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In The Matter Of: Delaware Dog Control Panel ITMO: DE Animal Care v. Pereira Hearing August 5, 2014 Wilcox & Fetzer, Ltd. 1330 King Street Wilmington, DE 19801 email:, web: . Phone: 302-655-0477, fax: 302-655-0497 Vee WILCOX & FETZER LTD. Original File hmg0805 4DogControL. txt Min-U-Script® with Word Index DELAWARE DOG CONTROL PANEL -- HEARING -- IN THE MATTER OF: Walter Pereira, concerning a potentially dangerous dog: ) ) Delaware Animal Care and Control v. ) ) ) Jackie - female Rottweiler - black/tan ) First State Animal Center 32 Shelter Circle Camden, DE 19932 Tuesday, August 5, 2014 7:00 p.m. BEFORE: Anne Cavanaugh, Chairperson officer Lenny Aguilar, DSP Representative Dr. luke Jones, Veterinarian Interpreter for Walter Pereira (Father): Alina Salvat ~- Transcript of Proceedings -- WILCOX & FETZER 1330 King Street Wilmington, DE 19801 (302) 655-0477 wer WILCOX & FETZER LTD Reglstered Professional Reporters (G02) 655-0877 ‘wen.wifetcorn 10 1 12 23 14 15 16 a 18 | 19 20 21 22 23 24 MS. CAVANAUGH: Okay. It's 0. We are going to get started. First we are going to introduce the panel members. I'm Anne Cavanaugh. I'm the chairperson for tonight. Come in. Have a seat. Here is another chair up here if you want to take it. So I'm Anne Cavanaugh. I'm Delaware SPCA's designee. OFFICER AGUILAR: I'm Lenny Aguilar. I'm the representative from the Delaware State Police. DR. JONES: I'm Luke Jones. I'ma veterinarian in Delaware. MS. CAVANAUGH: So I'm going to read an opening statement. The Delaware Dog Control Panel: Delaware's Dangerous and Potentially Dangerous Dog Law, Delaware Code Title 9, Chapter 9, Subchapter 2, Subsection 925(a), states, "A dog who has inflicted physical injury upon a human or domestic animal, killed a human or domestic animal, pursued a person in an apparent attitude of attack, and/or was used to facilitate animal cruelty or animal fighting, is in violation of this law and must be seized and impounded by Delaware Animal Care and Control until the determination as to whether the dog's actions were Wer WILCOX & FETZER LTD Resistered Professional Reporters (302) 655-0477 via lft com 10 a 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 dangerous or potentially dangerous. The owner of an impounded dog may abide by the findings and conclusion of Animal Care and Control or, if the omer disagrees with the conclusion, he or she may request a hearing before the Dog Control Panel to present evidence as to why the actions of the dog for which it was seized should not be considered dangerous or potentially dangerous as defined by this code." All hearings shall be informal, open to the public, and need not conform to standard rules of evidence. Hearsay evidence shall be allowed but not may not be relied upon as the sole evidence in the panel's determination. This hearing is not a community meeting. The hearing will open with instructions and brief statements from each party noting what they intend to establish. For example, is the dog dangerous, potentially dangerous, or not dangerous, the number of witnesses they will present, and the amount of time they expect to need for their presentation. The members of Delaware's Dog Control Panel will hear evidence and testimony concerning the incident that caused the dog to be seized in We WILCOX 8, FETZER LTD Professional Reporters (G02) 655.0477 ‘nv itecom 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 accordance with Delaware law. The panel may exclude any evidence which is plainly irrelevant, immaterial, cumulative, or unduly repetitive. Each witness will clearly state and spell, if requested, their full name for the record and be sworn in prior to testimony. Following opening statements, each party shall produce witnesses and evidence on their own behalf and have the opportunity to cross examine witnesses. The panel may examine the witness after testimony, cross examination, and also reserves the xight to recall a witness to answer additional questions or clarify testimony. After brief closing statements from both parties, deliberations of the panel will be conducted in executive session. At that time the panel will determine, based upon the preponderance of evidence and testimony provided during the hearing, whether the dog's actions for which it was impounded meets the level of public hazard as defined by Delaware law. After returning from deliberations, the panel shall announce its conclusion by reading the decision letter into the record. After reading, the We WILCOX 8 FETZER LTD Profesional Reportere (302) 655-0477 oa 10 a 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 owner shall then be provided with a copy of the written notice. The decision of the panel is final. We are hoping to get all the evidence presented and the witnesses questioned in about an hour. And both sides have an opportunity to tell their side of the story And so the first thing that is going to happen is Animal Control is going to make an opening statement. OFFICER WARBURTON: Good evening, panel membexs, Mr. Johnston, ladies and gentlemen. When Delaware Animal Care and Control suspects a dog is dangerous or potentially dangerous, there are elements that must be met. For example, did the dog cause serious physical injury or physical injury to a human being. There are other factors that we look at, as well. One of the major factors that carry a lot of weight is the furiosity of the attack. Tonight you will hear about furiosity, how this dog lunged and attacked Mr. Johnston four times, only stopping when Mr. Johnston grabbed a rock striking the dog in the head. Another factor that we look at is public safety. The Pereiras, at the time of the incident, we WILCOX & FETZER LTD Ragistarad Professional Reporters (G08) 635-0477 ‘worn 10 abe 12 13 14 1s 16 a7 18 19 20 22 22 23 24} reported that they only had this dog, Jackie, an adult female Rottweiler, for a few weeks. They had this dog at their business where an employee had tied it out and it had gotten lose from its tether and, unprovoked, attacked Mr. Johnston, who.was working on his own property next door. The safety of the community is always a factor when suspecting a dog is dangerous. And it's a valid concern. DF is charged with looking at the macro picture of the incident and considering if there were children or others that would be exposed to this dog. You will hear tonight testimony describing the attack that occurred on 7/11/2014 by Jackie, an adult female Rottweiler, black and white, owned by Walter Pereira. My name is Captain Sherry Warburton. And tonight with my counsel, Sergeant Kim Snares, we will be representing Delaware Animal Care and Control and Mr. Johnston in front of the panel. We have four witnesses, lasting approximately 30 minutes. The testimony you will hear tonight will prove that Jackie, a black and tan adult WILCOX & FETZER LTD Registere Professional Reporters (202) 655-0477 ‘wir. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 female Rottweiler, is a dangerous animal and should be deemed dangerous in accordance with Delaware Code, Title 9, Chapter 9, Subsection 95. Thank you. MS. CAVANAUGH: Are you the dog's owner, Mr. Pereira? MR. PEREIRA: Yes, ma'am. I would like to say good evening, members of the panel, and thank you for assembling tonight. I would like to say that tonight you will hear my side of the story, the side of Jackie, because I am representing her. I have eyewitnesses in this room right now. I also have some affidavits of friends of mine that have interacted with Jackie. I do not believe Jackie should be deemed dangerous. I just hope you guys will see all the evidence I brought with me tonight and will hear my story and, based on that, decide. Thank you. : MS. CAVANAUGH: Thank you. MR. PEREIRA (FATHER MS. CAVANAUGH: Good afternoon. MR. PEREIRA (FATHER): I'm Walter's father. In this case, first of all, I will say good evening to all of you. And I also want to start by once again We WILCOX & FETZER LTD Registered Professional Reporters ‘@02) 655-0477 ‘ 10 aoe 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 at 22 23 24 saying I'm sorry to Mr. Johnston for the incident. I spoke with him Monday, and he knows how much and how badly I feel about this. I know that words don't necessarily resolve anything. But, even so, he knows that my son is the owner of the dog for approximately one month or a month and maybe a week or a couple of weeks. So again, once again, I'm sorry. The situation we are here to see if he is dangerous or not, I ask the officer -- (The reporter asks the interpreter to speak louder.) MS. CAVANAUGH: This is also just an opening statement. You don't need to get into a lot of information. Thank you. MR. PEREIRA (FATHER): You are welcome. MS. CAVANAUGH: Please proceed. OFFICER WARBURTON: This is the witness chair. Would the panel prefer more space over there? MS. CAVANAUGH: Yeah, I think it would be better right here, as long as you can hear it. OFFICER WARBURTON: Delaware Animal Care and Control would like to call James Johnston to the chair. WE WILCOX & FETZER LTD Registered Professional Reporters (302) 655-0477 vor. wlfetcom 18 19 20 21) 22 23 24 JAMES F, JOHNSTON, HAVING FIRST BEEN DULY SWORN, TESTIFIED AS FOLLOWS: DIRECT EXAMINATION ON BEHALF OF ANIMAL CARE BY OFFICER WARBURTON: Q Good evening, Mr. Johnston. A Good evening. Q Do you recognize this dog? (Holding up photograph) A Yeah. I have never been that close to the dog other than this incident. One time when they first got the dog, he had it on a lead, and he was walking over towards me. I was talking with Junior, Walter Junior. And, other than that, the dog has been tied. It's always been a distance. Q But is this it? A I would say that's the dog. OFFICER WARBURTON: Delaware Animal Care and Control would like to introduce evidence number one. I will set it there. BY OFFICER WARBURTON: Q And where do you live, sir? A 1226 South DuPont Boulevard in Smyrna. Q This is Delaware Animal Care and Control evidence number two. Is this your residence? We WILCOX & FETZER LTD Reglsterad Professional Reportere (02) 655-0477 wo wife. com 10 a 12 13 14 15 16 17, 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 10 A The building on the right, yes, uh-huh. Q Yes. And is this the property line between your residence and the business? A Yes. Where the vehicles are parked on the left, that's about the property line, yes. OFFICER WARBURTON: Okay. Thank you. MS. CAVANAUGH: Can you show me the property line? OFFICER WARBURTON: Where the vehicles are parked. MS. CAVANAUGH: This is his house? OFFICER WARBURTON: Yes. | DR. JONES: That's the driveway. BY OFFICER WARBURTON: Q Can you describe the area around your home? Is it mostly rural or fields or -- A It's very rural. I mean, there is Walter's business to the left of me; Charlie Woodley, who was supposed to have been here tonight, he is to the right of me. And there is two other houses to the right of him, okay, north of him. And then the back of us is a good-sized field owned by Harrison Manufacturing -- Harris Manufacturing. And behind that, I believe, is a Wr WILCOX & FETZER LTD Registered Professional Reporters (G02) 655-0477 wovwietcom, 10 ce 12 13 14 1s 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 aL development, a housing development, but there is a wood line, so you can't see the housing development. So you call it maybe sparsely populated? Yeah. Okay. > Oo PO Now, to the left of Walter is Hardee's fast food restaurant . Q So there is other businesses? A Oh, yeah. That's where -- Simon's Corner, Simon's something. There is a plaza, and there is a Wawa, and a bank. Q Okay. A. and a few other things. Q Okay. So on July 11, 2014 around 11:30 p.m., can you explain what you were doing? A Well, my neighbor, Charlie, to the north of me, we always get the newspaper. He would come over, get the newspaper from us when we were done reading it. And he was asking me what I was doing on the south side of my house, the driveway side. And what I was doing is I bought the house in November, so I'm new -- I'm a new owner to the house. And some of the things the previous owner did, I didn't particularly like. We WILCOX & FETZER LTD Reglstored Professional Reporters (G02) 655-0477 ver vlfet-com 10 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 12 So one thing is they had a hill going up to the side door, and they had it covered with blacktop rather than making a retaining wall and some type of steps or whatnot. So I took the blacktop out. And there was a retaining wall that they had like a flower bed in. They had built a retaining wall with a cinderblock, and it was deteriorating and falling down. So I had a fellow come in a couple days earlier. He had a little machine, broke the wall down for me, cleaned all that mess out. So I just had a little dirt there. Anyway, Charlie, my neighbor, came over and asked me what I was doing. So I took him around to that side to show him. And, you know, he had the back to Walter's house, and I was kind of talking to him about what was going on. And the next thing I knew, there was like one bark. And when I turned, the dog was basically on me. I had enough time to put my arm up, and he bit me in the arm. But he didn't only bite. I mean, he ripped. And I was hitting him with my left hand, but I don't have the strength. And the dog released me, stepped back, and hit me again. And by now he has got WILCOX & FETZER LTD Registered Professional Reporters "(202) 655.0477 wortnifetcom, 10 a 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 13 he did that four times. By now, he has got me up close to the house, which was a good thing because, where we took the retaining wall down, there was a couple of rocks. And I couldn't get the dog off just hitting it and yelling at it and everything else. So I reached down and picked up a stone, not a big one, but one that I could handle, and I hit the dog -- don't ask me how many times -- but a number of times, and it finally released. And now it finally backed away. The funny thing about it is I'm hollering to my neighbor Charlie to help me. And I don't know if he panicked or what, but the dog turned and walked with him when he was walking over to Walter's house. Never attacked him, never showed any signs of aggression to him. And they went to get the young lady, I believe. By now, I had gone to the back of my house, and I'm yelling to my friend Bee to get me a tourniquet or something. I thought I was bleeding to death. I mean, I was tore open pretty good, and quite a bit of blood was coming out. And I didn't know -- you know, I'm not a paramedic. I don't know what to do. But the blood was We WILCOX & FETZER LTD. Ragisterad Professional Reportare (G02) 655-0477 ro iftscom 10 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 20 21 22 23 24 14 coming out quite a bit. And I think we have some photos. Anyway, we tied it off a little bit, wrapped it up, called the paramedics. And after that, I don't know what took place. They took me to Bayhealth. Q Mr. Johnston, when you said that the dog had bitten you for the fourth time and pushed you against the house -- A Yeah. Q -- is that the house you are speaking of? A Yes. This picture is taken after we have done more work. There was a retaining wall that came out from the side of that house here up the driveway. And I'm sure -- anyway, we took the block out, and there was just a mound of dirt. Okay? And in that dirt was the rock. So I was actually up against here, and -- well, you can see the blood spatters on the house too, so ... Q Okay. And this is the area that you grabbed the large rock? A Yes. Q And this is Delaware Animal Care and Control evidence number three. And then, when you said after Jackie had WE WILCOX & FETZER LTD Registered Professional Reporters (302) 685-0477 wince com 10 i 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 stopped biting you for the fourth time -- this is Delaware Animal Care and Control evidence number four -- you had walked to your back doorway? A Right. Q And is that the blood trail that you left from your arm? A Yes. Uh-huh. Q And you did state that you thought you were bleeding to death? A Yes. Because I mean, it was running out. I found out after the fact that if you severed an artery, it would have been squirting. But it was running out a pretty steady stream, which had me pretty alarmed, you know, and I thought I was bleeding to death, so... Q And then you went immediately to the hospital after the ambulance arrived? A Yeah, the care center, the care center of Bayhealth. Q ‘his is Delaware Animal Care and Control evidence number five. Is this your arm? A Yes. Q And can you tell me what they did to you at the hospital? A Well, I guess -- again, I don't know biology 15 We WILCOX & FETZER LTD Registered Professional Reportare (202) 655-0677 ‘nt tifetcom 10 a. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 16 or whatnot -- but they can't seal a dog gash or sever completely. So they can only put four stitches into the gash that I had here. But I believe they counted nine puncture wounds on the arm, top and bottom, and two on the hand, a total of 11 puncture wounds and a couple other little tears. But they stitched me up and, you know, washed it very well, and then stitched me up and sent me on my way - Q And when Officer Hoyle arrived to take pictures, she wasn't going to have you unwrap the gauze A Right, right. Q -- so this is the first picture that we have of the wounds. This is Delaware Animal Care and Control again evidence number five. And then a couple days when your dressings were changed, can you identify this picture? A Yeah. That was probably -- if it wasn't the following day, it was two days later. Again, because they couldn't stitch it completely, it oozed quite a bit, and so the dressing had to be changed a couple different times each day. Q And this is Delaware Animal Care and Control We WILCOX & FETZER LTD Registeres Professional Reporters (302) 685-0477 ‘rove 10 com 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 17 evidence number six. Was it painful? A Yeah. (Laughing) Q How has this attack affected you? A Well, let's -- I like dogs. Do I put dogs on the same level as human beings like a lot of people do? No. That dog, I was actually -- I'm going to defend them a little bit. I was glad that dog was in the neighborhood when they got it. Because earlier, I'm going to say around April time frame, I was burglarized. My shed was burglarized, and about $8,000 worth of tool and equipment were stolen. So when they got the dog, I was like, "Oh, boy, that's good we got a dog in the neighborhood." The problem is, I don't know if I can trust the dog. I would be afraid. Hazel and Bee both live with me, and Bee used to raise dogs and show dogs, and she knows quite a bit about dogs. Hazel is -- she likes animals, but not an animal lover. I would be afraid at this point what might have happened if it was them. I also have grandchildren. I know the dog hit me hard. And what kept me on my feet, I will never We WILCOX & FETZER LTD Registered Professional Reportar (202) 655-0477 10 ee 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 know. But I think, if I went down, we might -- I don't know if we would be even talking about this right now. I don't know. Because the way the dog attacked me, I just -- I don't know what would have happened if I went down or if it had been somebody else like them or my grandkids. Um, I have mixed feelings. I mean, I have seen them with the dog. The dog has been fine. I have seen Junior walk the dog down into that like Wawa, and it's been around people with no issues. Q But you just don't feel comfortable? A I don't feel comfortable now. Q Can you identify this statement written by you? A I don't have my glasses. I apologize. Q Do you remember writing a statement? A Yes. Q Okay. And does that look like your signature at the bottom? A Yes, it is. OFFICER WARBURTON: Okay. No further questions. Thank you. MS. CAVANAUGH: If you have questions 18 We WILCOX & FETZER LTD. Resistered Professional Reporters (02) 655-0477 ‘ror vfetcom 10 1. 12 13 14 15 16 a7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 19 for this witness, you can ask any questions, or you can call him later if you want to. But if you have questions, you can ask them now. MR. PEREIRA: Please, I just have one question for Mr. Johnston. Here I have a copy of the post-bite quarantine order. It says here your address is 16 Frenchman Branch Road, Smyrna, Delaware. You just stated that your address was right next to us. Do you actually live there, or were you visiting there? MR. JOHNSTON: Walter, I live there. 16 Frenchman was an old address where I used to live. That was prior to -- MR. PEREIRA: I will show it to you. MR. JOHNSTON: October 31st closing on the house. MR. PEREIRA: I am only asking you this question because of this right here, because they wrote it down. MR. JOHNSTON: TI don't know why they wrote that. I have no idea. MR. PEREIRA: No further questions. Thank you, Mr. Johnston. MS. CAVANAUGH: Questions from the we WILCOX & FETZER LTD Registered Professional Reporte (G02) 685-0477 10 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 1g 19 20 21 22 23 24 20 panel? BY OFFICER AGUILAR: Q Mr. Johnston, this occurred on a Friday? A A Friday. Q Friday. Okay. Did you notice anybody else either on your neighbor's property or on your property when this incident occurred? A Earlier -- I don't know her name -- I'm sorry -- this young lady took the dog out of the garage earlier in the morning. I don't know what time. That's the only other person I saw there. Q Okay. And in closer proximity to the time of the incident, did you notice anybody out -- A No. Q -+ or on your neighbor's property either? A No. Q Okay. No other people, activity around there? A Not that I noticed. OFFICER AGUILAR: Okay. TI don't have anything else. MS. CAVANAUGH: Thank you. You are excused. Thank you. OFFICER WARBURTON: Delaware Animal Care We WILCOX & FETZER LTD Registered Professional Reporters (G02) 655-0477 ‘wen. 10 n 12 13 14 15 16 ay 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 21 and Control calls Beatrice Elliott. BEATRICE ELLIOTT, HAVING FIRST BEEN DULY SWORN, TESTIFIED AS FOLLOWS: DIRECT EXAMINATION ON BEHALF OF ANIMAL CARE BY OFFICER WARBURTON: Q Good morning, Ms. Elliott. Can you tell me where you live? A I live at 1226 South DuPont Boulevard. Q And do you know Mr. Johnston? A Yes. Q Do you recognize this dog (showing picture), Delaware Animal Care and Control evidence number one? A Yes. Q And do you know where this dog lives? A Belongs to Walter. Q Thank you. Is this your statement that you wrote on July 11? A Yes. Q And in your statement you state that you saw the dog earlier that morning. Can you describe what you meant by “having a hard time controlling the dog"? A The dog was locked in a garage, a very hot garage, all night long. She was trying to get the dog out of the garage, and the dog was giving her a very We WILCOX & FETZER LTD Regicterad Professional Reporters (G02) 655-0877 ‘wo veto 10 nu 12 13 14 1s 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 22 hard time. Q And when you say "she," was that Ms. Mariano? A Yes. Q Okay. And what did you hear around 11:30 that morning? A I heard Jamie holler, "I'm bleeding to death! Get a tourniquet for my arm!" And I ran out, and I saw the blood was running out of his arm. And I got a tourniquet and put it on his arm and hollered for Hazel to call 911, and she did. And the paramedics came -- and thank God we live right around the corner from them -- and took care of his arm. Q When the Animal Control officer arrived after Mr. Johnston had left to the ER, she was loading the dog onto the truck? A Yes. Q Did you notice anything unusual about that? A We had a hard time getting the dog up. She was on the bumper or the thing, and we were behind the dog. And it took three of us to get him up. Q Did she control the dog, Ms. Mariano? A No, she did. We WILCOX & FETZER LTD Registered Professional Reporters (202) 685-0477 ‘wirefetcom 10 a 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 23 Q Okay. The Animal Control officer did? A Yes. OFFICER WARBURTON: Okay. I have no further questions. Thank you. MS. CAVANAUGH: Wait a second, ma'am. Do you have questions for this witness? MR. PERBIRA: No. I just wanted to state when the witness said that the dog was held inside a very hot garage, actually the garage has a window with a big fan, and we left it run overnight, so the dog was never in danger. I just want to say that to the panel. MS. CAVANAUGH: Questions from the panel? BY DR. JONES: Q T have a quick question. You said that Ms. Mariano had a difficult time controlling the dog and that you guys had a hard time loading the dog? A Right. Q Was the dog behaving aggressively? A No, he wasn't. But he didn't want to come out of the garage. We couldn't get him out of the garage, and he just was not a happy camper. Q Okay. But not threatening to bite anyone? wer WILCOX & FETZER LTD Registered Professional Reporters (02) 685-0477 ‘we 10 a 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 24 A I didn't notice. I just saw her struggling with the dog trying to get him out of the door, and I went back in the house. I don't know why -- I probably was filling the bird feeder and was not out in the yard a long time. DR. JONES: Okay. MR. PEREIRA: Excuse me. I also want to state something else. MS. CAVANAUGH: Excuse me. You get to tell your story later. MR. PEREIRA: All right. MS. CAVANAUGH: This is their turn. You can have all these people come back if you want. But you don't have to refute what they are saying. MR. PEREIRA: Right. I understand. Sorry about that. MS. CAVANAUGH: You are excused. Thank you. THE WITNESS: Thank you. SERGEANT SCHNARES: Hi. I'm Sergeant Schnares of Delaware Animal Care and Control. I'm going to call Officer Hoyle up to the seat here. she was the officer that responded when the call came in. Okay? Officer Hoyle. wer WILCOX & FETZER LTD Registered Professional Reporters (202) 655-0477 ‘wre fetcom 25 OFFICER HOYLE, 2 HAVING FIRST BEEN DULY SWORN, TESTIFIED AS FOLLOWS: a DIRECT EXAMINATION ON BEHALF OF ANIMAL CARE 4 BY SERGEANT SCHNARES: 5 Q Okay. Officer Hoyle, how long have you been 6| employed with Delaware Animal Care and Control? 7 A Approximately six months. 8 Q Six months. All right. And what is your 7 rank at this time? 10 A Officer with Animal Control. 11 Q On July 11, 2014, were you dispatched to a 12| vesidence in smyrna? 13 A Yes. 14 Q Can you tell me who you made contact with 1s| upon your arrival? 1s | A When I first pulled into the driveway at 17 12:44, I got out, and Mr. Woodley III come walking down 18 saying, “Over here." So I made contact with him. 19 He walked me up to the corner of the house of 20| 1226. And he showed me all the blood splatter on the 21, side of the house and explained to me that the dog was 22) next door, came from next door and kind of ran through 23 the scenario of what happened. 24 Q Okay. Where was the victim at this time? WILCOX & FETZER LTD Registered Professional Reporters (G2) 635-067 10 a 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 A He was at the hospital. Q Okay. After learning where the dog resided, what did you do at that point? A After taking pictures of the blood trail and talking to Mr. Woodley, I excused myself and told him I had to go next door to make contact with the dog's owner. Q . Okay. You spoke briefly with Alexandria? A Yes, matam. Q Okay, who was on the phone with the owner of the dog. And who was the owner of the dog? What was his name, please? A Walter Pereira. Q And did you speak with him on the phone? A Yes. Q You did? Okay. And can you tell us what he said during your conversation? A When I asked Ms. Mariano if I could speak to the owner, she said he was on the phone. She handed me the phone. I told him who I was and why I was there. And I told him what was going to happen, that I needed to verify if the dog had current rabies inoculation so I could determine where the dog was going to be Wer WILCOX & FETZER LTD Registered Professional Reportars (302) 685-0477 ‘wore. com, 10 a. 12 13 14 as 16 ay 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 27 quarantined at, because the rules of a dog bite incident, if they have current rabies inoculation, they could possibly stay quarantined at home; or, if it didn't, they would have to be quarantined at a licensed facility. So he said he was on the road at the time and that he was not sure if the dog had current rabies, because he had just got the dog a couple weeks ago from another person. So I asked him who he got the dog from, and he gave me his name. I asked if he had his phone number so I could call that owner to find out, because I really needed to know if the dog had current rabies. and he gave me his name. It was Marvin Parker, I believe it was. Yes, Marvin Parker. So I told him I was going to call him and try to find out, and then I would call Mr. Pereira right back. And he was like okay. Q The evidence sheet number one, can you identify this dog? A Yes. That's Jackie, the Rottweiler that we are here for today. Q Since this dog was not current on rabies vaccination, what at that time did you do with the dog? WILCOX & FETZER LTD Aogetered Profesional Reporters (G02) 655-0477 or itm 10 a 12 13 a4 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 28 A I explained to Ms. Mariano the procedure for dogs not current on rabies inoculation and that I would have to fill out some paperwork, get some info, information. And since Mr. Pereira was on the phone, I asked her if she would sign the paperwork as the caretaker of the dog at the time. She was like yes. And then I asked her if she could call Mr. Pereira back, because I needed to explain to him too. Even though he was on the road, I needed to explain to him, as owner, what was going to happen. And that, because she was there, Ms. Mariano was there, that was who was going to have to sign the paperwork, because she was taking care of the dog at the time. Q Did they also have a current Kent County dog license for the dog? A No, ma'am. Q Okay. Was Ms. Mariano very cooperative or uncooperative at this time? A She was very cooperative. Q Okay. Is this where the dog was located? I'm sorry. This is the last one. (Handing) Evidence number E7. Is this the location and the conditions of the dogs, where they were living? Wer WILCOX & FETZER LTD Registered Professional Reporters (202) 655-0477 ‘ir 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 22 23 24 29 A That was the room that the dog was in when I arrived over to the auto lot to talk to Ms. Mariano. Q Okay. All right. When Ms. Mariano brought the dog to the vehicle, what was the dog's demeanor or what did she have? A I mean, the dog wasn't aggressive. It was kind of like a little nervous like it didn't know what was going on at the time. So I would say nervous. Q Did you, yourself, feel threatened in any way by the dog's behavior? A ‘I definitely stayed away, because, since she was the owner/caretaker at the time, I asked her to load the dog. Because when I even -- when I told her that I needed to take a picture of the dog and we opened the door, I mean, the dog, you know, was barking and just was not nice,..So I had her load the dog, and I stayed in the truck., Q Okay. How was the dog when you got her back here and unloaded her at the shelter? A The dog was quiet. She was -- I did not take her out of the truck on a leash. I took her out on a pole because I didn't trust her. But she was quiet. And when I took her inside to put her in her kennel, she was scared. She We WILCOX & FETZER LTD Registered Professional Reporters (G02) 655-0477 ‘wwe 10 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 a1 22 23 24 30 didn't want to walk easily into the kennel. Q All right. You interviewed Ms. Beatrice Elliott; correct? A Yes, ma'am. Q And her statement? OFFICER WARBURTON: I think she took it with her. SERGEANT SCHNARES: Thank you. BY SERGEANT SCHNARES: Q This is the statement. (Handing) You witnessed her fill that out; correct? A Yes, ma'am. Q Okay. All right. Did you see Mr. Johnston again after he got home from the hospital? A Yes. After leaving the scene the first time, I went to the Smyxna Emergency Clinic and made contact with Mr. Johnston while he was there and to get a picture of his wound, which didn't come out because my camera was on video mode by accident. But I did go back later that night to make contact with him and to make sure he was all right and to get a current picture even though the wound was already wrapped. SERGEANT SCHNARES: That's all the We WILCOX & FETZER LTD Recistered Professional Reporters (G02) 655-0477 svi ifekcom 31 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 questions we have for Officer Hoyle at this time. MS. CAVANAUGH: Do you have questions for this officer? MR. PEREIRA: No, ma'am. MR. PEREIRA (FATHER): I kind of have one question for you. Do you remember who you speak with when you speak with the previous owner, do you xemember what he told you? (Mr. Pereira is speaking without his interpreter) OFFICER HOYLE: Yes He said that he had gave Mr. Pereira, Walter, the dog approximately a month, month and a half ago. Q (Using interpreter) And what was the reason we got in touch with him? A To verify -- the reason why I got in touch with him? Q (Not using interpreter) Yeah. Why the original? A To verify if the dog had a current rabies shot from the previous owner. Q (Using interpreter) Regarding what you just said, if we had had the vaccinations in a timely way, we wouldn't be here today? A If the dog was current on its rabies We WILCOX & FETZER LTD Registered Professional Reporters (02) 655-0477 ‘ow lfetscom 10 11 12 13 4 1s 16 17 18 19 20 2. 22 23 24 32 inoculation, it could have possibly been quarantined at home. I would have had to verify that with the providers because of the severity of the bite. MS. CAVANAUGH: This is not your time to make your case. MR. PEREIRA (FATHER): Oh, okay. MS. CAVANAUGH: If you have questions for this officer, you can ask. MR. PEREIRA (FATHER): No, no. I appreciate that. Thank you. I appreciate it. MS. CAVANAUGH: Is this the garage that we are referring to? OFFICER HOYLE: No, ma'am. That isa room in the main office building. There is a room off to the side that the dogs was in. MS. CAVANAUGH: This is a repair shop? OFFICER HOYLE: I don't know exactly. MR. PEREIRA (FATHER) : {not using interpreter) I can answer that question. That's not their dog room. The dog is not even over there. That's my son. They put it on there after the incident. When the dog is in the office, it's all offices there. MS. CAVANAUGH: Thank you. we WILCOX & FETZER LTD Registered Protessional Reporters (G02) 655-0477 33 10 cee 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24) BY OFFICER AGUILAR: Q have a question. When you responded over to the property where the dog belonged, how many people, how many humans did you come in contact with over there? A dust one, Ms. Alexandria Mariano. Q So there was only one person over there that was taking responsibility for that dog at that time? A Yes, sir. OFFICER AGUILAR: Okay. BY DR. JONES: 1 Q have a question. Did Mr. Marvin Parker give you any additional information on the behavior of Jackie in the past, why he might have given her to Walter, of any kind? A No, sir. I just asked if he was the previous owner of Jackie. And he had her by a different name. And I can't remember exactly what he called her. And I just asked if he had had current rabies inoculation with the dog, and he was like no. DR. JONES: All right. BY OFFICER AGUILAR: Q I have another question. At anytime with your interviews with the dog owner or the caretaker of we WILCOX & FETZER LTD istered Professional Reporters 102) 655-0477 swore wet corn 10 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 34 the dog at that property, did they explain to you how they kept the dog confined into their property? A No. Q No? Did you ask? A Um, actually, I don't think I did. Q Okay. A I just, I went through explaining the process of our dog bite procedures that we have to go through. OFFICER AGUILAR: Okay. Thank you. I have no further questions. MS. CAVANAUGH: Thank you. You are excused. SERGEANT SCHNARES: I would like to call Officer Rebecca Stratton, please. OFFICER REBECCA STRATTON, HAVING FIRST BEEN DULY SWORN, TESTIFIED AS FOLLOWS: DIRECT EXAMINATION ON BEHALF OF ANIMAL CARE BY SERGEANT SCHNARE: Q Okay. How long have you been employed with Delaware Animal Care and Control, please? A About six months. Q Six months? And what's your rank? A Officer. Q You're an officer? Okay. on July 16, 2014, We WILCOX & FETZER LTD Registered Profesional Reporters (202) 685-0477 10 cee 12 13 14 15 16 a7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 35 while at the shelter you had contact with the dog's owner. Can you state the owner's name, please? A Walter Pereira. Q Okay. And you spoke with him in regard to his dog, Jackie; correct? A That's correct. Q Can you tell us what that entailed, the conversation? A At the time we were explaining to him about the citations I was writing to him. He was cited for a dog running at large, bites a person, failure to inoculate, failure to provide license. During the conversation, he stated that the dog was there for protection. During the conversation, Sergeant Hoyle was explaining to him the dog panel. His father had suggested to him to actually not surrender the dog to us. And he had decided at that time that he did not want to surrender the dog. Q Okay. Okay. Did the dog owner advise why he had the dog? I think you just said that? A Yes. He had just stated that he had the dog at the property for protection. SERGEANT SCHNARES: Okay. That's all the questions we have for Officer Stratton. Wer WILCOX & FETZER LTD Reglstered Professional Reporters (G02) 655-0877 wer ifetscom 10 a. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 36 MS. CAVANAUGH: Do you have questions, Mr. Pereira, for this officer? MR. PEREIRA: No. BY MR. PEREIRA (FATHER): Q (Not using interpreter) Officer, what was the reason you want to contact my son that date? A I'm sorry? Q What is reason you want to contact him that date? You told Officer Hoyle give the paper to you; xight? A Officer Hoyle was not in the office. Q No, no, no. What's her name? A She was off duty that day. Q Okay. And that day we come to try to find her, and you had the paper? A Yes. I had the case paperwork with me. Q Okay. So -- okay. A To have a signature from him from the quarantine order. Q For quarantine order; right? A Yes. Q Never talking about aggressive dog. That's only quarantine. A I was not at the scene to talk to you about We WILCOX & FETZER LTD Registered Professional Reporters (G02) 655-0477 vw. wfetcom 10 rey 2 13 14 15 16 17 18 1g 20 21 22 23 24 37 an aggressive dog. MR. PEREIRA (FATHER): Thank you. I appreciate it. That's it. MS. CAVANAUGH: Panel questions? OFFICER AGUILAR: No questions. MS. CAVANAUGH: You are excused Thank you. OFFICER WARBURTON: Delaware Animal Care and Control rests. MS. CAVANAUGH: Thank you. Now it's your turn to present your witnesses and your evidence. I would like you to try and make sure that you try to keep it relevant to what happened, so namely this incident And you can call witnesses and ask them questions, and we can ask questions of your witnesses, as well. MR. PEREIRA: Thank you. I first want to show these pictures to the panel and everybody here that this is Jackie. This is Jackie. The officers are showing this. So you can see. You can see. I just want the panel -- MS. CAVANAUGH: If you want to put them into evidence, you can bring them up here, and we will we WILCOX & FETZER LTD Registered Professional Reporters (202) 655.0477 ‘wire wtetcomm 10 a 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 38 mark them. MR. PEREIRA (FATHER): You have all in that. MS. CAVANAUGH: That's okay. We will take it. MR, PEREIRA: I just wanted to show the panel and everybody those pictures, because when the witnesses were -- some of them did mention that Alexandria did have difficulty with her, and I believe she did because of the size. And it was the first time I left her taking care of the dog. Further, I want to mention Marvin Parker, which is -- this is the original -- this is the paperwork he gave me, which says that Jackie is actually appropriate Rottweiler. I believed, as a first-time dog owner, that this was the licensing. when Mr. Parker actually sold me the dog, he told me he sold it to me because she was not as aggressive. She wasn't aggressive at all. His other dogs were aggressive. When I got her, she was living in a kennel outside behind his house. He told me he didn't really socialize with her. So, when I got her, I wanted a better wer WILCOX & FETZER LTD Reglstered Professional Reporters (G02) 655-0477 wor wifeticom 10 121 12 13 14 15 16 a 18 19 20 39 life for her. I even asked my father to pay for obedience classes. Because I was -- I wanted to take her to it, you know, and give her a better life. MR. PEREIRA (FATHER): Give it to them. MS. CAVANAUGH: You can show it to us. MR. PEREIRA: This is also a copy that's in your folders. This is the receipt. It was actually set for a later date, but they change it to 8/17. But it was paid for June 6. And I was trying to -- so I was trying to give her a better life. He told me when he first got her that she had all the vaccines. I believed him because, as a two-year-old dog, I thought she had the second rabies shot which was good for three years. That's what I believed. That's why I was waiting for the vaccine. MR. PEREIRA (FATHER): We were waiting for the vaccine report. MR. PEREIRA: I also have affidavits of friends of mine. I actually have three of them, who they also -- they are friends, but they also have taken care of Jackie. There is also copies in you guys! folders. I don't know if you guys would like to see We WILCOX & FETZER LTD Registered Professional Reporters (G02) 655-0477 von wet. com 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1s 19 20 21 22 23 24 40 this right now. Jackie is actually -- this is from different people. Jackie has actually stayed in their houses overnight or sometimes over a weekend. And both houses, there are children present, and Jackie has been around children under the age of 18. And I am also wondering why Sergeant Hulse is not here today, because I did mention him in the letter. MR. PEREIRA (FATHER): Show it to them. MR. PEREIRA: The letter I gave to Animal Control. I did mention his name, because he was the one who wants to label my dog dangerous. OFFICER WARBURTON: Objection. He just delivered the paperwork. MS. CAVANAUGH: I understand. So do you understand that? It's the agency that is bringing this charge; it's not one particular officer. MR. PEREIRA: Right. I say this because, when I was talking to Officer stratton, I believe, when I bumped into her, actually, and we was talking about the dog and the incident, Sergeant Hulse stopped and started talking to me about the 21-day that I had to pay $25 a day, that my dog would be We WILCOX & FETZER LTD Registerac Professional Reportar (02) 655-0477 vw 10) a 12 13 14} 15 16 a7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 41 deemed dangerous, and he also said it will be easier for me to redeem my dog, to surrender my dog, and he would drop they gave me three charges, and he will drop two of the charges. I only have to pay -- he would drop the failure to license dog and he would drop the failure to inoculate, and I would only have to pay the dog at large biting person. That's what he stated to me. That's why I put his name on the letter for the panel. I also would like to bring my witness Alexandria Mariano. ALEXANDRIA MARIANO, HAVING FIRST BEEN DULY SWORN, TESTIFIED AS FOLLOW: DIRECT EXAMINATION ON BEHALF OF THE DEFENDANT BY MR. PEREIRA: Q Is this your voluntary statement? A Yes, it is. Q In your voluntary is statement it states that you were discussing prices with a neighbor -- I'm sorry -- with a customer when a neighbor came into the -- let me find it -- neighbors came into the office with Jackie and stated the dog almost -- must be contained, she almost bit somebody. Is this true? We WILCOX & FETZER LTD Registered Professional Reporters (G02) 655-0477 ar fetcom 10 1 12 13 14 1s 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 A Correct. Q So what actually, from your point of view, what actually happened that day? A Well, what happened was I was in the office. Well, in the morning I arrived there around 9:00, 9:30. I took the dogs out of the garage, which is where I kept them overnight . And I cleaned Jackie, I cleaned where she was at. I gave her food and everything like that. And T tied her up to a truck. Now, I triple knotted the leash. That way, she couldn't get free or anything like that. um, I went inside because I had customers come on the property, and they were interested in purchasing some vehicles. So I had to call him to get the prices, since I didn't really know anything. I was just watching the property while they were away. Next thing I know, I'm discussing prices with a customer, and the neighbor comes in shouting, "The dog has to be contained. She almost bit somebody." And that was when the dog actually followed the neighbor into the shop and was wagging its tail and just sat there on the floor. So I grabbed the dog, I put her in the room 42 Wwe WILCOX & FETZER LTD Regtered Profesional Reporters (202) 655-0477 ‘wef. com 43 10 nu 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 where she was at. And then he left onto their property with the incident. Q dust for the panel, where do you live? Can you say where you live? A I live at 9 Greenway Square, Dover, Delaware, 19904 Q All right. And when you tied up the dog, the pickup, where was the pickup located? A In the back of the office. Q Where in the back? Can you specify was it near the neighbors or was it -- A It was near by where the Hardee's was, far away from where the neighbor's residence was. It was blocked by a lot of cars. MR. PEREIRA All right. That's all the questions I have. CROSS EXAMINATION ON BEHALF OF ANIMAL CONTROL BY OFFICER WARBURTON: Q Yes, ma'am. When you said you tied the dog out, did the dog have a collar? A Yes, she did. She had a body harness, but we put it as a harness to double secure it. Q Did you put the harness on the dog, or was it already on the dog? We WILCOX & FETZER LTD Registered Professional Reporters (02) 685-0477 sworn wife corm 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 44 A Q EN too tight, Q harness? A actually e Q customers? A I put the harness on the dog. Was the harness loose? Not so much. I mean, I didn't want to put it but it was fitting. Do you know how the dog escaped out of the Um, I wasn't there, so I didn't see her scape. So you just tied her out, and then you had Yeah, because I had a customer, so I had to tend to the customer. And then I came back out, and she was fii Q first time ne. And have you done this before? Was this your A That was my first time. OFFICER WARBURTON: No further questions. MS. CAVANAUGH: So was the harness still there tied to the truck? Did the dog slip right out of it? THE WITNESS: Yes. The harness was still tied to the truck. I guess where you clasp it on, she ~- I guess it came off with pressure. WE WILCOX & FETZER LTD. Registered Professional Reporter: (302) 655-0477 ‘ 10 a 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 45 MS. CAVANAUGH: Okay? THE WITNESS: But everything was still tied to the truck. MS. CAVANAUGH: Questions? BY OFFICER AGUILAR: Q Um, I'm just trying to picture again where the dog was tethered. It looks like it was on the business property but at the opposite side -- A At the opposite side, yes. Q -- from the victim's property? A Correct. Q Okay. And it was at the back of the property. So when you -- you didn't have any visual of the dog when you were conducting the business that -- A I checked on her every so often to make sure, because I did have another dog there. And whenever I would check, she was sitting in front of the truck just sitting with the other dog eating her food. Q Okay. But at the time that this incident occurred, you said you were conducting business with somebody else? A Yes. Q And so I'm going to guess that was at the front of the property or -- We WILCOX & FETZER LTD Registered Professional Reporte (02) 655-0477 10 a 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 46 A That was in the office. Q Im the office. Okay. Okay. Like is there anything aside from the leash and the harness that would contain the dog, any other physical barriers? A I mean, there were cars scattered throughout to kind of barricade where she was at from where the victim's property was. So there were barricades. Q And, to the best of your knowledge -- or let me ask you this: Do you know how long it had been since you last saw Jackie tethered to the truck from when the neighbor came walking onto your property with Jackie after the incident? A Between one and two minutes. It was not very long. BY MR. PEREIRA (FATHER): (Using interpreter) Q Okay. How did you grab the collar of the dog? A Um, well, there is a little black clip that you stick together, and there is two rings. And I connected them by the clip, by the two rings. Q The first ring, or the second rings? A ‘The first ring. MR. PEREIRA (FATHER): Okay. And that was the reason. This is the first time taking care of Wwe WILCOX & FETZER LTD Regletered Professional Reportere (02) 685-0477 ‘wire 10 a. 12 B 14 15 16 a 18 19 20 21 22 23 a7 the dog. And the dog, with that first ring, it stays loose or is loose. We always grab it in the second xing. That's part of the mistake. The collar is here next to the dog. MS. CAVANAUGH: Anyone have anymore questions for this witness? OFFICER AGUILAR: No. MS. CAVANAUGH: You are excused. MR. PEREIRA: To the panel, reading of the law, I have a copy of the laws. It says that the dog will not be determined dangerous or potentially dangerous except by the Dog Control Panel. Is this true? MS. CAVANAUGH: Well, we have the final say. This is why we are having this hearing. Animal Control says the dog is dangerous. You say the dog is not dangerous. We are going to decide. MR. PEREIRA: Okay. If so, why did the KC-SPCA paperwork that they gave me says that they determine that my dog is dangerous? MS. CAVANAUGH: Well, they can say that in their determination the dog is dangerous. MR. PEREIRA: Okay. Just for my clarification again. We WILCOX & FETZER LTD Registered Profescional Reporters (G02) 655-0477 ‘wot com 10 1. 12 13 14 15 16 wv 18 1 20 21 22 23 24 48 MS. CAVANAUGH: Sure. MR. PEREIRA: I also want to ask about Jackie's health. As you can see in the pictures, her health has really deteriorated. The last time I came to see her was Thursday, and she had like a slip on her kennel of some - I believe she is taking two different kinds of medicine because of kennel cough. And in that note, I came back the next following day, Friday. And when I came back, I actually -- they actually denied me permission to go visit my dog. I just wanted to know if this was because of the dog panel hearing. OFFICER WARBURTON: Objection. We are here to talk about the incident. MS. CAVANAUGH: I don't know these answers. And, really, Captain Warburton is right that we are here to talk about what happened on the day with Mr. Johnston and not a lot of other events. MR. PEREIRA: Okay. MS. CAVANAUGH: You know, the panel doesn't decide the procedures that take place ahead of time. MR. PEREIRA (FATHER): (Not using Wer WILCOX & FETZER LTD Registered Professional Reporters (202) 655-0677 10 1 12 13 4 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 49 interpreter) My son have recorder for personal, this -- MR. PEREIRA: The workers here, the kennel technicians, when IT have come visit her, when we all came visit her, that we have talked with, and they said that she is not dangerous. I believe I'm here to defend my dog. MS. CAVANAUGH: That's right. And you get your say MR. PEREIRA: They want to deem my dog dangerous, and I'm here to prove that she is not dangerous. MS. CAVANAUGH: Okay. So you need to present some evidence. MR. PEREIRA (FATHER): We have proof We have recording. MR. PEREIRA: JI have a flash drive. I don't know if you guys have a computer you can connect. it to. MS. CAVANAUGH: What's on your flash drive? MR. PEREIRA: I have recordings basically of technicians, kennel technicians, stating that she is a good dog. we WILCOX & FETZER LTD. Registered Professional Reporters (G02) 655-0477 ‘ave if. com 190 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 50 MR. PEREIRA (FATHER): That she is good. MS. CAVANAUGH: I'm sorry. It's really not relevant to what happened to Mr. Johnston. We are here to talk about the incident with Mr. Johnston. MR. PEREIRA (FATHER): (using interpreter) Again, I'm never going to be tired of saying that I'm sorry. But I'm trying -- it has really been like driving me, in my mind, nuts to try to understand why that action by my son's dog. Yeah, that's leading me to try to seek for some outside motivations. So, for example, um, if you take a look at the proof, E2, I assume that there is -- I assume that there is a lot of noise, and maybe that was part of what maybe triggered or motivated the dog to do what she did. O£ course, I'm not, in any moment, I'm not justifying what happened. I just want to clarify or make clear the dog is -- and Mr. Johnston even testified that there has never been an incident. she is not mean in any way. So when the neighbor, Mr. Charlie -- that's the name, right? VOICE: The other guy. We WILCOX & FETZER LTD Registered Professional Raporters (G02) 655-0877 ‘went cors 51 10 a 12] 13 i" & 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 MR. PEREIRA (FATHER): ~-- brought the dog to the office without any problem, as Mr. Johnston testified. I don't understand. But it happened. I just want to let you know that my son, it's his first dog, and he has been, you know, caring for her and with classes. The vaccines and immunizations hadn't been done, because the person that sold it to us said that he had the proof of the immunizations, and we were just waiting for them to take her to the classes. So, because for her to be able to go to the classes, they require immunizations. Again, it's B7. That's the storage area for the dealer. She put the dogs there after the incident. The dogs live with them. They bring the dogs to the dealer, the majority of times that they come to the dealer. MR. PEREIRA: The reason I bring my dog when I go over to my dad's to the dealership is because where we live, 9 Greenway Square, is an apartment complex, and they do not accept dogs there, that type of dog. I did not know that. So when I received a phone call from the office and they are telling me that, I was trying to We WILCOX & FETZER LTD Regeterad Professional Reporters (G02) 655-0477 werent cm 10 a. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 52 see where I could keep her. That's why I brought my dog every day with me, so that T wouldn't have a problem. I understand Mr. Johnston, as he stated ~- I understand that he is scared to see the dog there again. That's why I have -- I have gone beyond myself to actually find a place where they do allow that type of dog, so where I could keep her during the day while I have to go to my daily activities. So the dogs wouldn't have -- so the dog is not going to be at my dad's shop, so Mr. Johnston won't have to worry about the dog anymore. MR. PEREIRA (FATHER): I'm so sorry, Mr. Johnston. No more. MS. CAVANAUGH: Let's have one person talking at a time. MR. PEREIRA: ‘The dog will not put a paw on his property anymore, because I have this lease agreement. This is also a copy. This was actually sent today. I'm going to move tomorrow, hopefully with my dog. MS. CAVANAUGH: ‘Thank you. OFFICER AGUILAR We WILCOX & FETZER LTD Registered Professional Reporters (202) 655-0477 ‘ Can I ask him? 10 a 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2. 22 23 24 53 MS. CAVANAUGH: About the lease? Yes. Can I ask you a question? MR. PEREIRA: Yes, ma'am. MS. CAVANAUGH: Whose dog is this? MR. PEREIRA: This is her dog. MS. CAVANAUGH: And does this dog live at the property, as well? MR. PEREIRA: No. The dog lives with her. MS. CAVANAUGH: At the apartment? MR. PEREIRA: Yes. MS. CAVANAUGH: Does this dog have a rabies vaccination and a Kent County dog license? MR. PEREIRA: Yes. She actually has the proof with her right now. MS. CAVANAUGH: Did it happen at the time of the incident? MR. PEREIRA: No. The dog was under six months. I believe when the dog becomes six months, that's when the rabies vaccination is appropriate for the dog. Under that age, the dog might get sick. MS. CAVANAUGH: Is the dog spayed or neutered? MR. PEREIRA: No. The little one? No. We WILCOX & FETZER LTD Registered Professional Reporters (02) 685-0477 So. lfecom 54 — —— Ses seeesese cee eee oa 1 Both of them aren't spayed or neutered. 2 THE REPORTER: (using interpreter) I 3 would like to add something to that. Except for the 4 smaller dog had surgery. 5 MR. PEREIRA: When did it have surgery? 6 THE WITNESS: This past Friday. 7 MR. PEREIRA (FATHER): This past Friday. 8 Just the operation was $1,200. 9 MS. CAVANAUGH: What kind of an 10 operation? al THE WITNESS: He had to get cut open 12 because what happened was we had given -- after we had 13 this incident, I took him to get his rabies shots. 14 And he had a bad reaction to that. Plus, when I got 15 him, he had worms, and I was not aware of that. 16 So I gave him medicine, and then he was 17 fine. And then I got his rabies shot, and then he had 18 a bad reaction to it. So they had to go inside his us body and flush out whatever toxins were there and give 20 him nutrients and Iv to get better. 21 MR. PEREIRA: He actually got better. 22 Two days ago, he actually started eating and drinking 23 water again. 24 MR. PEREIRA (FATHER): You guys can Wwe WILCOX & FETZER LTD Registered Professional Reporters (302) 655-0477, wwvnwtifet corn 55 10 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 at 22 23 24 verify it. MS. CAVANAUGH: That's okay. We are not talking about this. I just wanted to ask some general questions. MR. PEREIRA (FATHER): No, in case they want proof. MS. CAVANAUGH: We are really talking about Jackie. OFFICER AGUILAR: I have a question. I guess on the night of this -- or the night prior to this incident, how was Jackie stored at the property? MR. PEREIRA: She was in my apartment. OFFICER AGUILAR: At your apartment? MR, PEREIRA: Yes, sir. OFFICER AGUILAR: Then how did she get from your apartment? MR. PEREIRA: The next morning, me and my father had plans to go to New York, because we buy cars up there and bring them here. So I took her, me, and the dog, and I kept them in the garage, because we left around four in the morning. And then she came back around nine. MS. CAVANAUGH: Ms. Elliott said that the dog was in the garage overnight. we WILCOX & FETZER LTD. Registered Professional Reporters (o02) 655-0477 Sw. if com 10 a 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 56 MR. PEREIRA: No. This is false information. MS. CAVANAUGH: So the dog was in there as of 4 a.m. MR. PEREIRA: Four in the morning. MR. PEREIRA (FATHER): Not all night. OFFICER AGUILAR: Now, if I may continue with my questions: Now, in that garage, are they free to roam in that garage? MR. PEREIRA: Yes, sir. Yes, sir. It's a garage, an empty garage, and there is room to roam. MR. PEREIRA (FATHER): (Using interpreter) I also would like to add something to your question. The garage was left with a fan approximately -- I don't know what the size, but approximately this size (indicating). MR. PEREIRA: And we left it working, because summer days do get very hot. MR. PEREIRA (FATHER): And water and what they needed. MR. PEREIRA: We left a bowl for each with water and a bowl of food for each. OFFICER AGUILAR: Have you done this We WILCOX & FETZER LTD Registered Professional Reporters (202) «35-0477 swore com 10 i 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 57 before with the dogs? MR. PEREIRA: Leave them in the garage? OFFICER AGUILAR: Right. MR. PEREIRA (FATHER): First time. OFFICER AGUILAR: First time. MS. CAVANAUGH: Do you have more witnesses or other statements? MR. PEREIRA: I do have other witnesses. But, as you stated, we are here to talk about the day of the incident, and my witnesses were not there the day of the incident. I do have witnesses to help support that Jackie is not an aggressive dog. That, I do have. MS. CAVANAUGH: So we have already had several statements about Jackie is not aggressive. MR. PEREIRA: Right. MR. PEREIRA (FATHER): They come too. MR. PEREIRA: I also have the person as well that wrote those affidavits. MS. CAVANAUGH: Do you want to hear their testimony, or are you fine with the statements? OFFICER AGUILAR: I'm fine with the statements. DR. JONES: Is there anything beyond we WILCOX & FETZER LTD Registered Professional Reporters (02) 655-0477 ‘we 10 a 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 58 what the statements say that you want them to say in front of us? MR. PEREIRA: Can I ask them personally? DR. JONES: Sure. MR. PEREIRA: Is there anything you guys would like to say? MS. COVERDALE: I do. MS. CAVANAUGH: Come up. LATISHA COVERDALE, HAVING FIRST BEEN DULY SWORN, TESTIFIED AS FOLLOWS: DIRECT EXAMINATION ON BEHALF OF THE DEFENDANT MS. COVERDALE: Um, well, first off, I would like -- MS. CAVANAUGH: Excuse me. You need to ask her questions, and she will answer. BY MR. PEREIRA: Q = What would you like to say about Jackie? (Laughter) MR. PEREIRA (FATHER): We don't have experience in this. MS. COVERDALE: Well, first off, I would like to say I don't think that it's a dangerous dog. She has been around my ten-month-old God-son several times and never showed aggression, we WILCOX & FETZER LTD Registered Professional Reporters (02) 655-0477 von. 10 cee 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 59 never barked or anything like that. And I have been around a lot of, you know, aggressive and dangerous dogs. and if it was that dangerous, you know, a dog this dangerous will bite anybody regardless if it's a child or not. So I just wanted to add that, to me, I don't think that she is dangerous because I have had her around my God-son. He is only ten months. so that's all I have to say. MS. CAVANAUGH: So Mr. Pereira has owned this dog for two weeks, and you have had -- MR. PEREIRA (FATHER): No, not for two weeks. One month and two weeks. MS. CAVANAUGH: Oh, one month and two weeks. Six weeks. MR. PEREIRA (FATHER): And she keep for us. MR. PEREIRA: She kept her like a weekend. MR. PEREIRA (FATHER): You know, we going back and forth to New York to get cars, and we don't have anyone to take care of dog, so we leave to her house sometimes. MS. CAVANAUGH: Anyone have any WE WILCOX & FETZER LTD Registered Profestional Reporters (G02) 635-0477 soi 10 1. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 64 If the owner disagrees with the conclusion, a hearing before the Dog Control Panel may be requested to present evidence as to why the dog's actions and behaviors for which it was seized should not be considered dangerous or potentially dangerous as defined by the code. Your dog, Jackie, described as a black and tan Rottweiler, was seized and impounded on July 11, 2014 due to an incident which took place on July 11, 2014 at 1226 South DuPont Boulevard in Smyrna, Delaware. Jackie, as described above, was impounded in apparent violation of this code for the following alleged actions: Jackie, while running at large, inflicted serious physical injury upon a human being. You disagreed with Delaware Animal Care and Control's decision regarding the described incident and requested a hearing. The Delaware Dog Control Panel met tonight, August 5, 2014, to hear your dispute of the charges brought against your dog Jackie. At the time of impoundment, your dog's rabies vaccination status was not up to date and your Wwe WILCOX & FETZER LTD Registered Professional Reporters (202) 655-0477 ‘worn. 65 10 ree 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23) 24 dog did not have a dog license. Delaware Animal Care and Control presented evidence discovered during their inquiry, Case Number 147909, which caused them to find the actions of your dog, Jackie, to be in violation of this code. Delaware Animal Care and Control concluded that public behavior and/or individual actions or a combination of both were in violation of Subsection 926(a), dangerous and/or potentially dangerous dog. You requested the panel so you could present evidence to not declare the dog to be a dangerous dog. Evidence presented to the panel included a variety of fact-finding documents such as, but not limited to, investigative reports, sworn statements from victims, owners, witnesses, friends, neighbors, or other people, testimony and photographs by both Animal Care and Control and the owner of the seized dog. The panel found, based on the evidence presented, that on July 11, 2014, Jackie did attack and inflict serious physical injury upon a human Ver WILCOX & FETZER LTD Agere Profesional Reporters (G02) 635-0477 ‘wri itetcomn 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 66 being. The dog was at large and attacked and bit a neighbor mitiple times. This was an unprovoked attack, and the victim was on his own property. The dog lunged at the victim and bit his arm, then released the victim's arm four times and attacked again. The victim had to strike the dog with his fist and then with a rock numerous times to get the dog to release his arm. The victim sustained multiple puncture wounds in addition to a 14.5-centimeter laceration to his arm and hand. The findings of the Dog Control Panel hearing: Based upon the evidence and testimony provided to this panel during the hearing held this day, under Delaware Code Title 9, Chapter 9, Subchapter 2, Subsection 922 through 928, the Delaware Dog Control Panel finds Jackie, owned by Walter Pereira, to be in violation of Section 925 or 926 and has been found dangerous. The final order of the Dog Control Panel: The dog is declared dangerous, and the owner shall comply with the requirements set forth in 9 Delaware Code, Section 925(b) and (c) for keeping and We WILCOX & FETZER LTD Registered Professional Reporters (202) 655-0077 wove. corn 10 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 67 maintaining such a dog. So that concludes tonight's hearing, and I have copies of our decision for everyone. MR. PEREIRA (FATHER): Okay. Where does the incident happen? What is the address the incident happened? MS. CAVANAUGH: 1226 South DuPont Boulevard in Smyrna. MR. PEREIRA (FATHER): Okay. MS. CAVANAUGH: Is that correct? MR. PEREIRA (FATHER): That's correct. MR. PEREIRA: Excuse me. Will I be able to get a copy of the transcript, as well? MS. CAVANAUGH: TI believe. Hetti, you can request the transcript? MS. BROWN: You can request a copy of the transcript at the County, at the Kent County Administrative Complex. MR. PEREIRA: All right. Thank you. MS. CAVANAUGH: And we did not order euthanasia, so you can get the dog back if you can meet the dangerous dog conditions. OFFICER WARBURTON: And we will explain those to you. wer WILCOX & FETZER LTD Registered Professional Reporters 60 10 a 12 15 16 a7 18 1g 20 21 22 23 24 questions for this witness? OFFICER AGUILAR: No. DR. JONES: No, ma'am. MS. CAVANAUGH: You are excused. Thank you. MR. PEREIRA (FATHER): We think we okay with that. MR. PEREIRA: I just have one more question for the panel. If I do get my dog back, I already have a vet set up for her to do the spaying. But I don't know. They tell me they do spaying here, and it states right here that Jackie, that the spaying will be done prior to release from SPCA, and you, as the owner, are responsible for the cost. I'm just wondering, because of everything that happened and because they denied my visitation to my dog, and because she is sick and she lost a lot of weight, I do not feel comfortable to spay my doing with the AC-SPCA. Can I spay her with my own veterinarian? MS. CAVANAUGH: Usually, when people get their dogs back after a panel hearing, and if we order that the dog be spayed, then the dog has to be spayed before it goes back to you. We WILCOX & FETZER LTD Registered Professional Reperters (02) 655-0477 ‘wu vaftcom 10 a 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 61 MR. PEREIRA: So it will have to be done at SPCA? MS. CAVANAUGH: Yes. MR. PEREIRA (FATHER): All right. Thank you. MS. CAVANAUGH: You're welcome. MR. PEREIRA (FATHER): We appreciate it. MR. PEREIRA: Thank you. That's it. MS. CAVANAUGH: So now we are going to have a closing statement by Animal Control, and then you can give a closing statement, as well. OFFICER WARBURTON: Panel members, Mr. Johnston, ladies and gentlemen, we believe we have proven to the panel through witness testimony and reports and statements that the dog, Jackie, owned by Walter Pereira did, in fact, on July 11, while at large, in an unprovoked manner, viciously attack Mr. Johnston. We request that the panel find Jackie as dangerous in accordance with Delaware Code Title 9, Subchapter 2, Subsection 925. Thank you. MS. CAVANAUGH: You can make a closing statement. MR. PEREIRA: I would like to say thank We WILCOX & FETZER LTD Reglstered Professional Reportere (02) 655-0477 ‘wo. 10 aw 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 al 22 23 24 62 you to the panel and thank you to everybody who showed up today. I would like to say that hopefully my evidence, the testimonies I have provided, and the witnesses, you could deem my dog not dangerous and deem that the incident -- I won't deny it did happen, but it happened because of something, something -- what's the words -- something triggered it, something triggered it for the incident to occur. I would just like to say that to the panel. Thank you. MS. CAVANAUGH: Thank you. MR. PEREIRA (FATHER): (Using interpreter) I also want to thank you. At the same time, I want you to really consider that the manner in which she was -- Jackie was restricted, that was a mistake. It wasn't an aggressive thing that she like burst out of the restraint. And the external conditions as far as the proof, that evidence E2, the noise or something. I think that the noise factor attracted her. Maybe that was -- had some impact on that for her. Thank you. MS. CAVANAUGH: Thank you. we WILCOX & FETZER LTD Regleterad Professional Reportars (G02) 635-0477 ‘on ifecam 10 uw 12 3 14 15 16 a7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 63 MR. PEREIRA (FATHER): Thank you. MS. CAVANAUGH: So the panel is going to deliberate, and then we will come back and quickly as we can and tell you our decision. Thank you. (O£f the record deliberations p.m. to 9:00 p.m.) MS. CAVANAUGH: Are we ready? Everybody returned? So I'm going to read this statement. Dear Walter Pereira: As noted in our opening statement, the Delaware Code, Title 9, Chapter 9, Subchapter 2, Subsection 925(a) states that a dog who has inflicted physical injury upon a human or domestic animal, killed a human or domestic animal, pursued a person in an apparent attitude of attack, and/or was used to facilitate animal cruelty or animal fighting is in violation of the code and is a potentially dangerous or dangerous dog. According to code, such a dog must be seized by Animal Care and Control and impounded until a final decision is determined. The owner of the seized dog may abide by the findings and conclusions of Animal Control as per Subsection 925(c) of the code. We WILCOX & FETZER LTD Registered Professional Reporters (G02) 655-0477 wer et com 10 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 a1 22 23 24 CERTIFICATE I, Lorena J. Hartnett, a Notary Public and Registered Professional Reporter, do hereby certify that the foregoing is an accurate and complete transcription of the proceeding held at the time and place stated herein, and that the said proceeding was recorded by me and then reduced to typewriting under my direction, and constitutes a true record of the testimony given by said witnesses. I further certify that I am not a relative, employee, or attorney of any of the parties or a relative or employee of either counsel, and that I am in no way interested directly or indirectly in this action. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal of office on this 14th day of August 2014. pnt Lorena J. Hartnett Registered Professional Reporter We WILCOX & FETZER LTD Registered Professional Reporters (G02) 655-0877 ‘wn ifetcom 10 a 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 MR. PEREIRA: All right. (Concluded at 9:05 p.m.) Thank you. 68 We WILCOX & FETZER LTD Registered Profesional Reporters (202) 655-087 ‘wveifetcors Delaware Dog Control Panel ITMO: DE Animal Care v. Pereira Hearing August 5, 2014 attacked (6) 5:20 | bed (1) 12:6 41:24 42:20 | 52:1 64:21 22:13 24:21 25 13:16 | Bee (a) 13:19 66:3,5 BROWN (1) 25:3,6 28:14 17:17,18 | bite (6) 12:21 67:16 34:17,20 37:8 before (5) 3:5 23:24 2 building 2) 10:1 | 38:11 39:22 44:14 57:1 32:3 34:8 59:5] 32:14 46:24 59:22 attracted (1) 60:24 64:2 | bites (1) 35:11 | bute (4) 12:6 63:20 64:17 | 62:22 boohait (8) 4:9 | iting @) 15:1 | bumped (1) 40:21 | 65:2,7,20 August (1) 64:20 | 9:321:425:3 | 41:8 bumper (1) 22:21 | caretaker (2) auto (1) 29:2 34:17 41:15 | item (1) 14:7 | burglarizea (2) 28:7 33:24 aware (1) 54:15 | 43:17 58:11 | black (a) 6:16, 17:11,12 | earing (1) 51:5 away (4) 13:11 | behaving (1) 24 46:18 64:7 | burst (1) 62:19 | carry (1) 5:17 29:11 42:17 | 23:20 blacktop (2) 12:2, | business (6) 6:3. care (4) 43:14 43:13 behavior (3) 4 10:3,18 45:8, | 46:5 55:19 29:10 33:13 | bleeding (4) 14,20 59:21 B 65:8 13:2015:9, | businesses (1) ‘case (5) 7:22 i —| behaviors (1) 64:4 | 14 22:6 11:8 32:5 36:16 back (24) 10:22 | pehind (3) 10:24 | block (1) 14:14 | buy (4) 55:18 55:5 65:4 12:15,24 22:21 38:22 | blocked (1) 43:14 ~ cause (1) 5:13 13:18 15:3 | peing(a) 5:15 | blood (7) 13:22, c caused (2) 3:24 24:3,13 27:17 | 64:16 66:1 24 14:17 15:5 ~~ 65:4 28:9 29:18 | beings (1) 17:6 22:8 25:20 | eall (14) 8: 23 CAVANAUGH (85) boliove (12) 7:14 | 26:4 2:1,3,6,12 10:24 13:17 | body (2) 43:21 7:4,18,20 48:9,10 55:22 | 16:3 27:15 54:19 2327:12,16, | 8:13,17,20 59:21 60:9,22, | 38:9 40:21 | both (7) 4:15 17 28:8 34:13 | 10:7,11 18:24 24 63:3 67:21) 48:7 49:6 5:5.17:17 3715 42:15 | 19:24 20:22 backed (9 13:11 | 53:19 61:13 | 40:5 54:1 51:23 23:5,13 24:9, bad (2) 54:14,18 | 67-14 65:9,19 called (2) 14:4 12,17 31:2 badly (1) 8:3 believed (3) bottom (2) 16:4 33:18 32:4,7,11,16, bank (1) 11:11 38:16 39:12, 18:20 calls (1) 21:1 24:34:11 36:1 bark (1) 12:19. 15 bought (1) 11:21 3746.10.28 barked (1) 59:1 | petonged (1) 33:3. | Boulevard (4) barking (1) 29:15 |petongs (1) 21:15 | 9:22 21:8 a: 16 4a 19 barricade (1) 46:6 | post (1) 46:8 64:10 67:8 45:1,4 47:5,8, barricades (1) | pottor (6) 8:21 | how (2) 56:22, 14,21 48:1,16, 46:7 38:24 39:3,11 | 23 : 21 49:8,13,20 barriers (1) 46:4 54:20,21 boy (1) 17:15 10 49:5 95:22 50:2 52:16,23 based (4) 4:18 | between (2) 10:2 [Branch (1) 19:7 | eamera (t) 3 $3:1,4,6,10, 7.17 65:22 46:13 brief (2) 3:16 camper (1) 12,16,22 54:9 66:14 beyond (2) 52:7 4:15 Captain (2) 6:18 55:2,7,23 basically (2) 87:24 brieny (1) 26:8 48:17 56:3 57:6,14, 12:19 49:23 | big (2) 13:8 bring (6) 37:24 | Gare (35) 2:23 20 58:8,14 Bayheatth (2) 23:10 41:11 51:15, | 3:35:116:20 | 59:10,14,24 14:5 15:18 biology (1) 15:24 | 18 55:19 8:22 9:3,17, 60:4,21 61:3, Beatrice (3) 21:1, | bird (4) 24:4 bringing (1) 40:17 | 23 14:22 15% 6,9,22 62:12, 2:30:2 bit (14) broke (1) 12:10 17,17,19 24 63:2,7 becomes (1) 13:21 14:1,3 | brought (6) 7:16 16:15,24 67:7,10,14,20 53:19 16:22 17:8,19 | 29:3 51:1 20:24 21:4,12 | contor (2) 15:17, Min-U-Seript® Wilcox & Fetzer Ltd. (70) attacked - center: (302) 655-0477 Delaware Dog Control Panel aTMO: DE Animal Care v. Pereira Hearing August 5,2014 $ | adutt (9) 6:1,16, 24 $1,200 (1) 54:8 $25 (1) 40:24 $8,000 (1) 17:12 A abide (2) 3:2 63:22 able (2) 51:11 7: above (1) 64:12 accept (1) 51:21 accordance (3) ‘Administrative (1) 67:18 advise (1) 35:19 affected (1) 17:4 affidavits (3) 7:12 39:19 57:19 17:17, 21 after (19) 4:11, 15,22,24 14:4, 11,24 15:11, 16 22:15 26:2, 430:14,15 32:21 46:12 51:14 54:12 accident (1) 30:19 | 9.99 afternoon (1) 7:20 4:1 722 61:20 | ea sy 7:24 According (1) 8:8,8 12:24 on 15:24 16:16, 20 30:14 45:6 60:19 47:24 50:7 action (1) 50:10 51:13 52:6 |actions (7) 2:24 | 54:93 66-7 3:7 4:20 64:4, | against a) 14:7, 14 65:5,9 16 64:21 activities (1) jo x 52:10 “ul ty (20:17 | soency (1) 40:17 actually (24) aggression (2) 1416 117 13:16 58:24 19:923:9 | agoressive (10) 34:5 35:16 29:6 36:22 38:15,17 39:8, | 37-1 38-19,19, 2040:2,3,21 | 99°57-13,15 42:2,3,21 59:3 62:18 44:8 48:11,11 | soroseively (1) 52:7,20 53:14 |**53°99, 54:21,22 | sao ¢3) 27:8 add (9) 54:3 31:12 54:22 56:13 59:6 | sersament (1) addition (1) 66:11 |" 59.99 additional (2) AGUILAR (21) 4:13 33:13 2:8,8 20:2,20 address (4) 19:6, 8,12 67:5 52:24 55:9,13, 15 56:7,24 57:3,5,22 60:2 ahead (1) 48:22 alarmed (1) 15:13 Alexandria (5) 26:8 33:6 29 41:12,13 All (31) 3:10 5:4 7:15,22,23 39:12 43:7.15, 15 49:5 56:6 59:9 61:4 68:1 alleged (1) 64:14 allow (1) 52:8 allowed (1) 3:12 almost (3) 41:23, 24 42:20 already (4) 30:23 4 57:14 60:10 also (20) 4:12 7:12,24 17:23 24:7 28:15 39:6,19, 21,21,23 40:7 AU:1,11 48:2 52:20 56:13 57:18 62:14 always (4) 6:8 9:14 11:17 472 ambulance (1) 15:16 amount (1) 3:20 andlor (4) 2:20 63:15 65:8,10 animal (46) 2:18, 19,21,21,23 3:3 5:8,11 6:20 7:1 8:22 9:3,17,23 14:22 15:2,19 16:15,24 17:21 20:24 21:4,12 22:15 23:1 24:21 25:3,6,10 34:17,20 37:8 40:12 43:17 47:15 61:10 63:14,14,16, 16,20,23 64:17 65:2,7, 20 animats (1) 17:20 Anne (2) 2:3, announce (1) 4:23, another (5) 2:5 5:23 27:9 33:23 45:16 answer (3) 4:13 32:19 58:15 answors (1) 48:17 anybody (2) 20:5, 13 59:5 anymore (3) 47:5 $2:13,19 anyone (4) 23:24 47:5 59:22,24 anything (9) 8:4 20:21 22:19 42:11,16 46:3, 57:24 58:5 59:1 anytime (1) 33:23 [Anyway (3) 12:13 14:3,14 apartment (5) 51:21 53:10 $5:12,13,16 apologize (1) 18:16 apparent (3) 2:20 63:15 64:13 appreciate (4) 32:10,10 37:3 61:7 appropriate (2) 38:15 53:20 approximatoly (6) 6:23 8:6 25:7 31:11 56:16,17 Apri (1) 17:11 area (3) 10:15 14:19 51:13 orm 2 12:20, 2 arm! (1) 22:7 around (15) 10:15 11:14 12:14 17:11 18:11 20:17 22:4,13 40:6 42:5 $5:21,22 58:23 59:2,8 arrival (1) 25:15 arrived (5) a 16 artory (1) 15:11 aside (1) 46:3 ask (8) 8:10 13:9 19:1,3 32:8 34:4 37:15,16 46:9 48:2 52:24 53:2 55:3 58:3,15 asked (10) 12:14 26:18 27:10, 11 28:68 29:12 33:16, 1939: asking (2) [1:19 19:17 asks (1) 8:11 assembling (1) 7:8, assume 2) 50:13,14 attack (@) 2:20 5:18 6:15 17:4 61:17 63:15 65:23 66:4 Min-U-Script® Wileox & Fetzer Ltd,, (02) 655-0477 (6) $1,200 - attack Delaware Dog Control Panel Hearing ITMO: DE Animal Care. Pereira August §,2014 deemed (3) 7:2, 2:24 3:14 24 22:17,20, | 18,18,19 28:2,| 34:16 41:14 1441: 47:22 22,23 23:8,11,| 243215 58:10 dofend 2) 17:7 | determine (3) 17,18,20 24:2 | 38:2042:6 | DuPont 4) 9:22 : 4:18 26:24 25:21 26:2,11,| 51:14,15,16, | 21:8 64:10 DEFENDANT (2) 47:20 11,23,24 27:1,| | 2152:11 57:1 | 67:7 41:15 58:11 | determined (2) 7,8,10,13,20, | 59:3 60:22 | during (7) 4:19 dofined (3) 3:9 AT:11 63:21 | 23,24 28:7,14, | dog's (9) 2:24 26:17 35:13, 4:21 64:6 _| development (3) 15,16,21 29:1,| 4:20 7:4 26:6 | 14 52:9 65:3 éofinitely (1) 112 4,6,13,14,15, | 29:4,10 35:1 | 66:15 29:11 DF (1) 6:10 16,18,20 64:3,23 duty (1) 36:13 Delaware (37) diferent (4) 31:11,19,24 | domestic (4) 2:18, 2:6,9,11,14, | 16:2333:17 | 32:20,20,22 | 19 63:13,14 E 16,23 4:1,21 | 40:3 48:7 33:3,8,20,24 {dono 7) 11:18 5:11 6:20 7:2 | aifficutt (1) 23:17 | 34:1,2,835:5,| 14:12 44:14 |€2(2) 50:13 difficulty (1) 38:9 11,14,15,17, 56:24 62:20 : DiRecT (6) 9:3 18,19,20,21 E7 (2) 28:23 16:15,24 19:7 | 21:4 25:3 36:22 37:1 31:13 20:24 21:12 34:17 41:15 38:11,16,18 each (6) 3:17 24:21 25:6 S811 39:13 40:13, 4:4,7 16:23 34:20 37:8 | airt(@) 12:12 22,24 41:2,2, 56:22,23 43:5 61:20 14:15,16 6,7,23 42:20, | doorway (1) 15:3 | earller(5) 12:10 63:11 64:11, | disagreed (1) 21,24 43:7,19, | double (1) 43:22 17:10 20:8,10 17,19 65:2,7 | 64:17 20,23,24 44:1, | Dover (1) 43:5 21:20 66:16,17,24 | disagrees (2) 3:4 5,20 45:7,14, | down (9) 12:8, | easier (1) 41:1 Delaware's (2) 64:1 16,18 46:4,17 | 10 13:4,7 | easily (1) 30:1 2:15 3:22 discovered (1) 47:1,1,4,11, 18:1,6,10 ‘eating (2) 45:18 deliberate (1) 63:3 | 65:3 | 12,16,16,20, | 19:19 25:17 | 54:22 deliberations (3) | discussing (2) 22.48:12,13 | pR(9) 2:10 ier (2) 20:6,15 4:16,22 63:5 | 41:20 42:18 49:7,10,24 10:13 23:15 elements (1) 5:12 delivered (1) dispatched (1) 50:10,16,19 Eitfott (6) 21:1,2, 40:15 S11 51:2,5,18,22 6 30:3 55:23 demeanor (1) dispute (1) 64:21 | $2:2,6,8,11, else (6) 13:6 : distance (1) 9:14 | 13,18,22 53:4, | dressing (1) doniod (2) 48:11 | documents (1) 5,6,8,12,13, | 16:22 60:16 65:16 18,19,21,21, | dressings (1) Emergency (1) deny (1) 62:6 | Dog (ata) 2:14, 22 54:4 55:20,| 16:17 30:16 describe (2) 15,17 3:2,6,7, | 24 56:3 57:13 | drinking (1) 54:22 | employed (2) 10:15 21:20 | 18,22,245:11,/ 58:22 59:4,11, | rive @2) 49:17, 25:6 34: described (3) 13,19,216:1, | 22.60:9;17,23,/ 21 employee (1) 6: 64:7,12,18 3,913 8:6 9:7, | 23 61:15 62:5 driveway (4) compty (1) 56:11 describing (4) 10,11,13,16 63:12,18,19, 1 11:20 [enough (1) 12:20 6:15 12:19,23 13:5,| 22 64:2,7,19, | 14:13 25:16 | entatlea (1) 35:7 designee(1) 2:7 | 9,1414:6 | 24 65:1,1,5, driving (4) 50:9 | eaulpment (1) deteriorated (1) 16:1 17:7,9, | 11,13,14,21 | drop (4) 41:3,4, 17:13 48: 14,15,17,23 66:2,5,8,10, 5,6 ER (1) 22:16 Aoteriorating (1) 18:4,9,9,10 13,18,21,22 | due (1) 64:9 escape (1) 44:8 12:7 20:9 21:11,14, | 67:1,21,22 | uc (6) 9:2 escaped (1) 44:5 determination (3) 20,21,22,23, dogs (18) 17:5,5, | 21:3 25:2 establish (1) 3:18 Min-U-Seript® Wilcox & Fetzer Ltd. (72) deemed - establish ‘ G02) 655-0477 Delaware Dog Control Panel Hearing ITMO: DE Animal Care v. Pereira August 5, 2014 17 63:11,17,19, [confined (1) 34:2 | 67:13,16 dad's (2) 51:19 hair (3) 2:5 24 64:6,13 | conform (1) 3:11 | Commer (3) 11:9. 52:12 8:19,24, 65:6 66:16,24 | connect (1) 49:18 22:13 25:19 | daily (1) 52:9 chairperson (1) collar (3) 43:20 | connected (1) correct (8) 30:3, | danger (1) 23:11 24 46:16 47:3 46:20 1135:5,6 Dangerous (44) change (1) 39:8 | combination (1) ‘consider (1) 42:1 45:11 2:15,15 3:1,1, ‘changed (2) 65:9 62:15 67:10,11 | 8,8,18,19,19 16:18,22 Come (15) 2:4 considered (2) cost (1) 60:14 5:12,12 6:9 Chapter (4) 2:16 11:17 12:9 3:8 64:5 cough (1) 48:8 TA1,2,15 8:9 7:3 63:11 23:21 24:13 | considering (1) _—_ could (11) 13:8 40:13 41:1 66:16 25:17 30:18 6:11 26:18,24 27:3, | 47:11,12,16, charge (1) 40:18 33:4 36:14 | contact (9) 25:14, 12 28:8 3: | 17,20,22 49:6, charged (1) 6:10 42:14 49:4 18 26:6 30:16, | 52:1,8 62:5 11,12 58:22 charges (3) 41:3, | 51:17 57:17 2133:435:1 | 65:12 59:3,4,4,7 4 64:21 58:8 63:3 36:6,8 couldn't (4) 13:5 61:20 62:5 Charlie (5) 10:18 | comes (1) 42 contain (1) 46:4 16:21 23:22 | 63:18,18 64:5, 11:16 12:13 | comfortable (3) _| contained (2) 42: 5 65:10,11,14 13:13 50:22 18:12,13 41:24 42:20 | counsel (1) 6:19 66:20,22 67:22 heck (1) 45:17 60:18 continue (1) 56:7 | counted (1) 16:3 date (4) 36:6,9 2: County (4) 28:15 39:8 ehecked (1) 45:15 | coming (2) 13:22 child (1) 59:5, 14:1 53:13 67:17,17 | day (13) 16:20, childron (3) 6:12 | community (2) 5:8,11 6:20 23 36:13,14 40:5,6 3:15 6:8 8:23 9:18,23 40:24 42:3 cinderblock (1) | completoly (2) 14:22 15:2,19 | 16:6,17,22 48:10,18 52:2, 12:7 16:2,21 16:16,24 21:1,| 27:8 957:9,11 citations (1) 35:10 | complex (2) 1222:15,23 Jeourse(t) 50:17 | 66:16 cited (1) 35:10 51:21 67:18 JcoverpaLe (4) [days (5) 12:9 clarification (1) | comply (1) 66:23 58:7,9,12,21 | 16:17,20 47:24 computer (1) ‘covered (1) 12:2 | 54:22 56:19 clarity (2) 4:14 | 49:18 cross (3) 4:9,12 | dealer (3) 51:14, | 50:18 concern (1) 6:10 43:17 16,17 clasp (1) 44:23 | eoncerning (1) cruelty (2) 2:21 | dealership (1) classes (4) 39:2. | 3:23 63:16 51:19 51:6,10,12 | concludes (2) cumulative (1) 4:3 | ear (1) 63:10 eloanod (3) 65:8 68:2 eontroting (2) | current (11) death (2) 13:20 12:11 42:8,8 concludes (1) 21:21 23:17 | 26:2327:2,7, | 15:9,14 lear (1) 50:19 672 Controls (1) 13,23 28:2,15 | deatht (1) 22:6 clearly (1) 4:4 | eonetuston 4) 3:3, | 64:18 30:22 31:19, | decide (3) 7: Clinic (1) 30:16 54:23 64:2 | conversation (¢) 2433.19 47:17 48:22 clip (2) 46:18,20 | contusions (1) 26:17 35:8, | customer (4) docided (1) 35:17 close (2) 9:9 63:22 13,14 41:21 42:19 | dectston (6) 4:24 eee: conditions (3) ‘cooperative (2) 44:11,12 5:3 63:4,21 closer 1) 20:12 | 28:23 62:20 | 28:18,20 | customers (2) 64:18 67:3 losing (5) 4:15 67:22 copies 2) 39:23 | 42:13 44:10 | dectare (1) 65:13 19:15 61:10, | conducted (1) 673 cut(t) 54:11 |dactarea (4) | 11,22 4:16 copy (7) 5:1 seagrass 100122 Code (13) 2:16 | conducting (2) 19:5 39:6 D deem (3) 49:10 3:97:2 61:20 | 45:14,20 47:10 52:20 62:5,6 Min-U-Seript® Wileox & Fetzer Ltd. (71) chair ~ deem (302) 655-0477 Delaware Dog Control Panel Hearing ITMO: DE Animal Care v. Pereira August 5,2014 aiven (2) 33:14 14:19 42:24} 10:23, hor (65) 7:11 15,16 36:8,18 34:12 grandehitéren (1) | hazard (1) 4:21 21:24 | 39:12.40:8 siving (1) 21:24 ; Hazel (3) 17:17, | 24:128:6,8 | 42:15 52:24 glad (1) 17:9 grandkids (1) 18:7 20 22:10 29:12,13,16, 54:13,15,16,20 glasses (1) 18:16 | Greenway (2) he (94) 3:5 8:2, 18,19,21,21, | his (27) 6:6 go (9) 26:6 43:5 51:20 5,99:11,11 br ,23,24,24 10:11 22:9,10, 30:20 34:8 guess (6) 15:24 | 10:19 11:17, 14.26:12 48:11 51:11, | 44:23,24 19 12:10,15, 27111114 19 52:9 54:18 45:23 55:10 20,21,21,24 30:18 31:9 55:18 uy (1) 50:24 13:1,2,13,15 it 21,23,24 | 35:5,16 38:20, God (1) 22:12 | guys (6) 7:15 23:21,21,23 | 39:1,3,3,11, | 2240:12 God-son (2) 23:18 39:24 25:19,20 26:1,| 12 40:21 42: 41:10 51:5 58:24 59:8 49:18 54:24 | 16,19 27:6,6, | 10,24.44:7,9 52:19 54:13, 900s (1) 60:24 58:5 78,10,11,11, | 45:15,18 48:3, 17,18 66:4,5, ‘going (26) 2:2,2, | guys' (1) 39:23 14,17 28:10 x 6 49:4,5 9,10,12 12 5:7,8 12:1, eee hit (3) 12:24 17 16:11 17:7, H 31:8,10,10 13:8 17:24 10 24:22 33:14,16,17, hitting (2) 12:22 26:22,24 ‘hate (4) 31:12 18,19,20 58:15 59:8,18,| 13:5 2716 28:11, |hend (9) 12:22 35:10,13,17, | 23 60:10,19 — |Hotaing (4) 9:7 13.29:8 45:23 | 16:5 66:12 18,19,21,21 62:22,23 hotter (1) 22:6 47:17 50:7 |handed (1) 26:19 | 38:14,18,18, | Hore (20) 2:5,5 | hollered (1) 22:10 52:12,21 [Handing @) 22,22:39:11, | 8: :19 | hottering (1) 59:21 61:9 28:22 30:10 | 11 40:12,14 13:12 63:2,9 hhandle (1) 13:8 41:1,2,3,5,6,9 home (4) 10:15 gone (2) 13:18 | happen (6) 5:7 43:151:5,9 | 24:2225:18 27:3 30:14 52:6 26:22 28:11 | 52:4,5 54:11, | 27:2229:19 | 32:2 Good (13) 5:9 53:16 62:6 14,15,16,17, 31:23 37:19, | hope (4) 7:15 7:7,20,22 9:5, | 67:5 21,22 59:8 24 40:8 47:3. | hopefully (2) 613:3,21 [Rappened(14) head (1) 5:22 48:15,18.49:3,| 52:21 62:3 17:15 21:6 17:22 18:5 peatth (2) 48:3,4 7,11 50:4 hoping (1) 5:4 39:14 49:24 25:23 3 | hear (10) 3:23 55:19 57:9 | hospitat (4) 50:1 42:3,4 48:18 | 5:19 6:14,23 | 60:11,12 15:15,23 ‘good-sized (1) 90:3,18 51:3] 7:10,16 8:21 | Hewi (1) 67:14 26:1 30:14 10:22 54:12 6 22:4 57:20 | Hi@y 7:19 hot (3) 21:22 got (20) 9:11 62:7 67: 64:20 2 23:9 56:19 12:24.13:2 happy (1) 23:23 | hoard (4) 22:6 | nit (1) 1221 hour (1) 5:5. 17:10,14,15 [hard () 17:24 | hearing (12) him (42) 8:2 house (18) 10:11 22:9 25:17 21:21 22:1,20 | 15,16 4:19 10:21,21 11:20,21,22 27:8,10 29:18 23:18 47:15 48:13, 12:14,15,16, 12:16 13:2,15, 30:14 31:14, | Hardee's (2) 11:6 6 64:2,19 22 13:15,16, 15 38:21,24 43:12 66:14,15 67:2] 17 19:2 22:22 39:12 54:14, |harmess (9) hearings (1) 3:10 | 23:22 24:2 25:19,21 17,21 43:21,22,23 Hearsay (1) 3:12 | 25:18 26:5,14,| 38:22 59:23 gotten (1) 6:4 44:1,2,6,19, | nota (2) 23:8 21,22 27:10, | houses (3) 10:20 grab (2) 46:16 22 46:3 66:15 16,16 28:9,11 | 40:4,5 472 Harris (1) 10:23 | potp (2) 13:13 30:21 31:14, | housing (2) 11:1, grabbed (3) 5:21 | Harrison (1) 57:12 1635:4,9,10, | 2 Min-U-Seript® Wileox & Fetzer Ltd, (74) given - housing (3012) 655-0477 Delaware Dog Control Panel ITMO: DE Animal Care v. Pereira Hearing August 2018 euthanasia (1) 26:5 34:12 23 48:24 38:10 39:11 frienas (4) 7:13 67:21 37:6 47:8 60:4| 49: 41:14 44:15, | 39:20,21 65:18 even (8) 8:5 executive (1) 4:17 16 46:21,22, | front (4) 6:21 3 expect (1) 3:21 2447:151:5 | 45:17,24 58:2 experience (1) 57:4,5 58:10, | run(s) 4:5 58:20 12,21 funny (1) 13:12 explain () 11:15 firstaime (1) 38:16 | furiosity 2) 5:18, 28:9,11 34:1 fist (1) 66:9 19 | 67:23 fitting (1) 44:4 | further (6) 18:22 explained 2) five (2) 15:20 19:22 23:4 every (2) 45:15 25:21.28:1 | reodor (1) 34:4 16:16 34:10 38:12 5 explaining (3) foo (5) 8:3 flash (2) 49:17, 44:17 everybody (4) 34:7 35:9,15 | 18:12,1329:9 | 20 37:19 38:7 exposed (1) 6:12 | 6 floor (1) 42: 7 G 62:1 63:7 __| external (1) 62:19 | footings (1) 18:8 everyone (1) 67:3 |eyewitnesses (1) | feet (1) 17:24 garage (18) 20:9 everything (4) TU fellow (1) 12:9 | folders (2) 39: 7, 21:22,23,24 13:6 42:9 female (3) 6:2, 24 23:9,9,22,23 | 45:2 60:16 F 16 7:1 followed (1) 42:21 | 32:11 42:6 evidence (31) 3:6, [| ew (2) 6:2 Following (4) 4:7 | 55:21,24 56:8, 12,12,13,23 | facttate 2) 2:21 | 4]; % 9,11,11,15 4:2,8,18 5:4 | 63:16 field (1) 10:22 64:14 S72 7:16 9:18,24 | facility (1) 27:5 |fietds (1) 10:16 | FOLLOws (6) jash (2) 16:1,3 14:23 15:2,20 | fact (2) 15:11 fighting (2) 2:21 9:2 21:3 25:2 | gauze (1) 16:11 16:16 17:1 61:16 63:16 34:16 41:14 | gave (9) 27:11, 21:12 27:19 | factfinding (1) |g 2) 28:3 58:10 14 31:11 28:22 37:11, | 65:16 30:11 food (4) 11:7 38:14 40:11 24 49:14 62:4, | factor (3) 5:23 | ating (4) 24:4 42:9 45:18 41:3 42:9 20 64:3 65:3, | 6:9 62:21 final (4) 5:3 56:23 47:19 54:16 13,15,22 66:14 | factors (2) 5:16, 63:21 | forth (ay 59:21 | gonoral (1) 55:3 exactly (2) 32:17 17 6 66:23 gentlemen (2) 33:18 faliure (4) 35:11, | many (2) 13:10, | round (a) 15:11 5:10 61:13 ‘examination (8) 12. 41:6,6 10 65:22 66:20 | got(82) 2:2 5:4 4:129:3 21:4 |faling 12:8 moan 27:12, |rour 5:20 8:14 11:17,18 25:3 34:17 | false (1) 56:1 13:5,17,19 41:15 43:17 | fan (2) 23:10 21:23 22:7,22 58:11 56: 23:22 24:29 ‘examine (2) 4:9, | far (2) 43:12 findings (@) 3:3 28:3 30:17,22 ll 62:20 63:22 66:13 foun) 14:7 42:11,15 49:9 ‘example (3) 3:18 | fast (1) 11:6 finds (1) 66:18 53:21 54:11, 5:13 50:12 | FATHER (45) fine (5) 18:9 frame (1) 17:11 13,20 55:15 except (2) 47:12 7 44:13 54:17 | free (2) 42:11 56:19 59:21 5 57:21,22 56:8 60:9,21 66:9 exclude (1) 4:1 First (27) 2:2 5:7 | Frenchman (2) 67:13,21 Excuse (4) 24:7, 7:22.9:2,10 19:7,12 getting (1) 22:20 9 58:14 67:12 16:14.21:3 | Friday (6) 20:3,4, | sive 7) 33:13 excused (7) 25:2,16 30:15 | 5 48:10 54:6,7| 36:9 39:3,4, 20:23 24:17 ao: 1046:15, 34:16 37:18 | friend (1) 13:19 11 54:19 61:11 Min-U-Seript® Wilcox & Fetzer Ltd. (73) euthanasia - give (02) 685-0477 Delaware Dog Control Panel Hearing ITMO: DE Animal Care v, Pereira August 3, 2014 tikes (1) 17:20 12:21 13:21 | motivations (1) 21 8:14 49:13 1h (1) 65:17 M 15:10 18: 50:12 58:14 tine (4) 10:2,5,8 29:6,15 44:3 | mound (1) 14:15 | needed (6) 11:2 matam (14) 7:6 46:5 50:21 | move (1) 52:21 | 26:22 27:13 litle (8) 12:10, 23:5 26:9 meant (1) 21:21 | much (2) 8:2 28:9,10 29:14 12 14:3 16:6 | 28:17 30:4,12 | medicine (2) 48:8 | 44:3, 56:21 17:8 29:7 31:4 32:13 54:16 multiple (2) 66:3, | neighbor (10) 46:18 53:24 | 43:19 53:3 | moet 1) 67:22 I 11:16 12:13 live (14) 9:21 60:3 meeting (1) 3:15 | must (4) 2:22 13:13 41:20, 17:17 19:9,11, | machine (1) moots (1) 4:20 5:13 41:23 21 42:19,22 1221:7,8 12:10 mombers (5) 2:3 | 63:19 46:11 50:22 22:13 43:3,4, | macro (1) 6:11 3:22 5:10 7:7 |my (67) 6:18,19 | 66:3 551:15,20 | made (3) 25:14, 61:12 710,16 8:5 neighborhood (2) 53:6 18 30:16 mention (4) 38:8, Us 16,20 17:9,15 lives (2) 21:14 | main (1) 32:14 12 40:8,12 nelghbors (3) : ‘maintaining (1) | mess (1) 12:11 41:22 43:11 living (2) 28:24 2 set (2) 5:13 65:18 38:21 major (1) 5:17 64:20 18:6,16 22:7 | neighbor's (3) oad (2) 29:13, | majority (4) 51:16 | might (4) 17:22 30:18 32:21 20:6,15 43:13 16 make (9) 5:8 18:1 33:14 36:6 39:1 | nervous (2) 29:7, loading (2) 22:16 26:6 30:20,21 | 53:21 40:13,24 41:2, 8B 23:18 32:5 37:12 | mina (1) 50:9 2,1144:16 neutered (2) located (2) 28:21 | 45:15 50:19 | mine (2) 7:13 ,23, 53:23 54:1 43:8 61:22 39:20 48:12 49:1,7, | never (10) 9:9 location (1) 28:23 | making (1) 12:3 | minutes (2) 6:23 10 50:9,10 13:15,16 locked (1) 21:22 | manner (2) 46:13 418,19 17:24 23:11 long (7) 8:21 61:17 62:15 | mistake (2) 47:3 | $2:1,9,12,22 | 36:22 507.20 21:23 24:5 [Manufacturing (2) | 62:17 55:12,18 56:8 | 58:24 59:1 25:5 34:19 10:23,24 | mnixaa (4) 18:8 now (4) 11:22, 46:9,14 many (3) 13:9 | mode (1) 30:19 5s look (4) 5:16,23 | 33:34 moment (1) 50:17 0 19,20 62:3, 18:19 50:13 | Mariano (12) Monday (1) 8:2 looking (1) 6:10 22:2,23 month (6) 8:6,7 eaarey 26:5 | next (10) 6:6 looks (1) 45:7 23:17 26:18 | 31:12,12 52:7 12:18 19:8 loose (3) 44:2 28:1,12,18 59:13,14 25:22,22 26:6 47:2,2 29:2,3 33:6 | months (7) 25:7, N Tose (1) 6:5 41:12,13 8 34:21,22 lost (1) 60:18 mark (1) 38:1 53:19,19 59:8 | name (12) 4:5 nice (1) 29:16 fot (9) 5:17 8:14 | Marvin (4) 27:14, | mora (5) 8:19 6:18 20:8 | night (6) 21:23 17:6 29:2. 15 33:12 38:12) 14:12 52:15 | 26:12 27:11, | 30:20 55:10, 43:14 48:19 | may (8) 3:2,5, 57:6 60:8 7 33:17 35:2 | 10 56:6 50:14 59:2 13 4:1,11 morning (8) nine (2) 16:4. 60:18 56:7 63:22 20:10 21:6, 55:22 touder (1) 8:12 64:2 20 22:5 42:5 | namely (1) 37:14 | noise (3) 50:14 lover (1) 17:21 | maybe (5) 8:7 55:17,22 56:5 | near (2) 43:11, 62:21,21 Luke (1) 2:10 11:3 50:14,15 | mostly (1) 10:16 12 north (2) 10:21 tunged (2) 5:19 62:22 ‘motivated (1) [necessarily (1) 8:4 | 11:16 5: mean (10) 10:17 | 50:15 need (5) 3:11, | note (1) 48:9 Min-v-Seript® Wileox & Fetzer Ltd, (76) likes - note (302) 655-0477 Delaware Dog Control Panel Hearing TTMO: DE Animal Care v, Pereira August 5, 2014 Hoyle (12) 16:10 | 63:13 64:15 | 1414:24 keep (4) 37:13 24:22,24 25:1, | info (1) 28:3 27:21 33:14, | 52:18 59:16 531110 inferma(t) 3:10 | 17.35:5.37:20,|kaoping( 66:24 | 421,21 47:10 32:13,17 information (4) 20 38:14 | kennet (7) 29:24 | taws (1) 47:10 35:15 36:9,11| 8:15 28:4 39:22 40:2,3, | 30:1 38:22 1 Hulse (2) 40:8,22 | 33:13 56:2 5.41:23 42:8 | 48:6,8 49:4,23 | leading (1) 50:11 human (@) 2:18, | injury (6) 2:18 46:10,12 55:8, | Kent (3) 28:15 | learning (1) 26: 195:14 17:6 | 5:14,14 63:13 53:13 67:17 | lease 2) 52: 63:13,14 64:15 65:24 kot (6) 17:24 53:1 64:15 65:24 | inoculate (2) 34:2. 42:7 Jieash (3) 29:21 humans (1) 33: 35:12 41:7 $5:2159:18 | 42:11 46:3 Inoculation (5) 14,22 65:5.23 ited (2 2:19 | Leavo a) 57:2 _ 26:23 27:2 63:14 59:22 [| 28:232:1 | Jackie's (1) 48:3. | kim (1) 6:19 leaving (1) 30:15 idoa (1) 19:21 33:19 dames (2) 8:23 [kind (7) 12:16 | tote (13) 10:5,18 identify (3) 16:18 inquiry (1) 65:3 9:1 25:22 29:7 18:14 27:20 | inside (4) 23:9 | Jamie (1) 22:6 31:5 33:15 (4) 25:17 29:24 42:13 | Johnston (30) 46:6 54:9 23:10 38:11 immaterial (1) 4:2 54:18 5:10,20,21 kinds (1) 48:7 43:1 55:21 immediately (1) | instructions (1) 6:6,21 8:1,23 | knew (1) 12:18 56:15,18,22 15:15 3:16 9:1,5 14:6 | knotted (1) 42:10 | Lenny (1) 2:8 immunizations (3) | intend (1) 3:17 19:5,11,15,20, | knowledge (1) letter (4) 4:24 51:7,9,12 |intoractoa (1) 7:13 | 23 20:321:9 | 46:8 40:9,11 41:10 impact (1) 62:22 | intorested (1) 22:16 30:13, | knows (@) 8:2,5 | level (2) 4:21 Impounded (6) 42:14 17 48:19 50:3,| 17:19 17:6 2:22 3:2 4:20 | interpreter (13) 5,19 51:2 license (5) 28:16 63:20 64:8,13 | 8:11 31:9,13, | $2:4,12,15 i 35:12 41:6 impoundment (t) | 17,21 32:19 | 61:13,18 53:13 65:1 64:23 36:5.46:15 Jones (10) 2:10, | 'abel(1) 40:13 | consea (1) 27:4 incident 29) 3:24 | 49:1 50:7 10 10:13 laceration (1) Hcensing (1) 5:24 6:11 8:1 56:13 23:15 24:6 66:12 38:17 9:10 20:7,13 14 33:11,21 ladies (2) 5:10 life (3) 39:1,3,11 27:2 32:22 | interviewed (1) 57:24 58:4 61:13 like (40) 7:6,9 37:14.40:22. | 39.2 . lady (2) 13:17 8:23 9:18 43:2 45:19 | interviews (1) 20:9 11:24 12:6,18 46:12 48:15 | 33:04 large (6) 14:20 175,614 50:4,20 51:15 | introduce (2) 2:3 35:11 41:8 18:6,10,19 53:1754:13 | og 61:17 64:15 | 97:1828:7 55:11 57:10, | investigative (1) 66:2 29:7,7 33:20 11 62:6,9 65:17 last) 28: a 34:13 37:12 64:9,19 67:5,5 | relevant (1) 4:2 39:24 41:11 included (1) tssues (1) 18:11 42:9,12 45:7 65:15 v(x) 54:20 I later (5) 16:20 46:2 48:6 Indicating (1) 19:2 24:10 50:9 54:3 56:17 J K 30:20 39:8 56:13 58:6,13, individual (1) 65:8 ae LamisHa (1) 58:9 | 17,22 59:1.18, inflict (1) 65:24 | Jackie (38) 6:1, | Ke-SPCA (1) Laughing (1) 17:3 | 61:24 62:3,10, inflicted (8) 2:17 | 16,247:10,13,| 47:19 Laughter (1) 19 Min-U-Seript® ‘Wilcox & Fetzer Ltd. (75) Hoyle - like (302) 655-0477 Delaware Dog Control Panel Hearing TTMO: DE Animal Care v, Pereira August 5, 201. 11,14,18,24 | 48:3 60:13 162175 | 54:13,17 64:24 54:5,7,21,24 |place () 14:5. | probably 2) 22:9 29:24 | raise (1) 17:18 35:5,12,14,17 | 48:22 52:7 16:19 24:3 32:21 37:23 | ran (2) 22:8 56:1,5,6,10, | 64:9 problem (3) 41:1042:24 | 25:22 12,18,20,22 | plaimy (1) 4:2 17:16 51:2 43:22,23 44:1, | rank (2) 25:9 57:2,4,8,16, | plans (1) 55:18 $23 3 51:14 52:18| 34:22 17,18 58:3,5, |plaza(1) 11:10 | procedure (1) = [ | rather (1) 12:3 16,19 59:10, | Please (6) 8:17 28:1 Q | reached (1) 13:7 12,16,18,20 26:12 _ | procedures (2) reaction (2) 60:6,8 61:1,4, 4,20 35:2) 34:8 48:22 | auarantine (4) 54:14,18 7,8,16,24 | plus (1) 54:14 | proceed (1) 8:17 | 19:6 36:19, yeaa a) 2:12 62:13 63:1,10 |pm(a) 11:14 | process (1) 34:7 | 20,23 63:9 66:19 67:49, | 63:6,6 68:2 | produce (1) 4:8 awarantined (4) eating (4) 4:23, 11,12,19 68:1 | point (3) 17:21 | proot (6) 49:15 27:1,3,4 32:1 | 24 11:18 47:9 Pereiras (1) 5:24 | 26:3 42:2 50:13 51:9 | question (12) ready (1) 63:7 permission (1) pole (1) 29:22 53:15 55:6 19:5,18 really (9) 27:13 48:11 Police (1) 2:9 62:20 23:16 31:6 38:23 42:16 person (10) 2:19 | populated (1) 11:3 | property (24) 6:6 32:19 33:2,12,| 4824.17 50:2, 20:11 27:9 — |possibly (2) 27:3 | 10:2,5,820:6,| 23 53:2 55:9 | 9 55:7 62:15 33:7 35:11 32:1 6,15 33:3 56:14 60:9 | reason (6) 31:13, 41:8 51:8 post-bite(1) 19:6 | 34:1,2 35:22 |questioned(1) 5:5 | 15 36:6,8 52:16 57:18 | Potentially (9) 42:14,17 43:1 | questions (28) 46:24 51:18 63:15 2:15 3:1,8,19 | 45:8,10,13,24 | 4:14 18:23, | Rebecca 2) personal(1) 49:1 | 5:12 47:11 46:7,11 52:19 | 24 19:1,3,22, | 34:14,15 personally (1) 63:17 64:5 $3:7 55:11 24 23:4,6,13 | recaut (1) 4:13 58:3 65:10 66:4 31:1,2 32:7 | receipt (1) 39:7 phono (7) 26:10, | prefer (1) 8:19 _| protection (2) 34:10 35:24 | rocoived (1) 14,19,20, preponderance (1) | 35:14,22 36:1 37:4,5, 51:23 27:11 28:5 : prove (2) 6:24 16,16 43:16 | recognize (2) 9:7 51:23 present (7) 3:6, 49:11 44:18 45:4 2U:11 Photograph (1) 9:8 | 2037:11 40:5 | proven (1) 61:14 | 47:655:4 | record (3) 4:5,24 photographs (1) 49:14 64:3 | provide (1) 35:12 | 56:8 58:15 25 65:19 65:13 provided (4) 4:19 | 60:1 recorder (1) 49:1 photos (1) 14:2 _| presentation (1) 5:1 62:4 66:15 | Quick (1) 23:16 | recording (1) physical (7) 2:18 3:21 providers (1) 32:3. | quickly (1) 63:: 49:16 5:14,14 46:4 | presented (4) 5:4 _| proximity (1) quiet (2) 29:20, | recordings (1) 63:13 64:15 | 65:3,15,23 20:12 23 49:22 65:24 pressure (1) public (4) 3:11 | quite (4) 13:21 | redeem (1) 41:2 picked (1) 13:7 44:24 4:21 5:23 65:8) 14:1 16:21 | referring (1) 32:12 pickup (2) 43:8,8 | pretty (3) 13:21 | pulled (1) 25:16 17:19 rofute (1) 24:14 pleture (9) 6:11 15:13,13 | puncture (3) 16:4, 7 rogard (1) 35:4 14:11 16:14, | previous (4) 5 66:11 Regarding (2) 18 21:11 11:23 31:7, | purchasing (1) 31:21 64:18 29:14 30:18, | 2033:16 42:15 rane 1) 26:23 | rogaraoss (1) 22. 45:6 prices (3) 41:20 | pursued (2) 2:19 | 90°73 .79 94 pictures (5) 42:16,18 63:14 F319 30.14 |"elease (2) 60:13 16:11 26:4 | prior (4) 4:6 pusnea (14:7) 331399 ; 37:19 38:7 19:13 55:10 | put as) 12:20 released (9) Min-U-Script@ Wilcox & Fetzer Ltd. (78) Pereiras - released td (302) 655-0477 Delaware Dog Control Panel TTMO: DE Animal Care v. Pereira Hearing August 5, 2014 noted (1) 63:10 notice (5) 5:2 20:5,13 22:19 24:1 noticed (1) 20:19 noting (1) 3:17 November (1) 11:22 now (16) 7:12 11:6 12:24 13:2,10,18 18:2,13 19:3, 37:10 4 42:10 5 56:7,8 61:9 umber (14) 3:19 9:18,24 13:9 14:23 15:2,20 16:16 1 21:122 19 28:23 65:4 numerous (1) 66:9 ‘nutrients (1) 54:20 ruts (1) 50:9 oO obe 39:2 Objection (2) 40:14 48:14 cour (1) 62:9 occurred (4) 6:15 20:3,7 45:20 October (1) 19:15 off @) 13:5 14:3 32:14 36:13 44:24 58:12, 21 63:5 office (10) 32:14, 22:36:11 41:22 42:4 43:9 46:1,2 51:2,24 OFFICER (69) 2:8 5:9 8:10, 18,22 9:4,17, (1) 20 10:6,9,12, 14 16:10 18:22 20:2,20, 24 21:5 22:15 23:1,3 24:22, 23,24 25:1,5, 10 30:6 31:1, 3,10 32:8,13, 1733:1,10,22 34:9,14,15,23, 24 35:24 36:2, 5,9,11 37:5,8 40:14,18,20 43:18 44:17 45:5. 47:7 48:14 52:24 55:9,13,15 36:7,24 57:3, 5,22 60:2 61:12 67:23 officers (1) 37:20 offias (1) 32:23, often (1) 45:15 old (1) 19:12 once (2) 7:24 8:8 One (23) 5:17 8:6 9:10,19 12:1,18 13:8, 819-4 21:12 27:19 28:22 only (14) 5:20 6:112:21 16:2 19:17 20:11 33:7 36:23 41:5,7 59:8 onto (9) 22:17 43:1 46:11 oozed (1) 16:21 open (4) 3:10, 16 13:21 54:11 opened (1) 29:15 opening (5) 2:13 4:7 5:8 8:14 63:10 operation (2) 54:8,10 opportunity (2) 4:9 5:6 opposite (2) 45:8, 9 order (6) 19:6 36:19,20 66:21 67:20 original (2) 31:18 38:13 other (17) 5:16 a0, 13 10:20 8 3 out (25) 6:4 12:4,11 13:22 14:1,13,15 15:10,11,12 20:9,13 21:24 22:8,9 23:22, 25:17 27:12, 16 28:3 29:21, 21 30:11,18 ‘outside (2) 38:22 50:12 over (13) 8:19 9:12. 11:17 12:13 13:15 25:18 29:2 32:20 33:2,5, 7.40:4 51:19 overnight (4) 23:10 40:4 42:7 §5:24 61:15 66:18 owner (25) 3:2,4 5:1 7:4 8:6 11:22,23 26:7, 10,11,19 27:12 28:11 31:7,20 33:17, 24 35:2,19 38:16 60:14 63:21 64:1 65:20 66:22 ‘owner/carotaker (1) 29:12 owners (1) 65:18 owners (1) 3. P paid (1) 39:9 painful (1) 17:2 panel (45) 14 3:6,23 4:1, 11,16,17,23 5:3,9 6:21 7:7 35:15 37:4,19, 22 38:7 41:10 43:3 47:9,12 48: 13,21 60:9, 65:12, 15, 22 66:13,15,18,22 panicked (1) 13:14 (2) 36:9,15 P paperwork (7) 28:3,6,13 36:16 38:14 40:15 47:19 —— people (8) 17:6 paramedic (1) 13:24 paramedics (2) 14:4 22:12 parked (2) 10: 10 Parker (5) 27:15, 15 33:12 38:13,17 part (2) 47:3 50:15 Particular (1) 40:18 partloulary (1) 14:24 parties (1) 4:16 party 2) 3:17 4:7 past (3) 33:14 54:6,7 paw (1) 52:18 pay (4) 39:1 40:24 41:5,7 18:11 20:17 24:13 33:4 40:3 60:21 65:19 per (1) 63:23 Poreira (117) 6:17 7:5,6,19, 21 8:16 19: 14,17,22 23:7 24:7,11,15 26:13 27:17 28:5,9 31:4,5, 8,11 32:6,9, 18 35:3 36:2, 3,4 37:2,18 38:2,6 39:4,6, 17,19 40:10, 11,19 41:16 43:15 46:15, 23.47:9,18,23 48:2,20,24 49:3,10,15,17, 22.50:1,6 54:1,18 52:14, 18 53:3,5,8, Min-U-Seript® Wileox & Fetzer Ltd. (302) 655-0477 (77) noted - Pereira Delaware Dog Control Panel Hearing ITMO: DE Animal Care v. Pereira August 5, 2014 size (3) 38:10 19 status (1) 64:24 | 48:1 58:4 50:20 51:3 56:16,17 | spayed (4) 53:22 _| stay (1) 27:3 surgery (2) 54:4,5 | 5: slip (2) 44:20 54:1 60:23,23 | stayed (2) 29:11, | surrender (3) testimonies (1) 48:6 spaying (3) 1740:3, 35:17,18 41:2 | 62:4 smaller(1) 54:4 | 60:10,11,12 [stays (1) 47:1 | suspecting (1) 6:9 | testimony (11) | smyrna(6) 9:22 | sPCA(@) 60:13 | steady (1) 1 suspects () S11 | 3:23-4:6,12, 19:7 25:12 61:2 stopped (1) 12:24 | sustained (1) | 30:16 64:11 |spca's (1) 2:7 | steps (1) 12:4 66:10 678 speak (6) 8:12 | stick (1) 46:19 | sworn (8) 4:6 Snares (1) 6:19 26:14,18 31:6, | etn (9) 44:19,23 | 9:2 21:3 25:2 |ttmer ct 6:5 socialize (1) 7 45:2 tothored (2) 45:7 38:23 speaking (2) stiteh (1) 16:21 210 65: 46:10 sold (3) 38:18, 14:10 31:8 | stitehed (2) 16:7, [——___— than (8) 9:10,13 18 51:8 specify(1) 43:10 | 8 12:33 sole (1) 3:13 spell (1) 4:5 stitches (1) 16:2 "Thank (40) 7:3,7, some (13) 7:12 | splatter (t) 25:20 | stolen (1) 17:13 17,18 8:15 11:23 12:3 | spoke (3) 8:2 stone (1) 13:7 | take (10) 2:5 10:6 18:23 26:8 35:4 | stopped (2) 15:1 16:10 29:14, | 19:23 20:22, ‘Square (2) 43:5 40:23 20 38:5 39:2 | 23 21:16 48:7 49:14 stopping (1) 5:20 | 48:2250:13 | 29:12 23:4 50:12 55:3 storage (1) 51:13 | 51:10 59:22 24:17,19 30:8 62:22 stored (4) 55:11 | taken 2) 14:11 32:10,24 34:9, ‘somebody (4) standard (1) 3:11 | story (4) 5:6 39:22 11 37:2,6,10, 18:6 41:24 | start a) 7:24 7:10,17 24:10 | taking (6) 26:4 18 52:23 60:4 42:20 45:21 |started(3) 2:2 _|stratton (4) 28:14 33:8 61:4,8,21,24 something (10) : 2 | 34:14,15 38:11 46:24 | 62:1,11,12,14, 11:10 13:20 35:24 40:20 | 48:7 23,24 63:1,4 24:8 54:3 stroam (f) 15:13 _ | talk (6) 29:2 67:19 68:1 56:13 62:7,7, | 23:8 24:8 35:2 | strength 1) 12:23 | 36:24-48:15, | gir (ta) 3:21 88,21 stated (7) 19:8 | strike (1) 66:8 18 50:457:9 | 4:5,8 5:6 6:3 sometimes (2) 35:13,21 41:9, | striking (1) 5:21 _ | talked (1) 49:5 24:12 32:20 40:4 59:23 23 52:5 57:9 | strugating (1) 24:1 |talking (11) 9:12 | 34:2 40:3 son (6) 8:5 statement (16) | Subchapter (4) 12:16 18:2 43:1 47:22 32:21 36:6 2:13 5:8 8:14 | 2:16 61:21 36:22 57:21 60:22 49:1 51:4 18:14,17 63:12 66:17 | 40:20,22,23 65.3 son's (1) 50:10 21:16,19 30:5, | Subsection (7) | them (25) 17:8, sorry (10) 8:1,8 1041:17,19 | 2:17.73 tan (2) eB | 22 18:6,9 20:9 24:16 61:10,11,23 61:21 63:12, | tears (1) 16:6 19:3 22:13 28:22 36:7 63:9,11 23 65:10 66:17 |technicians(3) 3 7:15,93,24 41:21 50:2,8 | statements (10) —_| suggested (1) 49:4,23,23 | 38:1,8 39:4, 52:14 3:174:7,15 | 35:16 toting (1) 51:24 | 20. 40:10 42:7 ‘South (5) 9:22 57:7,15,21,23 | summer (1) 56:19 | ten (1) 59:8 | 46:20 51:10, 11:19 21:8 58:1 61:15 | support (4) 57:12 |tend (1) 44:12 15 54:1 55:19, 64:10 67:7 65:17 supposed (1) tenmonthold(t) | 21 57:2 58:1, space (1) 8:19 | states (4) 2:17 10:19 | 3654 sparsely (1) 11:3. | 41:19 60:12 |sureq7) 14:14 | TESTIFIED () spatters (1) 14:17 | 63:12 27:7 30:21 9:2 21:3 25:2 spay (2) 60:19, | stating (1) 49:23 37:12 45:15 34:16 41:14 Min-U-Seript® Wilcox & Fetzer Ltd. (80) size - there (302) 655.0477 Delaware Dog Control Panel Hearing ITMO: DE Animal Care v. Pereira August 52014 12:23 13: right (40) 4:13, said (16) 14:6, 22 64:4,8 shed (1) 17:11 66:6 7:12 8:21 24 23:8,16 65:20 sheet (1) 27:19 relevant (2) 10:1,19,20 sent (2) 16:8 | shelter (2) 29:19 | 37:13 50:3, 15:4 16:13,13 52:21 35:1 relied (1) 18:2 19:8,18 Sergeant (13) Sherry (1) 6:18 remember (4) 22:13 23:19 6:19 24:20, | shop (2) 32:16 | 18:17 31:6,8 24:11,15 25:8 20 25:4 30:8, 42:22 52:12 33:18 27:17 29:3 9,24 34:13,18 | shot (3) 31:20 repair (1) 32:16, 30:2,13,21 same (2) 17:6 35:15,23 40:7,} 39:14 54:17 repatitve (1) 4:3 | 33:21 36:10, | 62:14 22 shots (1) 54: report (1) 39:18, 2040:1,19 | sat(1) 42:23 serious (3) 5:14 | should (4) 3: reported (1) 6:1 43:7,15 44:20 | saw (5) 20:11 64:15 65:24 | 7:1,14 64:4 reporter (2) 8:11 48:17 49:8 21:19 22:8 | session (1) 4:17 | shouting (1) 54:2 50:23 53:15 : set (4) 9:19 42:19 reports (2) 61:15 57:3,16 60:12 | saying (4) 8:1 39:8 60:10 ‘show (8) 10:7 65:17 61:4 67:19 2 25:18 66:23 12:15 17:18 representative (1) | 68:1 sever (1) 16:1 19:14 37:19 2:9 ring (4) 46:21, | seared (2) 29:24 | several(2) 57:15 | 38:6 39:5 representing (2) 22:47:13 52:5 58:24 40:10 6:20 7:11 [rings @) 46:19, | scattered (1) 46:5. | severea (1) showed (4) request (4) 3:5 20,21 scenario (1) severity (1) 3 13:16 25:20 61:19 67:15,16 |ripped(t) 12:21 | 25:23 shail (6) 3:10,12 | 58:24 62:1 requested (4) 4:5 | Road (3) 19:7 scene (2) 30:15 4:8,23 5:1 ‘showing (2) 64:3,19 65:12 :6 28:10 36:24 66:23 21:11 37:21 require (1) 51:12 | roam (2) 56:9,11 | SCHNARES (9) she (67) 3:5 sick (2) 53:21 requirements (1) rock (4) 5:21 24:20,21 16:11 17:19, 60:17 66:23 14:16,20 66:9} 25:4 30:8,9, 20 21:23 22:2, | side (12) 5:6 reserves (1) 4:12 | rocks (1) 13:4 24 34:13,18 11,16,20,23, 7:10,10 11:19, resided (1) 26:2 | room (7) 7:12 35: 24 24:22 20 12:2,15 residence (4) 29:1 32:14,14, | seal (1) 16:1 26:19,19 28:6, 14:13 25:21 9:24 10:3 20 42:24 56:11 | seat (2) 2:4 7,8,12,14,20 32:15 45:8,9 25:12 43:13 24: 29:5,11,20,23, | sides (1) 5:5 resolve (1) 8:4 second (s)23:5 | 24,2430:6 | sign (2) 28:6,13 responded (2) 39:14 46:21 | 36:13 38:10, | signature 2) 24:23 33:2 | rules 2) 3:11 472 19,19,21 18:19 36:18 responsibility (1) | 27:1 Section (2) 66:19, | 39:12,13 | stan (a) 1 33:8 run (1) 23:10 24 41:24 42:8,11, | simon’s (2) 11:9, responsible (1) running (5) ‘secure (1) 43:22 20 43:1,21,21 10 60:14 15:10,12 see (13) 7:15 44:13,24 ‘Since (5) 27:23 restaurant (1) 11:7 22:9 35:11 8:9 11:2 45:17 46:6 28:5 29:11 restraint (1) 62:19 64:14 14:17 30:13 48:6,7 49:6, 42:16 46:10 restricted (1) rural (2) 10:16, 37:21,21 11,24 50:1,16, | sitting (2) 45:17, 62:16 7 39:24 44:7 2051:14 18 rests (1) 37:9 = 48:3,5 52:1,5 53:14 55:12, | situation (1) 8:9 retaining (5) 12:3, s seek (1) 50:11 15,22 58:15, | sixis) 17: 5,6 13:4 14:12 -———_ | 23 59:7,16,18 | 25:7,8 34:21, returned (1) 63:8 | Safety (2) 5:24 60:17,17 22 53:18,19 returning (1) 4:22 | 6:8 62:16,18 59:15 Min-U-Script® Wilcox & Fetzer Ltd. (79) relevant - six (302) 655-0477 Delaware Dog Control Panel Hearing HIMO: DE Animal Care v, Pereira August §, 2014 Visitation (1) 59:6 Whose (1) 53:4 z 60:17 wants (1) 40:13 | window (1) 23:10 Y 4 Visiting (1) 19:9] WARBURTON (24) | without (2) 31:9 visual (1) 45:13 | 5:96:18 8:18,| 51:2 4(1) 56:4 voice (1) 50:24 | 229:4,17,20 | witness (16) 4:4, | years (1) jog voluntary (2) 10:6,9,12,14 11,13 8:18 |yeling (2) 13:5, | 5 41:17,19 18:22. 20:24 | 19:123:6,8 | 19 fae craanaa| 21:5 23:3 24:19 41:11 York) 55:18 51) 64:20 30:6 37:8, 44:22 45:2 59:21 40:14 43:18 | 47:6 54:6,11 | young (2) 13:17 6 wagging (1) 44:17 48:14, | 60:1 61:14 20:9 42:22 1761:12, witnessed (1) Wait (1) 23:5 washed (1) 16:7 30:11 bee 2) oe watching (1) witnesses (15) : 42:17 3:20 4:8,10 1 Ley a 18:10 | water (a) 54:23 5:5 6:22 i ee nat oe : 56:20,23 37:11,15,16 : walked (3) 13:14 | wowa (2) 11:11 38:8 57:7,8, | 25:11 61:16 8 15:3 25:19 18:10 10,12 62:5 29,10 65:23 watking (4) 9:11 — | way (6) 16:9 65:18 14:30) 11:14 | gi47 (4) 39:9 13:15 25:17 | 18:429:9 | wondering (2) 22:4 8:3 (1) 63:5 46:11 31:22 42:11 | 40:7 60:15 | 12:44() 25:17 | wall (6) 12:3,5,6, | 50:21 wwood(t) Let |1226(8) 9:22 9 10 13:4 14:12 week (t) 8:77 | Woodley) ios weekend (2) 40:4 | 10:18 25:17 eg ue sills oa): 16.16 1 1 26:5 niall 3,3 43: 19412115 |mere nee words (2) 8:3 66:12 51:20 61:20 26:13 31:11 |" 3.7 27: 62:8 4479091) 65:4 63:11,11 33:15 35:3, 59:11,13,13, wore 14:12 |18(9) 19:7,11 66:16,16,23 61:16 63:10 | 1515 workers (1) 49:3 | 34 9:00 (2) 42:5 66:18 weight (2) 5:18 | working (2) 6:6 | 8(1) 40:6 63:6 Walter's (4) 7:21 60:18 56:18 19904 (1) 43:6 9:08 (1) 68:2 10:17 12:16 {welcome (2) 8:16 | worms (1) 54:15 : | 9:30 (1) 42:5 13:15 ; worry (1) 52:13 911 (1) 22:10 want (25) 2:5 went (@) 13:17 | worth (4) 17:12 216 922 (1) 66:17 7:24 19:2 31518315 fuomacy 30:18, [7216.1 |oxsca 61-21 23:11,21 24:7, 24:330:16 22 eee 66:19 13 30:1 35:18 | 34:7.42:13 | wounds (4) 16:4, tig [92882 2:17 36:6,8 37:18, | whatever (1) 5,15 66:11 eit sang | 0:2 22,23 38:12 |" 54:19 wrapped @) 14:3. | 224! 3404 loan cw 66:24 Sib soins (Crawl eke] diss 65:23 poo io f i writing (2) 18:17 23 A 51:4 55:6 lumen ia 34:22 | 3540 2day (1) 40:23 | 26a (1) 65:10 57:20 58:1 36:12 49:20 | written (2) 5:2 3 928 (1) 66:17 62:14,15 62:8 18:14 : 95 (1) 7:3 wanted (7) 23:7 | whenever (1) wrote (4) 19:19, 6:23 38:6,24 3: 45:16 21 21:17 57:19 aati) 15 48:12 55:3 | white (1) 6:16 Min-U-Seript® Wileox & Fetzer Ltd, (682) visitation - 95 (G02) 655-0877 Delaware Dog Control Panel Hearing ITMO: DE Animal Care v. Pereira August 52014 11:1,8,10,10 | 45:3 By 13,22 | typo (a) 12:3 59:17 12:5,12,18 | ght 1) 44:4 23 30:6 | 51:22 52:8 | usea 4) 2:20 13:4 14:12,15 oe 13 17:18 19:12 19:9,10,11 55:20 64:9 7 63:16 20:11,18 tool (1) 17:12 Using (14) 313, 26:21 28:12, top (1) 16:4 Um (8) 18:8 12 30:17 211 20:10, | tore (1) 13:21 34:5 42:13 32:14,20,21, 12 21:21 22:1, totat (1) 1 44:7 45:6 2023:17,18 {touch (@)31:14, | 46:18 50:12 | 54:2 56:12 24:5 25:9,24 | 15 3 62:13 40:5 42:5,23 | 27:6,24 28:7, | toumiquet (3) uncooperative 1) | usually (1) 60:21 44:7,20 45:16 | 14,19 29:8,12 | 13:19 22:7,9 | 28:19 46:2,5,7,18, 30:15 31:1 | towards (1) 9:12 | under (4) 40:6 v 19 50:13,14, 32:4 33:8 toxins (1) 54:19 53:18,21 66:16 20 51:14,21 | 35:9,18 38:11 | trai (2) 15:5 Understand (7) | vaccination (4) 52:6 54:19 44:15,16 26:4 24:15 40:16, | 27:24 53:13, 55:19 56:3,11 | 45:19 46:24 | transcript (3) 17 50:10 51:3 | 20 64:24 | 57:10,24 58:5 67:13,15,17 | 52:4,5 vaccinations (1) thing (8) 5:7 triggered (3) unduly (1) 4:3 31:22 12:1,18 13:3, 50:15 62:8,9 | unloaded (1) vaccine @2) 12:22:21 timely (1) 31:22 | teipte (4) 42:10 29:19 39:16,18 42:18 62:18 | times (10) 5:20 truck (9) 22:17 | unprovoked (8) __| vaccines (2) things (2) 11:13, 13:1,9,10 29:17,21 6:5 61:17 39:12 51:7 23 42:10 44:20, | 66:3 valid (1) 6:10 think (10) 8:20 3:24 66:3,6,9| 23 45:3,17 | until (2) 2:23 variety (1) 65:16 14:1 18:1 | red (1) 50:7 46: 63:20 vehicle (1) 29:4 30:6 34:5 Title (6) 2:16 ‘true (2) 41:24 unusual (1) 22:19 | vehicles (3) 10:4, 35:20 58:22 | 7:3 61:20 47: unwrap (1) 16:11 | 9 42:15 59:7 60:6 63:11 66:16 | trust (2) 17:16 up (23) 2:5 9:7 | verity (5) 26:23 62:21 today (5) 27:22 29:22 12:1,20 13:2, | 31:15,19 32:2 though (2) 28:10 | 31:23 40:8 | try (6) 27:16 714:4,13,16 | $5:1 5 2:21 62:2 36:14 37:12, | 16:7,8 22:20, | vets) 60:10 thought (4) 13:20 | together (1) 46:19 13 50:9,11 22 24:22 veterinarian (2) 15:8,14 39:13 | told (10) 26:5,21, | trying (7) 21:23 25:19 37:24 2:11 60:20 threatened (1) 22 27:16 24:2 42:10 43:7 | viciously (1) 29:9 31:8 55:19 58:8 61:17 ‘threatening (1) 36:9 38:18,22 : 60:10 62:2 | vietim (8) 25:24 23:24, 39:11 turn (2) 24:12 64:24 66:4,5,8,10 ‘three (5) 14:23 | tomorrow (1) 37:1 upon (8) 2:18 vietims (1) 65:18 22:22 39:14, | 52:21 turned (2) 12:19 3:13 4:18 vietim's (3) 45:10 20 41:3 tonight (10) 2:4 13:14 25:15 63:13 46:7 66:6 throughout (1) 5:18 6:14,19, | two (14) 9:24 64:15 65:24 | video (1) 3 46:5 247:8,9,16 10:20 16:5,20 | 66:14 view (1) 42:2. Thursday (1) 48:6 | 10:19 64:20 41:4 46:13,19, | us (14) 10:22 violation (6) 2:22 tied (10) 6:4 tonight's (1) 67:2 | 20 48:7 54:22 | 11:18 19:8 63:17 64:13 9:13 14:3, took (16) 12:4, 59:11,12,13,14{ 22:22 26:16 65:5,9 66:19 42:10 43:7,19 | 14 13:3 14:5, | two-year-old (1) 35:7,17 39:5 | visit (3) 48:12 44:9,20,23 5,14 20:9 39:13 51:8 58:2 49:4,5 Min-U-Seript® Wilcox & Fetzer Ltd. (81) thing - visit (302) 655-0477

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