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[10 marks]
[Time suggested: 15 minutes]
Question 1: Error Identification
The text below is about a married couple with their adopted son.
Read the text below. The first lines are correct. For the remaining line there is one
grammatical error in each line.
Underline the error. Then, write one word to correct the error in the space provided. An
example has been given. The correct word must not change the meaning of the sentence.
There are no spelling and punctuation errors in this context.

Along time ago in Japan there lived an old childless, married

couple. One day,
the old woman found a peach at the river. She picked it out and
ate it. The fruit

e.g _up__


was very delicious. Soon a huge peach floating up. However,

when the old woman tried to cut a peach at home, a baby boy
jumped out. The old couple named him Momotarou. As the years
go by he grew big and strong. One day demons came to their
villages and created problems for the villagers. Momotarou
decided to go at

Demon Island and get rid of the demons.

Once he reached the Demons Island, Momotarou bravery

fought with the demons. He managed to defeat all the demons.
Honey, the worlds oldest sweetener has many health benefits. Since honey
The leader of a
demons fearfully begged for his life. He
contains flavonoids and antioxidant, it can help reduce the risk of some cancers and
to handing
all the
if Momotarou
heart diseases.
shows that
honey may help
stomach disorders such
as ulcers and bacterial gastroenteritis.
his life. Momotarou agreed or the demon gave him all the

Once at his village, Momotarou divideds the

treasure among all the villagers. Everyone was happy.

According to Peter Molan, director of Honey Research Unit at the University of

Waikato in New Zealand, all honey is antibacterial
SECTION B and anti-fungal because the bees add
[30 marks]
an enzyme that makes hydrogen peroxide.
Ancient Olympic athletes would eat honey and
[Time suggested: 15 minutes]
dried figs to enhance their performance. According to modern studies, honey is better
at maintaining
improving recovery time compared with other
Question 2 glycogen
Read the following text. Then, answer question (a) (j).
Honey helps with coughs too. Another benefit of honey is that it is useful in
improving eyesight. Even though honey contains simple sugars, it is not the same as white
sugar or artificial sweeteners. In fact it helps the body regulate blood levels. Honey also
heals wounds and burns because it is anti-bacterial.
Some types of honey possess large amounts of friendly bacteria which makes it a
good probiotic. Furthermore, its anti-bacterial qualities are particularly useful for the
skin and make it more radiant.

Questions (a) (j)

Using the information from the text, complete the following graphic organiser.




Helps reduce the

risk of:

Some types of honey




Honey is
antibacterial and


(c) ____________________

Better at

Another benefit:






Question 3 Non-linear text and short writing.

[10 marks]

Read the process below. Then answer questions (a) (j).

First, pick your favourite flowers and
leaves. Then, put them on a piece
of paper.

Then, take another piece of paper.

And cover the flowers and leaves.
Press them with heavy books till
they become flat.

After that, arrange them into any

pattern you like. Use glue to paste
the flowers and leaves onto a
manila card. Cut the card into any
shape and size of your choice.

Draw patterns and decorate the



Next, write a message on the

reverse of the bookmark. Then, use
a plastic wrapper to wrap up the
entire bookmark. Use cellophane
tape to hold the wrapper in place.

Finally, punch a hole at the top of

the bookmark and attach a string to
it. Your bookmark is ready for use.

Questions (a) (d): Based on the process, state whether the following statements are TRUE

(a) Use flowers and leaves to make the bookmark.



b) Press the flowers to make them more beautiful



(c) Draw designs that you like to make the bookmark

(d) Use cellophane tape to wrap the entire bookmark.


[1 mark]


[1 mark]

Questions (e) (i): Read the process carefully and answer the questions below.
(e) What is the purpose of pressing the flowers and leaves with heavy books?



(f) Suggest two shapes for the bookmark.


(g) Fill in the table with an appropriate phrase from the process.


use the design that you like

Dear ................................,
the underside

[2 marks]

(h) What is another word you can use to replace the word attach?
(i) Besides using dried flowers and leaves, suggest two other materials you can use to make a



(j) You have made a bookmark as a project for your art class. In about 50 words, write a
email to your friend to tell her about your project. In your email:
State your choices of materials

Give reasons to support your choice

Add other relevant information to make your writing interesting

If you have not taken up swimming yet, it is time that you do. This is
because there are many benefits to swimming.
One of the benefits of swimming is that it is low impact. That means when
you swim you protect your joints from stress and strain. Water aerobic classes too
are encouraged because even if you do jump and hit the bottom of the pool, you do
so with less force as youre buoyant in the water. Furthermore, if you wear or hold
a flotation device during a water aerobics class, the impact is even less.
Since there is no or less impact in swimming, it can be practised for a
lifetime. In fact, people can swim even after they reach 100. Swimming also builds
cardio-respiratory fitness and improves endurance. In one study of inactive
middle-aged men and women who did swim training for 12 weeks, their maximum
oxygen consumption improved by 10 percent.
Swimming too builds muscle mass. In a study of men who completed an
eight-week swimming program, there was a 23.8 percent increase in the triceps
muscle which is the back of the arm. Furthermore, when athletes are injured,
especially in the legs, they are frequently told to swim to maintain their fitness
level. Swimming helps them to stay in shape. Its even part of the rehabilitation.
Thats because the resistance of the water makes the muscles work hard without
[10 marks]
the strain or impact that is experienced out of water.
Finally, when you swim, you burn between 500 to 650 calories per hour
[20 marks]
depending on how efficiently you swim and how buoyant you are. In fact the more
20 minutes]
body fat you have the more you
and fewer
calories it takes to swim.
Question 4: Reading Comprehension II - Linear Texts
Instruction: Read the passage below, and then answer the questions that follow.

Questions (a) (j) are based on the passage. Answer the questions carefully.
(a) What is the passage about?

[1 mark]

(b) What does swimming protect the joints from?

[1 mark]

(c) List two ways to make your water aerobics class have very low impact. [2 marks]
i) __________________________________________________________

ii) __________________________________________________________
(d) Why can swimming be practised for a lifetime?

[1 marks]

(e) Fill in the table with an appropriate word/phrase from the article.

Able to float

[4 marks]

Word / Phrase

A piece of equipment which helps the

wearer to keep floating
The period after early adulthood and
before old age
Restoring someone to become healthy
by training

(f) How many weeks did inactive middle-aged men and women do swim training? [1 mark]
(g) What are triceps?

[1 mark]

(h) List two ways swimming helps injured athletes:

[2 marks]





(i) List two factors that determine the number of calories you burn while swimming.
[2 marks]




Question 5- Poem

Sad I Ams
By Trevor Millum
I am
the ring
from an empty Cola can
the scrapings

from an unwashed porridge pan

the severed arm
of last years Action man.
I am
the envelope
on which the gum is gone
the Sellotape


where you cant find the end

the toothless stapler,
springless bulldog clip
the dried up liquid paper
that mars instead of mends
the stamped addressed reply
that you forgot to send.
I am
the battery in which no charge is left
the starter motor which remains inert
the tyre on which the tread is worn
the sparking plug which shows no sign
of spark

the carburettor chocked by bits of

the chromium trim from which the
shine has gone.
I am
a garden
overgrown with weeds
a library book
that no one ever reads
a stray
which no one thinks to feed
the piece of good advice
which no one seems to need

Read the poem above carefully, and answer the questions below.
1. Who wrote the poem?

[1 mark]

2. When do we get food scrapings?

[1 mark]

3. In stanza 2, why would the gum of the envelope be gone?

[1 mark]

4. Why would a library book be left unread? Give two reasons.

[2 marks]





[40 marks]
[Time suggested: 45 minutes]
Question 6 Essay Writing
The picture below shows a boy was helping an old man to cross the road.
Based on the picture given, write a recount of the incident.

When writing a recount, you should:

describe what happened

express what you felt
suggest ways pedestrians can take to ensure their safety
write between 120 to 150 words



[30 marks]

Question 7 Graphic Novel Fairs Fair

Write about a theme/ themes of the story Fairs Fair. Provide evidence from the text to
support your response.

in not less than 50 words

in continuous writing (not in note form)

[10 marks]

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