scope of her plans and devoted
herself to scheming for her son.

Not only did she convince Claudius to approve of Nero and Octavias marriage she also
conspired for Neros adoption.

Agrippina used her influence over Claudius not only to consolidate Neros claims, but also
to enhance her own position. Bauman

Honours given to Agrippina:

1. She was given her own Praetorian bodyguard
2. She was awarded the title Augusta in 50AD
3. She founded a colony of veterans where she was born and name it Colonia
Claudia Argippinensis
4. Drove the carpentum
5. Appeared on coins

The ancient sources stress how Agrippina used her newly found relationship with Claudius to
influence him Agrippinas intrigues were still driving Claudius to the most brutal
behaviour - Tacitus

As soon as Agrippina had come to live in the palace she gained complete control over
Claudius. - Dio

Agrippina and Claudiuss relationship disintegrated in its latter stages. Dio and Suetonius
comment on the worsening of the relationship in his last years Claudius made it pretty
plain that he repented of having married Agrippina and adopting Nero. Suetonius

He could not endure her behaviour, but was preparing to put an end to her power. Dio

Claudius death - Dio thinks Agrippina killed him, Suetonius says he was poisoned by not sure
who by, Wiedemann mentions that in the unhygienic conditions food poisoning would have
been common. - DEBATE

The majority of modern and ancient historians agree that Agrippina poisoned Claudius to
prevent him from naming Britanicus as heir and exposing Agrippinas doings. Claudiuss
death made way for Nero to become emperor and for Agrippina to advance her position and

Role and changing relationship with Nero during his reign


Marriage to Claudius meant she was in a good position, she chose Seneca and Burrus to be
his advisors.

AD 54 Neros accession occurred

Nero turned over all his public and private affairs to Agrippinas management- Suetonius

Her dominant influence lasted only a very short time Michael Grant

Coins: Was face to face bareheaded with Nero, showed they were almost corulers. Later:
She moved to the opposite side, and later disappeared from coinage all together.

Just before his accession solely women and freeman were running the government from the
Julio-Claudian household.

Agrippina objected to changing legislation when the senate tried to excuse Quastors from
the obligation to hold gladiatorial games. The senate treated her seriously and the meeting
was held at the Palatine and Tacitus records that a door was built at the back so she could
stand behind a curtain and listen.

Nero had married Claudius daughter Octavia to ensure his place on the throne.

He fell in love with a freedwoman named Acte; which made Agrippina furious. She went into
a rage.

Nero forbade advocates to receive fees or gifts (Tacitus). Agrippina argued that this
legislation could not be challenged because Claudius had been deified. The measure was
passed anyway.

This showed Agrippinas waning influence under Nero

Nero openly disobeyed his mother and asked Seneca to help him.

At this point Agrippina changed tactics and offered him her own bedroom.

Nero removed Pallas (a friend and lover of Agrippina) from his position to bring in his new
regime. this significantly undermined Agrippinas influence

Removed the Praetorian guard (military was sympathetic due to Germanicus)




Agrippina now realised Seneca and Burrus were no longer on her side (Had little love for
her petticoat government Scullard) and befriended Claudius son Britannicus and
encouraged him to claim ownership to rule.

Nero had 14 years old Britannicus poisoned at a banquet and watched him die, telling the
other guests he was having an epileptic fit.

Nero plagued Agrippina with lawsuits.

Relationships with other members of the imperial court: Seneca,

Burrus and imperial freedmen

The place of Agrippina in the Claudian system is so tightly bound up with those of his two
most prominent freedmen, Narcissus and Pallas Barrett

Of all the Julio-Claudian freedmen, it is probably fair to say that none has established his
place in the tradition so strongly as has Narcissus.

Narcissus was positioned in a strong standing along side Pallas under Agrippinas

Narcissus does seem to have been genuinely loyal to Claudius' interests and until the
marriage to Agrippina was the most influential of the freedmen

Narcissus was loyal to Claudius, and was the enemy to Agrippina

Suetonius claims that his forced retirement was due to the ill-will Agrippina bore towards
him over his friendship with Narcissus

The mistreatment of Narcissus by Agrippina , forced him to retirement

It also awarded Narcissus an honorary quaestorship. But this was the least cause of
arrogance to a man more powerful even than Pallas or Callistus.

Agrippina took advantage of the emperor's gullible attributes to accuse Narcissus,

the controller of the project, of illicit profits. He retorted by assailing her dictatorial,
feminine excess of ambition.

Narcissus was imprisoned and harshly treated, the threat of imminent execution
drove him to suicide.

[Pallas proposing Agrippina]let the Emperor ally himself with a noble race and unite two
branches of the Claudian house, rather than allow this lady to transfer the glorious name
of the Caesars to another family (Tacitus)

Although Pallas came into his own with Agrippina's ascendancy, Tacitus points out
that he was highly prominent even before her predecessor Messalina's fall.

Pallas was said to be Agrippinas lover

The influence of Agrippina on the senate would have been considerable.

Pliny the Elder notes an occasion when they passed a decree supposedly on her
orders, bestowing the praetorian insignia on Pallas.

She, however, was supported by Pallas, who had ruined Claudius by instigating his
incestuous marriage and disastrous adoption.

Pushed for the adoption of Nero

However, Nero was not disposed to obey slaves. Pallas' surly arrogance, anomalous
in an ex-slave, disgusted him.

Nevertheless, publicly, Agrippina received honour after honour.

When the escort-commander made the customary request for a password, Nero
gave: 'The best of mothers.'

The senate voted her two official attendants and the Priesthood of Claudius.

She made use of Pallas as an intermediary to argue her case with her husband, but
we can be sure that Claudius would hardly have allowed his mind to be made up for
him on an issue that lay at the very heart of his principate.

Agrippinas influence on finance would have come through Pallas

Tacitus says that under Pallas the finances of the imperial fiscus were brought
under centralised control

The removal of Pallas...represented a serious blow to Agrippina BARRET




It was Agrippina who had won Seneca's reprieve from exile and had given him the
role of Nero's tutor

She engineered Burrus' appointment as commander of the guard.

Her motive in appointing Seneca as tutor would have been largely political.

Tacitus describes Agrippina as trux and minax ('grim and threatening') in her
dealings with her son, suggesting that she was trying through Seneca to teach him
discipline and self-restraint

Barret suggests that Seneca could have been somehow involved in the conspiracy of
AD 39 in which Agrippina had become involved

Once Messalina was dead and Agrippina was married to Claudius (50AD), Seneca
was recalled to Rome and become praetor and Neros tutor, on Agrippinas behalf

In 58, Seneca was accused of having had an affair with Agrippina, but extra-marital
affairs for the emperors wife, particularly one of Agrippinas intellect appeared

Seneca apparently worked with Burrus to sway Neros opinions of Agrippina to limit
Agrippinas power over the state, she encountered their united opposition

Possible role in Agrippinas death, however it was probably not in Senecas

interest to remove Agrippina a from the scene completely, better to keep her
around to irritate Nero who in turn might feel a continuing need to lean on
Senecas advice.

Ordered to commit suicide in 65 after becoming embroiled in a conspiracy to kill



The appointment of Burrus left Romans in little doubt about the strength of
Agrippina's position

Would have been conservative senators who disapproved of such power in

any woman, whatever her political position.

given sole control of the Praetorian Guard in AD51 (Agrippina married

Claudius in AD 48) after the removal of Geta and Crispinus shows
Agrippinas power/influence over Claudius

Burrus was an old-fashioned soldier with a strong sense of loyalty and his
attitude towards Agrippina seems to have been ambivalent. Barrett

Burrus encouraged the Guard to accept Nero over Britannicus on Claudius


Although Seneca and Burrus supported Agrippina in Claudius lifetime, they

set about undermining her influence:-

Seneca stopped Agrippina from sitting by Neros side during a

reception for some Armenian ambassadors

Pallas (secretary and Agrippinas lover) was removed from office

Encouraged Neros love affair with Sabina

Advised Nero to start Agrippinas downfall

Chiefly responsible or Roman government after Agrippinas

influence had been eliminated

It is uncertain whether they were involved in her death but Nero

apparently asked for their help after his first unsuccessful attempt

Seneca and Burrus chiefly responsible for Roman government once Agrippinas influence
was eliminated. They encouraged Nero in love affairs (s.a. Acte and Poppaea Sabina). They
advised Nero to start Agrippinas downfall.

Burrus possessed too much integrity to do the kind of sordid job, such as the murder of
the emperor's mother, that was now required of him. Barrett

When Nero learnt of Agrippinas involvement to replace him with Rubellius Plautus, Seneca
and Burrus confronted her

Nero asked Seneca and Burrus to help him after his first unsuccessful attempt at killing

Both men would surely have been basically sympathetic to her views, and it is difficult to
believe that any profound ideological differences could have separated them.

After Agrippinas death, they retained some restraint over Nero.



Impact of her personality on career: public image



Great-granddaughter of Augustus


Julian blood

No direct involvement in politics

Great wealth


Strong and powerful character




Eliminated those who stood in her way


Intrigued to get power

Greedy for greater wealth



Keen intellect





In most sources, Agrippina is presented as a wicked, scheming manipulative

woman trying to advance the career of her son although most sources are
written by powerful men who would have felt threatened by such a s
powerful woman. (I.e. Senators)

Some present her as a seductress for the same end; some as an opposing
woman trying to eliminate competition.

Most sources agree that with her death Neros downfall began.

It should be noted that in all sources up to her death she is presented as a

typical roman mother, yearning to advance the career of her son but also
heavily involved in her sons life and very influential.

Attempts on her life

o Cassius Dio states Nero continued to fear Agrippina and under the
influence of his advisors and mistresses he decided to have her killed.
o They saw a boat that collapsed in theatre and built one just like it, but
before it was finished Nero was flattering Agrippina so nobody would
suspect anything and he did not Dare to do anything in Romefor
fear the crime should be generally known
o Weideman says He decided against poison because she had
reputedly built up a resistance to poison by swallowing antidotes
o Tacitus says Acte was instructed to tell Nero that Agrippina was boasting
of intimacy with him and that it would threaten his power. He decided to
kill her and Anicetus (an ex-slave who tutored Nero) told him that a ship
could be made with a section that would come loose and hurl Agrippina
into the sea without warning.
o Neros old tutor Anicetus, commander of the fleet at Misenun, was an
enemy of Agrippina. He constructed a ship with a detachable section
which would hurl Agrippina into the sea. Nero set out in the following
1. Nero invited his mother to dine during the festival of Minerva.
2. He sent her home across the Bay of Naples in his ship.
3. The roof collapsed but not the whole ship.
4. Agrippina survived & swan to shore.
o After the collapse of the boat, Agrippina sent her freedmen, Agerinus, to
tell Nero she was safe.
o Nero became panic-stricken when he found out she had survived

Death: motives, manner and impact of death

o Agrippina had wanted to share imperial power



o Nero was threatened by her withstanding influence and power

o Agrippina strongly opposed his relationship with Sabina
o Sabina had accused Agrippina of conspiracy/plotting to kill Nero and
strongly urged Nero to kill his mother


o Anicetus went to her villa & repeatedly stabbed her. Suetonius caims
Nero justified his mothers murder by having her freedmen arrested for
trying to kill Nero on Agrippinas orders.
o Agrippina died; saying to his murders Strike here (pointing to her
o Nero feared the publics reaction to Agrippinas death. He sent reports to
Rome that Agrippina had attempted to kill him and then proceeded to
commit suicide. He also listed many of her crimes particularly that she
wanted to be co-ruler.
o She wanted to be co-ruler to receive oaths of allegiance form the
Guard, and to subject Senate and public to the same humiliation.
Disappointed of this, she hated all of them-army, senate and people
Tacitus 14.1
o While Agrippina was probably feared & hated by many of the nobility,
they didnt approve if matricide (killing of ones mother). The Romans
believed the home, hearth & motherhood to be the very foundation of
their society. The most sacred duty of a Roman man was to honour &
protect his mother.
o Nero justified her death by having her freedman arrested for trying to kill
Nero on Agrippinas orders- established rumour that she was involved in
conspiracy to kill him

Impact and influence on her time
o Agrippina set un-precented standards; she as a woman broke down

gender restrictions on women in politics. Never before had a woman
played such a crucial and influential role in politics.
o She was resented greatly for interfering in politics and moving away
from the traditional role for women and that of the matrona.
o In the Julio-Claudian time period women did in general have more
personal freedom than at any other time.
o She tried to broaden the role of women in the imperial family.
o Actual political power for women was unheard of and Agrippina broke
down this barrier.
o Some historians believe Agrippinas death began the downfall of Nero &
the end of the Julio-Claudian dynasty.
o The carriage given to her increased reverence felt for a woman who
to this day remains unique as the daughter of a great commander
and the sister, wife and mother of emperors- Tacitus
o Elevated political status for women: Given title of Augusta (-> second
woman to receive this honour), right to use carpentum, listened in on
senate, had her birthplace named after her.
o They offered Agrippina the same homage and gratitude as they had
given the Emperor- Tacitus elevation of status
o Suetonius: Nero turned over all his public and his private affairs to
Agrippinas management

Assessment of her life and career

o A number of factors contributed to Agrippinas great power and
1. Family connections descendent of Augustus, daughter of
Germanicus, sister of Gaius, wife of Claudius and mother of Nero
(all emperors)
2. Wealth as a member of the Julio-Claudian family, Agrippina
had great personal wealth which was further increased by her two
marriages in which she obtained large inheritances.
3. Patronage as a wealthy patrician and member of the imperial



family, Agrippina skilfully used patronage to strengthen her

position e.g. Pallas, Burrus and Seneca owed their position to
Agrippina and thus supported her in her rise to power.
4. Honours and position in society position as Empress and
mother of an Emperor meant enormous power/influence. Title of
Augusta promoted her divinity. She also enhanced this status by
riding in the Carpentum, appearing on coins, accompanying
Claudius/Nero on their political duties etc.
5. Own intelligence and political skill learnt many lessons from
the dominant women before her e.g. Agrippina the Elder &
Messalina, and was able to progress further. According to Barrett
this enabled her marriage to Claudius to be more like a

Agrippina had two important ambitions and she achieved both. Nero became emperor AND
she became the most influential, powerful woman of her time. She achieved numerous
honours and powers e.g. Priestess, coinage, control of political affairs, vestal virgin, imperial
seats, able to ride in the carpentum/litter etc and was thus a very successful individual in
her time.
Agrippina was a formidable adversary. She had political allies at all levelsshe knew how
to exploit her Augustan lineage and descent from Germanicus to the full. - Griffin

Assessing any legacy from Agrippina is difficult as political power was beyond female reach
at the time.
Her key achievements include:-

Given the title of Augusta first living empress to be given this title

Was able to manipulate Claudius in order to make Nero the heir over Britannicus

Able to ride in the carpentum

Founded a colony in Germany named after herself Colonia Agrippina

Accompanied Claudius/Nero on political duties

Given divine honours in the east

Detailed knowledge of Roman law

Appointed priestess of the cult of Claudius

Commemorated on coins as a partner in power

Secretly attended meetings of the senate (hidden behind a specially installed


Managed to remain influential and powerful for many years despite opposition and
criticism from influential nobles and freedmen

Agrippinas legacy lies within the fact that she gained an influential and powerful position in
a system dominated by men reflected in the charges that Nero brought against her after
her death and also by the disapproving views on ancient historians.
She was able to survive the dangers of life in the imperial family and was then able to use
the system to achieve her ambitions

Agrippinas impression on politics lasted long after her death.

She revolutionised womens role and showed that women could and should have a
role in politics.

Her birthday was declared a black day for Rome

Agrippina was bestowed with honours like no previous Julio-Claudian woman,

notably her inclusion on coins and in reliefs.

For her coins was a way of emphasising to the Roman people that she was an
important part of the Julio-Claudians and at the centre of family matters. She was
able to link herself with her individual and familys victories through coinage such as
military campaigns or her part in Neros accession.

She played a role in the evolution of the imperial system, especially as Empress of

She gave a definition to the political power a woman could achieve.

She had am almost equal standing with Claudius and Nero. That a woman should
sit before Roman standards was an unprecedented novelty. -Tacitus

Ancient and modern images and interpretations of Agrippina the





1. Tacitus:

His aim in writing is to promote the evils of one man rule and to educate. In
ancient times history was a form of literature and had a moral purpose.

Is the main source for this period.

As his aim is to degrade the principate and therefore the emperors he uses
Agrippina to belittle them.

Note: status as a Republican

Is opposed to Agrippina as she is a woman and achieve political status.

Applies the old Republican ideals to women.

Draws parallels between powerful women e.g. Agrippina and Livia

Her private life was chaste unless power was to be gained.

Her passion to acquire money was unbounded. She used it as a stepping

stone to supremacy.

2. Suetonius:

Focuses on gossip

He had access to imperial records.

Was a scholar and biographer.

Rarely analysed on historical events.

Quite hostile towards Agrippina and indulges in the scandals such as incest
with Nero etc.

3. Cassius Dio

Wrote a history of Rome.

Is hostile towards Agrippina although acknowledges much what is said about

her is gossip.

It is evident that ancient historians, as victims of the ideals of their society, did not deal with
her actions or personality charitably. Tendency appears to be to remove Agrippina from the
stereotype of a Roman matron of kindness and charity and to instead create her to be the
quintessence of corruption and ruthlessness. It appears that the ancient representations
judged Agrippina on her inability to fulfil the expected, passive role of mother and wife in
Roman society and, in doing so, encouraged her own downfall

1. Anthony Barrett:

Takes a middle ground between hostility and total admiration

It is when Agrippina is judged by her achievements, rather than her

personality or character that she demands admiration.

2. Richard Bauman:

Not quite as friendly as Barrett but is certainly less hostile than ancient

In spite of her many unpleasant qualities, one cannot help feeling a certain
admiration for Julia Agrippina, the last of the really great Julio-Claudian

3. Salmon

Idea that Agrippina learnt her methods from her peers and circumstances is
shared by Salmon who states that she inherited an ambitious
temperament from her mother

Bluntly affirms that she was no paragon of female virtue, using the metaphor
that she would wade through slaughter in order to secure the throne

Shares the ancient belief of her ruthlessness and determination, whilst

justifying it in acknowledging that she was a product of her time

Within the modern sources, there is a tendency to portray Agrippina the Younger as a
determined female, eager to enter the world of male politics, despite the restrictions and
victimization of the Roman society. The sources praise her for her administrative and
political skills as well as acknowledging that she is a victim of the system that she is
exploiting. The defence of her flaws and unethical methods to achieve her ambitions is
justified, by the evaluation of her actions within the context of her government system
and society.



The modern interpretations, in comparison with the ancient sources, appear to be more
lenient and understanding in their approach to history, as well as the specific example of
Agrippina the Younger. An attempt to lead a well-developed investigation where
previous interpretations are challenged, in order to recreate an individual rather than a
stereotype, appears to be the inclination. Regardless of her true nature, it cannot be
disputed that she was a woman of immense vigour, distinction and courage and her
achievements are worth great praise and admiration.

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