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Good with the baton.
Good spot for the taller runner
because of the straightaway.
Third runner:

Exploiting Your 4 0 0 Meter Relay Personnel

(Don't Overlook the Intangibles)
By Dennis Best, Retired Track and Field Coach, Coal City (IL) H.S.

he selection of your 400meter personnel can be a

difficult task for some
coaches or a cut-anddried proposition for others {especially in small schools with limited but
talented personnel).
The starters may be determined by
visual observation or a time trial.
Speed does not necessarily guarantee
a good relay runner. There are factors
other than speed that may count more
in the positioning of the relay team.
We look, ideally, for the right
runner in the right position enabling them to function as a unit
and develop the necessary confidence in one another.
Team chemistry is an intangible
that cannot be stressed enough.
Rather than expound one philosophy
of relay selection, we would like to
dwell on several concepts.
Key component: Make the decision early in the season so that the


runners can begin working together

early and often. Regardless of which
philosophy you utilize in determining
nmner placement nothing will work
unless you practice, practice, practice.
What the coach has to decide
upon first is which of his various
quintets will produce the fastest time.
Obviously, speed will be a factor
in the selection process. But the coach
cannot overlook the intangibles that
also play an important role. He must
begin by discussing (by position) the
most basic factors in the placement of
the personnel.
First runner:

Good in the blocks.

Runs the curve well.
Exchanges the baton well.
Usually the 1" or 2"^ fastest

Second runner:

Usually the 3"* or 4"" fastest

Usually the S"* or 4"' fastest

Good curve runner.
Disciplined in the exchange
zone (Tension and excitement
will be building at this
Good position for the shorter
runner because of the acceleration around curve.
Fourth runner:
Usually the 1~' or 2"'' fastest runner on the team.
Disciplined in the exchange
zone (Tension and excitement
will be at its peak at this
Mentally tough.
Enjoys running people down.
Following is an eclectic compilation of the many factors that can
influence the positioning of 400meter relay runners. There may be
times when the coach may have to go
against conventional wisdom due to
various circumstances.
1. Perhaps your fastest man is an
excellent curve runner. You may
consider running him first or third
to take advantage of his strength.
2. If a runner is a very good curve
runner but average out of the
blocks, he could still be used on
the first leg. Starting technique
can always be improved and
worked on in practice. Many
coaches feel that the ability to run
the curve well is more important
than excellence in the blocks.
3. A runner may possess excellent
block technique, but is either too
fast or too tall to run the curve
effectively. Perhaps positions two
or four would be a better fit for

TRACK & FIELD Exploiting Your 4OO-Meter Relay Personnel

this runner, since those positions
are run on a straightaway.
4. You may have a runner who is definitely your fastest runner and you
want to utilize his speed at the end
of the race. However, he does not
handle pressure well and is very
inconsistent. This runner may be
more effective in the early stages of
the relay where the pressure may
not be as great.
5. You may have a runner who, for
whatever reason, has difficulty
receiving the baton in a certain
hand. Move the runner into a
position where he can utilize his
"better" hand. This will make him
more confident and his handoffs
more consistent.
6. Some coaches want their most
aggressive and most competitive
athlete running last, even though
he's not the fastest runner on the
team. Just because an athlete is
fast, doesn't mean he's aggressive

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11. You have an athlete who is talented enough to run the 400-meter
relay but has a very poor attitude
toward practice in general. Not
only wUI this individual's poor
attitude affect the timing of his
handoff, his poor training habits
will affect the overall chemistry of

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position or do you keep him in the

same position and hope for the
10, Some athletes do not perform well
under pressure. This can be very
frustrating for a coach: An athlete
who is fast enough to run the 400meter relay, performs well in practice, but cannot handle the pressure in a big meet, thus, performs
poorly. It's unfortunate, but in fairness to the other members of the
relay team, and the entire track
team in general, this runner should
be replaced, if possible. Hopefully,
the team will have enough depth
to make this possible.

or competitive.
7 You may have a runner with excellent speed, but cannot exchange a
baton properly. This is always a
difficult predicament for a coach.
Where do you put a runner with
such a mixture of talent? (Where
can he do the least harm?)
Remember, all the speed in the
world isn't going to help if you
can't get the baton around the
8. Do you have an athlete who is not
well liked? Team chemistry is
extremely important in the relays.
A relay team will not perform up
to its capability with a problem
child in its midst. A slower person
who meshes well with the other
three runners may be a better fit.
9. You may have a runner who runs
better with a lead than from
behind. This can be a difficult
decision for a coach. Do you place
this runner in a more favorable

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the relay team. Let's hope the

coach has a runner who will be a
better fit. He may not be as talented as the runner he's replacing, but
his superior practice attitude and
team chemistry may produce a better overall time.
12. A huge size differential betu'een
hvo runners can lead to severe difficulties when exchanging the
baton. Hopefully, a coach will
have other runners of comparable
size to offset this problem.
13. Here's another thought to ponder
over when placing relay personnel. Some coaches feel that the
first ruruier has the most responsibility in the 400-meter relay and
the fourth runner has the least.
The first runner has to develop
starting block skills, run the curve
well, and master a baton
exchange. The last runner must
receive a baton but doesn't have
the responsibility passing the

baton to the next runner.

Additionally, he basically has the
shortest distance to run. As we
know, this running distance may
not be the same in every situation.
Exchange zone adjustments can be
made and, therefore, running distances can vary somewhat.
14. Do you have a runner who
fatigues significantly in the latter
stages of his relay leg? Remember,
runners 2 and 3 will generally run
the longest total distance in the
400-meter relay. They run the
acceleration distance into their
exchange zone and a portion of
the second half of the next
exchange zone. By making
exchange zone adjustments, one
can shorten the distance a nmner
carries the baton or move the runner to another position in the relay.
15. You may have a runner who is
unable to practice handoffs on a
consistent basis. He may be


involved in other events and practice time is compromised.

Consider placing this rurmer in the
first position where he'll be
responsible for handing off the
baton, rather than receiving it.
The proper placement of runners in
the 400-meter relay is an essential factor in attempting to shave off as much
time as possible. In a race where hundredths of a second separate the winners from the losers, proper placement
of your runners is vital.
A coach must determine each runner's strengths and weaknesses. This
may require a coach to go against conventional wisdom when making an
adjustment in the relay.
When you work with athletes, the
intangibles will weigh heavily in
your decision.
The bottom line is not to get stuck
with one strategy and don't be afraid
to experiment.

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