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1. What is an integrated circuit?(A/M 2010)
2. What current mirror and its advantages?(A/M 2010)
3.Define slew rate and CMRR.(N/D 2010,A/M 2011,N/D 2011,A/M 2014)
4.Why are active loads preferred than passive loads in the input stage of the
amplifier?(N/D 2010)
5.Name the different methods used in the fabrication of integrated circuits.(A/M
2011,N/D 2012)
6.Define current mirror with magnification.(N/D 2011)
7.What are the two requirements to be met for a current source?(M/J 2012)
8.List the various methods of realizing high input resistance in a differential
amplifier?(M/J 2012)
9.What is the maximum undistorted amplitude, that a sine wave input of 10khz can
produce at the output of op-amp whose slew rate is 0.5V/s?(N/D 2012)
10.State the limitations of discrete circuits.(M/J 2013)
11.Why do we use aluminum for metallization?(M/J 2013)
12.State the advantages of integrated circuits over discrete components.(N/D
2013,A/M 2014)
13.Define offset voltage of an operational amplifier.(N/D 2013)
14.What are the applications of current source?
15.Define voltage references and voltage regulator.
16.What is an line regulation?
17.What is an load regulation?
18.Define Ripple Rejection Ratio(RRR)

19.Define thermal co-efficient.

20.Define long term stability.
21.Justify the statement:CMRR value of an ideal OP-AMP should be infinite.
22.Define OP-amp and what are the packages available?
23.What are the ideal characteristics of an OP-amp?
24.What happens when the common terminal of +VCC and VCC sources is not
25.Define input bias current?
26.Define input offset current?
27.What is thermal drift?
28.Define corner frequency and unity gain bandwidth?
29.Define the term Roll off and Bandwidth.
30.Why is frequency compensation required in operational amplifier?
31. What is an barkhausan criterion for the oscillation?
32.Compare the performance of inverting and non-inverting configurations.
33.Draw the equivalent circuit of an ideal OP-AMP.
34.Give the application of inverting amplifier.
35.List the performance parameters Of a voltage reference circuit.
36.State the applications of band gap reference circuit.
37.What causes slew rate?
38.Mention some applications of OP-AMP
39.What are the methods to improve slew rate?
40.What is an compensated op-amp?
41.What are the AC Characteristics of an OP-AMP?
42.What are DC characteristics of an OP-AMP?Give its typical values of an IC741?
43.What is differential amplifier? What is the ideal value of its gain?

1.Define CMRR.Draw thecircuit of an OP-AMP differential amplifier and give the
expression for CMRR.(8)(A/M 2010)
2.Define slew rate.Explain the cause of slew rate and derive for slew rate of an opamp voltage follower.(8)(A/M 2010)
3.Draw the circuit diagram of the output stage of the IC741 OPAMP and explain its
operation with clearly indicating the protection mechanisms indicated.(16)(N/D
4.With a neat circuit diagram and with necessary equations explain the concept of
widlar current source used in op-amp circuit.(10)(A/M 2011,N/D 2011)
5.For the non-inverting op-amp shown in fig below,find the output voltage V0. (6)
(A/M 2011,N/D 2011)

6.Define and explain slew rate.What is Full-power bandwidth?Also explain the

methods adopted to improve slew rate.(10)(A/M 2011,N/D 2012)
7.Define output offset voltage. Explain methods to nullify offset voltage?(6)(A/M
2011,N/D 2012)
8. With a neat block diagram, explain the general stages of an OP-AMP IC.(6) (N/D
9.Explain with a circuit diagram the working of BJT-emitter coupled differential
amplifier.Also explain the active load and sketch the relevant circuit diagram.(10)
(N/D 2011,N/D 2013)
10.With neat diagram,explain the operation of

(1) voltage reference circuit using temperature compensation

(2) voltage reference circuit using avalanche compensation (12) (M/J 2012)
11.The current mirror shown below is to provide a 1mA current with V=10V.Assume
=125 and VBE=0.7V.
12. Explain the Integral circuit diagram of IC741.Discuss its AC and DC performance
characteristics. (16)(A/M 2014)

(1) Determine the value of R1

(2) Also for a collector current of 10 micro amperes. Find the values of R1. (4)
(M/J 2012)
12.List and explain the non ideal DC characteristics of n op-amp (8) (M/J 2012)
13.Explain the AC characteristics of n op-amp (8) (M/J 2012)
14.Draw the circuit of basic current mirror and explain its operation. Also discuss
about how current ration can be improves in the basic current mirror. Sketch the
improved circuit and explain.(16) (N/D 2012)
15.Compare different configurations of Differential amplifier.(8)(M/J 2013)

UNIT Ii-applications of operational amplifier

1.Give the schematic of op-amp based current to voltage converter.(A/M 2010)
2.Draw the circuit diagram of differentiator and gives its output equation.(A/M
2010,N/D 2012)
3.Compare the performance of inverting and non-inverting operational amplifier
configurations.(N/D 2010)
4.Why is frequency compensation required in operational amplifier.(N/D 2010)

5.Mention the important features of an instrumentation amplifier.(A/M 2011)

6.How does precision rectifier differ from the conventional amplifier?(A/M 2011,N/D
7.What is comparator?(N/D 2011,M/J 2012)
8.What are the advantages of variable trans conductance techniques?(N/D 2011,M/J
9.Give an application of an inverting amplifier.(M/J 2013)
10. Define CMRR.(M/J 2013)
11.Give an application for each of the following circuits.(N/D 2013)
Voltage follower,peakdetector,Schmitt trigger and Clamper.
12.Draw the non-inverting amplifier with voltage gain of 3.(N/D 2013)
13.What is a voltage follower? (A/M 2014)
14.Draw the circuit diagram of peak detector. (A/M 2014)
15 What is linear op-amp circuit?
16. What is non linear op-amp circuit?
17. List out some of the linear op-amp circuits.
18. List out some non linear op-amp circuits.
19.Draw the circuit diagram of subtractor and give its output equation
20. Draw the circuit diagram of voltage follower using op-amp.
21.Draw and write equation of an integrator using op-amp.
22.What is logarithmic and Antilogarithmic amplifier.
23.What is Schmitt trigger and its applications.
24. How does the precision rectifier differ from the conventional rectifier?
25.Define precision rectifier.
26.Define peak detector and its operating modes.
27. What is clipper and clamper?
28.Differntiate Schmitt trigger and comparator.

29.What is a electric filter?

30.Define frequency scaling?
31.What are the disadvantages of differentiator?
32.Write down the conditions for good differentiator
33.Why active guard drive is necessary for an instrumentation amplifier?
34.Design an invertor using op-amp.
35.Why are integrators preferred over differentiator?
36.What is an inverting amplifier and non-inverting amplifier?
37.List the applications of instrumentation amplifier.
38.The op-amp 77 has a gain of twelve million.Express this gain in Db.

1.Desgin a first order low-pass filter for cut-off frequency of 2KHZ and pass band of
2.(8)(A/M 2010)
2.Explain a positive clipper circuit using op-amp and diode with neat diagrams.(8)
(A/M 2010)
3.Draw and explain a simple op-amp differentiator. Mention its limitations.Explain
with a neat diagram how it can be overcome in practical differentiator.(8)(A/M
2010,M/J 2012)
4.With relevant circuits,explain the following applications of OPAMP.(16)(N/D 2010)
(i) Voltage to current converters.
(ii) Multiplier
5.Explain the steps involved in the design of a bandpass filter using OPAMP.(8)(N/D
6.Write a note on Schmitt trigger. (8)(N/D 2011,N/D 2013,M/J 2012)
7.With neat circuit diagramand mathematical expressions,explain the operation of
the following op-amp applications.
(i) Scale changer (ii)Voltage follower (iii)Non-inverting adder (iv)Integrator
(A/M 2011,N/D 2012)


8.With the help of circuits and necessary operations explain log and antilog
computations are performed using IC 741.(16)(A/M 2011,N/D 2012,A/M 2014)
9.Explain the working of Instrumentation amplifier (8).(N/D 2013,M/J 2013,N/D
10.Explain the working of (i)Precision Full wave rectifier (ii) Integrator (16).(N/D
11. Draw and explain the circuit of a voltage to current converter if the load is
(i)Floating (ii)Grounded (8)(M/J 2012)
12.Design a OP-AMP based second order low-pass filter for cut-off frequency of
2KHZ 8)(M/J 2012,N/D 2011)
13.With neat diagram explain the applications of op-amp as precision
rectifier,clipper and clamper.(16)(A/M 2014)


1 What is a VCO? (A/M 2010)
2.Draw the relation between the capture ranges and lock range in a PLL.(A/M 2010)
3. What are the advantages of emitter coupled transistor pair?(A/M 2011)
4.With reference to a VCO,define voltage to frequency conversion factor Kt.(A/M
5.What are the advantages of variable transconductance technique?(M/J 2012,N/D
6.VCO is also called a V-f converter.Why??(M/J 2012)
7.Mention any two applications of PLL?(A/M 2013)
8.A PLL frequency multiplier has an input frequency of f and a decade counter is
included in the loop.What will be the frequency of the PLL output.(A/M 2013)
9. State the operation of a basic PLL.(A/M 2014)
10.What is the need for frequency synthesizer?.(A/M 2014)
11.Draw and write equation of an integrator using an OP-AMP(.N/D 2010)
12.What is capture range?(N/D 2010,N/D 2011)
13.What is a two quadrants multiplier?(N/D 2012)

14.Define the term lock-in-range of PLL.(N/D 2012,N/D 2013)

15.What is meant by frequency synthesizing?(N/D 2013)
16.What is an analog multiplier and its applications?
17.What is a scale factor?
18.List out the various methods for performing analog multiplier.
19.What are the applications of Gilbert cell?
20.What is a PLL?
21.Define Pull in time.
22.What is the purpose of having a low pass filter in PLL?
23.Give the applications of PLL.
24.Define free running mode.
25.Draw the block diagram of NE565 CO.
26.Draw the functional block diagram of a PLL.
27.Draw the circuit diagram of an AM detector using PLL.
28.What are the different stages of operation in a PLL?
29.What are the types of the phase detector?

1.Wih a neat diagram explain the variable transconductance technique in analog
multiplier and give its output equation.(8)(A/M 2010,A/M 2013)
2.Briefly explain the working of voltage controlled oscillator.equation.(8)(A/M 2010)
3.What are the important building block of phase locked loop(PLL)explain its
working?(16)(A/M 2010,N/D 2013)
4. Draw the block diagram of VCO and explain its operation.Also derive the
frequency of oscillator.(10)(A/M 2011,N/D 2010,N/D 2012)
5.Draw the circuit of a PLL used as AM detector,FM dectector and frequency
synthesizer and explain its operation.(16) (A/M 2011,M/J 2012,A/M 2014,N/D
6.List and define the various performance parameters of a multiplier IC(6)(M/J 2012)

7.How the multiplier is used as voltage divider?(5)(M/J 2012,N/D 2012)

8.How the multiplier is used as frequency doubler?(5)(M/J 2012)
9.Draw the circuit and explain the working of one quadrant variable
transconductance analog multiplier.(8)(A/M 2013)
10.Draw the block diagram and explain the principle of working,characterisitics and
applications of 16)(M/J 2013,A/M 2014)
(i) Frequency synthesizer
(ii) FSK Demodulator.

(6)(N/D 2011)

11.Explain the working of Analog multiplier using emitter coupled transistor



applications of analog multiplier IC. (16)(A/M 2014)

12.Draw the functional block schematic of aa NE565 PLL and explain the roles of the
low pass filter and VCO.Derive the expression for the capture range and lock in
range of the PLL.(16)(N/D 2010)
13.Sketch and explain the multiplier cell using emitter-coupled transistor pair.Prove
that the output voltage is proportional to the product of the two input voltages.(12)
(N/D 2011)
14.Explain with necessary equations the basic circuits of linearized
transconductance multiplier and differential V-I converter.Hence explain the four
quadrant variable transconductance analog multiplier.(10) (N/D 2012)
15. Explain the working of a Gilbert Multiplier cell.(11)(N/D 2013)


1.Define resolution of a data converter.(A/M 2010,N/D 2011)
2.Give the advantages of integrating type ADC.(A/M 2010)
3.Define accuracy of a D/A converter..(A/M 2011)
.4.Which is the fastest ADC? State the reason..(A/M 2011,N/D 2011)
5.Define settling time of D/A converter.(M/J 2012)

6.What is the main drawback of dual slope ADC?(M/J 2012,(N/D 2012)

7.Mention any two specifications of a D/A converter.(M/J 2013)
8.For an n-bit flash type A/D converter,how many comparators are required?(M/J
9.What is a sample/hold circuit? (A/M 2014)
10.Give the two advantages of SA type ADC. (A/M 2014)
11.Compare and contrast binary ladder and R-2R ladderDAC.(N/D 2010)
12.Define resolution and conversion time of DAC.(N/D 2010)
13.what output voltage would be produced by a D/A converter whose output range
is 0to 10v and whose input binary is 0110 for a 4bit DAC.(N/D 2012)
14.Draw a sample and hold circuit.(N/D 2013)
15.State the principle of single slope A/D converter.(N/D 2013)
16.What are the specifications of A/D converter?
17.Definemonotonicity of D/A converter.
18.What is delta modulation?
19.Give an application of a sample and hold circuit.
20.What is DAC and ADC?
21.list thevarious ADC techniques.
22.What is meant by direct type ADC?
23.What is meant by integrating type ADC?
24.Mention the types of DAC techniques.
25.What is voltage to time converters?
26.Give the advantages of voltage to time converters.

1.Explain the working of R-2R ladder DAC.(8).(A/M 2010,A/M 2011,(M/J 2012,(A/M
2014,(N/D 2012),(N/D 2013)

2.What is a sample and hold circuit?Briefly explain its construction and application.
(8).(A/M 2010,(N/D 2010)
3.Explain the working of successive approximation ADC.(8).(A/M 2010,.(A/M
2011,N/D 2010),(N/D 2012)(N/D 2013)
4.Explain the operation of a weighted resistor type D/A converter.(8).(A/M 2011,
(A/M 2014),(N/D 2012)(N/D 2013)
5.Explain the oversampling A/D converter with functional block diagram.(8).(A/M
2011),(N/D 2012)
6.With neat circuit diagram and waveform of output explain the working of dual
slope A/D converter.(10)(M/J 2012,M/J 2013,N/D 2010)(N/D 2013)
7.Draw the block diagram and explain the working of

(16)(M/J 2013)

(i)Charge balancing VFCS

(II)Voltage to time converter.
8.Explain Flash type,single type and dual slope type ADC.(16) ? (A/M 2014)
9.Explain voltage mode and current mode operations of R-2R ladder type DAC.(N/D


1.Draw the internal circuit for audio power amplifier.(A/M 2010)
2.What are the three different waveforms generated by ICL8038?(A/M 2010)
3.Define the duty cycle in astablemultivibrator using IC555..(A/M 2011,N/D 2011)
4.What is an optocoupler?mention its applications..(A/M 2011, (A/M 2014)
5.What are the limitations of three terminal regulator?(M/J 2012)
6.What is a switched capacitor filter?(M/J 2012)
7.Give the formula for period of oscillations ina n op-amp astable circuit.(M/J 2013)
8.Define duty cycle of a periodic pulse waveform.(M/J 2013)
9.List the two type of multivibrators. ? (A/M 2014)

10. Sketch monostablemultivibrator circuit diagram using IC555.(N/D 2010)

11.What is meant by thermal shutdown applied to voltage regulators?(N/D 2010)
12.What are the advantages of switched capacitor filter over active filters?N/D 2011
13.What are the limitations of IC723 general purpose regulator.(N/D 2012)
14.What is power amplifier?(N/D 2012)
15.State the applications of 555 timer IC.(N/D 2013)
16.Define the regulation with respect to avoltage regulator.(N/D 2013)
17.What is voltage regulator?
18.Give the drawbacks of linear regulators.
19.What is video amplifier?
20.How frequency to voltage conversion takes place using on op-amp?
21.What is an isolation amplifier?
22.Differntiate between switching regulator and series regulator.
23.Give the expression for the frequency of oscillations in an op-amp sine wave
24.Mention four application of a 555 timer?
25.Draw an astablemultivibrator using a timer IC.
26.Differentiate linear and switched regulators.
27.List the important characteristics of voltage regulators.
28.What re the three terminal regulators?
29.What is the current fold back?
30.What are the basic configurations of switching regulators?
31.Why do switched regulator have better efficiency than the series regulator?

1.HOow is voltage regulators classified?Explain a series voltage regulator.(8)(A/M

2.What is an optocoupler? Briefly explain its characteristics.(8)(A/M 2010,(M/J 2012))

(N/D 2013)
3.With a neat circuit diagram and internal functional diagram explain the working of
555 timers in stable mode.(16)(A/M 2010,N/D 2011)
4.Draaw the circuit using op-amp to generate triangular wave.Explain its operation.
(8).(A/M 2011),(N/D 2012)
5.With a neat diagram,explain the working of step down switching regulator.(8).(A/M
6.With suitable diagram,explain the working of a switched capacitor filter.Also
explain how resister can be realized using switched capacitor filter.(8)(A/M 2011,N/D
7.With necessary diagrams,explain the operation of frequency to voltage converters
and voltage to frequency converters..(16)(A/M 2011, (A/M 2014),(N/D 2012)
8.Skech the functional block diagram of he following and explain their working
principle (16)(M/J 2012,(A/M 2014,N/D 2010),(N/D 2013)
(i)IC555 (II) General purpose voltage regulator IC723
9.With neat diagram explain the working principle of isolation amplifier.(8)(M/J 2012)
(N/D 2013)(N/D 2012)
10.Write detailed notes on the following.(16) (M/J 2013)
(i)Low noise op-amps
(ii)Integrated fiber optic system.
11.How can the current drive capability be increased while using three terminal
voltage regulators.(8)(N/D 2010)
12.Describe in detail the working principle of IC8038 function generator.(8)N/D 2011
13.With a neat functional diagram explain the operation of LM380 power amplifier.
(8)N/D 2011
14.With a neat diagram explain the working of step down switching regulator.(8)
(N/D 2012)
15.Explain the working of monostablemultivibrator.(8)(N/D 2013)

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