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P r o j e c t

1.1 Preface
1.2 Acknowledgement
1.3 Origin of the report
1.4 Objective of the report
1.5 Methodology of the report
1.6 Scope of the report
1.7 Limitations of the study

1.1 Preface
Bank is very old institution that is contributing toward the
Development of any economy and is treated as an important
Service industry in the modern world. Economic history shows that development has
started everywhere with the banking system and its contribution towards financial
development of a country is the highest in the initial stage. Modern banks play an
important part in promoting economic development of a country. Bank provides necessary
funds for executing various programs in the process of economic development. They
collect savings from large masses of people scattered throughout the country, which in the
absence of banks would have remained ideal and unproductive. These scattered amounts
are collected, pooled together and made available to commerce and industry for meeting
the financial requirements.
Economy of Bangladesh is in the group of worlds most underdeveloped economies. One of
the reasons behind this may be its underdeveloped banking system. Government as well
as different international organizations have also identified that underdeveloped banking
system causes some obstacles to the process of economic development. So they have
highly recommended for reforming financial sector. Since 1990, Bangladesh Government
has taken a lot of reform activities to ensure high economic growth. In 1996, World Bank
published Bangladesh: Agenda for Action in which it has suggested lots of
recommendations for economic development of our country. These recommendations
include special presentation for reforming banking sector.
Bank plays a vital role in the economy by providing means of payment and in mobilizing
resources. Bank is the most important financial institution in the economy. The economic
development of a country depends on the development of banking sector. Todays modern
banks are not only providing traditional banking but also expanding the many financial
services. In todays world the life of the people directly or indirectly are within the arena of
banking whether conventional or Islamic banking. Although Islamic banking is not a newer
concept in Bangladesh as it has started its operation since 1983, very few people are
aware about its operation. But things are changing. Islamic Banking is also getting
popularity in the country.
Internship program is essential for every student, especially for the students of Business
Administration, which helps them to know the real life situation. For this reason a student
takes the internship program at the last stage of the bachelors degree, to launch a career
with some practical experience. Against this backdrop, I have completed my three months
internship in the Standard Bank Ltd at Head Office, Dhaka, which has helped me a lot
to understand the real life situation of banking business HR practices in Banks.

1.2 Acknowledgement
At first, I would like to remember the name of the Almighty ALLAH who has created us
and given us knowledge, time and energy for completing my internship program.
I eagerly and most genuinely would like to express my deepest sense of gratitude to
respected Md. Nasim Anjum, Dean of Business Administration, for overall supervisor of this
work, valuable suggestion, reviews and comments during the program.
I want to pay my sincere gratitude to our sir Dr. Farid uddin Ahmed, Head of business
faculty for his all out support that he has extended to us.
I am also extremely grateful to the all officials of Standard Bank Limited, Motijheel, Head
Office, Dhaka, who have sacrificed their valuable time in providing me necessary
information and made detailed comments that have contributed to the planning of this
report and internship program. In addition, I gladly acknowledge the valuable cooperation
from the staffs of the Standard Bank Limited.
Finally, thanks go to supervisor Mr. Nasim Anjum, for his keen interest, intellectual
guidance benevolent company, continuous encouragement, constructive instruction
throughout the period, it would have been practical impossible for me to carry out this
study as well as taking down the report to the present standard.

1.3 Origin of the report

IBAIS university one of the few private universities of Bangladesh, which had built its own
premises at the time of receiving the charter from the government. It was born with a
vision to inculcate ethical and moral dimension white offering a comprehensive
professional training.
Internship is an integral part of the BBA program. The primary goal of the internship is to
enhance a students theoretical understanding by transforming it in to real life practical
situation of organizational attachments and the report preparation and submission under
the auspices of a supervisor for earning 6 credit. Without practical exposure, theory can
never be fruitful. For this reason, B.B.A program has been designed in such a way that a
student can get practical knowledge. A student needs to go for practical orientation in
some organization where his/her duty is to bear all the some things from operations and
activities of that branch.

IBAIS University now posed to contribute to the human resource development by

expending the scope of higher education in Bangladesh. The sprit of IBAIS is to foster
congenial atmosphere for intellectual growth, moral uplift and professional excellence.

1.4 Objective of the report

The objective of the study may be viewed as:
General Objective
Specific Objective
General Objective:
This internship report is prepared primarily to fulfill the Bachelor of Business Administration
(B.B.A) degree requirement under the Faculty of Business Administration, IBAIS University.
Specific Objective:
More specifically, this study entails the following aspects:

To have exposure to the HR Practice Standard Bank Limited.

To have a clear understanding of the business operation of Standard Bank Limited.

To discuss the services offered by Standard Bank Ltd.

To assess and evaluate the growth trends of Standard Bank Limited.

To understand human resource functions of the Standard Bank Limited.

To understand employees daily activities in the working environment.

To gain practical knowledge for building a strong career.


1.5 Methodology of the report:

The study requires a systematic procedure from selection of the topic to final report
preparation. To perform the study the data sources are to be identified and collected, they
are to be classified, analyze, interpreted and presented in a systematic manner and key
points are to be found out. The overall process of methodology is given in the following
page in a form of flowchart that has been followed in the study.
A. Selection of the topic: The topic of the study was assigned by my supervisor.
Before assigning the topic it was discussed with me so that, a well organized
internship report can be prepared.
B. Identifying data sources: Essential data sources both primary and secondary are
indentified which will be needed to complete and work out the study. To meet up the
need of data, primary data are used and study also requires interviewing the official
and staffs were necessary.
Primary Source
Face to face conversation with
the employees
Practical desk work
By interviewing clients of the
Relevant files study as provided
by the concerned officers.

Secondary Source
Internal Sources
Bank's Annual Report
Different circulars, manuals and
files of the bank.
Banks Service Rules
Banks HR Manual
External Sources
Different books and periodicals
related to the banking sector
Bangladesh Bank Report
Online resources

C. Collection of data: primary data are collected by using interviewing technique. The
report is an exploratory research and for qualitative survey open ended question was
ask to the Bank official.
D. Classification, analysis, interpretations and presentation of data: Some
arithmetic and graphical tools are used in this report for analyzing the collected
financial data and to classifying those to interpret them clearly.
E. Findings of the study: The collected data were scrutinized very well and were
pointed out and shown as findings at the end. Few recommendations are also made
for improvement of the current situation.

F. Final report preparation: On the basis of the suggestions of our honorable faculty
advisor some corrections were made to present the paper in this form.

1.6 Scope of the report:

As I was sent to Standard Bank Limited, Head Office, Dhaka the scope of the study is only
limited due to some restrictions. The report covers details about Human Resource
Management of Standard Bank Limited.

1.7 Limitations of the study:

It was very difficult to collect the information from various personnel for their job

Because of the limitation of information, some assumptions were made. So there may
be some personal mistake in the report

Omission and error may be there due to lack of my prior experience in preparing a
professional report like this one; nevertheless, I have tried utmost to avoid mistakes.

Something about the Organization

Historical Background of Standard Bank Limited

Merchant Banking Wing
Islami Banking
Corporate Information (As per Annual Report 2009)
Vision of Standard Bank Limited
Mission of Standard Bank Limited
Objectives of Standard Bank Limited
Organogram of Standard Bank Limited
Products of Standard Bank Limited

Standard Bank Regular Deposit Program (SRDP)

Standard Bank Regular Income Program (SRIP)

Double Income Plus (D1+)

Life Secured Double Income program (LSDIP)

Capital Management
Operating & Net Profit
Risk Management
Loans & Advances
Retail Banking

International Banking
Exchange House
Syndication & Structured Finance
Strategic Business Outlook
Branch Expansion
Internal Control & Compliance
SWOT Analysis
Highlight of the over all activities of Standard Bank Limited

Overview of Standard Bank Limited

2.1 Historical Background of Standard Bank Limited:

Standard Bank Limited (SBL) was incorporated as a Public Limited Company on May 11, 1999 under the
Companies Act, 1994 and the Bank achieved satisfactory progress from its commercial operations on June
03, 1999. SBL has introduced several new products on credit and deposit schemes. It also goes for Corporate
and Retail Banking etc. The Bank also participated in fund Syndication with other Banks. Besides the Bank
has already introduced real on-line Banking & it is now fully automated. Through all these myriad activities
SBL has created a positive impact in the Market.

Standard Bank Limited was established under with the leadership of Mr. Kazi Akramuddin
Ahmed, the founder chairman who had a long dream of floating a commercial bank which
would contribute to the social-economic development of our country. He had a long
experience as a good banker. A group of highly qualified and successful entrepreneurs
joined their hands with the founder chairman to materialize his dream. In deed, all of them
proved themselves in their respective business as most successful star with their
endeavor, intelligence, hard working and talent entrepreneurship.
The bank starts its functioning from 3rd June 1999 with Mr Farid Uddin Ahmed as the
Managing Director. He had long experience in the financial sector of our country. By his
pragmatic decision and management directives in the operational activities, this bank has
earned a secured and distinctive position in the banking industry in terms of performance,
growth, and excellent management. The authorized capital and paid up capital of the bank
are TK. 880.00 Crore and TK. 264.41 Crore respectively.
In order to broaden the base of service Standard Bank obtained a full fledged merchant
banking license from the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on April 2009. A
dedicated wing named, Merchant Banking Wing (MBW) was established for this purpose.
After completion of all formalities including staffing, infrastructural facilities, renovation
etc. MBW of the bank started operation from August 2009.
The year 2009 being the first year of operation, the main objective of MBW was to attain a
sound footing through providing quality service and offering portfolio schemes having
attractive feature. As such, clientele base grew fast. MBW of SBL has already achieved a
considerable reputation in the area of, 1) Portfolio Management and also 2) Underwriting
business. Besides, MBW has also started building a portfolio of its own.
The clients of SBL may obtain margin loan facility as per the SEC guidelines through
opening Portfolio Accounts at MBW. SBL offers IDA portfolio Scheme where the clients
manage their own portfolios. The clientele base as well as volume of business of MBW rose
gradually with the passage of time. At the end of 2009 MBW contributed substantially
towards the profitability of the bank.
Standard Bank has initiated steps to expand the activities of merchant banking operations
as stated below:

Merchant Banking Subsidiary Company: The formation of a Merchant Banking

Subsidiary named SBL Capital Management Limited is underway. It is expected that
this subsidiary will commence operation from June 2010.
Opening Of New Branches: SBL has plans to open a few branches of Merchant
Banking subsidiary will at different areas of Dhaka City phase by during 2010.
Introduction Of New Products: The Bank is also working to launch a few products
under the Merchant Banking Regulation.


One of the most important objectives of Standard Bank is to fulfill the desires of the clients.
A great number of them demanded banking with Islamic Principles vis-a`-vis the sponsors
of Standard Bank also felt the necessity for introduction of Islamic Banking for quite some
time. As such the bank applied to Bangladesh Bank for obtaining their permission for Islami
Banking. Bangladesh Bank accorded approval for opening two Islami Banking Windows at
Topkhana Road Branch, Dhaka & Agrabad Branch, Chittagong. Accordingly SBL has opened
02 (two) Islami Banking Windows at Dhaka & Chittagong during the end year 2009. SBL is
following and maintaining properly the Guidelines for Islamic Banking issued by
Bangladesh Bank. In this regard Standard Bank has installed separate high profile Islamic
Banking Software which is known as HIKMA Software. This HIKMA Software is completely
separate from the conventional software where method of profit calculation is as per
Islamic Shariah.
SBL is offering the following Deposit & Investment products to our clients under Islamic
1. Al-Wadiah Current Account
2. Mudaraba Savings Account (MSA)
3. Mudaraba Special Notice Deposit Account(MSND)
4. Foreign Currency Accounts
5. NFCD Accounts
6. RFCD Accounts
7. Mudaraba Term Deposit Receipt Account (MTDR)
8. Mudaraba Monthly Savings Scheme (MMSS)
9. Mudaraba Hajj Savings Scheme (MHSS)

1. Bai- Mudaraba
2. Bai- Muajjal
3. Bai- Salam

4. Hire Purchase under Shirkatul Melk Foreign Trade & Foreign are also in
Islami Banking activities.
In our Islami Banking Windows, we are providing all the above products, services and
facilities to our clients and we are receiving very good response from them.
The vision of Islami banking is to open more Islami Banking Windows / Branches soon and
also to full conversion of the Bank into Islami Banking subject to obtaining permission from
Bangladesh Bank succeed very soon.
2.4 Corporate Information (As per Annual Report 2009):
Name of the Bank

: Standard Bank Limited


: Private Limited Company

Date of Incorporation

: May 11, 1999

Inauguration of First Branch

:June 03, 1999

Authorized Capital

: TK. 880.00 Crore

Paid-up Capital

: TK. 264.41 Crore

Number of Branches

: 42 (Forty Two)

Proposed Branches

: 10 (Ten)


: Mr. Kazi Akramuddin Ahmed

Company Secretary

: Mr. AFM Nizamul Islam Chowdhury

Managing Director

: Mr. S A Farooqui

Number of Employees : 860

Credit Rating
Registered Office

: Long Term: A2- (High Quality)

Short Term: ST-2 (Very Strong)
: Metropolitan Chamber Buiding Building (3rd Floor)
122-124 Motijheel C/A, Dhaka-100, Bangladesh
Phone:-7175698, 7169134, 9560299, 9558375
Tele Fax:- 7176367, 7169078


2.5 Vision of Standard Bank Limited :

The vision of Standard bank Limited is be a modern Bank having the object of building a
sound national economy & to contribute significantly to the public Exchequer. The gist of
Bank vision is Setting a New Standard in Banking. To achieve the desired goal, there will
be pursuit of excellence at all stages with a climate of continuous improvement, because,
Standard Bank believes the line of excellence is never ending. Banks strategic plans and
networking will strengthen its competitive edge over others in rapidly changing
competitive environment. Its personalized quality service to the customers with the trend
of constant improvement will be cornerstone to achieve our operational success.
2.6 Mission of Standard Bank Limited:
The Bank has chalked out the following corporate objectives in order to ensure smooth
achievement of its goals:
To be the most caring, customer friendly and service oriented bank.
To create a technology based most efficient banking environment for its customers.
To ensure ethics and transparency in all levels.
To ensure sustainable growth and establish full value of the shareholders.
Above all, to add effective contribution to the national economy.
Eventually the Bank emphasizes on:
Providing high quality financial services in export and import trade
Providing efficient customer service
Maintaining corporate and business ethics
Being trusted repository of customers money and their financial adviser
Making its products superior and rewarding to the customers
Display team spirit and professionalism
Sound Capital Base
Enhancement of shareholders wealth
Fulfilling its social commitments by expanding its charitable and humanitarian activities.
2.7 Objectives of Standard Bank Limited:
The motto of Standard Bank Limited Is to explore new innovative banking in an automated
& computerized environment. It aims at providing one stop service & prepare itself to face
the new challenges of globalization and 21 st century. One of the main objectives of the
bank is to be provider of quality products and services at a competitive price. The bank
also centers to the needs of its corporate clients and provides a comprehensive range of
financial services to national and multinational companies. The dimension of responsible
corporate behavior of the Bank is the maintenance of ethical standard in its functioning.


2.8 Organogram of Standard Bank Limited:


Board of

Board Audit












Cr. Risk
F. Ex. Risk
ICC Risk
AML Risk.
ALM Risk.
IT Risk

Credit Adm. Deptt.


Special Asset
Management Deppt.

Legal Matter Deptt.

SME & Retail

Credit Deptt.
Rural Credit
Policy & Product

Credit Policy
& Product


e Banking






ALM Dept.


Staff Admn.
& Policy



Salary & Pay




Welfare &



Training &





& Div
Dr. Card
Accounts Development


Security &
Budget & Fixtures
Expenditure Control
Control Equipments
Security &
Department liability


2.9 Products of Standard Bank Ltd :

Investment / Finance:
Corporate Finance
Industrial Finance
Project Finance
Syndicate Investment
Lease Finance
Small & Medium Enterprise Financing
House Building Finance
Car Loan
Consumer Loan
Personal Loan
Real Time Online Banking
Merchant Banking
A. T. M Service
Locker Facilities
Foreign Exchange:
Non Resident Foreign Currency Deposit Account (NFCD)
Foreign Currency Deposit Account


Capital Management of the Bank is based on the objective to maintain an adequate capital
base to support the projected business and regulatory requirement as well as to establish a
modern, progressive, sound Bank having excellent asset quality.
a) Authorized capital of the Bank was TK. 880.00 crore. The paidup capital of the Bank stood at 264041 crore in 2009.The
statutory reserve enhanced by TK. 25.68 crore in 2009 and
stood at TK. 103.37 crore. The total equity of the shareholders
of the Bank at the end of the 2009 stood at TK. 422.17 crore.
Standard Bank has a plan to enhance both the authorized
capital and paid up capital of the Bank adequately in the current
b) As per directives of Bangladesh Bank., the Banks are required to
maintain capital at 10% of Risk Weighted Assets (RWA) from 31
December 2007. Tier-1 capital should be minimum 5% of total
capital. Teir-1, includes the equity such as, paid- up capital,
reserve and retained earnings. Teir-11, another part of the
capital fund, includes General Provision on unclassified loans
and advances and exchange equalization account. Total capital
fund increased by TK. 91.62 crore during 2009. Tier-1 capital
grew by TK. 78.42 crore and stood at TK. 420.76 crore.
Capital Adequacy ratio is measured by the ratio of a Banks capital
to risk weighted asset. Capital adequacy ratio was equivalent to
13.56% of risk Weighted Assets in 2009 against minimum
requirement of 10%.
Standard Bank Limited generation an operating profit of TK. 152.98 crore in
2009 compared to TK. 146.85 crore in 2008 making a growth of 4.17%. After all
provisions including general provisions on unclassified loans, profit before tax
stood at TK. 128.43 crore compared to previous years TK. 108.40 crore
registering a growth of 33.13%. Earning per share (EPS) is TK. 28.90 in 2009
compared to TK. 24.83 in 2008.


SBL Risk Management Strategy:
Standard Bank Limited (SBL) has been managing and controlling risks as the Bank feels the
issued of Risk Management is vitally important to the organization s success and
sustainability. As a consequence, it has developed and implemented a comprehensive risk
management infrastructure including policies and procedures that follow Bangladesh
Banks guidelines.

The Banks major risk management objectives include understanding and recognizing
risks, assigning responsibility for risk and ensuring the development of the organizations
risk management capabilities. Operationally the Banks mission is to realize the highest
possible risk- based return while at the same time effectively and efficiently achieving its
overall objectives.
Risk Management Unit.
A high profiled Risk Management Unit is in force in the Bank with an endeavor towards
efficient and more improved risk management regime. SBL is keen on assessing the
capacity to assume risk in several ways, which are described in more detail of the
consolidated financial statements.
Categorization of Risk:
Risk management processes distinguish among three kinds of specific banking risk:

Credit Risk
Market Risk
Operational Risk

Credit Risk Management:

Credit Risk arises from all transaction that give rise to actual, contingent or potential
claims against any counterparty, borrower or obligor. This is the largest single risk in credit
risk management and is called default risk when counterparties fail to meet contractual
payment obligations.
Credit risk makes up the largest part of our risk exposures. Standard Bank measures and
manages its credit risk following the under mentioned principles:
1. In its entire business unit and the branches follow consistent Standard policies of
credit decision processes.
2. The approval of credit limits for counterparties and the management of its individual
credit exposures fit within credit guidelines and strategies.
3. Every extension of credit or material change to facility to any counterparty requires
credit approval at the appropriate authority level.
4. The Bank measures and consolidates all its credit exposures to each borrower on a
standard consolidated basis that applies across our Branches.

Credit Risk Rating:

A primary element of the credit approval process is a detailed risk assessment of every
credit exposure associated with counterparty which is called as Credit Risk Grading (CRG).
The Banks risk assessment procedures consider both the creditworthiness of the
counterparty. This risk assessment not only affects the structuring of the transaction and

the outcome of the credit decision, but also influences the level of decision- making
authority required to extend or materially change the credit and the monitoring procedures
we apply to the ongoing exposure. Besides, The bank has been putting weight on Borrower
Rating by External Credit Rating Agency to minimize the risk exposure under Standardized
approach of Basel 11 regime.
SBL generally rates all its corporate credit exposures over Take 0.50 crore individually.
When the bank assigns its internal risk ratings, it compares them with external risk rating
assigned to its counterparties by the rating agencies, where possible.

Market Risk:
Market risk arises from the uncertainty concerning changes in market prices and rates
(including interest rates, equity prices, foreign exchange rates and commodity prices), the
correlations among them and their levels of volatility. The Bank is using Standardized (rule
based) approach for addressing market risk.
Substantially all of Bank businesses are subject to the risk that market prices and rates will
move and result in profits or losses for the bank. SBL distinguishes among four types of
market risk:
*Interest Rate Risk;
*Equity Price Risk;
*Foreign Exchange Risk; and
* Commodity Price Risk;
The interest rate and equity price risks consist of two components each. The general risk
describes value changes due to general market movements, while the specific risk has
issuer-related causes (including credit spread risk).
Business Risk describe the risk the bank assumes due to potential changes in general
business conditions, such as market environment, client behavior and technological
progress. This can affect earning if Bank failed to adjust quickly to these changing
Liquidity Risk is the risk arising from our potential inability to meet all payment obligations
when they come due or only being able to meet these obligations at excessive costs.
Reputation Risk within risk management processes, it is reputation risk as the risk that
publicity concerning a transaction, counterparty or business practice involving a client will
negatively impact the publics trust in organization.
Operational Risk:
Operational Risk Management is an independent risk management function within the
Bank. Operational risks identifies through effective analysis which are managed via
mitigation strategies such as the Disaster Handling and back- up systems for Information

Technology related risk and emergency plans for Business Continuity. Where appropriate,
we purchase insurance against operational risks.
The Bank uses basic Indicator Approach to addressing Operational Risk. Operational Risk is
the potential for incurring losses in relation to
Employees Performance
Documentation & Record Keeping
Information Technology
Infrastructure failure
External events
Customer Relationship
Legal/ Regulatory Compliance Risk
The strong Supervisory Review Process & effective Internal Control & Compliance Culture
of Standard Bank Limited helps to mitigate operational Risk. SBL manages operational risk
based on consistent framework that enables SBL to determine its risk profile in comparison
to its risk appetite to define risk mitigating measures and priorities.
SBL always tried to give the highest return on the deposits from the customers. The
deposits of SBL reached the level of TK. 4255.55 crore during 2009 from TK. 2930.47 crore
of previous year. The growth rate is 45% Cost of deposit for the year stood at 9.33%
compared to the previous years cost of 9.29%. The increase in deposit was possible due to
superior customer service delivery at the branch level. SBL is offering different types of
deposit products for the customers. Among the products, Fixed Deposits, Scheme Deposits
of different types, savings deposits, short-term deposits remained the core deposits of the
Bank. SBL Regular Income program (SRIP), Double Income Plus (DI+), SBL Regular Deposit
Program (SRDP), Life Secured Double Income Program (LSDIP) etc. are some attractive
products, which contributed to the growth of deposit.
Total loans and advances stood at TK.380.56 million as on December 30, 2009,in
comparison to TK.27,190.94 million as on December 30, 2008, which indicates an increase
by 40%. During this time the Bank has concentrated to explore new and diversified
avenues for investment with the objective of developing and maintaining a sound portfolio
ensuring profitability and risk mitigation. In recent time the Bank has given emphasis on
service sector like telecommunication, tourism, hotel, motel, housing and ship breaking
and other emerging sectors like pharmaceuticals, power, steel, re-rolling and ceramic etc.
The Bank is also looking for financing in the rising sectors like ship-building, aviation and
information technology. The Bank is also giving emphasize on Agriculture sector and
allocated fund of TK. 10.00 million for requirement in future. Banks careful and continuous
effort in operation of credit has resulted in a very negligible percentage of nonperforming
loan which is 1.83%i.e.TK.696.50 million as on December 31, 2009 out of total loan of
TK.380.55 million. Last year this percentage was 1.87% . Thus it is showing a decreasing of
NPL and due provision has been made as per norms of Bangladesh Bank. The Bank is also

aware of the on going world economic recession, accordingly careful and due steps are
being taken to maintain asset quality.
Small Enterprise Financing
Keeping in view of policy of Bangladesh Bank directives and diversification of risk, Branch
incumbents are advised to diversity their loan profile and enrich SME sector. It is now in
close monitoring by Head Office SME department. During 2009 the Bank sanctioned
TK.878 million in SME sector through its Branches and SME Centers which indicate growth
of 96.36% over 2008.
Now to exploit rapidly increasing opportunities in the fast expanding SME sector, the Bank
opened 03(three) SME Service Centers at 1) Bishwanath, Sylhet . 2) Osmani Nagar, Sylhet.
3) Langolmora High School Market, Hathazari, Chittagong in December 2009.
Besides the Bank has undertaken a program for opening for 2 (two) more SME-Agriculture
Branches in the year 2010.
Agriculture& Rural Credit Department:
Agriculture sector plays important role in our national economy. As developing country till
now 80% of total population is directly engaged Agricultural activities. For food security
govt. has taken new policy initiatives to increase agricultural productivity. Bangladesh Bank
has taken credit program of TK. 11,500 crore for fiscal year 2009-2010 and directed all
private commercial banks to finance in the Agricultural sector. Standard Bank Ltd. has
taken a target of TK. 100.00 crore for disbursement in agriculture during fiscal year 20092010.
Activities of Agriculture and Rural Credit Department:
A. To achieve the disbursement target of Tk. 100.00crore,the Bank launched Agriculture
and Rural Credit products as under:


Sonali Fasal (Crop Loan).

Amish (Live Stock and Poultry Loan).
Rupali Mach (Fishery Loan).
Krishi Jantra Prokolpa (Agricultural Machinery and Equipment Loan).
Sachal Prokolpa (Poverty Elevation Scheme).
Sudin (Crop Mortgage Loan).

B. Agricultural and Rural Credit Department has selected 2 (Two) villages namely
Kurpara Village under Kotalipara Upzila and Tungipara Village under Tungipara
Upzila as a Adarsha Village under integrated village development credit program
for disbursement of Agriculture and Rural Credit.
Treasury Investment is mainly done for maintaining the Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR). SBL
Treasury usually maintains its Investment portfolio for maintaining SLR and to some extent

for the prudent fund management. SBL Treasury portfolio mostly contains of 91 Day, 182
Day and 364 Day Government Treasury Bills. Also there are a couple of 5 years at per
Bangladesh Government Treasury Bonds in our holding. Diversified Investment portfolio
also reflects distribution of liquidity performance. In the year 2009, the size of Investment
portfolio raised to Tk. 471.41 Crore against Tk. 284.03 Crore in the year 2008 showing an
increase of 65.92%. Within the portfolio of 2009, 87% are in the HFT (Held for Trading)
mode and the rest 13% are in the HTM (Held to Maturity mode).


Corresponding Banking
The objective of Standard Bank Limited is to increase its Forex business and for that end in
views, the bank has kept its continued efforts to establish corresponding banking
relationship with internationally reputed banks all over the world. Now the bank has strong
correspondent banking network with 94 renowned banks around the globe along with RMA
(Relationship Management Application) under SWIFT covering all their branches. The
number of correspondent banks was 83 in the year ended 2008. Establishment of
Correspondent Banking Relation in the year 2009 with Bank of China is mentionable one.
During the year 2009, the bank made new relationship with 12 banks including their 24
branches under SWIFT arrangement.
The Bank is also enjoying substantial credit line from most of the world renowned banks
where standard Chartered Bank, Citibank N.A, Mashreqbank psc, HSBC Bank, The Bank of
Nova Scotia, Commerzbank AG, Nordea Bank (Finland, Denmark, Singapore), Wachovia
Bank, AB Bank Mumbai, AB International Finance Hong Kong are mentionable. This helps
the bank to honour our LCs and to fulfill its payment commitment abroad. In addition, The
bank has signed an agreement with Asian Development Bank (ADB) in December 2009.
Under the arrangement, they will confirm its LCs for big amount through itscorrespondent
banks abroad.
International Trade:
Standard Bank Limited has been playing a significant role in the overall foreign exchange
business of the bank and in the Forex since inception of the bank. The bank is contributing
in the countrys national economy after successfully handling forex transactions offering a
abroad spectrum of Trade Finance Product through its 15 A.D. Branches.
During the year 2009, the import volume of the Standard Bank Ltd was USD 564.33 million
equivalent to BDT 40,411.16 million. Import volume increase with a growth rate of 13.23%
than the previous year 2008 with import volume of USD 504.56 million equivalent to BDT
35,689.24 million.
During the year 2009, total export volume of Standard Bank Ltd stood at USD 428.51
million equivalent to BDT 29,177.10 million which compares to previous year 2008 of USD

378.72 million equivalent to BDT 25,072.07 million. This reflects a sound growth of
16.37%. The Bank has given emphasis on export of traditional items like Tiles, Bi-Cycle,
Shrimp, Handicraft, Betel- nut, Coriander seed etc.
Foreign Remittance:
The Bank has remittance arrangement with Wall Street Finance USA. Under the
arrangement, Bangladeshi expatriates from USA, Canada and UK. Can remit their earnings
In July 2008, the bank has started operation by signing agreement with MoneyGram Inc.
USA to facilitate the WES earners to remit their money from all over the world by using the
Global Network of MoneyGram. In addition, the bank has signed agreement with Economic
Exchange Center and Universal Exchange center in USE. Operation will start immediately
after completion of all formalities and Central Banks compliance.
In order to explore more remittance possibilities, the Bank continues its efforts to make
remittance arrangement with different Exchange House in U.A.E., Qatar, Italy, U.K., U.S.A,
Canada, Malaysia, Singapore, Omen, and Spain.
Foreign Remittance Business through Exchange House stood at USD 5.10 million
equivalent to BDT 347.98 million during the year 2009 against USD1.35million equivalent
of BDT 93.09 million in 2008.
2.18 Exchange House:
The Bank opened Standard Exchanged Co. (U.K.) Ltd on 20 th August 2009 at 101
Whitechapel Road, London E1 1DT, U.K.; 100% owned subsidiary company of Standard
Bank Limited. In the year 2009 (20.08.09- 30.12.2009), SBL received BDT 263.11 million
remittance from U K through its Standard Exchange Co. Meantime, It has already obtained
permission from Bangladesh Bank to open another subsidiary exchange company of the
bank in U S A. The bank has a plan to open Exchange House in Canada, Malaysia and Italy
in near future subject to obtaining Bangladesh Banks approval. As a result, Bangladeshi
expatriates will be able to remit their earning easily and with ease and comfort.
2.19 Treasury:
SBL treasury is an important and unique banking unite and it is one of he best earning
sources of the Bank at the Head Office level. The Treasury Division comprises with two
wings. One is Money Market dealing with the Local Currency for managing and utilizing
fund and the other is Foreign Exchange dealing with the Foreign Currency. The bank has a
skilled Treasury Team working for prudent fund management. During the year 2009 total
income for the Treasury was Tk. 55.89 Crore from which Tk. 26.31 Crore earned from the
Foreign Exchange Transactions and Tk. 29.58 crore earned from the Local Currency
Transaction in the money market.
2.20 Syndication and Structured Finance:
Syndication Finance has become a popular mode of financing from the viewpoint of both
the sides i.e. borrower and lender especially for setting up a big size project/venture. There
has been a surge in the number of syndication deals closed in the last year. Total

participation in the Syndicate Loan at the end of December 31, 2009 stand at about Tk.
230.00 crore where it was Tk. 187.00 crore at the end of December 31, 2008 which is an
increase of23%. The major focal area of investment is Telecommunications, Aviation,
Pharmaceuticals, Steel Re-rolling, Ceramic, Hotel & Textile sectors. For the up coming year
it is expecting some potential investment under the Syndication Finance where Standard
Bank will be the Lead Arranger.
2.21 Strategic Business Outlook:
Standard Bank Ltd. has put in strong endeavor to involve in banking sectors of country
with the vision to grow with the economy of the country. It considers the entire spectrum of
businesses activities irrespective of size, not only for the better service to its clients, but
for all stake holders and people and people as a whole.
The changing scenario at Banking sector is experiencing different attention on deferent
perspective. The priorities are also taking new style in recent development of Regulatory
structure and market condition in Bangladesh. Thus Standard Bank Ltd. has taken numbers
of steps to diversity its business avenue. Special attention is being given to finance in
Infrastructure, Power Generation, Pharmaceutical, Ship- Building, Iron & Steel industries.
Due attention is now being given to Agri & Agri based sector. SME and other micro credit
operation are new areas for us for uplifting national economy at large.
Besides, business concentration is being addressed in many ways like opening of one
exchange house in the UK and similar other exchange houses to be opened in the USA,
Italy and Canada within the shortest possible time.
At home some more Branches are being opened considering potentialities and demand of
the economy needs of the concerned areas. Its ultimate goal is to cover more areas with
technology based delivery channels.
Dynamic decision making process, Moderate Risk based Management, Diversified and
peoples friendly business model, Dedicated IT infrastructure, Technology based product,
Strong Internal Control System and Efficient Performance of the Management team are
most effective tools in attaining better outcome at Standard Bank Ltd.
The strategic management of SBL is a process that evaluation and controls our business in
the total Banking industries, in which it is exactly involved. The Bank also assesses the
market environment to set goals and strategies by taking in to consideration of all
potential competitors.
2.22 Branch Expansion:
During the year 2009 the bank opened 09 (Nine) new branches at the commercially
important places located throughout the country i.e. Dhaka, Chittagong, Bogra, KotaliparaGopalgonj, Coxx Bazar, Rangpur, Beani Bazar- Sylhet & Moulvi Bazar and 03 SME Service
Centres at Bishwnath & Goalabazar, Sylhet and Nagnalmora- Hathazari, Chittagong. At
present its total number of branches stood at 41 (Forty One). Out of which 14 (Fourteen)
branches are Authorized Dealers (AD). The Bank plans to open 12 (Twelve) new branches
during the year 2010 at Dhaka, Chittagong and other commercially important places
located throughout the country including rural areas. The Bank also decided to convert 06
SME Service Centers into full- fledged SME & Krishi Branch, in order to reach the general
masses and make banking facilities available to every sectors/ areas of the country.

Besides, the Bank started its Merchant Banking wing at the ground floor of Head Office
Premises and also started two Islami Banking Windows one in Topkhana Road Branch,
Dhaka and another in Agrabad Branch, Chittagong. In additional to that the Bank opened
an overseas Exchange House titled Standard Exchange House (UK) Ltd. in united
Kingdom which is a fully owned subsidiary company of the Bank. The Bank plans to expand
its Merchant Banking activities into the other branches of the Bank during the year 2010
and to open another Exchange House in United States of America.
2.23 Internal Control And Compliance (ICCD):
Internal Control is the process, initiated by a companys Board of Directors, the
Management and other personnel, and it is designed to provide reasonable assurance
regarding the achievement of objectives, the reliability of financial reporting and
compliance with applicable laws, regulations and internal policies.
The bank has designed its internal control system based on the guidelines framed by
Bangladesh Bank in managing Core Risk in Banking. In order to have effective, efficient
and complaint internal control system the bank has segregated its Internal Control &
Compliance Division in to three separate departments namely:
1. Audit & Inspection Department
2. Monitoring Department
3. Compliance Department
1.14 SWOT Analysis:
SWOT analysis is the detailed study of an organizations exposure and potential in
perspective of its strength, weakness, opportunity and threat. This facilitates the
organization to make their existing line of performance and also foresee the future to
improve their performance in comparison to their competitors. As through this tool, an
organization can also study its current position, it can also be considered as an important
tool for making changes in the strategic management of the organization.

Standard Bank Limited has already established a favorable

reputation in the banking industry of the country. It is one of the
leading private sector commercial banks in Bangladesh. The bank
has already shown a tremendous growth in the profits and deposits

Standard Bank has provided its banking service with a top

leadership and management position. The Board of Directors
headed by its Chairman Mr. Kazi Akramuddin Ahmed is a skilled
person in business world.

Standard Bank Limited has already achieved a high growth rate.

The number of deposits and the loans and advances are also
increasing rapidly.


Standard Bank has an interactive corporate culture. The working

environment is very friendly, interactive and informal. And, there
are no hidden barriers or boundaries while communicate between
the superior and the employees. This corporate culture provides as
a great motivation factor among the employees.

Standard Bank has the reputation of being the provider of good

quality services to its customers.

The main important thing is that the bank has no clear mission
statement and strategic plan. The banks not have any long-term
strategies of whether it wants to focus on retail banking or become
a corporate bank. The path of the future should be determined now
with a strong feasible strategic plan.

The bank failed to provide a strong quality-recruitment policy in the

lower and some mid-level position. As a result the services of the
bank seem to be Deus in the present days.

The service quality is poor with regard to Multinational Banks

located here.

Some of the job in Standard Bank has no growth or advancement

path. So lack of motivation exists in persons filling those positions.
This is a weakness of Standard Bank that it is having a group of
unsatisfied employees.

In terms of promotional sector, Standard Bank has to more

emphasize on that. They have to follow aggressive marketing

The activity in the secondary financial market has direct impact on

the primary financial market. Banks operate in the primary
financial market. Investment in the secondary market governs the
national economic activity. Activity in the national economy
controls the business of the bank.

Opportunity in retail banking lies in the fact that the countrys

increased population is gradually learning to adopt consumer
finance. The bulk of our population is middle class. Different types
of retail lending products have great appeal to this class. So a wide
variety of retail lending products has a very large and easily
pregnable market.

A large number of private banks coming into the market in the

recent time. In this competitive environment Standard Bank must




expand its product line to enhance its sustainable competitive

advantage. They can introduce credit card and debit card system
for their potential customer.

In addition of those things, Standard Bank can introduce special

corporate scheme for the corporate customer or officer who have
an income level higher from the service holder. At the same time,
they can introduce scheme or loan for various service holders. And
the scheme should be separate according to the professions, such
as engineers, lawyers, doctors etc.

All sustain and upcoming multinational, foreign and private banks

pose enormous threats to Standard Bank Limited.

The default risks of all terms of loan have to be minimizing in order

to sustain in the financial market. Because of the default risks lead
the organization toward bankruptcy. Standard Bank has to remain
vigilant about this problem so that proactive strategies are taken to
minimize this problem.

The low compensation package of the employees from mid level to

lower level position threats the employee motivation. As a result,
good quality employees leave the organization and it effects the
organization as a whole.


Standard Bank Limited has achieved a satisfactory level of progress in all the areas of its
operating during the year 2009. The members of the Board of Directors of Standard Bank
Limited take this opportunity to offer their sincere thanks to the Government of the
Peoples Republic of Bangladesh, different Ministries, Bangladesh Bank and other
regulatory bodies for their guidance, support, Help and co-operations towards the overall
growth and development of the bank during the year 2009. The directors have expressed
their deepest sense of gratitude and thanks to the valued clients, patrons and well- wishers
for the support and cooperation extended to the Bank. Finally, we cordially thank and
appreciate the Executives, Officers and members of the Staff for their commitment,
devotion, dedication, loyalty and hard work that they have rendered towards overall
growth, development and progress of the Bank.


Major keys about HRM of Standard Bank


The HR Function

Human Resource Division in Standard Bank

Executive Summary

Purpose of HR

Goal & Objective of HR

Policy Structure of HRM

Organizational Structure

Manpower Planning & Analysis


Employee Code of Conduct

Segregation of Duties & Authority Distribution

Team Building

Employees Classification Definition

Personal Information Privacy Policy


Disciplinary Guidelines

Recruitment Policy

Team Building

Background Investigation Procedure

Disciplinary Action procedure

Cost Control & Compensation policy

Salary Structure

Performance Management


Reward & Recognition

Guidance & Supervision


Addressing Poor performance

Leave Policy

Staff Development & Training


Retirement Benefits

Termination & Resignation



3.1 Introduction
How does a bank or the as usual organizations manage their people? Both executives and
academics believe that human capital management and investment is essential to the
competitiveness of firms, but there is a wide variation of opinion about how best these
complex organizational activities are implemented in practice. This can be a raft of leading
or best practices that are common across many companies, and certain practices that are
The HR Function
The Standard bank have adopted similar forms of administrative HR provision such as
shared services, HR intranets, self service HR and to a lesser extent, outsourced HR, all
enabled by significant advances in administrative process and information-capture
technology. These moves have been made in the interests of efficiency gains and also for
the purpose of enabling a smaller core of HR staff to pursue sore strategic activity. For
this strategic work, there are a number of examines of HR as internal consultants, aiming
to add value through thought leadership, particularly around issues of change and also
process expertise. The HR director is a member of the executive committee of the
organization, which is an important structural signifier for the value of HR. There is
recognition in the organizations that change readiness in employees is important for the
revitalization of the firm. Therefore the centrality of the HR function is crucial. Talent
management as an overarching concern, ensuring the linkages between component parts
of staffing, performance of management and development are aligned, shoes the
importance of managing the system of practices. The understanding of employees power
demographics and the implications for the talent pool is held to be crucial for long term
and long term trends in usually downstream from the business strategy, and one issue that
consistently emerges is the lack of real depth in viewing the long term, particularly in
terms of job market scanning.
Human Resource Division in Standard Bank
This department manages recruitment, training and career progression plan. Standard
Bank highlights the importance of developing its people to create a culture of customer
service, innovation teamwork and professional excellence.
Standard Bank Ltd aims to solidify the banks position as one of the leaders in the
Bangladesh banking and financial markets by being a highly efficient work force,
technologically advanced, modern financial instrument and by effectively Latinizing the
professionalism and commitment of its employees.
Typically, companies reorganize their structures to free managers and executives from
bureaucracy and drive for more entrepreneurial elegance. As a sign of the new emphasis
on the human resource function, an individual human resources policy is needed for an
organization like a Bank to address, design and implement challenges in this area.
It is highly significant in the history, that the higher Management recognized that an
individual Division was experienced necessary to look after the matter. The Human
Resources Division has to address a comprehensive view of the employment practices and

procedures of the bank Success can only be achieved, if the members of staff feel they are
being treated correctly by the Bank and fully understand the Banks objectives and
rationale for their achievement. It is essential, therefore, that Bank develop an employee
relations climate which facilitates these attitudes without reducing managements ability to
manage the business.
Although, Standard Bank Ltd has a Service Rule containing empirical guidelines of
Standard Bank Ltd service, the Bank also needs an explicit document of Human Resources

In every Human Resources Management (HRM) practice, there are some strategic aspects.
While formulating Human Resources (HR) strategies, management need to consider these
strategic aspects associated with HR practices which will result in strategic HRM. Because,
human resource strategy is now considered to be closely allied or linked to overall
corporate and business strategy; the two go handing hand.
The Human Resources Policy Manual is the Banks policy guidelines written into a usable
guidebook for its all employees. This manual not only outlines the Bank policy toward the
various phases of the employer-employee relationship, hut it also indicates how policy is to
be administered. Consequently, all official should be able to use this manual as a
guidebook when he or she needs to apply Bank policy in a given situation. Every employee
should feel free to consult this manual to assist in the interpretation of this Human
Resources Manual.
The purpose of having a human resources guidelines is to establish, develop, maintain, and
communicate office policies throughout the entire Bank and to represent, help, advise, and
consult with the employees, while simultaneously keeping the overall best interests of the
Bank in mind. A human resource guideline develops hiring plans and recruiting policies, as
well ~s handles compensation and salary administration. It also works for affirmative
action and handles employee relations, separations, contracts, performance reviews,
benefits and pension plans.
Banks human resource strategies are seen as the key to the achievement of business
objectives: By mobilizing the human resource in pursuit of strategic goals, human resource
management contributes directly to business success. Therefore, a string fit is required
between individual HR strategies and business level strategies. A particular tipsiness
strategy carries clear implications for HR strategy.
However, the Policy Manual is an important tool for supervision. It is the philosophy of the
Banks Department of Human Resources that officials work better when they know what is
expected of them. They feel more secure, confident, and more at on~-with the Bank when
policies are made clear for them. Policies promote a movement toward responsibility rather
than away from responsibility. The ever-present tendency to pass-the-buck (shift the
blame) is reduced to a great extent.
Handling people are always difficult and difficult people are always hard to handle,
however with the help of a human resource guideline, employees can work together as a
cohesive unit to not only solidify the organization but to take in the profits as well.
Management has to understand the psyche of a person so that they can motivate and
stimulate employees to work not only more efficiently but more effectively as well.


Thus ultimately the purpose of having a human resource policy comes down to wanting a
cordial and friendly atmosphere where employees can work side by side with their peers to
create an effective business mechanism.
A human resource guideline is a key to ensuring economic success of a Bank. This is
because a good human resource mechanism not only helps to boost the morale and
efficiency of employees, but also restricts and limits job turnovers as well. The purpose of
human resource Manual is thus to basically utilize an employees abilities effectively by
coaching them to maximize those abilities, while simultaneously improving their working
environment so that they are assured job satisfaction.
Specifically, this Policy Manual is designed to provide management with the following
TRANSPARENT -- Written Manual is one of the best remedies in the Human Resources
puzzle for the troubles an organizational gossip can cause. Even though everything is
subject to interpretation, the odds overwhelmingly favor the written words compared
with the oral.
LINE OF MANAGEMENT -- Top management cannot make all the decisions that need
to be made within the Bank community. Often times they feel the need because they
are afraid to release that authority to subordinates. Naturally, it follows that if top
management felt that mid management I front office personnel could make decisions
like top management would, the reluctance would be relieved. The Policy Manual
achieves this desired relationship. It thus reflected in a smooth interpersonal
relationship chain and delegation of authority.
CONSISTENCY -- Consistent application of Bank policies is constructive because it
means employees will be treated equally. It prevents, to a great extent, the seepage
(leakage) of prejudice and bias in the decisions of supervision. The achievement of
this one virtue takes a colossal step toward the maintenance of satisfactory
employer-employee harmony. The need for a Policy Manual is essential. In short, no
organization is invulnerable to the fallacies (myth) of human nature. These written
policies should increase understanding of Bank-wide policy.
ENSURE REGULATORY COMPLIANCE -- Every government has numerous legal and
regulatory requirements regarding personnel management and Industrial relation.
Besides, there are many constraints of maintaining international standards and
practices. This policy will accommodate all the legal and regulatory guidelines
enforced in Bangladesh and requirement international standards and practices in the
field of HRM as well.


The basic aim of human resources management of Standard bank Ltd., is always to
acquire, develop, and retain talent; align the workforce with the business; and be an
excellent contributor to the business by addressing the three challenges of staffing,
employees compensation/benefits, and defining/designing work.
Nowadays the HR department in most organization is more involved and has more

hands on, active role in an organization. Current human resource departments now
balance more responsibilities as they also discuss the strategic planning of a
business with top executives. HR managers in todays time and age lead the way in
not only making recommendations, but also initiate policy changes.
The human resource strategy of the Bank is to ensure the optimum use of Banks work
forces by means of:
Staying Together
Developing Together
Performing Together
Working Together
Sharing Together
Communicating Together
Appreciating Together
Healthy Together
Benefits Together
However, the key human resources objectives as follows:
o Bank will motivate and aware its staff geared to performance.
o Control and authority of staff by line management with Personnel support. The
endeavor is to begin to explore how a considered and planned approach to
people management can improve business performance, to the benefit of all.
o To initiate & institutionalize globally competitive HR practices in the Bank in a
pursuit to become a leading Bank and to become an employer of preferred
o To put in place relevant HRD strategies and use modern methodologies to
undertake organizational renewal; identify and nurture talent, bring about
marked changes in the mindset of employees at all levels so as to enhance HR
o To create a performance-driven culture and an exciting workplace for the
o To create a pool of entrepreneurial managers and business leaders for future;
o To inculcate a strong and effective sales and service culture across levels in the
organization in order to generate strong stakeholder affiliation;
o To create a learning organization for employees intellectual growth and
creativity; and to deskill the workforce to operate in digitally enabled modern
core banking environment.


HRM structures vary widely from business to business, shaped by the type, size, and
governing philosophies of the organization that they serve.
Human resource management functions are ideally positioned near the theoretic center
of the organization, with access to all areas of the business.
Since the Banks top management together with HRM department is charged with
managing the productivity and development of work force at all levels, human resource
personnel should have access toand the support ofkey decision makers. In addition,
the HRM department should be situated in such a way that it is able to communicate

effectively with all areas of the Bank.

However, HR structural dimensions will be subdivided into three areas:
Individual management entails (involves) helping employees identify their strengths and
weaknesses; correct their shortcomings; and make their best contribution to the
enterprise. These duties are carried out through a variety of activities such as performance
reviews, training, and testing.
Organizational development, meanwhile, focuses on fostering (encouraging) a successful
system that maximizes human (and other) resources as part of Jaeger business strategies.
This important duty also includes the creation and maintenance of a change program,
which allows the organization to respond to evolving outside and internal influences.


Finally, there is the responsibility of managing career development. This entails matching
individuals with the most suitable jobs and career paths within the organization.
In a changing management atmosphere the trend toward fundamental reassessment
needed of human resources structures and positions for new leadership. A cascade (flow)
of changing business conditions, changing organizational structures, and changing
leadership has needed to alter the HR structure in perspectives on goal, role and function.
The Model is adequately supported by a suitable Learning Platform, which imparts proper
real life knowledge and enhances Learning among people so that their Competence
increases and their potential could be properly leveraged for greater Individual and
Organizational Effectiveness.
These create proper Employee Motivation, which ultimately facilitates Goal Achievement.


HR planning & Management sub-system

competency Based HRD sub-systems

Attitude & Culture


Performance Driven Environment

Learning platform
Employee Motivation
Goal Achievement
Standard Bank Ltd is striving to become an employer of choice for high performing official
and believes that every employee has the right to fair and equitable treatment and
opportunity. Employees also have the right to know what the Bank expects of them and
what they can expect from the Bank.
The Banks commitment to fairness, equity and integrity is reflected in its human resources
policies and procedures.
The Strategic HR Business Model adopted by Standard bank Ltd., incorporates its HR
Mission and

Philosophy and is focused towards attainment of long-term organizational goals.

A very strong Organizational Leadership at different levels forms the key link in the Model.
These are;
Strategic Leadership - Corporate level
Business Leadership Divisional/Zonal/Branch level
Operational Leadership - Business unit level! Branch level

The two vital Human Resource sub-systems i.e. HRM Planning & Competency Based HR are
shape the very crucial Performance Environment within the Bank which facilitates
development of enabling capabilities of people.
Through proper developmental inputs, Positive Attitude & Right Mindset is created
among people.
Through proper Communication Medium and an Organizational Culture of sharing,
sincerity, collaborator & confrontation, autonomy etc. people in the organization are
facilitated to give their best output (performance).
The skills usually defined in terms of a framework which also known as a competency
framework. This consists of a list of skills, and a grading system, with a definition of what it
means to be at particular level for a given skill. Detailed of skill and efficiency evaluation
are being made through a format of Annual Confidential Report (ACR).
Banks skills management systems record the results of this ACR records in a database,
and analyze the data regularly. In order to perform the functions of management and to
assume multiple roles, Executives and Officers must be skilled up to the mark.
Three managerial skills that are essential to successful management: technical, human,
and conceptual.
TECHNICAL SKILL involves process or technique knowledge and proficiency. Managers use
the processes, techniques and tools of a specific area.
HUMAN SKILL involves the ability to interact effectively with people. Management interacts
and cooperates with employees.
CONCEPTUAL SKILL involves the formulation of ideas. Management understands abstract
relationships, develop ideas, and solve problems creatively.
Thus, technical skill deals with things, human skill concerns people, and conceptual skill
has to do with ideas.
Historically organizations structured themselves on a centralized and compartmentalized
basisHead office, Zonal Office, Regional Office, Branches etc. However, now leaders seek
to decentralize and to integrate their operations, developing cross-functional teams.
Standard Bank Ltd currently operates its Head Office at 122, 124 Motijeel C/A Dhaka,
through numbers of divisions and numbers of branches throughout the country.

At present (2009) the Branches are directly connected and controlled by the Head office,
and all the logistic support, back office support, centralized core Banking database,
enterprise database . and centralized decision support systems are conveniently provided
from Head Office end.
Today, Bank expects HR to move beyond its traditional, compartmentalized bunker
approach to a more integrated, decentralized support function. Technology allows the
Management work centrally and operation take place from Point of Delivery from Branch as
quickly as possible.
This is exactly an increasingly common trend in human resources to decentralize the
business operation and function which make it accountable to specific line management.
This increases the likelihood that HR is viewed and included as an integral part of the
business process, similar to its business competitor, stakeholders, and operations
counterparts. However HR shall retain a centralized functional relationship within the
organization at large.
Organogram of Standard Bank Ltd as under.
HR planning requires that an assessment of present and future needs of the organization
be compared with present resources and future predicted resources. Appropriate steps
then be planned to bring demand and supply into balance. Bank will assess the
requirement before hiring extra employee considering its strategic policy and corporate
Job analysis data contributes to virtually all Human Resource Management functions;
recruitment and selection, performance evaluation, training and development,
compensation management, job design, work force projections, and work force reduction
or expansion decisions.
Job analysis is the process of defining the work, activities, tasks, products, services, or
processes performed by or produced by the employees of a Bank.
Human resource principle fall into three major areas: staffing, employee compensation and
benefits, and defining/designing work. Thus planning of a comprehensive HR Manual shall
be taken into consideration of these areas of concentration.
Man power planning in Human Resource Management is a core factor for a Bank. Here the
penalties for not being correctly staffed are costly. The HRD will conduct study for
understaffing loses of the business regarding economies of scale and specialization,
customers and profits of a Banking organization on HR perspective.
The detail areas of concentrations to planning of human resource include to:
o Train the workforce to maintain competitiveness of the organization
o Develop and communicate industrial relations policies and procedures to
conform to
o legal and regulatory requirement and international labor standards.
o Involvement in grievance and disciplinary hearings
o Lead negotiations as needed
o Implement termination and hiring procedures
o Liaison with legitimate interest, pressure group or stakeholders.
o Develop compensation strategies and policies in compliance with legislation,
o forces, and the organizations business strategy.
o Manage overall labor costs.

o Update employee information

o Advise supervisor/ regulator regarding trends emerging from the data.
o Conduct HRM research with the aim of solving problems in the organization.



Bank Human Resources should focus on the internal strengths and weaknesses of the
people side of the business. Vigorous study on the external business and market
environment needed to highlight the opportunities and threats relating to the people side
of the business.
With the beginning of a new year the HRD will complete a SWOT analysis of the HR consider in details the departments current areas of operation, the service levels and
competences of Bank personnel staff. And place a report before the Management for
further course of action.
The Human Resources Division will conduct the C~F~ analysis and maintain a checklist
thereon as under:
Bank staffs identify with the organization and the success of the organization as
being of direct benefit to themselves.
Bank staffs see themselves as having common interests with their work
colleagues and group. They must work with a strong team spirit.
Work allocated on the basis of individual expertise rather than position in the
There are appropriate leadership skills within the organization.
Bank staff members are encouraged to say what they think about the
Bank will encourage innovation and creativity amongst staff.
Bank staff members feel a sense of personal responsibility for their work.
Quality will emphasize in all aspects of the organization.
The structure of Bank encourages effective performance.
The organization structure will flexible enough in the face of changing demands.
The complex areas of structure will be well addressed.
Bank staff has clear roles and responsibilities.
Bank organization structure tend to push problems up rather than resolve them at
the point where they occur.
Bank procedures and management practices facilitate the accomplishment of
Bank constantly identify challenges in Bank organization structure.
Bank staff has the necessary skills and knowledge to perform their jobs in the
most effective manner.
Bank staff understands their jobs and how they contribute to overall business
performance i.e. have clear goals and objectives.
Bank staff has a customer service orientation.
People with potential spotted and developed for the future.
Bank staff will encourage for performing well through the giving of recognition,
feedback, etc.
Bank people know what their expected performance standards are.

Bank organizations systems (e.g. employee selection and recruitment, promotion,
planning, management, information and control) will fit to encourage effective
performance among Bank staff.
These systems consistent across the organization.
There are clear rewards for effective performance within Bank work group.
The Bank reviews its systems frequently and ensures they mutually support each
Address the critical people issues facing Bank business.
Bank has plans to address these issues.
For each critical issue highlight the options for managerial action generate, elaborate and
create. This is an important step as frequently people jump for the known rather than
challenge existing assumptions about the way things have been done in the past. Bank will
think about the consequences of taking various courses of action.
Bank will consider the mix of HR systems needed to address the issues. Bank will assess
the need to improve communications, training or pay whatsoever.
Once Bank has worked through the process it should then be possible to translate the
action plan into broad objectives. These will need to be broken down into the specialist HR
Systems areas of:
o Employee Training & Development
o Management Development
o Organization Development
o Performance Appraisal
o Employee Reward
o Employee Selection & Recruitment
o Communication
Bank need to develop action plan around the critical issues. Set targets and dates for the
accomplishment of the key objectives.
The future demands will be is only influenced in part by the forecast of the HR Division,
whose main task may well be to scrutinize and modify the crude predictions of other
Thus the first step of the Bank is to take a clear and average view of the existing workforce
profile such as numbers, skills, ages, flexibility, gender, experience, forecast capabilities,
character, potential, etc. of existing employees and then to adjust this for one or three and
ten years ahead by amendments for normal turnover, planned staff movements,
retirements, etc, in line with the business plan for the corresponding time frames.
In recent years, several business trends have had a significant impact on the broad field of
The changes of business trends one is new technologies. These new technologies,
particularly in the areas of electronic communication and information dissemination and

retrieval, have dramatically altered the business landscape. Satellite communications,

computers and networking systems, fax machines, and other devices have all facilitated
change in the ways in which Licenses interact with each other and their workers.
Telecommunication, for instance, has become a very popular option for many workers, and
HRM professionals have to develop new guidelines for this emerging scenario.
Changes in organizational structure have also influenced the changing face of human
resource management. Many companies have scrapped or adjusted their traditional,
hierarchical organizational structures in favor of flatter management structures. It is
significant, that shift in responsibility brought with it a need to reassess job descriptions,
appraisal systems, and other elements of HR management.
A third change factor has been accelerating market globalization. This phenomenon has
served to increase competition for both customers and jobs. The ratter development
enabled some businesses to demand higher performances from their employees while
holding the line on compensation. Other factors that have changed the nature of HRM in
recent years include new management and operational theories like Total Quality
Management (TQM).
Bank recruits people at entry level and also at managerial, mid management and other
expertise experience level. Entry level employees are known as Probationary Officer,
Assistant Officer and others are regular Officers! Executives in different rank.
Adequately staffing is a most important issue of a Bank. Overstaffing is wasteful and
expensive, if sustained, and it is costly to eliminate, overstaffing reduces the competitive
efficiency of the business.
The bank will be guided in its staffing policy by the following principles:
The organizational structure of a successful Bank is built in accordance with
the best industry standards
The Bank uses a unique employee selection system
The Bank is introducing interactive orientation training for new employees
The Bank uses an annual employee performance appraisal program to
evaluate performance and personal achievements
The Bank supports employees personal development (staff positions
/specialists management)
The Bank encourages career advancement of employees
The Bank forms a cohesive team through organizing corporate team building
activities and events
Bank involves the further planning of recruitment, training, retraining, labour reductions
such as early retirement/redundancy or changes in workforce utilization, as will bring
supply and demand into equilibrium. Bank consider the matter not just as a one-off but as
a continuing workforce planning exercise the inputs. It will need constant varying to reflect
actual as against predicted experience. Particularly on the supply side and changes in
business actually achieved the Target forecasted on the required surface, which will
consider the following matters:

Variations in the efficiency, productivity, flexibility of labour as a result of

training, work study, organizational change, new motivations, etc.
Changes in employment practices
Banks Business volume forecasts
Variations, which respond to new legislation, new regulatory requirements
The effects of technological change on Banking task needs
Changes in Government policies.
Employees are expected to conduct themselves in a manner which reflects credit both on
the Bank and the personnel as well. Employment is at the will of the Bank. Performance,
work habits, conduct, or demean (below the average level) or that fail to maintain
standards applicable to an employee of the Bank will subject the employee to disciplinary
action up to and including dismissal, as determined appropriate by the Service Rule.
It is important that individuals read and understand them in order to appreciate the
general standard of conduct which is required.
If an individual takes any action which is not consistent with the standard behaviour of the
Bank as defined in the Service Rule, The Management has the responsibility to act to
correct the matter.
All the persons referred to within the scope of this policy are required to adhere to its terms
and conditions. They must understand that this policy is also incorporated into their
contract of employment.
Individual managers are responsible for ensuring that this policy is applied within their own
area. Any queries on the application or interpretation of this policy must be discussed with
HRD prior to any action being taken.
The purpose of this Manual is to inform all employees that they are to project a clean and
professional personal appearance. The Bank may recognize that different applications of
this policy may be necessary depending on the degree of customer contact, nature of work
and loyalty issues.
The Bank, as a matter of policy, does maintain a particular dress code. Employees are
expected to practice good personal hygiene and use good judgment in their choice of
clothing and personal grooming. Departments may specify additional reasonable
requirements appropriate for their operation. HRD will inform employees of any uniform
dress code that may be required of the position. In addition, a personal interest should be
taken to ensure that work areas are kept neat and orderly.
Executives: Besides the Executives above Assistant Vice President & Branch InCharges (male) should be dressed with full sleeve plain shirt, tie, suit, with matching

shoe. For female executives formal official dress is applicable.

Officers: All other officers other than sub-staff should be dressed with full sleeve
plain shirt, tie, with matching shoe while suit is optional. For female official formal
official dress is applicable.
Sub Staff, Driver & Security Staff: All sub staff, driver and security guards have their
specific dress / uniform provided by the Bank. They should maintain those while in
Employees should be mindful that the Bank is a service industry, everyone should maintain
a good salesmanship attitude and that personal and work area appearance is a reflection
on the Banks business objectives.
The need for a Banks professional standards as:
INTEGRITY To practice the profession with high levels of loyalty, integrity and
LEGALITY To respect individual rights and obey all laws
PROFICIENCY To maintain and improve professional competence
PROFESSIONAL LOYALTY To support the profession and not misuse professional
affiliations for personal business gains
CONFIDENTIALITY To respect the confidentiality of privileged information
All confidential affairs of BANK are to remain strictly confidential. Confidential information
matters of a technical nature, such as strategies and policy matter; matters of a business
nature, such a information about Asset, Deposit, Profit/Loss, lists of clients; plans for future
development; and all other information and documents not readily available to the public.
Banks financial and personnel matters are also confidential.
Any official will not to disclose any confidential information to anyone outside of BANK, nor
use and confidential information for any ones own personal gain during or after his
employment without the express written consent of Bank. Breach of confidentiality is an
extremely serious matter; it may result in immediate discharge and could result in legal
Maintaining the confidentiality of all information pertaining to Bank clients and their
families is of critical importance. Clients provide Bank with highly personal information
which must not be shared. For many, even the fact that they are participating in a Bank
program or benefiting from Bank services is extremely sensitive information. To maintain
relationship with Bank, client often provide information regarding the financial facts and
The obligation of confidentiality applies both during and after employment, unless any one
has specific, proper authorization in advance. All employees must follow Banks
confidentiality policies concerning information about organization, clients and even about
other staff members.
All media related functions shall be done by Public Relation Deptt., (PRD) which is directly

controlled by the Managing Director. Besides, Information Technology Division shall

maintain Banks Website provide information online as terms of reference defined by top
Management and ensure compliance the regulatory guidelines of public disclosures.
However all employees are involved, to some extent, in promoting good public and client
relations. However, it is important that information given for the purpose of public
disclosure constraint shall be accurate and reflects the official position of Bank on any
subject. Also, the privacy of Bank information must be preserved. Moreover, if the inquiry
is in response to an unfortunate event, the release of information could have a negative
impact should always keep in mind by all concerned.
Accordingly, if any one are contacted, approached, or asked to make a statement by any
media or public relations representative, all are must respectfully decline and refer them
directly to the Head Office without further comment. No employee may release any
information, including casual comments or opinions, on or off the record, without
obtain authorization from the Head Office.
The equipment, vehicles and computer systems used by employees represents a major
investment by the Bank. It is important that each employee exercise due care and
common sense when using such equipment. If any one has any questions regarding the
proper use of any equipment, he /she may ask his /her supervisor.
Documents, data and other material stored on any computer drive are also Bank property.
Sending such materials outside of Bank electronically or taking them off Bank premises on
disks without authorization is strictly prohibited.
Desks, file cabinets, and other hardwires are provided solely for the work efficiency of the
employee which are also Bank property. Employees may also be given access to certain
systems using codes or passwords, such as e-mail and/or computers. Employees may be
given individual access codes for the purpose of controlling authorized access to such
systems; such codes are not meant to imply any privacy in the employees use.
An effective organizational culture requires that there is appropriate segregation of duties
and those personnel are not assigned conflicting responsibilities. Areas of potential
conflicts of interest should be identified, minimized, and subject to careful, independent
Duties and responsibilities should be specified explicitly. All officials are assigned his I her
job in documented form, so that personnel can perform his / her duties with high integrity
and efficiently.
These should include:
Top level supervision;
Appropriate activity controls for different departments or divisions;
Physical controls;
Checking for compliance with exposure and teller limits and follow-up on noncompliance;
A system of approvals and authorizations;
A system of verification and reconciliation.

Although, in the Service Rule a detailed particulars are given in the section Assignment of
Duty, The job description should contain:
A factual summary of the job
The purpose of the job and its main duties
The date the job description was updated
A description of the key responsibilities and tasks involved in the role.
Job rotation is an approach to management development where an individual is moved
through a schedule of assignments designed to give him / her extent of exposure to the
entire operation.
Job rotation is also practiced to allow qualified employees to gain more insights into the
processes of an organization, and to reduce boredom and increase job satisfaction through
job variation.
At the senior management levels, job rotation - referred to as management rotation, is
tightly linked with succession planning - developing a pool of people capable of stepping
into an existing job, which may be once with in three years.
Unless otherwise determined by the higher Management, in business operational levels
and Branch management job rotation shall be taken place normally once in every three
Officials in terms of rank and status will be assigned and responsible to perform some
extend of business and administrative delegation. Officials also authorized to stand for and
on behalf of the organization while they adorned the Power of Attorney by the
Management. The detail of such delegation will defined in a separate guidelines, which to
be exercise in due course without negligence. All individual permanent employee will have
a P4N (personnel Identification Number), which may use for the purpose of Human
Resource Database. It also may use all form of HRM, Access control, Delegation of power,
Computer Access whatsoever. Any misuse of such delegation / authority should be treated
as breach of trust and followed by serious disciplinary action.
A wining team building also a great desire of an organization. An Accel-Team building is the
most effective and time efficient way to bring about organizational integration and
performance improvement.
Using a variety of innovative techniques, dank quickly grasp a big picture of dreamed
team then face the business challenges and find where improvements can be made.
Employees will find the works challenging, exciting, f1ought provoking and rewarding.
Ultimately they will have the ideas for improvement and an enthusiastic perspective on:
The world of work
Their roles
Their business process including inputs and outputs
How and why things are measured, plus the effect on people and the effectiveness of

such measurement
Group interactions
The goals of the organization
Areas for individual, inter-department/Branch and organizational performance
Regular Full-time Positions - These are positions of which require incumbents to
regularly work. Based on the business necessities of the Bank and based on available
Temporary Full-time Positions - These are positions of which require incumbents to
regularly work. Appointments to these positions have an expected termination date
of less than one year from the initial
Temporary Part-time Positions - These are positions, which require incumbents to
temporary work. Appointments to these positions have an expected termination date
from the initial date of employment.
Contractual - These are positions for particular purpose of expertise. Employees who
occupy these positions may also be expected to work an on-going irregular schedule
or, specific, specialized, high profiled schedule and assignment to work short-term
temporary schedules or to work on-call.
In order to hierarchy chain the Services In The Bank Shall be Designated As Under:

Operational: Banking Staf

Managing Director
Deputy Managing Director
Senior Executive Vice President
Executive Vice President
Senior Vice President
Vice President
Senior Assistant Vice President
Assistant Vice President
Sr. Executive Officer
Executive Officer
Sr. Officer
Probationary Officer
Junior Officer
Junior Officer on Probation
Assistant Officer
Trainee Assistant Officer
Controller of Cash
Chief Officer (Cash)
Officer (Cash/Corn)
Junior Officer(Cash/Com)
Asst. Officer (Cash/Corn/Tel. Op/Reception)
Asst. Junior Officer(Cash/Com)

Asst. Junior Officer(Cash/Com) on Probation

Sub-ordinate Staff:
Driver (Regular & Contract)
Tea Boy (Regular & Contract)
Tea Boy cum Cleaner (Regular & Contract)
Cleaner(Regular & Contract)



However, management may create extra grade or redesignate or rename any post
matching with the above position to meet the immediate corporate need, which shall be
approved by the Board invariably.
It is a policy of The Bank to maintain personnel file containing pertinent employee
information about each employee. Employee files are confidential and are to be treated
with due manner. Access to employee files is limited to the following:
Each employee may have a look his or her own personnel file in the
presence of a person designated by HRD provided an approval is made
with the Banks management. No material is to be removed except as
specifically authorized by the Banks Department of Human Resources.
Other employees of The Bank may have access to personnel files only on
a need to know for official purpose.
Human Resources staff as they need access in the course of their normal
Supervisors and Managers considering an employee for promotion or
transfer into their departments or location;
Others only as specifically authorized by the Head of Human Resources.
Individuals who are not employees of the Bank may not, except with
specific authorization, have access to the files themselves. Generally,
such access would be granted only upon advice of management.
Unless specifically authorized by appropriate officials, no one should
extract information from personnel records and/or disclose opinions or
assessments of employee job performance or give opinions or
assessments of employee job performance or attitudes.
All individual employees should have a PIN (personnel Identification
Number) with HRD.
The Office hour fixed 09.00 AM to 05.00 PM, while banking hour is 09.00 AM to 03.00 PM.
However, general office attending time for all employees is on ~before 09.00 AM. A lunch
and prayer break will be 01.30 PM to 02.00 PM, subject to keep continuous open all the

service desk and counter by internal arrangement in banking hour.

However, an employee should not leave office without ensuring complete of his daily job.
Employees must notify their supervisor or other designated department incharge, in
advance of leave. In providing notification, employees Should give a reason for their
absence and an indication of when they will return to work.
Notification is the procedure for reporting an absence and does not serve as the
supervisors approval of the absence. Failure to properly notify the Bank may result in an
unauthorized absence. Absenteeism that is unexcused or excessive in the judgment of the
Bank is grounds for disciplinary action.
Employees whose work performance does not meet required standards or who violate
rules, regulations or policies of the Bank may be disciplined according to the seriousness or
repetition of the violation.
Detailed disciplinary guidelines are incorporated in the Service Rule.



The Bank has a transparent recruitment policy. The HRD shall fix requisite qualification
before accelerating every new appointment process. Then Bank shall publish notice in
public by advertisement in renowned Newspaper or otherwise invite applications for
specific post. Prior to initializing recruitment process HRD will make an assessment in due
course for estimating new manpower requirement as per business need.
Selection is the process of matching between the skills of the individual and the
requirements of the job. The selection is the process plays a pivotal role in the entire
human resource issue.
Amongst all the factors that combines to contribute towards the success of an
organization, none counts as much as people. Standard Bank believes it in letter and spirit.
As such in order to select right type or people the bank maintaining a very transparent and
neutral mood operation as regards recruitments. Recruitments are usually done through
open invitation of the applications by advertisement in the national dailies. Candidates are
required to go through stringent examination and tests, some of which are conducted by
Institute of Business Administration of Dhaka University.
Selection process of Standard Bank contents six steps.
6. Final Selection to
provide appointment

5. Medical Test
4. Realistic job

3. Reference &
Background Check

2. Interview

1. Sorting CV

Out of Selection Process

In order to verify the qualifications and backgrounds of individuals before being hired into
positions at The Bank, the Department of Human Resources will ensure pre-employment
background investigations on final candidate(s) applying for positions at the Bank. This

includes candidates from within the Bank as well as external candidates.

There are different types of appointments that can be determined at the beginning of the
recruitment process, but the principle of recruitment and selection remains the same - all
appointments must be advertised, awarded on merit and safer recruitment guidelines
REGULAR PERMANENT EMPLOYEE personal employed on an open-ended contract.
EMPLOYEE ON CONTRACT person employed for a set period of time with an end
date specified in their contract of employment.
TEMPORARY DAILY BASIS STAFF Special purpose staff like Driver, Teaboy, Cleaner
may be engaged as daily basis. On satisfactory service of Five tear they may be
confirmed as regular staff.
Once a post becomes vacant or a new post is created the Job Description, Person
Specification and salary need to be agreed. The Job Description (JD), Person Specification
(PS), and advertisement are the key documents for Bank recruitment campaign. It is
important that these are an accurate description of the job content and of the skills,
abilities and personal qualities necessary to do the job. The JD and PS should be used to
create the advertisement.

The Person Specification focuses on the individual and the knowledge, skills, abilities,
qualifications and experience they will need to be able to do the job. Candidates not
possessing those skills or abilities should not apply.
The Person Specification includes:
Experience required
Formal qualifications needed
Specific skills, for example: use of Computer
Personal qualities.
Abilities, for example, the potential to be able to do something once trained or
shown or transferable experience
Commitment to equal opportunities
Candidates who express an interest in a position are asked to address each point on the
Person Specification to demonstrate their suitability for the post. If the Person Specification
does not accurately reflect the skills needed to do the job it will be difficult for Bank to
select whom to shortlist. For this reason, it is essential that the Person Specification is kept
short and succinct/brief. Limiting the, number of items on the person specification, but
making them much more specific and measurable will assist Bank at short listing and at
Bank need to decide who will be on the shorthsting and interview panel prior to the advert,
and who will be the member of selection panel. The panel should manage the whole
process. To ensure consistency, the panel should remain the same throughout the whole
process. Particularly, the interview panel should remain the same for all candidates. Panels

should consist of a diverse group of people to represent the organization and the
community served. Panels should be always constituted by the Management in terms of
need and requirements of the interview guidelines.


To ensure that the best candidates are selected, and have been selected fairly, there are
standard procedures for short listing. This ensures that the same process is followed for
each candidate and that Bank has a concise record of the decision, which can be referred
to ~t a later date. When applicants apply for the job, they are instructed to address each
point on the person specification, detailing how their previous experience, knowledge,
skills and abilities fit the requirements of the person specification. This makes short listing
easier for the panel and more accurate.
Prior to the interview, the panel must meet to agree on the evidence they will be looking
for in assessing candidates, expanding on the detail of each item on the person
specification if necessary. For each question asked they need to set out the ideal
response, listing the key points they would want the candidate to include in their answer.
All panel members must have a shared understanding of the knowledge, skills and abilities
of the ideal candidate to act as a benchmark against which to compare candidates at
Bank will conduct a full fledged written test for fresh candidate especially for Probationary
Officers. In case of other candidate Management will fix the process. All successful
candidates should face a viva accordingly. The scores of written test will accumulated with
the marks obtained in the viva voice in the event of tabulation for making final list.
The Bank has a specific employment offer process which is given in details in the Service
The terms and conditions for appointment are given in Service Rule.
All permanent staff must complete a probationary period. Terms and conditions of
probation period are affixed at Service Rule.
A background investigation should include verification of certificates furnished, criminal
history, national identification trace and, academic / professional record verification for
some positions. In addition, the HRD will check education and work references.

Prior to advertising an open position, HRD will identify the position

as one that will require a background investigation and will indicate
which background investigation package is to be conducted.
Position advertisement will contain notification to applicants that,
prior to hiring, the final candidate must successfully pass a preemployment background investigation.
If background investigation shows possible disqualifying
information, Human Resources will discuss the information with the
higher Management. If the possibility of adverse action exists,
Human Resources will provide a Pre-Adverse Action Notice and a
notice of rights to the candidate.
All information received in the background investigation process
will be maintained in confidential, secure files, separate from
employee personnel files, with access allowed only to those who

have an authority of need to know.

A police verification report may seek through Government office for
fresh personnel to retrieve criminal record.


Disciplinary Action Process accelerated when an employee is violate organizational
procedures, policies, guidelines, code of conduct, commitment and rules/conditions of
employment. Detailed particulars of disciplinary action process are described in Service
A person can lodge an appeal for review of his punishment as per appeal Process
embodied in Service Rule.
The management will draw due attention focused on the reduction of labour costs. Labour
costs can be reduced in two main ways: firstly, an increase in labour productivity,
secondly, a reduction in total labour costs.
The first method could be achieved by measures like better recruitment and training, a
new payment system, an improved organizational structure, a different management style
and culture.
The second method is optimizing the service of service of the employee which may reduce
extra employees cost.
The Bank has a competitive scale of pay. However, Bank will review the scale in a regular
interval considering competitive market condition. A comprehensive policy and practice is
also taken place in the remuneration area. There are a number of aims:
firstly, to reflect organizational change and remove outdated remuneration practices,
secondly, to safeguard the Bank from equal value claims and grading issues; thirdly, to
integrate the Banks salary structure into a single continuous evaluated structure to ensure
stability and cost control; and finally to place a greater emphasis on labour market and
price index.
It is the objective of The Bank to establish and maintain a compensation program that will:

Attract and retain qualified employees at all levels of responsibility who

perform in a manner that permits the Bank to achieve its objectives and
Reflect the relative value of jobs;
Be externally competitive and internally consistent and fair;
Provide the flexibility toward employees on the basis of individual
performance and contribution to the achievement of Bank goals;
Encourage good employee understanding and relationships; and
Comply with all Laws and regulations.


It is one of the goals of The Bank:

To maintain levels of pay and benefits that are competitive with the average
compensation of employers offering similar employment and competing in the
same labor market;
To establish such pay levels based on timely surveys of pay rates, benefits,
other components of compensation and all aspects of Human Resources
administration; and
To make external comparisons on the basis of base pay and other
compensation components.

Bank will bear the expenses all cost of travel on duty home and abroad as per TA bill rule
fixed by the management.
Pay grades are a means by which an employer offers comparable financial reward to jobs
that are Of similar value. At The Bank, jobs are assigned to pay grades based on a
combination of internal and external considerations as described in the job evaluation
A separate detailed compensation guideline incorporated in Service Rule, where provision
is made to review the Salary structure time to time in the competitive job market.
Performance management is a very important Human Resource Management function, Its
objective is to improve overall productivity and effectiveness by maximizing individual
performance and potential. Performance management is concerned with

Improving individual and collective performance;

Communicating managements expectations to supervisors and staff;
Improving communication between senior management, supervisors and staff;
Assisting staff to enhance their career prospects through recognizing and rewarding
effective performance;
Providing important links to other Human Resource Management functions, such as


Motivation is in many ways the key to the success of Human Resource Management
development. Managers should aim to increase performance through self-motivation,
rather than having to use external motivation (i.e. the imposition of rules and continual
improvements to conditions of service) to bring about higher standards of performance.
The Bank has many formal programmes to enhance motivation, and these are discussed
different part of in this booklet. However, even more important is the motivational impact
that supervisors have on their staff.
The basic principle underpinning (at the bottom of) motivation is that if staff are managed
effectively, they will seek to give of their best voluntarily without the need for control
through rules and sanctions - they will eventually Some of the most effective ways for
managers to motivate staff include giving praise; recognition; and positive feedback;
passing on feedback from more senior managers; and letting other staff know which staff
have been responsible for praiseworthy work andlor effort.
If any member staff feels that their decisions are generally supported, and when genuine
mistakes are made they will be guided in the right direction, they will be more positive,

confident and prepared to take on responsibility and decision-making.

When any staff are shown clear expectations, valued, trusted, encouraged and motivated,
then they will be more likely to give of their best.
Performance appraisal assesses an individuals performance against previously agreed
work objectives. It serves two functions.
First, it enables management to evaluate an individuals performance in the current job to
identify strengths and overcome weaknesses.
Second, it provides information to assist management plan postings, transfers and
promotions. In so doing, management is able to compare performance and potential
between officers of the same rank.
The basic principles governing performance appraisal are

Performance appraisal should be completed for all levels once in a year.

Performance appraisal should be regard as a multi-purpose management
tool. Outcomes from staff appraisal should guide other Human Resource
Management functions;
It is a joint responsibility of the individual and the supervisor;
It is a continuous and ongoing process;
It should relate individual performance to departmental objectives;
Checks and balances should be built into the system to ensure fairness
and objectivity; and
Outstanding performance at one rank does not necessarily indicate
suitability for promotion to a higher rank.

The HRD will maintain a standard performance appraisal format, conduct the appraisal
yearly and keep the record accordingly.
Except for officers on probation, performance appraisal is normally carried out once a year.
Different grades/departments may have their own performance appraisal form which
enshrines the principles set out in the Service Rule.
At the beginning of the reporting cycle, the appraise should agree with the appraising
officer on the main objectives or responsibilities over the reporting period. The list of
objectives or responsibilities should be reviewed between the appraise and the appraising
officer during the reporting cycle to see if changes are necessary. At the end of the
reporting cycle, the appraising officer will write his assessment. He will pass his
assessment to the countersigning officer for the latters views, and finally routed the same
to the HRD.
Promotion denotes that an individual has the competencies, i.e. the skills, abilities,
knowledge and attitudes, required to perform effectively at the next higher rank. The
competencies reflect the knowledge and skills exhibited in observable behavior in the
relevant areas of work. Promotion provides motivation to perform well and is an important
part of performance management.
Although Bank hires skilled and experienced people, it also promotes people from within
the organization. The Management Trainee / Probationary Officers are designed to give
associates an opportunity to learn and apply basic skills necessary to advance to the next
hire position.
The principle of merit or the best person for the job is key to promotion. Ability, potential
and experience are taken into account in the assessment. The process of assessment
should be fair and transparent.


The Bank has precise and clear procedures of Promotion which incorporated in Service
Bank believed that its people are greatest assets and that they are not just employees but
strategic partners in journey to achieve organizational objectives. The crucial role of
recognition plays in motivating employees to demonstrate superior performance.



Rewards should be given for significant outstanding performance that

advances unit goals, and should be tied to a specific accomplishment.
Care should be taken in communication and distribution of rewards so
that they are not viewed as entitlements.
Rewards may be designed to reflect the nature of the Banks work
culture and organizational structure.

There are many ways in which we acknowledge and appreciate good performance - from a
sincere sharing of an Appreciate Note for a specific job well done to granting honors
through an established formal Employee Award Plans.
These values apply to cash awards, as well as to non-cash rewards with monetary value,
such as event Crest and Gift or Certificate.
There are practices of awarding increment in every successive year on evaluation of ACR
(Annual Confidential Report); however, the matter is fully management discretion. Bank
will award special increment in the event of contribution in particular area. The Service
Rule describe clearly about the procedure of increment.
Day-to-day guidance and supervision is necessary to provide direction and feedback to
staff. It reinforces the annual performance appraisal, helps groom officers for promotion,
and assists staffs who are not performing well.
All staff should have an identified line manager In-charge who, in addition to fulfilling a
day-to-day responsibility for supervising their staff, should provide a regular and planned
opportunity for staff to discuss their work on an individual basis.
Management supervision is a two-way process in which members of staff and their line
manager will:
Ensure that work is being carried out according to job descriptions,
competencies, person specifications and Trust policies and procedures.
Receive feedback on their performance and positive support.
Ensure that development and training opportunities are being secured to meet
the objectives agreed in the staff members personal development plan.
Consider particular pieces of work and their work program.

Guidance and supervision reinforces behavior that contributes to good performance and
discourages behavior that blocks progress. Feedback should be frequent - staff should not have to wait until formal performance review or appraisal
for feedback;
balanced - it should focus on good and bad performance;
immediate - immediate feedback has much more impact than feedback given

several weeks or months later;

specific - staff should be in no doubt what actions feedback covers; and
Constructive - feedback should focus on overcoming difficulties or reinforcing
successful behavior.
Procedure : Guidance and supervision is offered on a day-to-day basis as needed
All employees are personally responsible for keeping themselves informed of matters
relevant for carrying out their work regarding operational guidelines, common law and
practice, organizational norms, circulars, directives, instructions etc.
Superiors are also responsible to communicate all policies, guidelines and procedures
openly with their colleagues. Heads of Department are also responsible for continuously
providing employees with general information about Bank and information relevant for
their work.
The primary goal for the line of management is to communicate Banks mission and
strategy in such a way that every employee knows why his or her working tasks are
important and how he or she can be part of implementing these in the daily work. Hence
the duty roster office order regarding job allocation shall be the primary source where the
staff can find information concerning their work.
Poor performers need to be appropriately handled to ensure they will not persist in their
adverse performance, and will give of their best to the service. Management must take
action to tackle such performers, otherwise there may be an adverse effect on the morale
of staff, who is performing satisfactorily.
Output Optimizing
When staffs are not performing at the level appropriate for their rank and experience, they
should be told so, and be helped to overcome the poor performance through: close
supervision and counseling. When it is clear that these are to no avail, necessary measures
for the Bank would need to be resorted to. The whole procedure needs to be handled in a
sensitive, objective and fair manner.
Improvising process
Each instance needs to be handled in the light of circumstances. The normal sequence of
action is as follows
COUNSELING - Staff should be told the areas where they need to improve and
how this should be achieved; and
APPRAISAL - If any staff does not respond to counseling their poor performance
will be indicated in their annual appraisal or through a special confidential
If no improvement is shown after counseling and appraisal, there is a formal
process of dealing with non-performance involving written warning, or other
wisely as determined by the Management.


Leave cannot be claimed as a matter of right. The competent authority may refuse
leave, grant leave for a shorter period than applied for, revoke leave of any
description and recall an employee before the expiry of his leave. An employee shall
not be absent from his duties or leave his place of posting on any ground whatsoever
without getting the leave sanctioned by the competent authority. An employee may
not be allowed leave of absence on the ground of illness or maternity unless a
certificate to that effect from a medical practitioner acceptable to the competent
authority substantiates the same.

All applications for leave shall be addressed to the competent authority through
proper channel, which must contain the full address during the period of leave. The
Human Resource Division must retain approved leave applications in the respective
personal file.

Leave is earned by duty only. The period spent on deputation and on official tour shall
be counted as on duty.

All employees shall resume duties on the expiry of leave initially granted or as
subsequently curtailed or extended. Overstay of leave may entail punishment
including dismissal from service.

Before proceeding on leave, an employee shall make over charge to another

employee as directed by the competent authority.

An employee on leave of any description shall, unless instructed otherwise, report in

writing his return to duty to his immediate superior at the place wherefrom he
proceeded on leave.

An employee who was granted leave on medical ground shall not return to duty
without producing a certificate of fitness from a competent medical authority provided
that no such certificate shall be necessary if the leave was for a period of 7 (seven)
days or less.

In the event of an employee on leave for not less than one month being required by
the competent authority to resume duty in the interest of the Bank before expiry of
the leave already sanctioned, the competent authority may allow him the actual cost
of passage from the place of recall to the place of duty and to count the time spent in
the journey as on duty.

Employee on leave shall not accept any employment or any office of profit.

All leave standing to the credit of any employee shall lapse on the date on which he
retires or resigns or his service is otherwise terminated.

Employees shall be encouraged to go on annual (earned) leave. If an employee can

not be granted annual leave due to service exigencies, he may encash outstanding
cumulative leave as per rules, but in such event he should be paid his basic salary

Ensure the timely reporting and accurate recording of absences
Provide a framework for the granting and administration of leave
Manage leave in line with entitlements and operational requirements.


An employee must enjoy 15 days leave from his earned leave for each completed year of
All Leave Records and Sanctioned Leave Form will be maintained by HRD and or Branch
where applicable as defined in Service Rule.
There are various types of leaves on various grounds. Types of leave in detailed are clearly
defined at Service Rule.
Casual Leave
Ordinary! Earned Leave
Obligatory Leave
Medical Leave
Maternity Leave
Quarantine leave
Others Leave as mentioned in Service Rule.
Staff development is the term used to include all activities, which are undertaken by and
for staff in order to maintain up-date and enhance their work related knowledge, skills and
Staff development, which includes all aspects of training, is one of the elements of the
Banks Human Resources Strategy. The aim of this strategy and its supporting policies and
procedures is to provide a working environment in which staffs are able to maximize their
performance, commitment and contribution to the aims of the Bank.
The purpose of staff development and Training Policy is to link staff, their performance and
development to the achievement of the Banks operational and strategic objectives and its
commitment to continuous improvement and excellence.
The Bank maintains a Training Institute with adequate facilities and equipments. The Bank
is committed to carry on training programs in different areas for different segment of
employees. Officers are nominated for training program as per need assessed by the
institute and HRD. The Training Institute shall make a yearly program and place before the
Management for approval, which the institute will ensure proper implementation. The
Officers have to engage in training that consists of on-the-job learning and book work. The
Bank arranges a Management Trireme Program for Probationary Officers and is
implemented via extensive on-the-job training and a computer-based core Banking

learning program.
The following principles guide the Staff Development and Training Policy and apply to all
aspects of staff development and training activity delivered both centrally and by
individual academic or support areas. There is an institutional commitment to staff
development and training.
All employees regardless of age, grade, gender, disability or ethnic
background or nature of their contract of employment are
expected to undertake staff development and training, which is
viewed as a continuous process throughout employment.
Staffs are required to assume responsibility for their own
development and training, which includes both participation in
planned activities and making use of opportunities to learn when
they are presented.
Staff development and training is an obligation for line
management for identifying individual training and development
needs and supporting and encouraging staff.
Formal processes, induction, appraisal and training needs analysis
are used at the individual level and staff development and training
planning takes place at the institutional level.
Accountability for staff development and training rest (lay) with
management at every level.
Staff development and training provision will be evaluated and
reviewed to ensure that it is adequate, relevant, effective and
provides value for money.
Bank has identified strategic priorities for staff development and training, in the short to
medium term are:
Staff development and training for enrich business knowledge and job awareness.
Staff development and training to support Research and Development (R&D).
Leadership and management development.
Best practice in the management of people.
Enhancing service delivery.
Staff development and training priorities will be regularly reviewed by the
Training records will be maintained by Training Institute and HRD as well subject to data
protection requirements.
The Bank maintains a well balanced and diverse workforce that can deliver Bank high
quality service to Bank customers. At the same time it wishes to ensure that employees
maximize their work life balance to the full and that treatment of staff as they approach
retirement is consistent and fair. The procedures are described in detail of retirement
process in Service Rule.



Employees who wish to continue working beyond normal retirement age will normally be
expected to have discussed the subject with the management. If the Bank needed, any
specialist experienced Officer in a particular area can continue contractual service detailed
of which are described in Service Rule.
All confirmed regular employees immediately after joining are enrolled under couple of
Fund under staff welfare Schemes. While retirement all eligible staff may be entitled for the
benefits as under:
o Provident Fund
o Welfare Fund
o Gratuity
o Leave Encashment
Either the employee or the Bank may decide to end the Service in the Bank for any reason
not prohibited by law, at any time.
Terminations should be handled consistently pursuant to the guidelines that follow. This
means that employment is a matter of continuing agreement between the employee and
the Bank.

Bank can terminate an employee from the service provide three month advance notice or
paying three month Basic salary in advance, without showing any reason whatsoever.
Details of termination process of services are described in Service Rule.
An employee may terminate his/her employment with the Bank by submitting a written
resignation to the Managing Director.
An employee can resign from the service provide three month advance notice or
surrendering three month Basic salary. Details of Resignation process of services are
described in Service Rule.

3.32 Conclusion
Standard Bank has emerged itself as one of the most disciplined and promising bank in
the commercial banking sector in Bangladesh under the active supervision of its
competent Human Resource management Team. Though there are some drawbacks in
implementing HR policies in Standard Bank Limited as per manual, it can be overcome
through involvement of experts in the decision making process and utilizing the tools to
motivate the employees to get best yield from them. HR Policies is a modern scientific
apparatus for flourishment of an organization & Standard Banks thus implemented a very
efficient & strengthening HR Management and there lies the opportunities to make it more
effective in the future for their own benefit.



Major Findings
Problems identification


4.1 Introduction
Internship program is essential for every student, especially for the students of business
administration, which helps to know about the real life situation for this future reason. A
student takes the internship program at the last stage of the bachelors degree, to launch a
career with some practical experiences. So as an internee I have chosen Bank to gain
some practical knowledge which will help me in the banking sector. My Observation, Major
findings which I have gained through 3 months internship period in SBL have been
manifested below:
4.2 Major Findings
From the survey conducted by me in SBL and other Banks using semi structured,
questionnaire, the following observations are notable.

SBL & other Banks have written policy.


Employees are procured through a system but suitable policies regarding

recruitment, induction, employee search etc do not exist in most of the Bank.


Practice of conducting salary survey before deciding the compensation package is

absent in most of the banks.


Pay structure dose not comply with the market average.


Majority mentioned that the efforts are taken by most banks to attract and retain
quality professional.


Employees are not over loaded with work.


No job analysis is done in any of the covered in this study.


Although physical environment of the bank & interpersonal relationship among coworkers are good, the rate of employee turn over is high.


Employees performances are assessed by their supervisors and feedback also

provided for better output and the communication between the two parties is good.

10. Majority of employees are satisfied with the administrative support and the supplied

Most banks arrange training programs as a part of employees development process.

12. Facilities like health check- up have given an added valued to satisfaction of the
13. Promotion system and reward policies exist in majority of banks and maintained

Most banks do not have proper termination policies.


There is no scope from the past of the employee to participate in the formulation of
human resource policy.


The best practice of human resources management is not initiated to full extent in
most of the banks.
4.3 Problems identification
The followings have been identified during the period of my internship at Standard Bank
There is provision for skill based pay but some employees responded that
Package in most cases is not equitable for the skilled people

Banks sometimes do not take proper initiative to retain qualified officer.

03. A good number of employees are not satisfied with the promotion and reward

The employees are sometimes overloaded with additional works which have not
been included in their job description and they also mentioned that their jobs are not
also clearly defined.


Most employees did not respond when they were asked about the salary they get.


It was observed that some employees are not comfortable to express their opinion
for some hidden impediment.


Information regarding the employees performance is purely dependent

upon their managers. However, the employee are of the view that information
should also be collected from them as they are the ones who perform are
responsible for performing the various tasks.


Thus, a major shortcoming of the system is that the employees are not
involved in the appraisal process.


The performance appraisal system is believed not to provide any guidance for
the development of employees.


The employees are of the opinion that the performance appraisal should be
done on quarterly basis, instead of being conducted annually.


Although the profit earning condition is satisfactory, the customer service condition
of the bank is not yet top class.

12. The working procedure of the bank along with the office setup could be more



Efficient work force along with proper division of work is vital for the success of any
Bank. Standard Bank has the scope to consider this factor to enhance and sustain it

4.4 Recommendation

1. In order to successfully conduct the performance measurement process,

Standard Bank should formulate effective internal and external communication
2. A conceptual framework understood by all levels of the bank should be
3. Accountability for results must be clearly defined and well understood.
4. Performance measurement system must provide intelligence for decision
makers rather than just compiling data.
5. Compensation rewards and recognition should be linked to performance
6. Performance evaluation should be positive and not punitive.
7. Employees should be specific as to what is expected from them so that they
direct their efforts towards achieving those expectations.
8. Feedback on the evaluation should be provided to the employees so that they
can improve their performance.
9. Lastly, performance measurement systems should not be seen as an end, but
a beginning.

4.4 Conclusion
Though concept of organization is less than a hundred years old, it is ruling all over the
world. Sometimes organization determines the nature of rules and regulations. This
organization is a single entity but include many human beings into its area. Thus
organization is the combined effort a group of human being.
Organization really does not do anything, man or woman does it. As a result organization
becomes profitable, share of the companies get higher price in the market. Behind
everything there is human being. So people are the main assets. They are current which
runs the organization. Human resource works with these assets, which is more valuable
than other products like services, money or any other thing. Manpower is the most

invaluable productive power in our daily life, in organizational needs and in diversified
fields of action towards advancement
HRM Practice in any organization plays a very vital role in formulating staffing policies,
developing manpower into resources and by this put its best efforts in achieving its goal.
So Human Resources Division of Standard Bank Limited has also such obligation to meet
up. Through the effective utilization of its existing manpower to the right dimensions, SBL
has turned them into resources and thus its organizational goal has been achieved into its
desired level.
Standard Bank Limited has also set up goal to utilize the commanding assets, the
manpower in order to produce services and earn business opportunities through their
endeavors in resource hunting like mobilization of deposit, hunting of resourceful valued
clients by offering our services and products and open other business windows to enable to
reach the destination ahead of other competitive new generation Banks around SBL.
Standard Bank Limited is a profitable bank in Bangladesh. So, Standard Bank Limited
should gravely think about the situation. They should not be pleased with this, they should
optimize it. For the optimization they need best people as well as the right place. To do it
perfectly, they need a perfect HRM practice procedure.
Finally, we can conclude that the recruitment and selection within the Standard Bank
Limited must be:
Effective- Producing enough suitable candidates and the ability distinguish between the
suitable and the unsuitable.
Efficient- Using the most cost- effective advertising and recruitment sources and methods.
Fair- Maintaining the bank good name with existing employees and potential recruits alike
by dealing fairly, honestly and courteously with all applicant.

4.5 Bibliography


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