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TeamSite ContentCenter

Version 6.7.5

Reference Guide for the

BWH Internet

Technical Assistance:
BWH Help Desk (617) 732-5927
Web Policy Items & Staff Updates:
Paulette Bouchard

2010 PHS Information Systems Training


Table of Contents
I. ACCESSING TEAMSITE .....................................................................................................................................1
CHECKING INTERNET EXPLORER SETTINGS....................................................................................................................1
SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................................................................1
WEB ADDRESSES............................................................................................................................................................3
II. INTRODUCTION TO THE TEAMSITE ENVIRONMENT ............................................................................4
LOGGING IN TO TEAMSITE .............................................................................................................................................4
CONTENTCENTER HOME BASE.......................................................................................................................................6
HOW DO I...................................................................................................................................................................7
MY WORKAREAS ...........................................................................................................................................................7
MY FAVORITES ..............................................................................................................................................................8
FINDING YOUR FOLDER IN TEAMSITE ............................................................................................................................9
SETTING YOUR FOLDER AS A FAVORITE ......................................................................................................................10
NEW CONTENT FORMS .................................................................................................................................................12
SEARCH ........................................................................................................................................................................13
MY WORK IN PROGRESS ..............................................................................................................................................13
DESCRIPTION OF ICONS ................................................................................................................................................14
III. WORKING IN TEAMSITE .............................................................................................................................15
EDITING AND PUBLISHING AN EXISTING WEB PAGE ....................................................................................................15
FORMATTING A WEB PAGE ..........................................................................................................................................17
INSERTING A TABLE .....................................................................................................................................................18
IMPORTING AN IMAGE OR FILE INTO TEAMSITE ...........................................................................................................19
INSERTING AN IMAGE ONTO YOUR PAGE ......................................................................................................................20
INSERTING A HYPERLINK TO A TEAMSITE PAGE OR IMPORTED FILE ............................................................................22
INSERTING A HYPERLINK TO AN EXTERNAL WEBSITE ..................................................................................................22
INSERTING AN ANCHOR ................................................................................................................................................23
CREATING AND PUBLISHING A NEW WEB PAGE USING A FORM ..................................................................................24
UNDERSTANDING THE CREATING AND SAVING PROCESS .............................................................................................29
CREATE/EDIT A PAGE ...................................................................................................................................................29
STAGING WORK IN PROGRESS..................................................................................................................30
LEFT NAVIGATION BAR................................................................................................................................................31
CREATING A CUSTOM OR CLINICAL SERVICES LEFT NAVIGATION BAR .......................................................................31
INSERTING A CUSTOM OR CLINICAL SERVICES LEFT NAVIGATION BAR.......................................................................34
RIGHT-PANEL DISPLAY BAR.........................................................................................................................................35
CREATING A RIGHT-PANEL DISPLAY BAR ....................................................................................................................35
IV. MANAGING THE DEPARTMENT FOLDER................................................................................................39
CREATING A NEW FOLDER ...........................................................................................................................................39
MOVING FILES .............................................................................................................................................................39
DELETING FILES ...........................................................................................................................................................39
DELETING FOLDERS .....................................................................................................................................................41
UNLOCKING FILES ........................................................................................................................................................41
HELP AND SUPPORT......................................................................................................................................................42
LOGGING OUT ..............................................................................................................................................................42
APPENDIX A: TIPS FOR ADVANCED USERS...................................................................................................43
EDITING THE CONTENT BODY ......................................................................................................................................43
WEB FORMS .................................................................................................................................................................43
ASP.NET AND CODE BEHIND PAGES .............................................................................................................................43
COPYING FILES WITHIN A BRANCH ..............................................................................................................................44
APPENDIX B: IMAGE EDITING ..........................................................................................................................47
GRAPHIC EDITING SOFTWARE ......................................................................................................................................47
APPENDIX C: SAMPLE PAGES............................................................................................................................48

TeamSite 6.7.2 Reference Guide v4


Checking Internet Explorer Settings
There are two very important settings on your Internet browser that you should check to
ensure that TeamSite works properly on your machine. Please complete the steps
below to prevent you from running into problems while working in TeamSite.
Check the Internet Options to be sure that it checks for newer versions of stored pages
every visit to the page.

Open Internet Explorer.

Click TOOLS on the Internet Explorer menu bar.
On the GENERAL Tab, click the SETTINGS button under TEMPORARY INTERNET
6. Click OK twice.
Remove any pop-up blockers you have turned on for the Internet. TeamSite uses popup windows while you are working. When you have a pop-up blocker turned on, like
Google or Yahoo, it prevents TeamSite from working properly.
TIP When working in TeamSite, do not use the buttons on your
browser. In order to keep things working properly, use the buttons
within TeamSite to navigate.
System Requirements
TeamSite is designed to run smoothly on a standard Partners computer.
If you are using a non-Partners computer, such as your own personal laptop or pc at
home, you will need to be sure your machine meets these requirements:
Windows XP SP1a
Windows 2000
Mac 10.3

Windows 2000: IE 6.0 SP1, IE 5.5 SP2, SP3, Mozilla 1.5
Windows XP SP1 IE 6.0 SP1
Mac 10.3: Mozilla 1.6

Must be one of these.

Must be one of these.

Other Requirements
General Knowledge of Using the Internet
Understanding url, web address, where to look for the web address, how to
differentiate from a TeamSite address and a live Internet address. How to search for

Abbreviation of Uniform Resource Locator, the global address of documents and other
resources on the World Wide Web.
The first part of the address is called a protocol identifier and it indicates what protocol
to use, and the second part is called a resource name and it specifies the IP address
or the domain name where the resource is located. The protocol identifier and the
resource name are separated by a colon and two forward slashes.
For example, the URL below points to a file at the domain It
specifies a Web page that should be fetched using the HTTP protocol, meaning using a
program such as Internet Explorer:

Installing the new Visual Formatter (WYSIWYG Editor)

The first time you edit or create a file using the new version of TeamSite, you may need
to install the Tiny MCE Visual Formatter. This is the program that allows you to edit the
contents of your pages.
If you need to install this, the program will automatically prompt you to do so. Click the
Install Now button at the bottom of the screen to allow the program to be installed on
your computer.
You may be prompted a second time. Click Yes.
When the installation is complete, click the Close button.

Web Addresses

TeamSite Server (WorkArea)

Internet Live Server

Important Web Addresses

Work Area:
Internet Site:
Web Policies:
From BWH PikeNotes:


Logging in to TeamSite

Open the Internet to the TeamSite WorkArea:

Enter your username and password.
Make sure that you select Partners as the domain.
Click LOGIN.

ContentCenter Home Base

By default, you will be logged into the Standard view. Most Web Editors use this version
of TeamSite. This is the home base for all TeamSite features.
If, however, you have used Professional view in the past and wish to continue
doing so, you can switch back and forth between the two views by clicking the
CCPro link at the top of the screen.

ContentCenter Home Base

HOW DO I is the built-in Help section, providing

one-click access to context-sensitive help.

SEARCH allows you to perform a simple

or advanced search for a specific file.
(Not being used at BWH.)
TASKS is not being used at BWH.

WORK IN PROGRESS helps you track

the files you are currently working on
and have not yet published.

FORMS allows oneclick access to form

those branches that you
have access to edit.

allows you one-click
access to your most
commonly used files and

How Do I
TeamSite has a terrific Help feature. From the
CONTENTCENTER HOME page, you will find links to
Help for many common functions under the HOW
DO I section. Click any link to find specific
instructions for performing each task. A new
window will open with the information.
When you have clicked on one of the Help topics
you will see a link for CONTENTS, INDEX, and

Additionally, TeamSite has built-in contextual Help

sections to guide you through the various steps
you will be completing. Wherever you are in
TeamSite, a circled question mark will
indicate that additional Help is available.

My WorkAreas
Under MY WORKAREAS you will see only the
WorkAreas that you have rights to edit. Most
BWH departments are assigned access to a
folder under the BWHInternet WORKAREA.
To see your complete list of files and folders, click BROWSE next to your WorkArea.

Access to Folders
You will be able to tell more quickly which folders you can edit within a branch; folders
you do not have access to will be grayed out. If a folder you should be able to access is
grayed out, please open a Help Desk ticket and the support team will resolve the issue.

My Favorites
If there are files or folders you frequently edit,
you can add them to the MY FAVORITES section
for convenient access. This will prevent you from
having to navigate through your WORKAREA each
time to get to them.
We also recommend that you set your folder as a
favorite rather than navigating through the entire
folder list in the BWHInternetContent WorkArea. The ADD TO MY FAVORITES button is at
the top, right-hand corner of the folder screen.
TIP My Favorites is just another pass way to the same file/folder on the
BWHInternetContent WorkArea.

When you submit a page, you are given an option to ADD TO MY FAVORITES. If you put a
checkmark in that box, the file will be added to MY FAVORITES on the CONTENTCENTER
HOME page.

You can also add a file to your favorites from your

WORKAREA or WORK IN PROGRESS section. There is
a FILE ACTIONS MENU next to each of your files. Click
the drop-down menu and select ADD TO MY FAVORITES.
Finding Your Folder in TeamSite
Before you start looking for your folder you will need to
know where your folder lives. All user folders live in
one of these top folders:


Prior to the training, you should have received the folder path to your site.
Example: /Departments_and_Services/medicine/services/cvcenter/
This path shows you that you need to look inside the folder
/Departments_and_Services/, then inside the /medicine/ folder, and likewise then
inside /services/ folder and then you will arrive at your folder /cvcenter/.
Setting Your Folder as a Favorite
The first time you access a new department folder in TeamSite, you will need to do so
through the WORKAREA. It is strongly recommended that you set your department folder
as a favorite; otherwise, you will have to page through a very complex list of department
folders in the BWHInternetContent WORKAREA.

When you click BROWSE next to your WorkArea on the CONTENTCENTER HOME page,
you will be taken to your WORKAREA. From the WORKAREA, click through to your folder
and there you will find all your files and folders. If you do not see your department
folder listed please contact the Marketing Department.

To add your department folder to your Favorites, click Add to my Favorites.

To return to the CONTENTCENTER HOME page, click the HOME link.


From now on, you can go directly to your department folder by selecting it from

Inside Your Folder

Each departmental folder contains important folders such as Images,
NavigationFiles, RightPannels. Moving around in the folders/files use the
Breadcrumbs trail to go back to the structure instead of Back Button on the internet

To find a file for editing, first look on the Internet at the live site (not TeamSite) for the
page that needs updating. It is easier to look at the pages online. Look at the url
(address) and it will give you an idea of where in TeamSite it is.

TIP Moving files within the folder might result in a number of broken links on
your site, customers bookmarks, and/or on another site that links to
your page.


New Content Forms

The NEW CONTENT FORMS section shows you the list of forms you have access to use
when creating new pages. All pages are created using a form.
DEPTBLANK: This form should be used to
create pages other than your home page.
This page does not allow you to add a
right-panel display bar.
DEPTHOME: This form should be used to
create your home page. Home pages
should be titled DEFAULT. You may also
use this page to create secondary pages
with a right-panel display bar. Clinical
departments are required to include the
CONTACT US box, a right-panel display
option, on their department home page.
DEPTNAVIGATION: This form is for clinical
departments to create a custom left
navigation bar. All left navigation files
should be saved in the NAVIGATIONFILES
DEPTRIGHTPANEL: This form allows you
to create a custom right panel for your
home page. This includes the CONTACT
INFORMATION (Related Links) options. The
CONTACT US box should appear only on
the department home page and is
required for clinical departments. All right
panel files should be saved in the
MKTMICROSITE: This form is available for
use only by the Marketing department.
NONCLINICALNAVIGATION: This form is for non-Clinical departments to create a custom
left navigation bar. All left navigation files should be saved in the NAVIGATIONFILES
To view some examples of pages created with forms, see Appendix C.


This feature is not used at BWH.
My Work in Progress
If you edit a file and you are not ready to publish it to the web, you can save the file as a
work in progress.

After you generate your

file, click NEXT. This will
bring you to the SELECT

Use the NEXT Action

drop-down menu to


IN PROGRESS adds the
file to the MY WORK IN
PROGRESS section on
HOME page.


Description of Icons
The following icons are used in file listings throughout TeamSite:
The file is not locked or restricted in any way. It has not been modified
since its last submission to the content area. You and others can modify
the file.
The file has been modified; it differs from the most recently submitted
and approved version in the content area. The file is not locked; you and
others can modify it.
The file is locked by you but has not been modified; you can modify it
and submit it.
The file is locked by you and you have modified it. You can continue to
modify it.
The file is locked by someone else but has not been modified. You
cannot modify it.
The file is locked by someone else and has been modified. You cannot
modify it.
The file is private and is not available to other users.
The file has been deleted, but the deletion has not been submitted and
The file is missing. When a file has been added to My Favorites, but
later the file is deleted, the bookmark to it remains in My Favorites. Files
from the My Favorites folder are not automatically deleted if you delete
from the content area.)



Editing and Publishing an Existing Web Page
In order to edit your existing web pages,
you may need to first BROWSE your
FAVORITES for all your existing files. You
1. Click BROWSE next to your
FAVORITES, select your department
folder and click the file name.
2. When your page opens you will see a VISUALPREVIEW toolbar.
3. Click EDIT.

4. Once edits are complete, click the GENERATE button to Save

your edits. Your page will open in a new window.

TIP If an existing page uses a Custom Subtitle, make sure that

Yes is selected in the General Page Information section before
generating. Due to a form change, Custom Subtitles may be lost if
this selection isnt updated the first time the page is edited.
5. After generating, close the page by clicking the X in the upper right-hand corner of
the window.
6. After closing the generated preview, you will be back to your original page
template/page. If you are finished with your edits, click NEXT on the
bottom right-hand side of the window. If you need to continue editing your page then
repeat steps 5 and 6.

7. Leave the Next Action as SUBMIT which will automatically publish the page. If you
are not finished editing a page, you can save the file as a work in progress by
selecting KEEP AS WORK IN PROGRESS from the drop-down menu. Click NEXT.




On the SELECT A WORKFLOW page, you should SUBMIT TO LIVE SITE if you want
your page posted to the live site immediately. If you want to SUBMIT TO STAGING,
which keeps the file on the staging server, select that option.
Click NEXT.


STAGING page, enter comments regarding the
changes you made to the page in the SUBMIT
COMMENTS field. This will help you keep track of
any changes you make to the page over time.
11. Click NEXT.
12. On the next page you should see SUBMISSION
13. Youll be back at your folder at the
ContentCenter. If you close the window, you will
close TeamSite!


Formatting a Web Page

TeamSite has a VISUALFORMAT toolbar that allows you to format your web pages using
rich-text; commands and buttons like those in Microsoft Word. Formatting can be done
directly in a large editing box using icons for features such as:


Spell Check

Insert a Picture

ALT tag
VisualFormat Toolbar

While editing, place your mouse over any button for a description of its function. You
can also use the Help tool for more information.
Content entered into the Main Body Content Information field appears as it will on the
actual Webpage. Although space is allotted for them the actual photos will not display.
To view the page as it will appear, you will need to preview the page.
Content that is cut and pasted into the Main Body Content from another application
such as Microsoft Word, Excel or Internet retains some of the original text formatting,
and ultimately adds additional code behind the scene. This practice does not coincide
with the BWH style guide. Using the Paste From Word icon and the Remove
Formatting icon (looks like an eraser) does not strip the text of all of the formatting. It is
recommended that you do not use these buttons to import content. For the best
success, use the NotePad application (Start/All Programs/Accessories in Windows), it
will strip all the text of formatting and your content will look like the rest of the BWH web
TIP Do not copy from Word files that have been saved as HTML. This
code is not compatible with TeamSite and you will encounter problems
saving your page.
TIP Double-spacing is the default setting for web editing
programs. If youd like to single-space your text, hit Shift + Enter
on your keyboard.


Inserting a Table
1. Click the INSERT/EDIT TABLE button on the VISUALFORMAT toolbar.
2. Determine the number of rows and columns you want, the width youd like the table
to span on the page, and the border size (0 or 1 is usually sufficient), as well as the
border color (black is standard for the BWH site).

3. Use Advanced tab only if you are a CCPro user of TeamSite.

4. Click INSERT and enter your information into the table.
TIP When entering your content into the table, you cannot use
TAB to move between cells. Use your arrow keys or your mouse to
navigate in the table.

Follow these steps to adjust the properties of the table:

1. Left-click the table and select the INSERT/EDITTABLE icon.
2. Adjust your columns, rows, width, and border as necessary.
3. Specify changes and click INSERT.

TIP Do not use fixed widths for tables. Setting a table too wide can
cause the design container of a page to break. Table sizes should be
rendered in percentages instead.


Importing an Image or File into TeamSite

In order to add an image or link to a file on your web pages, you must first import the
image or file into TeamSite. As with other naming in TeamSite, image and file names
should not include spaces or odd characters, and names should be kept short.
Before importing, make sure the image and file names use only letters, numbers, or
underscores. Images should be edited before they are imported see APPENDIX B.
Example of file name: logo.gif or foot_ankle.jpg
To import an image or file:
1. From your WORKAREA, click your department folder and select the folder in which
youd like to store the imported image or file, e.g. IMAGES. (If you do not have an
images folder, follow the instructions in this reference guide for Creating a New
TIP The preferred and supported file types for images are .jpg
or .gif. Other file types may be too large and your pages may
take more time to open.

2. Click the IMPORT FILES link at the top of your file list.
3. When you are importing files for this first time, you will be prompted to install and run
a temporary file. Put a checkmark next to ALWAYS TRUST CONTENT FROM

4. When the


window opens, click OK. (This will only happen when you are importing files for this
first time on the computer.)

5. Navigate to the location where your file is stored either

by selecting the folder from the list or by clicking the
drop-down menu next to the Add button. (You cannot
access files from My Network Places.)
6. Select the file(s) you would like to import and click the
ADD button. You should now see your selected files in
the FILE PATH box.
TIP To save time, you can select several files at one time. Hold Ctrl key
down and click files with mouse.
7. Click IMPORT.
8. To SUBMIT your image or file so you can use it on your web page, click NEXT.
9. On the SELECT A WORKFLOW page, you should SUBMIT TO LIVE SITE if you want your
page posted to the live site immediately. If you want to SUBMIT TO STAGING, which
keeps the file on the staging server, select that option.
10. Click NEXT.
11. On the SUBMIT TO LIVE SITE OR SUBMIT TO STAGING page, enter comments regarding
the changes you made to the page in the SUBMIT COMMENTS field. This will help you
keep track of any changes you make to the page over time. Note, in order for you
to see your newly imported image in a TeamSite template, your image first has
to be submitted to live LIVE SITE.
12. Click NEXT.
13. On the next page you should see SUBMISSION SUCCEEDED. Click DONE.
Inserting an Image onto your Page
1. Click the location on the page where you would like to insert the image.
TIP To format text to wrap nicely around an image, enter the text on
the page first. Click the cursor at the beginning of the paragraph where
you want the image to appear, insert image and select the preferred


2. Click the INSERT/EDIT IMAGE button on the VISUALFORMAT toolbar.

3. Click the Browse button next to IMAGE URL to bring up the TEAMSITE folders.

4. Navigate to the image you have imported. Click OK. In this window you should be
able to view your image in the preview.
5. Enter the title of the image in the IMAGE DESCRIPTION AND TITLE fields. (These are
mandatory fields. It assists users with disabilities. For example, if a person has a
reader on their machine, it will tell them the name of the image when they hold their
cursor over it.)
6. Click the Appearance tab.
7. Click the drop-down menu
to select the alignment of
the image on the page.
NOTE: Use only the LEFT
or RIGHT options, and only
if you wish your text to wrap
around and below the
8. Leave BORDER set to 0.
Image borders should not
be used on the BWH


9. In order to add some breathing room between the image and the text, enter a 7 in
the Horizontal Spacing field, and a 1 in the Vertical Spacing field.
10. Click INSERT.
Inserting a Hyperlink to a TeamSite Page or Imported File
When you create new pages using TeamSite, you will need to link them to an existing
page. You may also want to create a link to another file you have previously imported,
such as a Microsoft Word document or an Adobe Acrobat file.
1. Type the text youd like to use as the link and highlight it.
2. Click the INSERT/EDIT LINK button on the VISUALFORMAT toolbar.
3. Click the BROWSE button to search your list of existing TeamSite pages and imported

4. Select the file you would like to link to.

5. In the TARGET field choose SAME WINDOW (_SELF). If you are linking to a site outside
of then choose NEW WINDOW (_BLANK). This opens a new
browser window for the user. See below. Click OK again.
TIP Remember to test your links by generating and previewing the page.

Inserting a Hyperlink to an External Website

On your pages you can link to various related website addresses outside of the Brigham
and Womens pages, with the exception of for-profit web pages generally ending in
.com; they may not be aligned with the hospitals mission.

1. Type the text youd like to use as the link and highlight it.
2. Click the INSERT/EDIT LINK button on the VISUALFORMAT toolbar.
3. Make sure the TYPE: is HTTP:
4. Type in the full website address in the LINK URL: field. Be sure to include the HTTP:
In the TARGET FRAME: field, click the drop-down menu and choose NEW WINDOW.
5. Click OK.
TIP If you want to create a link for an email address, type MAILTO:
followed by the email address in the LINK URL: field.

Inserting an Anchor
An anchor allows the user to link to other places on the web page without scrolling.
This is particularly helpful when viewing a very lengthy page. Anchors are also used to
link the user back to the top of the page if the content is long.
1. Type the text youd like to use as the link clicking on this will link to other areas on
the same web page.
2. Next, put a cursor next to where you want to place the anchor. Click the
INSERT/EDIT ANCHOR button on the toolbar.
3. Type a name in the Anchor name box and click INSERT.

4. Highlight the text you typed in Step 1 and click INSERT/EDIT LINK on the
5. In the LINK URL field, type # followed by the name you gave your anchor.
6. Click OK.


7. Preview your page.

Creating and Publishing a New Web Page Using a Form

Under NEW CONTENT FORMS on the CONTENTCENTER HOME page you should see a list of
available forms to use when creating new web pages. Or use the New Form Entry
button once you are in your folder in TeamSite.
1. In your WorkArea (your folder), select the area or folder where you want to create a
new content template.

2. Select NEW FORM ENTRY button and choose the type of template you want to create.
DEPTHOME is primarily used for your home page. The title of your home page should
be called
DEFAULT. You will only have one home page. Additional pages are often created
DEPTBLANK. See Appendix C for examples.
3. The first time you open a form to edit the content on the page, you may be prompted
to install the VISUALFORMAT software. (This may have to be done on each machine
you plan to use to edit pages.) A pop-up window will appear prompting you to install.
Click INSTALL NOW at the bottom of the window and follow the instructions for
If you are not prompted to install the VISUALFORMAT software, you can begin editing


your page.




Information Description
This appears only for Web Editors with
access to more than one department
folder. Select the department folder from
the drop-down listed. You will need to do
this only when you first create a new file.
Clinical departments should select the
appropriate option from the drop-down
menu. Other departments should select
other Non-Clinical.
Insert key words or phrases for search
engines like Google to locate. Separate
words or phrases by commas.






Insert a brief but descriptive summary of

the page contents. This will display under
the title after a search to help people
decide whether or not to visit your page.
Insert the title as you would like it to read
when displayed by the search engine. This
will also display as the Title Bar in the
browser window.
Contact name that will appear at the
bottom of the page
Email address of the contact
Repeat the name of your division, for your
home page. For other pages, enter the
section name or page title that reflect the
left navigation or the title for the page. This
title will also display as a Breadcrumb
Select the default file navigation.xml or a
nav file you have created. NOTE: If you
have access to more than one department
folder, make sure to select the navigation
file(s) located in the correct folder.
Select the default file RightPanel.xml or a
file you have created. NOTE: If you have
access to more than one department
folder, make sure to select the file(s)
located in the correct folder.

TIP Fields with a * are required fields.

4. On the form page, the SEARCH INFORMATION. These fields are extremely important,
as they will determine how well your page will turn up in both internal and external
search engines.
a) RELATED DEPARTMENT: Choose the department most closely related to your
b) SEARCH KEYWORDS AND PHRASES: These should be words and phrases
related to your pages contents. You may wish to keep a file with common
keywords your department would wish to place on every page. Example: (For
a page about menopause): Example: stages of early menopause symptoms
treatment, hot flashes, information about on menopause and hot flashes
information, signs of premature pre post peri menopause perimenopause
symptoms Brigham and Womens Hospital Boston
c) PAGE DESCRIPTION: This should be a brief summary of the page in plain
English. Many search engines print the contents of the Description field within

the Search Results. Example: What is menopause? Learn about the early
symptoms of menopause such as hot flashes or the different stages of
menopause such as perimenopause. Get menopause treatment information
and more at Brigham and Womens Hospital.
d) SEARCH TITLE: The contents of this field will appear at the top of the browser
when the page is loaded. They are often the most important field considered
by search engines, so be sure that your title accurately reflects the contents
of your page. It should also include Brigham and Womens Hospital.
Example: Menopause Symptoms, Treatments and Stages of Menopause
Brigham and Womens Hospital
5. Next, enter the GENERAL PAGE INFORMATION as instructed by the field descriptions.
The contents of these fields appear on the page itself. Feedback name and
feedback email will appear at the bottom of the page as part of the Send Feedback
to section. The Title and Subtitle you enter here will appear at the top of the pages

TIP Always check with any individuals who will be entered as a

contact in the Feedback field. Make sure to obtain permission to
publish their e-mail address on the internet.
6. Click in the FULL BODY field under the MAIN BODY CONTENT INFORMATION section to
enter your page content. When you click the field the VISUALFORMAT toolbar will
7. Click the GENERATE button.

(This saves the file as well.)

8. Click the BROWSE button and navigate to the folder where you would like to save
your new page.
9. Type in the file name for this page. IT IS MANDATORY TO NAME YOUR HOME

TIP Do not use spaces, ampersands, or special characters when

naming your files. Only letters, numbers, or underscores. For example:
MyFile. Do not add an extension such as .aspx. TeamSite assigns the
appropriate file extension.
10. Click OK. Then click OK again.
11. Your generated page will open in a new window. Review the page and click the X in
the upper right-hand corner of the window to close.


12. Click the NEXT button on the bottom right-hand side of the FORMSPUBLISHER page.
13. Leave the Next Action as SUBMIT (which will automatically publish) and click NEXT
again. If you are not finished editing a page, you can KEEP AS A WORK IN PROGRESS.
Then, click NEXT.
14. On the SELECT A WORKFLOW page, you should SUBMIT TO LIVE SITE if you want your
page posted to the live site immediately. If you want to SUBMIT TO STAGING, which
keeps the file on the staging server, select that option.
15. Click NEXT.
page, enter comments regarding the changes you
made to the page in the SUBMIT COMMENTS field.
This will help you keep track of any changes you
make to the page over time.
17. Click NEXT.
18. On the next page you should see SUBMISSION


Understanding the Creating and Saving Process

Create/Edit Page




Submit & Publish

First save
creates the
DCR, named
automatically by

On first
generate, Editor
names the page,
and TeamSite
adds extension,
such as .aspx


DCR Data Capture


Saves changes to
web page

Page can now be

viewed online.

Create/Edit a page
Click EDIT to make changes in an existing page or NEW to create a new page. When
you do this, you are editing a form. You know this because youll see pre-defined fields
in which you enter your content. You enter or modify content for the .aspx page by
filling in the form. (.aspx is the extension for an Active Server Page created with
The .aspx page is your actual web page.)
Save Data Capture Record
When you click save, you are saving a Data Capture Record (DCR). If you are creating
a new page, a DCR is created. If you are editing an existing page, the DCR was
previously created. (This is not the Web Page!)
After you save your edits, you must now tell the system to use that data to generate a
page. Clicking Generate combines the content you entered in the form with a
presentation template. (This is the Web Page!)
Submit & Publish
The generated output file must now be published to the live web site. After the file is
generated, you need to publish the resulting .aspx web page (or other content such as
images or Adobe files) by clicking SUBMIT.


Staging Work in Progress

The staging area of TeamSite contains multiple versions of content. Every time a
page is submitted to Keep as Work in Progress or staging from the workarea, a new
version is created and the old one is retained. To make this idea easier to understand,
let us consider the following case:
Case: The Correct Department
The Correct Department creates a page in their TeamSite called about_us.aspx. This
page is created and submitted to staging but is not submitted to the live site yet. The
act of Generating is saving your created page/edited page in staging.
The next day another employee of the Correct Department, with permission to access
TeamSite, decides he doesn't care for the appearance of the new page, and makes
several changes which he then submits to staging.
On the third day, the director sees the changes made by the employee on day two, and
emails him to let him know the previous version was more appropriate. The employee
agrees to make the page look like it did on day one. Due to the fact the staging area
retains all versions submitted to it, the employee simply had to select the previous
version to revert to the older look. Without version control, the employee would have
had to completely recreate the first version.
TIP - As long as you are careful to submit your work to staging frequently
(especially after making drastic changes), you can easily utilize the version
control feature of TeamSite (located under File Actions) . It is important to
understand that if you do not submit your work to the staging area, a new version
will not be created. A good habit to practice would be to submit changes to
staging as soon as you make an edit. Unless a previous version is manually
selected, the live web site will always display the most recent version of content
submitted to live site.


Left Navigation Bar

Each TeamSite branch is set up with a folder called
NavigationFiles. The default left navigation file that is
stored within that folder is named Navigation.xml.
Editors may select the Navigation.xml file if they wish to
include the standard left-navigation bar on their
departments pages.
Editors also have an option to create departmentspecific left navigation files. Steps that need to be
completed are:

Create the navigation file, and

Add it to each page you want it to appear on. You
can create more than one navigation menu to
use on your various web pages.
TIP It is strongly encouraged that the links
on your custom nav bar file point only to
pages within your own section. Links to other departments, and
especially to other websites, are likely to be broken (because of
pages moving, expiring, changing names) and need updating more
frequently. The purpose of the menu should be to guide users
through your website.

Creating a Custom or Clinical Services Left Navigation Bar

Editors are able to create department-specific left navigation file(s). The appearance of
the menu will remain the same; however, the links can be altered to reflect content of
your section rather than the default content. NOTE: Research departments should
build a "Non-clinical" navigation.


1. Under NEW CONTENT FORMS on the CONTENTCENTER HOME page, be sure your
WorkArea is selected from the drop-down menu.
Clinical Departments: Click NEW next to the form DEPTNAVIGATION.
Non-clinical Departments: Click NEW next to the form
3. Enter the DESCRIPTION and BROWSE to select the department home page,
Clinical Departments: There are 6 hard-coded links that cannot be modified.
You will begin at the bottom of the list
Non-clinical Departments: You can start at the top of the link box.
4. On the link toolbar, click the + sign to create a new link which can be
either a heading or submenu. A heading is larger font, aligned left. A
submenu is slightly smaller font, indented underneath a Heading.
5. Enter the link information.

If you want the text to be a submenu, put a checkmark in the box next to YES I
WANT A SUBMENU. NOTE: The link that opens the sub-links list (a.k.a. submenu)
must have # listed as the URL. It cannot link to an actual page.

Enter the text that will appear for the link in the DESCRIPTION field.

Type the full web address in the URL field or browse to an internal page.

If the URL is pointing to a BWH web address, select INTERNAL. This will open the
web page in the same window. If the URL is pointing to a non-BWH web


address, select EXTERNAL. This will open the link in a new window. Click OK.

Select the appropriate department if you would like a link to the STAFF

11. To add another link, click the + sign on the link toolbar. Repeat step 4 above.
TIP You can change the order of your links by choosing
the up or down arrow from the link toolbar. To delete a
link, click the X next to it.
12. When you have finished creating all your links, click GENERATE. Navigate to your
branch and the NAVIGATIONFILES folder. All Navigation files should be saved in the
13. Type in the file name. Do not include any file extension. TeamSite will automatically
add the .aspx extension. Do not use spaces, ampersands, or special characters,
only letters, numbers, or underscores. Click OK.
14. Click OK again. (The generated file will display as plain text, however, it will
appear as a nav bar on the pages where you have added it.)

After you have reviewed the generated file, click CLOSE.


Click NEXT to submit the file.


Click NEXT again and another time click NEXT.



On the SELECT A WORKFLOW page, you should SUBMIT TO LIVE SITE if you want
your page posted to the live site immediately. If you want to SUBMIT TO STAGING,
which keeps the file on the staging server, select that option.
Click NEXT.
On the SUBMIT TO LIVE SITE OR SUBMIT TO STAGING page, enter comments
regarding the changes you made to the page in the SUBMIT COMMENTS field. This will
help you keep track of any changes you make to the page over time.


Click NEXT.


On the next page you should see SUBMISSION SUCCEEDED. Click DONE.
TIP If you put a checkmark in the Add to My Favorites box, the file will
appear in your Favorites section of the ContentCenter Home page.


Inserting a Custom or Clinical Services Left Navigation Bar

For each page you want your custom left navigation bar to appear on, you need to open
and edit that page and add the navigation bar. When you have the page open, go to the
section titled Left Navigation Information.

1. Select the appropriate navigation file from the drop-down menu.

2. Click GENERATE, this action saves your work. Your page will open in a new window.
3. After generating, close the page by clicking the X in the upper right-hand corner of
the window.
4. Click NEXT to submit the file.
5. Click NEXT again.
6. On the SELECT A WORKFLOW page, you should SUBMIT TO LIVE SITE if you want your
page posted to the live site immediately. If you want to SUBMIT TO STAGING, which
keeps the file on the staging server, select that option.
7. Click NEXT.
8. On the SUBMIT TO LIVE SITE OR SUBMIT TO STAGING page, enter comments regarding
the changes you made to the page in the SUBMIT COMMENTS field. This will help you
keep track of any changes you make to the page over time.
9. Click NEXT.
10. On the SUBMISSION SUCCEEDED page, click DONE.
TIP Any time you make a change to a link in your navigation menu
file, you only need to edit the navigation file. Once you submit and
publish the navigation menu file, the changes will update on all
other pages.


Right-panel Display Bar

Each department editor has the ability to create and edit a right
panel display bar for the Home page. Typically, this right panel
will provide visitors to the page a contact information box. In
addition, five promo boxes can be added to highlight
department-specific news and events. Promo boxes can include
images and text and serve as links to other web pages.
Promo boxes can be included on other pages, not just home
page. Select the DEPTHOME form rather than DEPTBLANK
to include promo boxes on any page. (Be sure not to name it
Promo box images must be 80x80 pixels in size and should be
e-mailed to the marketing department to be added to the
dropdown menu.
Steps that need to be completed for a Right-panel Display Bar are as follows:

Create the right-panel file, and

Add the file to your Home page.

Creating a Right-panel Display Bar

1. In your WorkArea (your folder), select RightPanels folder where you want to create
the new panel.
2. Select NEW FORM ENTRY button and choose DeptRightPanel option.
3. Click Next.
4. Enter the information for the RIGHT CONTACT INFORMATION BOX section.

If you are building a Research page, select Yes at the top of the Dept Right
Panel template. Researchers have a different Right Panel.


1. Enter the information for the PROMOBOXES


Select YES if you would like to add a promo

Expand the promo box by clicking on the +
Add the Promo Box TITLE, TEXT, IMAGE and URL.


2. If there are other sites that may be related or helpful, add them under the

3. When you have finished entering your information, click GENERATE.

4. Navigate to save the file to your branch and the RIGHTPANELS folder. All Right
Panel files should be saved in the RIGHTPANELS folder!
5. Type in the file name. Do not include any file extension. TeamSite will
automatically add the .xml extension. Do not use spaces, ampersands, or special
characters, only letters, numbers, or underscores. Click OK.
6. Click OK again.
7. After you have reviewed the generated file, click CLOSE.
8. Click NEXT to submit the file.
9. Click NEXT again.
10. Click NEXT again.
11. On the SELECT A WORKFLOW page, you should SUBMIT TO LIVE SITE if you want
your page posted to the live site immediately. If you want to SUBMIT TO STAGING,
which keeps the file on the staging server, select that option.

12. Click NEXT.

13. On the SUBMIT TO LIVE SITE OR SUBMIT TO STAGING page, enter comments
regarding the changes you made to the page in the SUBMIT COMMENTS field. This
will help you keep track of any changes you make to the page over time.
14. Click NEXT.
15. On the next page you should see SUBMISSION SUCCEEDED. Click DONE.

Inserting a Right-panel Display Bar

The Right-panel Display Bar can be added to your department Home page as follows:
1. Open the department Home page (DEFAULT.ASPX).
2. Go to the RIGHT PANEL INFORMATION section and select the appropriate file from the
drop-down menu.

3. Click GENERATE. Your page will open in a new window. After reviewing, close the
page by clicking the X in the upper right-hand corner of the window.
4. Click NEXT to submit the file.
5. Click NEXT again.
6. Click NEXT again.
7. On the SELECT A WORKFLOW page, you should SUBMIT TO LIVE SITE if you want your
page posted to the live site immediately. If you want to SUBMIT TO STAGING, which
keeps the file on the staging server, select that option.
8. Click NEXT.
9. On the SUBMIT TO LIVE SITE OR SUBMIT TO STAGING page, enter comments regarding
the changes you made to the page in the SUBMIT COMMENTS field. This will help you
keep track of any changes you make to the page over time.


10. Click NEXT.

11. On the SUBMISSION SUCCEEDED page, click DONE.

TIP Any time you make a change to your right-panel display file,
you only need to edit that file. Since the link to your Home page
has already been established, it will update automatically once you
submit and publish the right-panel display file.


Creating a New Folder
1. From your WORKAREA, navigate to your department folder and click NEW FOLDER.
2. When prompted, enter the name of the new folder. (Do not use spaces,
ampersands, or special characters when naming your folders. Only letters,
numbers, or underscores.)
3. Click FINISH.

Moving Files
If for any reason you need to move files, please contact the Marketing Department.
Deleting Files
1. Next to each of your files in your WORKAREA, there is a File Actions drop-down
menu. Click the drop-down menu next to the file youd like to delete.
2. Select DELETE.
3. On the next screen, change the DELETE OPTIONS: to DELETE.


4. Click NEXT to complete the deletion.

5. Click NEXT again.
6. On the SELECT A WORKFLOW page, you should SUBMIT TO LIVE SITE if you want your
page posted to the live site immediately. If you want to SUBMIT TO STAGING, which
keeps the file on the staging server, select that option.
7. Click NEXT.
8. On the SUBMIT TO LIVE SITE OR SUBMIT TO STAGING page, enter comments regarding
the changes you made to the page in the SUBMIT COMMENTS field. This will help you
keep track of any changes you make to the page over time.
9. Click NEXT.
10. On the SUBMISSION SUCCEEDED page, click DONE.


Deleting Folders
1. Click the drop-down menu next to the folder you
would like to delete from your WORKAREA.
3. Click NEXT to complete the deletion.
4. Click NEXT again.
5. On the SELECT A WORKFLOW page, you should SUBMIT TO LIVE SITE if you want
your page posted to the live site immediately. If you want to SUBMIT TO STAGING,
which keeps the file on the staging server, select that option.
6. Click NEXT.
7. On the SUBMIT TO LIVE SITE OR SUBMIT TO STAGING page, enter comments
regarding the changes you made to the page in the SUBMIT COMMENTS field. This
will help you keep track of any changes you make to the page over time.
8. Click NEXT.
9. On the SUBMISSION SUCCEEDED page, click DONE.
Unlocking Files
Unlocking a file may be necessary when 2 or more editors share files within a branch
and save the files as a Work in Progress instead of directly publishing them. In order to
allow others to edit the file, the editor who last modified the file must unlock it.
1. Next to each of your files in your WORKAREA, there is a File Actions drop-down
menu. Click the drop-down menu next to the file youd like to unlock.
2. Select unlock. Click YES to unlock the associated .dcr file. If you are unable to
unlock a file please contact Marketing.


Help and Support

Use the HOW DO I section of the TeamSite
ContentCenter Home page.
1. Refer to the HELP section of TeamSite by clicking
Help on the Utility Navigation Bar.
2. Use the contextual Help located in each section of TeamSite. Contextual
Help is indicated by the yellow-circled question marks.
3. Contact the BWH HELP DESK at (617) 732-5927.
Logging Out
When you are finished in TeamSite, make sure you log out. If you do not logout
properly, you remain logged in for a period of time.
1. Click the LOGOUT button on the Utility Navigation Bar.

Please e-mail reference guide edit suggestions to:

Current versions of this reference guide and other IS Training guides are posted at:



Editing the Content Body

Do not copy from MS Word HTML, or use the MS Word Save as HTML or Convert to
HTML options and then copy the code into the TeamSite editing window. This
creates excess fonts, table cell sizes that may be larger than the content area of the
site, and formatting that is very hard to clean up. Furthermore, it may crash your
session of Interwoven, causing you to lose all your changes.
If you find the Interwoven TeamSite HTML editing window cumbersome to work with,
following is a list of HTML authoring tools that may be more useful:
Textpad. Text-only authoring tool. Free, unlimited evaluation version
available for download at
Macromedia Dreamweaver.
Macromedia Contribute.
If you choose to use an external HTML editor, you will still need to import the
completed HTML into your template pages using the Interwoven window. You can
use the View Source tool in the Interwoven TeamSite HTML editing window to do
TeamSite does not allow for the use of external stylesheets, however, you may use
any of the CSS styles defined in the BWH public site global stylesheet. You may
refer to the global stylesheet at
As mentioned in the Inserting a Table chapter, do not use fixed width for tables.
Setting a table too wide can cause the design container of a page to break. Table
sizes should be rendered in percentages instead.

Web Forms
If you wish to make a form similar to the Contact Us form or the Request Appointment
form, please submit a request through the Help Desk to involve either Partners IS or the
Brigham Marketing Team. We will be able to assist you with any form functionality you
require. Please DO NOT create forms within content files without first talking to
Marketing or IS. For a sample of what we are referring to as a web form please visit:
ASP.Net and code behind pages
If you are familiar with ASP.Net and would like to create a page using Visual Studio
.NET, please contact Partners IS. If you are planning to use a vendor who will be using
ASP.NET or ASP, please contact IS or Marketing. It is very important that we know
about any use of Dot Net code or classic ASP scripting, as it could seriously affect
functionality of the templates.


Copying Files Within a Branch

When creating multiple files within an existing section, some users prefer to save some
time by copying existing files instead of creating new files individually. Copying a file in
Interwoven, however, is not the same as copying a file on your computer. It requires
one extra step. If you do decide to copy a file, you MUST make sure to manually
change the DCR name associated with the new file. If you dont, when you edit one file,
the same edits will be applied to the other file.

To properly copy a file in Interwoven, you MUST complete ALL following

o Copy the file, making sure to add either the .asp (PikeNotes) or .aspx
( extension


IMPORTANT. Make sure that you perform these next steps, or both your new
and your copied file will not work properly.
Immediately edit the new file you just created.
In the Edit ContentSection window, click Save As.

In the Save Form As dialog box, change the file name, making sure to
include iwDCR0_ as the first part of the file name.


NOTE: You must include iwDCR0_ as the first part of the file name.
You may enter any alphanumeric combination after the underscore, provided that
it (a) is unique (b) does not contain any spaces (c) does not contain any special
characters such as #, ., / or $.


APPENDIX B: Image Editing

Graphic Editing Software
You will get the best results if you edit images before uploading into TeamSite.
Cropping, shading correction, changing size/resolution and other image editing tasks
are more easily handled using software specifically designed for editing graphics.
TIP For the best balance, keep image widths to one third of the total page
width, excluding the left navigation but including any right panel display.
To download basic image tutorial, go to
Popular graphic editing software:
Adobe Photoshop
Macromedia Fireworks
Photoshop Express (freeware)

For purchasing details, contact the PHS Software Asset Administrator at
Recommended Software:
Microsoft Office Picture Manager - This program is available on any Partners
workstation. Go to
Picture_Manager.pdf for steps to install and use Microsoft Office Picture Mangager.


TeamSite Guide
November 2011 | Issue No.01 | Department of Marketing and Planning

BWH Web Style Guide

Template Overview
The screen shots below are good examples of our template design.
Take a look at each page and familiarize yourself with the new design and layout.
The demo pages below can be viewed online at:

Department Blank
(No Right Panel)

Department Home
(Includes Right Panel)

BWH Web Style Guide

Department / Page Titles
Please note the new placement of the Left Navigation Header and Page Title (Orange Header).
Each page on the site must have the Left Navigation Header and Page Title (Orange Header) field completed.
NOTE: If your pages do not have a Page Title (Orange Header), the bread crumb navigation will be broken.

BWH Web Style Guide

Formatting Text
Please take a look at the page below to familiarize yourself with the styles.

TeamSite Text Formats

Caption Text


Body Text



Bulleted List


BWH Web Style Guide

Image Standards
Please look at the layout of your pages for alignment problems.
When adding or editing images on your pages, pixel width is the most important number to keep in mind.
If your images are wider than the template, you may see problems with your layouts.

Department Blank
(No Right Panel)
Header Image
666px wide x 200px high

Department Home
(Includes Right Panel)
Header Image
460px wide x 200px high

General Content Images

Content Image
240px wide x 200px high


BWH Web Style Guide

Right Panel for Department Home Pages
Each Department Home page automatically places the Quick Links section on your page.
Quick links include Find a Doctor, Request an Appointment and Maps and Directions.
Any Promo Boxes you create will display under the heading News and Features.
Please keep your Promo Box text limited to six lines. Any more text may interfere with content below it.


BWH Web Style Guide

TeamSite Dos and Donts
Default / Home Page Management
All home pages must be named default.aspx.
Breadcrumbs will only work properly when: 1) All .aspx pages have the Page Title (Orange Header)
field filled out. 2) All folders containing .aspx pages have a default.aspx page.
File Management
To save a new TeamSite file or edits to an existing file, you must click Generate before you submit the file to the live site.
DO NOT use the buttons for Save and Save As. Those buttons will not save your work and dont need to be used.
When naming your files, do not use ampersands ( & ) or any other special characters
( for example: &, ^, >, ?, #, ! ). Use only letters, dashes, numbers, or underscores.
DO NOT USE SPACES in your file names (incorrect: clinical labs.aspx; Correct: clinical_labs.aspx).
DO NOT DUPLICATE TEAMSITE FILES. Duplicating files will confuse the database that creates the page you see online
and content may be lost.
DO NOT MOVE FILES TO NEW FOLDERS. Moving files will result in broken links on your site for, users bookmarks, and/
or on another site that links to your page.
Do not store files in teamsite. Only files that are used on your site or linked to your site may be uploaded to the server.
TeamSite and Microsoft Aplications
Do not copy/cut text from Microsoft Word or Excel and paste into TeamSite. This causes significant formatting
errors. If you need to copy and paste, first paste into the NotePad application (in Windows: Start/All Programs/
Accessories), and then copy and paste into TeamSite.
Do not copy tables from Word or Excel. Text copied directly from Microsoft Word and Excel carry code that
will conflict with BWH web styles. You should build tables in the TeamSite template only.
Image Management
If you are planning to import an image, make sure you have read the tutorial on image editing
DO NOT import oversized images into TeamSite. Large file sizes will decreas the performance of your pages.
Search Engine Optimization
Include major keywords in your Search Title field.
If you want people using search engines like Google, Yahoo, or Bing to find YOUR page, place your keywords in
this field. (Google looks more closely at the Search Title than at the meta keywords.) This is what will appear in blue on
the Google Search Results page, and it appears in the top of the frame of the web page browser. Keep this to around
50-75 characters, including spaces. Separate multiple terms or phrases with a | (as in arrhythmia | ICD support group).


BWH Web Style Guide

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Guidelines
Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of improving your ranking on
Google and other search engines. SEO considers how search engines work and what
people search for.
Below are a few things you should keep in mind when
creating content for
META Title:
This is the most important part of the META Data. Keep this to around 65 characters
including spaces. It is OK to go a little over or under, based on phrasing that makes
sense. In cases where you want to put in multiple terms or phrases, they should
be separated with a | . There should be a space on either side of the | (as in
arrhythmia | ICD support group). This is what will appear in blue on the Google Search Results page, and it appears in
the top of the frame of the web page browser.
META Description:
This should contain the keywords from the META Title, verbatim if possible. It is more important that this make sense
than it is to cram in keywords. Around 155 characters with spaces will work well. This is what will appear in black on
the Google Search Results page. If it is too long, it will be cut off.
META Keywords:
Try to put in around eight keywords, separated with a comma and a space between each.
When writing page content, try to target the most important keyword(s) so that they are included on the page between
2% and 4% of the time. Using the terms in the META Title is a good way to decide which terms to target. About 400
words is a good target length for the page; however, if you require more or fewer words to adequately present your
content, it is OK to go above or below the target. Generally, any words that can be highlighted should be counted in the
word count. (If there are words within a graphic on the page, do not count those in the word count; Google will not be
able to read them.) On a page with 400 words, 8 uses of an individual targeted term is about right.


BWH Web Style Guide

Editorial Styles
Font Style
The TeamSite templates give you all the styles you need to create web content that looks consistent and loads quickly.
We ask that you do not add any additional inline/nontemplated text styles to your HTML.
Using inline/nontemplated text styles will:
separate your content from the BWH site design
make it more difficult to maintain style consistency across multiple pages
make it more difficult for search engines to catalog your content
make your pages load slower
Below is an example of what an inline style looks like in HTML:
<P STYLE=font-size: 14pt; color: blue>Example Text Style</P>
Underlined Text:
Underlining text may confuse your reader into thinking that word is an HTML link.
If you want to make text stand out, we suggest you bold the text in question.
Below is an example of an underline tag in HTML.
<P><u>Underlined Text</u></p>


BWH Web Style Guide

New Web Content Checklist
When developing new content for the website, the content writer must first consider these issues.
Part I
1) Where on the site will this new page or sub-site exist? Also, where on the site will we link to this new page or subsite? Please provide URLs.
2) Is this a new page (or series of pages) or a new sub-site?
A sub-site has its own unique left navigation. There must be at least one page/URL for each bolded category below.
Sub-pages within categories are optional. If you do NOT have info for ALL categories, then this can NOT be a sub-site.
If this is a sub-site, please provide left navigation below. Indicate whether each link is a new page, new content to
replace an existing page, or an existing page that should remain as is.
[Home page; please provide name]
About Us
o [add sub-page if needed]
o [add sub-page if needed]
o [add sub-page if needed]
Our Services
o [add sub-page if needed]
o [add sub-page if needed]
o [add sub-page if needed]
For Patients
o [add sub-page if needed]
o [add sub-page if needed]
o [add sub-page if needed]
For Medical Professionals
o [add sub-page if needed]
o [add sub-page if needed]
o [add sub-page if needed]
[Optional:] Education and Training [info on residencies, fellowships, etc.]
Our Research [note: this often links to BRI pages]
o [add sub-page if needed]
o [add sub-page if needed]
o [add sub-page if needed]
Contact Us
[Optional: If this sub-site is part of a larger site, then list larger site name here. For example, on the Osteoarthritis
Center sub-site, since Osteoarthritis is within the Rheumatology site, we list Rheumatology, Immunology and Allergy
3) Do you have any photos we can use for these pages? Any upcoming photo shoots? Any other thoughts on photos
to consider?


BWH Web Style Guide

New Web Content Checklist
Part II
EVERY NEW page developed in TeamSite requires specific fields, and each field has certain parameters.
Please provide this info for EVERY new page:
Right panel: Is a right panel required for this page? (A sample right panel can be seen at
o All right panels MUST include the Quick Links section at the top. This can NOT be edited.
o Right panels also can include promo boxes. Provide text (maximum of 60 characters), URL that it will link to, and
suggestion for a corresponding photo.
o Right panels also can include Related Links; these have no character limit. Provide text (e.g.s: American Cancer
Society) AND the URL (e.g.s:
Meta Keywords: these are not seen by the user and are for search engines only; choose up to 8 keywords (words that
someone using Google might use to find a page like this).
Meta Title: This is what appears in blue on the Google search results pages; should be about 50-75 characters.
Meta Description: This is the page description that appears on Google search results pages; should be about 120175 characters.
Feedback name and email address: Shows on bottom of page as Send Feedback to: xxxx
Dept/Division/Program title: This is what appears at the top of the left navigation, and it identifies which sub-site the
page belongs to. (It should be the same name as the home page of this sub-site.)
Orange Heading: This is the main heading on the page. If this page is linked from the left navigation, the heading
should be the same as what appears in the left navigation (e.g.s: Our Services; not Orthopedic Services).
Left navigation: If this page is part of a new sub-site, then you already have provided the new left navigation. If this
page is going into an existing sub-site, just clarify which left navigation it should get (for example, orthopedic surgery
left nav).
Content: This is the main content of the page; if you have specific ideas for photos/presentation, please include. Make
sure to include major keywords (as listed above) within your content; if possible, repeat those keywords so that they
are included on the page about 2-4% of the time. This is important for Google rankings.


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