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IN THIS ISSUE October 15, 2009 - December 19, 2009

Articles Page Determine never to be idle. No person will have occasion to complain of the want of time who never
loses any. It is wonderful how much can be done if we are always doing.
Thomas Jefferson
German Exchange 1
German Exchange Programme Cross Country 1st November 2009
Cross Country 1 23 October- 13 November2009 As the Delhi Marathon took place, we had our
Cross Country Re- 1 own Cross Country in The Sagar School. The
The school welcomed eleven students accompa-
sults whole school ran, beginning in the early hours of
nied by two teachers from the Albert –
Man plans - and God 2 Schweitzer Gymnasium, Neckerslum. The stu- a fresh winter morning, hoping to make it through
laughs dents played great hosts and within no time the the few kilometers swiftly and to earn points for
guest students felt very comfortable. The high their houses.
Academics and As- 2 The track was challenging and the weather coldly
level of interaction in and outside the classroom
sessments splendid, awakening us all as we exerted our
was a great learning experience for both. I loved
Pygmalion 2 having them in my classes and what I liked was stamina to run speedily and steadily – slow and
the enquiring mind they had. The students also steady wins the race is something we all are fa-
Inter-House Badmin- 3 miliar with, yet none of us were quite ready to
were exposed to the local rural life and visited
ton Championship compromise on our speed as others sped by.
Agra, Jaipur and Delhi to have a feel of the
Inter-House Table 3 country. They also put forth many presentations Battling the course over rocky trails, sandy paths,
Tennis Champion- familiarizing the students with their culture. A gorse bushes and slopes, every one completed
ship very fine cultural evening depicting the German their circuit and returned to report to their check
culture was showcased by the students before points in the cricket field, eager to know their
Career Counselling 3 overall position. The Cross Country is definitely
their goodbyes. They loved being in the school
Workshop for stu- one of the well–loved sports events of the year.
so much that they wish to come back again and
dents -Aditya Sedhai (Class XII)
one of the students told me that may be some
Open Prize Examina- 3 day she would return to the school as a German
tions teacher. We surely look forward to that.
-Mrs. Anjum Ahmad
CCE Workshop 3
Inter-House Tennis
Monthly Theme I Lovesh Yadav XI-A Emerald
Cricket Match 4
Christmas Celebra- 4 I VIII-B Ruby
Final Words 4 I Akash Udayan VI Diamond
I Eun Jin Yang VII-B Sapphire
The Sagar School
Village Baghor
Tehsil Tijara I Komal Pal VIII-A Ruby
District Alwar
(Rajasthan) - 301 411 HOUSE POSITION

Tel. No. I Diamond 373 16

+91 1469 262 475 - 79 II Emerald 441 12
+91 99833 08801 - 04
Fax: III Sapphire 486 8
+91 1469 262 482 IV Ruby 523 4; E-mail:


“Man plans – and God laughs.” Academics and Assessments

The Sagar School was immersed in a hectic hubbub of activi- After the school reopened on 28th November, the schedule
ties– preparations for Founder’s Day, the school play in Epi- was changed so that the amount of academics and classes that
centre, Gurgaon and Inter–House Athletics practice among had been missed because of the sudden closure could be com-
other things. pensated. Morning Assemblies were cancelled to add an extra
lesson in the early mornings, the time when the mind is very
With the costumes ordered, programmes in place, practices fresh. Two extra lessons were also added in the evening
taking place feverishly, the Founder’s Day fever was the schedule, following which there was a twenty–minute break
dominant thing in the school with the date – 28th November – for rejuvenation before Prep time began.
approaching close. The staff and students were busy in putting The Second Term Examination was cancelled since the focus
up a grand show for the parents, this year’s theme was unique was on course completion for all classes. Instead, unit tests
“Back To The Future”. The different programmes were show- and assessments were scheduled before the school closed for
casing the way the different civilizations around the world winter break. Students and teachers all rose to the occasion,
would have developed or changed – from lifestyle to technol- and the spirit to brave all hectic schedules and pressures tri-
ogy – in the future. The creativity and dedication of the stu- umphed.
dents was reflected well in the already polished practices. After giving their assessment tests, the students left for a well
At the same time, a smaller group of students were practicing –deserved winter break on 19th December.
day and night for putting up the play ‘Pygmalion’ by George
Bernard Shaw in Gurgaon Epicentre under the direction of Pygmalion
Mr. Brad Hurvitz and Mrs. Anjum Ahmad. Plans for a school
play had been floating for a long time and finally, they had A group of students had been preparing day and night to per-
materialized into a solid and dramatic reality. Lines learnt, form Shaw’s famous satirical comedy ‘Pygmalion’ in the Epi-
stage directions followed, the play rehearsals were also in full centre, Gurgaon. Unfortunately, due to the school closure, the
swing, the date of the final show being set to 21st November. event had to be postponed, something painful for the students
and directors, who’d been investing great time, energy and
Unfortunately, a day dawned when the spread of viral fever effort into the play.
among the students generated concern and as a precautionary It was decided that the cast of Pygmalion would perform the
measure, the school was declared closed. All plans, prepara- play in front of the school on 2nd December, a few days after
tions and practices were unsure of their purpose and all school school reopened, so that their efforts could be appreciated.
programmes came to a stand still. School closed on 13th No- The play was a grand success, with the hard work and zest of
vember and would reopen on 28th November. the actors clearly shining through the performance, and their
efforts were appreciated by all students and teachers.
-Mrs. Anjum Ahmad
-Sarah Ahmad (Class X); E-mail:


INTER HOUSE BADMINTON CHAMPIONSHIP Career Counselling Workshop for Students
24 - 26 OCTOBER 2009-10
Two experts from Holy Grail Solutions visited
Division Name Class House Rank the school on 17th & 19th December to have an
interaction with the senior students. Classes
Mrityunjay Hawaibam XII
Div. A Sen. (Boys) Class Nine to Twelve attended the sessions which
Parakram Singh XII Diamond I dwelled not only on career choices but the im-
Sandeep Yadav XI portance of aptitude based learning determining
Apurva Sharma VIII the choices to be taken. Here the role of the
Div. B Jr. (Boys Middle) teacher and school was highlighted to observe
Saksham Agarwal VIII Diamond I
Class VII-VIII and be able to guide the students based on their
Anurag Bansal VII
performance and inclination. This was followed
Aryaman Gir VI by a close group interaction of the teachers with
Div. C Sub Jr. (Boys)
Shourya Negi V Ruby I the resource persons to equip them better in
Class IV-VI
Karan Gupta VI channelizing students towards making the right
career choices.
Disha X
Div. G Sen. (Girls) Class
Sisira Hawaibam X Diamond I
Megha Deshwal XI Open Prize Examinations
Tanya Kabeer VII
Div. H Jr. (Girls) Class The Prize Examinations are a yearly academic
Joo Ye Hee VIII Emerald I tradition in The Sagar School, extremely com-
Amulya Maseeh V petitive and also a lot of fun. The Examinations,
INTER HOUSE TABLE TENNIS CHAMPIONSHIP which are conducted in all subjects (Science,
06 - 08 DECEMBER 2009-10 Social Studies, English, Mathematics, Music,
Information Technology, Art, General Knowl-
Division Name Class House Rank edge) are open for any interested students from
Naitik Goyal XII classes IX– XII. The papers are usually multiple
Div. A Sen. (Boys) Class –choice with an assortment of practical and dif-
Chirag Bansal XI Sapphire I
IX-XII ficult questions to ensure that the student who is
Thipbodee Singh X
most adept at that particular subject wins. It is an
Patcharapong S VIII honour to win a Prize Examination and as every
Div. B Jr. (Boys Middle)
Arnav Malik VIII Sapphire I year, the students participated with great interest
Kush Chawla VII and enthusiasm.
Mukund Vohra VI CCE Workshop
Div. C Sub Jr. (Boys) After bidding goodbye to the students for the year,
Raman Sharma V Sapphire I the teachers got down to serious business for two
Class IV-VI
Ganpati Goel VI days on 20 - 21 December. The changes in all
realms of education introduced by the CBSE were
Tanya Lamba X
Div. G Sen. (Girls) Class presented to the teachers by a group of teachers
Chileshe Sampa X Sapphire I who had attended the workshop organized by the
Soumya Yadav X CBSE in different regions. The workshop was very
effective in communicating the desired changes.
Thoinu Karam VII There were discussions, questions seeking clarity
Div. H Jr. (Girls) Class
Yashika Bansal VIII Sapphire I on different topics, methods of implementation.
IV-VIII What made the workshop really interesting was
Kirti Dalal VIII
the involvement with which all the teachers partici-
Editorial Board pated in the activities. Finally the simple gap filling
exercise to test the clarity of what had been at-
Staff Editor: Mrs. Anjum Ahmad tempted made all feel that they had attended their
Design Editor: Mr. Arjun Singh classes well. All of us are geared up to meet the
Student Editors: Sarah Ahmad, Mahesh Pathak, new challenges and make it as meaningful and
Tushita Singh enjoyable a learning experience for our students.
Photographs by: Mr. Santanu Mitra; E-mail:



10 - 13 DECEMBER 2009-10
On 18th December, the day before the last day of the
term, we celebrated the Christmas Party in the splen-
Division Name Class House Rank
did cold weather in the evening. With spirits high,
Ahn Min Chul XII singing Christmas Carols, bonding, joking around and
Division A (IX-XII enjoying the light hearted celebrations and good food,
Harshit Arora X Emerald I
Senior Boys) it was truly a fitting way to celebrate the ending of a
Siddharth Agrawal IX term when we’d all come together and tackled school
Shalu Pal X activities, a lot of studies and tests and come through
Division B (IV-XII it all successfully.
Romeda Thapa VIII Emerald I
Girls) The decorations were beautiful, making the lit school
Tanya Kabeer VII grounds look beautiful. The decked dining hall and the
Santosh Udayan VII aroma of Christmas cake and music made the atmos-
Division C (IV-VIII phere feel truly jolly and merry – we were all in a
Yatin Madan VII Ruby I
Junior Boys) mood to celebrate. The carols were sung with gusto
Abhishek Sharma VII
and the Principal’s message of the need of creating a
better world – saving water, being more in touch with
Division A Division B Division C
House Total nature, being conscious of our surroundings, keeping
(Boys) (Girls) (Boys)
in mind the Copenhagen summit – was a lesson that
Diamond 2 2 1 5 we all inculcated and are sure to enact from now and
on to the coming new year. Merry Christmas!
Emerald 5 5 3 13 -Rahul Yadav (Class X)

Ruby 1 3 5 9

Sapphire 3 1 2 6

Monthly Themes
Keeping up with the momentum of the Monthly Themes, the themes for
the months of November and December were Time Management and
Relationships respectively.
With the amount of activities occupying both teachers and students,
time management was an apt theme and the daily assemblies and pres-
entations offered a wealth of helpful tips and suggestions to make
proper use of time. We realized that time is in fact the most vital and
important resource in our lives and we need to exploit and use each bit
of it with utmost care and thought.
Consecutively, as we each are immersed in our own jam–packed sched-
ule of activities, it is also vital that we reach out and nurture our rela-
tionships with each other – teachers, friends, classmates, seniors and
juniors. In December, the theme being Relationships, we learnt all about
how to make a relationship work and how to invest ourselves and our
time – even small acts show we care – to make sure we know that
‘entire universe, except one trifling exception, is made of others’.

Cricket Match Final Words

The school cricket team under the professional coaching of Mr. Naren- November and December have certainly been chal-
der Negi played a match against R. P Academy, Delhi on the 19 and 20 lenging, educational, hectic, fun and happening. The
December. The school team put up a tough fight but lost the match. sudden closure of the school put the schedule of the
Lovesh Yadav, Anurag Bansal and Apurva Sharma proved to be prom- school in momentary disarray but we have all tri-
ising players. Our team is promising because the R. P. Academy is a umphed over the loss of two weeks of the term.
The school reopens after the winter break on 10th
professional team comprising of students from various schools in Delhi.
January. We all hope that the coming year is a success
It surely was a great learning lesson for the school team.
and brings joy and happiness to everyone. Merry
Christmas and a Happy New Year!; E-mail:

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