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ENGN2225 Tutorial Co-Facilitation Secret Plan

Logic and Function

Team Members: Taruka Aparekka Liyanagamage, Bec Beath, Redg Mathur, Areeb
Shahjahan, Daniel Shen
Objectives of Logic and Function Plan

Construct an FFBD with a maintenance flow

Describe the logical flow of your system
Construct a concept tree to brainstorm ideas
Allocate the functions and logic to modules in your subsystem diagram extension

Take Home Message

With the completion of the tutorial, the students should be able to do the objectives
listed above with complete proficiency.
The objective of this one and a half hour tutorial is to teach and help students about
what Logic and Function is in the Systems Engineering process and how they can
apply it to a real life situation through a series of mini-seminars and activities to
assess their knowledge.




s Ideas (Icebreaker
Logical Steps
Activity on the
Activity on the
Introduce Concept
Generation Tree
Generation Tree

Redg and Areeb

Bec, Areeb
Daniel, Redg

Bec, Redg
Daniel, Areeb

Bec, Taruka
Daniel, Redg

Whiteboard and
markers, blank


Final Activity
(Stickle) and



assistance feat.
Rest of group

Worksheets, Lego
Kits, Instruction
and Marking

Detailed Plan
Start 10m: Brainstorm and Discuss Ideas (Redg and Areeb)
Goal: Ice breaker activity that aims to get people started into the tutorial process.
These ideas signify the early beginnings of the concept generation stage and will be
the basis of all the other activities in the tutorial.

Introduce the Practical Facilitation Group and the Topic at hand

Introduce the Case Study broadly You are a university student undertaking
an engineering degree who is currently living on campus. After a day of
lectures and labs it is now dinner time. What are your options?
Get them to start brainstorming ideas for solutions
Start handing out the cheat sheet and activity sheets just for the reference of
the groups
Discuss the solutions created by the audience and write them onto the board
Pass over to Bec who will start the tutorial off by explaining the Logical Steps

10m-15m: Introduce/Explain Logical Steps (Bec, Areeb)

Goal: To educate the audience on what the Logical Flow Diagram is about, the
purpose it holds to the systems engineering process and how it can be

Introduction into theory of the logical steps process through the main points
which will be written on the whiteboard beforehand
Referencing the connection between the logical steps and the FFBD hint
that this will be further elaborated later on
Reference the diagram on the cheat sheet to explain exactly how the logical
step process works
Connection between this and other aspects of the systems engineering
process (e.g. Customer/Design Requirements)
Remember to ask if any of the audience members fully understand what is
going on/ if they have any questions
Pass over to Daniel and Redg for the Logical Steps Activity

15m-20m: Activity on Logical Steps/Discussion (Daniel, Redg)

Goal: Apply the theory learnt during the 5 min earlier and create a Logical Flow
Diagram for one of the solutions the audience came up with during the ice breaker
activity to see if they fully understood what was taught during the theory stage.

Take one of the ideas that the audience came up with during the
brainstorming stage and then tell them to use this idea to create a Logical
Step Flow Diagram using the worksheet provided
Give them approximately 5min to come up with a diagram
Discuss the solutions each person obtained and created a holistic logical flow
diagram on the board (Daniel talks and Redg writes on the board)
remember to note any inconsistencies and make corrections accordingly
At the end provide a brief conclusion (i.e. do people have any questions,
emphasize how this can be applied to the projects, etc.)
Hand over to Bec for theory on the FFBD

20-25m: Introduce/Explain FFBD (Bec, Redg)

Goal: To educate the audience on what the FFBD is about, the purpose it holds to
the systems engineering process and how it can be utilized/implemented.

Theory behind the FFBD, similar process to the logical steps explanation
Refer to theory notes on whiteboard and on worksheet
Use diagrams on worksheet as an example to explain and literally show the
flow of the procedure
Pass over to Daniel to start the activity on the FFBD

25-35m: Activity on FFBD/Discussion (Daniel, Areeb)

Goal: Apply the theory learnt during the 5 min earlier and create a Logical Flow
Diagram for one of the solutions the audience came up with during the ice breaker
activity to see if they fully understood what was taught during the theory stage.

Similar process to the activity on Logical Steps/Discussion

It would be best to use the same example that was utilized during the Logical
Step Flow Activity so that the two can be compared
Discuss solutions obtained and write them on the board (Daniel talks and
Redg writes on the board) note mistakes made and explain why they are
wrong and how they can be corrected
Pass back over to Bec for another theory session

35-40m: Introduce/Explain the Concept Generation Tree (Bec, Taruka)

Goal: Link the FFBD to the Concept Generation Tree and use it to explain the
purpose and how to integrate this feature into the systems engineering project.
Connect to other aspects of the process in the midst and educate the tutorial on
what they have to do

Similar process to the logical steps explanation

Theory notes on whiteboard and on worksheet
Explain example on the worksheet thoroughly so people can easily
understand and see the differences between this and the FFBD and when to
use what technique

Pass to Daniel to start activity on the Concept Generation Tree

40m-50m: Activity on the Concept Generation Tree (Daniel, Redg)

Goal: Test the knowledge of the tutorial group by getting them to create their own
concept generation tree on one of the blocks in the FFBD. Remember to pick
something that is easy to generate ideas for so that the audience does not get stuck
for ideas

Similar process to the activity on Logical Steps/Discussion

5 min creation time and 5 minutes discussion time
Daniel talks while Redg uses the whiteboard to write down the ideas that the
group came up with
Pass over to Taruka for the final activity

50-80/85m - Final Activity (Stickle)/Discussion

Goal: Final test of the holistic knowledge of the tutorial group. Get them to conduct
a test created by the research student to test their ability to follow instructions and
discover the issues with poorly done or unhelpful FFBD instruction sets. Discuss how
they would improve it and then get them to construct a Logical Step Flow and FFBD
that is more helpful in helping build the windmill.

Give students instruction set and stickle bricks

Give students maximum of 5-10min to construct the windmill in pairs/small
groups. Extend to 5 more minutes if there are struggles. Note that everyone
should get the same amount of time and it is more important to let them
finish rather than time constraints
o Remember to separate and assert that it is a competition so they do
not find out that the instructions are different
o Give same tables similar instructions so that the obvious bias will not
be seen
After this, give different groups different windmill constructions and a
marking guide + sheet each. Remember to tell them to write the name of the
marker at the top left to help the research student
5-10 min given to do the marking of another groups windmill
5-10 min discussion at the end of the activity
o Talk about what challenges people had issues with the marking
o How clear were the instructions reveal how different people had
different instructions
o How could you improve the instructions
o Conclude by how these suggestions are all factors one should take into
when creating FFBD and Logical Step Flow
o If time allows it get them to create their own FFBD or Logical Step Flow
of the same set of instructions that would be far better; discuss results
and maybe write them up on the board holistically (Redg or Areeb in
charge of writing this down)
Hand over to Areeb for the conclusion

80/85m End: Conclusion (Areeb)

Goal: Finalize the tutorial facilitation. Discuss what the tutorial group should have
gotten out of this, link to the other stages of the systems engineering process (past
and future) and conclude what happened.

Link to the next/previous parts of the process

Refer back to the objectives and take home message at the end of the sheet
so students are aware of what they should have obtained from the tutorial

Activities to drop if running over time


Merge theory concepts together into 5-10m presentation

o Easiest would be to combine FFBD and the concept generation tree
because they have the strongest connection
Remove one of the activities and combine learning knowledge with the other
o Easiest to remove would be the concept generation tree and integrate
that quickly with the FFBD due to strong connection as mentioned
Introduce a time constraint for the Final Activity to save time easiest to do
either in the discussion or in the creation stages; marking has priority as then
students will see how specific the instruction sets were

Activities to add it running under time


Ask them if they have questions regarding anything we have taught i.e.
clarification process
Discussion Time extended (if audience participation is high)
Give them pop quiz to test their knowledge
o Look at theory segments and pick different questions
o Get them to create different FFBD/Logical Flow Diagrams/Concept
Generation Trees on different examples and then compare/contrast
them to see differences?
Extended time on the Stickle Brick Activity to make creation process less
pressurized due to time constraints

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