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Murie. Bowser Mayor May 11, 2015 The Honorable Phil Mendelson Chairman Council of the District of Columbia 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Suite 504 Washington, D.C. 20004 Dear Chairman Mendelson; The purpose of this letter is to outline amendments to my proposed FY 2015 Revised Budget, as well as the FY 2016 Budget and Financial Plan and the FY 2016 Budget Support Act, all of which were submitted to the Council on April 2, 2015. This letter corrects errors and proposes amendments that I am asking the Council to make to my proposals. I FISCAL YEAR 2015 SECOND REVISED BUDGET REQUEST ACT 1, Department of Small and Local Business Development Amend the Economic Development and Regulation Title to include the following language: “G) Department of Small and Local Business Development. - $1,584,000 is added to be available in local funds.” Background ~ This adds $1,584,000 in budget authority to existing resources within DSLBD for the Streetscape Loan Relief Program. This is not an allocation of funding only a request for to spend funds which already exist within the agency. 2. Office of Motion Pictures and Television Development Amend the Economic Development and Regulation Title, Office of Motion Pictures and Television Development by striking the phrase “($1,500,000)” and inserting the phrase “($520,000)”. Background — This would restore $980,000 in funding to the Film Incentive Fund out of recently identified TIF savings associated with the Wharf Project. This is an important investment in our local film community and one that we believe could generate a significant Errata Letter for the FY 2015/2016 Budget Submission return on investment over time. A key component to creating a thriving entertainment industry in the District of Columbia is the availability of quality infrastructure and facilities. Along those lines, MPTD recently brokered a cooperative operating agreement with BET Networks as part of BET’s lease renewal. The agreement will enable MPTD to offer BET’s excess soundstage studio space to local and out-of-state media producers and as a site for workforce training, MPTD has been working with BET Networks to establish the processes and procedures for marketing, booking, and using the facility. MPTD also recently submitted to BET Networks a prospective rate card for its review, comments, and consideration, MPTD looks forward to working with BET Networks to enhance sustainability, local media production and job creation in the District of Columbia. 3. D.C. Public Charter Schools Amend the Public Education Title and the budget allocations for D.C. Public Charter Schools (PCS). There will be an additional reduction of $2.3 million to PCS based on enrollment changes. This reduction will be counter balanced with a corresponding increase to PCS of $2.3 million in order to fund a supplemental payment of 2% of the facilities allotment ($62/student) The net result is that the line in the budget will not change. Background — Since the submission of the budget, additional savings related to enrollment reductions have been identified beyond the original $2.5 million which was shifted to help close the gap. The Mayor believes it is important to keep education funding within education whenever possible and with the rising costs of construction and maintenance this change will allow PCS to make key investments in maintaining and updating their facilities. The Charter School community has repeatedly emphasized the importance of this funding to their ability to acquire and modernize space throughout the District. 4, Pay-As-You-Go Capital Fund Amend the Financing and Other Title by adding a new section to read as follows: “(@) Pay-As-You-Go Capital Fund, - $6,000,000 is added to be available in local funds.”. Background ~ This would add $6.0 million in funding to cover the cost of relocating the Ward 5 waste transfer station. This is a priority project for the Ward. This funding would come from recently certified TIF savings associated with the Wharf Project. 5. Fiscal Year 2015 Second Revised Budget Request Emergency/Temporary Adjustment Act of 2015 Add a new section 3 to both measures to read as follows: “Sec. 3. Remaining fiscal year 2015 unexpended revenue of $48,134,000 shall be carried over into fiscal year 2016 as fund balance. This revenue shall be used in accordance with the Fiscal Year 2016 Budget Request Act of 2015.” (2) Errata Letter forthe FY 2015/2016 Budget Submission Background — This section was inadvertently left out of both bills, but the budget is balanced and certified on the premise that this funding be carried over from FY 2015 to FY 2016. IL FISCAL YEAR 2016 BUDGET AND FINANCIAL PLAN A. FISCAL YEAR 2016 BUDGET REQUEST ACT OF 2015, 1. Offfice of the City Administrator Change to Table 4 in the budget book on page A-65 as follows: ‘TABLE 4 AED Offico ofthe City Administrator [Stimcruteon enon = ‘serorncruncnne a E e i E iasccnaaa gine si cian si an ET Background — These changes, previously submitted to the Committee of the Whole, correct errors in the budget book related to the submission. ‘These are net neutral technical changes. 2. Office of the Senior Advisor Change to Table 4 in the budget book on page A-49 as follows: Errata Letter for the FY 2015/2016 Budget Submission Table 4 AIO Ofce of the Senior Advisor “za16 Proposed Operating Budget and FTE, by Program and Actity SaaS ho erento Seem natant ea taenemmiinat oat ara Background — These changes, previously submitted to the Committee of the Whole, correct errors in the budget book related to the submission. ‘These are net neutral technical changes. 3. Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economie Development Change the budget book table 4 on page B-6 so that activity (5080) Great Streets Initiative shows $7,000 instead of $10,000 and activity (5085) Grants shows $3,200 instead of $200. Background - Great Streets currently is showing at $10M for FY 2016 when it should have been $7M and the Grants activity should be $3.2M. This is not a change of the budget allocated to these programs but only a conforming amendment to what the actual expenditures on these programs will be. Activity “5080 ~ Great Streets” should be $7 million. This would be funded from the H Street O-Type Account in accordance with BSA Section entitled “Retail Priority Area Amendment Act of 2015”. Activity “5085 — Grants” should be $3.2M. The additional $3 million would be used for grants in accordance with BSA Sections entitled “Creative and Open Space Modernization Act of 2015” and the “DMPED Limited Grant-Making Authority Amendment”. These changes were made to address the budget shortfalls as well as to address a declining Economie Development Special Account balance. 4, Department of Small and Local Business Development Amend the Economic Development and Regulation Title to add $281,000 of local funds to Department of Small and Local Business Development. Background ~ This inereases the wages for Clean Teams to the Living Wage. This will be funded by revenue carried over from FY 2015. 5. Deputy Mayor for Greater Economic Opportunity Add $874,219 in local funds to the Deputy Mayor for Greater Economic Opportunity. This change should be made to the Economic Development and Regulation title. {+} Errata Letter for the FY 2015/2016 Budget Submission Background ~ This would increase funding to DMGEO in order to fund a feasibility analysis and study of an adult education one-stop training facility in Ward 8 near the metro. This funding ‘would come from PCS enrollment savings. 6, Department of Forensic Sciences Amend the budget book page C-152 Program Description to read as follows: Program Description ‘The Department of Forensic Sciences operates through the following 4 programs: Forensic Science Laboratory Division — provides independent scientific examinations and analysis to stakeholders submitting physical evidence in criminal cases, providing these services to District, govemmental agencies and neighboring Federal agencies. ‘This program contains the following 6 activities Administrative and Support Services — provides administrative support for the needs of the Forensic Science Laboratory Division; Forensic Biology Unit — provides analysis of blood and other tissue samples for identification; 1 Materials Analysis Unit - provides analysis of materials, such as coatings (paints), glass, textiles, and composites (like plasties and duct tape) for classification, comparison, and sourcing; ; Latent Fingerprint Unit - provides analysis of fingerprints for identification; Firearms Examination Unit - provides analysis of firearms and ammunition; and Digital Evidence Unit — provides analysis of electronic devices and other sources of electronic information. Public Health Laboratory Division — provides testing of biological and chemical samples that relate to public health and safety, such as infectious diseases, hazardous chemicals, or biological contamination, up to and including bio- or chemical terrorist attacks. This program contains the following 3 activities Administrative and Support Services — provides administrative and ancillary support services for the Public Health Laboratory Division; Biological Science Unit — provides testing for naturally occurring or man-made infectious agents responsible for human illness or mortality; and Chemical Science Unit — provides testing for chemical agents in clinical or environmental specimens that negatively impact human health. Crime Scene Seiences Division — provides the collection, analysis, processing, and preservation of evidence found in association of a crime scene that is critical to solving crimes in the District. This program contains the following 3 acti Administrative and Support Services — provides administrative support for the needs of the Crime Scene Sciences Division; Central Evidence Unit ~ responsible for the intake, processing, and transfer of evidence with {>} Brrata Letter for the FY 2015/2016 Budget Submission stakeholder agencies; and Crime Scene Seiences Unit — provides the science applied at a crime scene to collect, analyze, process, and preserve evidence. Agency Management — provides for administrative support and the required tools to achieve operational and programmatic results. This program is standard for all agencies using performance-based budgeting. 7. D.C. Public Schools Add $694,000 of local funds to the District of Columbia Public Schools section of the Public Education title. Background — This subtitle would provide $694,000 in additional funding to DCPS. Since the budget submission we have access to updated enrollment information for the public education system. That information has yielded an increase in students for DCPS as a result of a greater influx of students from the Tree of Life Charter school. This will result in an additional 45 students to DCPS and thus an adjustment to overall enrollment and funding, 8. D.C. Public Charter Schools Reduce $5,872,189 of local funds from the D.C. Public Charter Schools section of the Public Education title. Background ~ Since the submission of the budget we have more detailed information on enrollment trends at the D.C. Public Charter Schools (PCS). These trends are indicating a total savings of $7.6 million as a result of reduced enrollment growth. We are proposing to preserve $1.7 million of this funding within PCS. $0.9 million will be used to fund the FY 2016 cost of the facilities allotment payment increase of $62/student. The additional $0.9 million will be used to make PCS whole after the loss of the $4 million in grant funding for FY 2015. As noted above, the Mayor believes it is important to keep education funding within education whenever possible and these investments will help our PCS remain successful. 9. University of the District of Columbia Add $3,550,000 of local funds to the University of the District of Columbia (UDC). This change should be made to the Public Education title, Background — This action restores previously cut funding to UDC. We have heard the concerns from the community and we believe this investment makes the most sense and places the flagship and the community college on a path to success. We will work closely with UDC to make sure these dollars flow to the programs which help place our residents on careers pathways. $2.6 million of this funding will be shifted from TIF savings related to the Wharf project and $0.9 million will come from PCS enrollment savings. {> } Errata Letter for the FY 2015/2016 Budget Submission 10. Department of Parks and Recreation Make the following changes: Department of Parks and Recreation E-77 Opening Chart FTEs associated with the FY 2015 enhancement are included in the total FY 2016 PTE, while the budget authority has been eliminated. Reduce FY 2016 FTEs to 3524 Department of Parks and Recreation E-79 Proposed FY 2016 Local FTE Column TABLE 2: Local FTEs associated with the FY 2015 enhancement are included in the FY 2016 FTE, while the budget authority for the ‘enhancement has been eliminated Reduce Local FY 2016 FTE to 549.4 Department of Parks and Recreation E- 83 Proposed FTE column TABLE 4: Activity 3626 FTEs associated with the FY 2015 enhancement are included in the total FY 2016 FTEs, while the ‘budget authority has been eliminated. Reduce FY 2016 FTE to 44 Department of Parks and Recreation TABLE 5: FTES associated with the FY 2015 enhancement are included in the FY 2016 FTE reduction. ‘Subtract 49.6 FTEs from "Reduce: To adjust personal services" to calculate Mayors Proposed Budget Background ~ These changes correct errors and omissions in the budget book related to the submission. These are net neutral technical changes. 11. Non-Public Tuition Change the budget book text on page D-127 under Agency Budget Submission: Increase to read as follows: “Non-Public Tuition’s Local funds budget proposal includes an increase of $184,908 and 1.0 FTE to support a non-public transition coordinator position and an increase of $27,000 for {7} Errata Letter for the FY 2015/2016 Budget Submission general office supplies and travel required for non-public school monitoring visits outside of the state, pursuant to federal and local law.” Background ~ This change more accurately reflects what this increase in funding will be used for. It details the correct position name and provides more background context for the travel cost increase. 12. DC Public Library Add $950,000 of local funds to the D.C. Public Library. This change should be made to the Public Education title. Background ~ This restores a cut approved as part of the Mayor’s approved budget. This will fully restore funding for DCPL library books. This funding will come from PCS enrollment savings. 13. Department of Human Services Change the budget book text on page B-11 under Mayor’s Proposed Budget: Enhance to read as follows: “The agency also received an increase of $5,000,000, which will be combined with existing agency funds to extend TANF benefits through October 1, 2016.” Background ~ This change accurately reflects the Mayor’s proposed one-year extension of ‘TANF benefits for families that have been on for more than 60 months. 14. Department of Human Services Add $1,200,000 of local funds to the Department of Human Services. This change should be made to the Health and Human Services title. Background — This funding increase will be allocated towards the Alternatives to Court Experience (ACE) program. The ACE is administered by the Family Services Administration, ACE is the sole delinquency and status offender diversion program in DC. This will be funded with savings from PCS enrollment. Errata Letter for the FY 2015/2016 Budget Submission 15, Department of Health Add $200,000 of local funds to the Department of Health. This change should be made to the Health and Human Services title. Background ~ This funding will be allocated to the agency for teen pregnancy grants and initiatives to prevent teen pregnancy citywide. This will be funded with savings from PCS enrollment. 16. Children and Youth Investment Trust Agency Add $1,050,000 of local funds to the Children and Youth Investment ‘Trust agency. This change should be made to the Health and Human Services title. Background ~ This funding will be allocated for the CYITC year round out of school time programming initiatives. This will be funded with savings from PCS enrollment. 17. Capital Budget ‘The capital budget for the UMC budget (HTO UMCOIC, East End Medical Center) is incorrect in the printed budget book. The error has been corrected in the on-line version of the budget. UMC’s spending plan reflects the correct capital budget. The actual proposed annual allotments are as follows: FY 2016 $25,211,000 FY2017 $45,700,000 FY 2018 $19,071,000 FY 2019 $18,000,000 FY 2020 $10,953,000 FY2021 $5,000,000 18. Capital Budget Change the title, description and justification for DHS, JA0-THK16 (pg. 156-JAO) to the following: Title: “Temporary and Permanent Supportive Housing.” Description: “To construct new, smaller, emergency housing options for people who experience homelessness in the District and permanent supportive housing for families and individuals experiencing chronic homelessness.” Justification: “The construction of new, smaller emergency housing options will allow the Mayor to close the DC General Family shelter. The creation of permanent supportive housing will help end chronic homelessness. These are both consistent with the District's strategic plan to {> } Errata Letter fr the FY 2015/2016 Budget Submission end homelessness and advance overall efforts to make homelessness rare, brief and non- reoccurring in DC.” Background ~ This change accurately reflects the Mayor's intended use of the $46 million in capital funds allocated to DHS for these projects. FISCAL YEAR 2016 BUDGET SUPPORT ACT OF 2015 1, TITLE I, SUBTITLE D. APPOINTMENT TERM AMENDME! Strike section 1037 from this subtitle. Background - The Office of the Tenant Advocate was mistakenly added to the list of agencies included in the appointment term amendment, This corrects the error. 2. TITLE I, SUBTITLE C. RETAIL PRIORITY AREA AMENDMENT Replace Subtitle C in its entirety to read as follows: SUBTITLE C. RETAIL PRIORITY AREA AMENDMENT c, 2021. Short Title. s subtitle may be cited as the “Retail Priority Area Amendment Act of 2015”, Sec. 2022 is amended to read as follows: (a) Section 2(5) (D.C. Official Code § 1-325.171(5)) is amended by striking the phrase “within the area bounded by a line” and inserting the phrase “within and abutting the boundary of the following area” in its place. (b) Section (3)(c) Beginning October 1, 2015, all grants made from the H Street Retail Priority Area Grant Fund established under Section (3)(a) shall be used to support corridor revitalization programs in accordance with the “Great Streets Neighborhood Retail Priority Area Amendment Act of 2013.” Sec. 2023(a) Section 4 is amended to read as follows: (2) Subsection (h) is amended by striking the phrase “within the following area” and inserting the phrase “within and abutting the boundary of the following area” in its place. (3) Subsection (j) is amended by striking the phrase “within the following area” and inserting the phrase “within and abutting the boundary of the following areas: Beginning at the intersection of Connecticut Avenue , N.W., and Macomb Street, N.W., thence north on Connecticut Avenue, N.W., to its intersection with Albemarle Street, N.W.” in its place. (4) Subsection (j) is amended by striking the phrase “within the following area” and inserting the phrase “within and along the boundary of the following area” in its place. (5) Subsection (k) is amended by striking the phrase “within the following area” and inserting the phrase “within and abutting the boundary of the following area” in its place. Section 2024 is amended to read as follows: { © } Errata Letter for the FY 2015/2016 Budget Submission (a) The lead-in text of paragraph (1) is amended by striking the phrase “within the following areas” and inserting the phrase “within or abutting the boundaries of the following areas” in its. place. (b) Paragraph (2) is amended by striking the phrase “within the area bounded by a line” and inserting the phrase “within and abutting the boundary of the following area” in its place. (©) Paragraph (3) is amended by striking the phrase “within the area bounded by a line” and inserting the phrase “within and abutting the boundary of the following area” in its place. (@) Paragraph (4) is amended by striking the phrase “within the area bounded by a line” and inserting the phrase “within and abutting the boundary of the following area” in its place. (©) Paragraph (5) is amended by striking the phrase “within the area bounded by a line” and inserting the phrase “within and abutting the boundary of the following area” in its place. (®) Paragraph (6) is amended by striking the phrase “within the following areas” and inserting the phrase “within and abutting the boundaries of the following areas” in its place Background — There were several technical and conforming amendments that needed to be made to this subtitle, This provision now more accurately reflects the original intent of the proposed measure 3. TITLE Il, SUBTITLE G. LOCAL RENT SUPPLEMENT AMENDMENT Amend section 2072 by adding new subsections (d) and (e) as follows: (@ Families and individuals housed in the Rapid Rehousing Program administered by the Department of Human Services or by another District agency designated by the Mayor may be referred to the Authority for the Local Rent Supplement Program for eligibility determination (©) Households that no longer require supportive services under the Permanent Supportive Housing Program but still require long term housing assistance may be referred by Department of Human Services, or another District agency designated by the Mayor, to the Authority for the Local Rent Supplement Program for eligibility determination Background - This amendment makes a technical change to ensure that families or individuals who are currently participating in the rapid re-housing program or the permanent supportive housing program are eligible to be referred to the local rent supplement tenant based program for eligibility determination. This amendment looks to ensure that families and individuals participating in rapid rehousing or permanent supportive housing (as defined above) can be stepped up or stepped down (as applicable) to long term affordable housing assistance, as dictated by the households’ assessment, in order to prevent future homelessness and ensure a more strategic use of resources within the homeless services system. 4, TITLE Il, SUBTITLE F. YOUTH EMPLOYMENT AND WORK READINESS TRAINING AMENDMENT Section 2062 is amended as follows: (1) Subparagraph (a)(1)(A)(i) is amended by striking the phrase “25,000” and inserting the phrase “21,000” in its place. {" } Errata Letter for the FY 2015/2016 Budget Submission (2) Subparagraph (a)(1)(A)(iii) is amended by striking the phrase “of not less than the federal minimum wage established by section 6 of the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, approved June 25, 1938 (52 Stat. 1062; 29 U.S.C. § 206)” and inserting the phrase “equal to 14% above the federal minimum wage or $8.25 for 16 to 21 year olds and equal to 28% above the federal minimum wage or $9.25 for 22 to 24 year olds”, (3) Subparagraph (a)(1)(B)(A-i) is amended by striking the phrase “may” and inserting the phrase “shall” in its place. Additionally, strike the phrase “should” and insert the phrase “shall” in its place. (4) Subparagraph (a)(1)(D)(C) is amended by striking the phrase “rate established by the Mayor” and inserting the phrase “of $9.25 or up to $13” in its place. (5) Subparagraph (d) is amended to read as follows “A new subsection (g) is added to read as follows: “(g)(1) The Department of Employment Services shall collect, and publish on its website, aggregated information on the participants of the summer youth jobs program, including statistics on: “(A) The demographies of participants; “(B) Participants’ activities in the program; and “(©) Participants’ employment following the end of the program. (2) The information required by paragraph (1) of this subsection shall be published by November 30, 2015. “(3) The Department of Employment Services shall consult with the Council on revising the existing evaluation requirement for the summer youth jobs program to focus on program outcomes and program effectiveness.” Background - These are conforming amendments to the Summer Youth Employment Program legislation in the BSA so they match amendments recently made by the Couneil with regard to the emergency measure, These include changes to the size of the program (21,000 participants) as well as changes to the rates of pay and the reporting requirements. 5. TITLE Il, SUBTITLE C. CHILD FATALITY REVIEW COMMITTEE AMENDMENT Section 3022 is amended to read as follows: “Sec. 3022. Section 4604(a) of the Child Fatality Review Committee Establishment Act of 2001, effective October 3, 2001 (D.C. Law 14-28; D.C. Official Code § 4-1371.01 et seq.), is amended as follows (@) Paragraph (8) is amended by striking the phrase “Department of Housing and Community Development; and” and inserting the phase “District of Columbia Housing Authority” in its place. (b) Paragraph (9) is amended by striking the phrase “Office of the Corporation Counsel.” and inserting the phase “Office of the Attomey General;” in its place. (c) New paragraphs (10) through (13) are added to read as follows: (10) Department of Behavioral Health; “(11) Department of Health Care Finance; “(12) Department on Youth Rehabilitative Services; and { 2} Errata Letter for the FY 2015/2016 Budget Submission “(13) Office of the State Superintendent of Education.” Background ~ This amendment corrects language which was left out of the original subtitle, This subtitle now includes language related to the D.C. Housing Authority which was always intended as a part of this measure. 6. TITLE IV, MY SCHOOL DC EDFEST SPONSORSHIP AND ADVERTISING ACT OF 2015, Add a new subtitle to Title IV to read as follows: SUBTITLE H. MY SCHOOL DC EDFEST SPONSORSHIP AND ADVERTISING ACT OF 2015 Sec. 4071. Short title, This subtitle may be cited as the “My School DC EdFest Sponsorship and Advertising Act of 2015”, Sec. 4072. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Office of the Deputy Mayor for Education may contract for advertisements and sponsorships for the My School DC EdFest, the annual citywide public schoo! fair. Background — This subtitle is necessary to allow DME to shift costs away from the District by contracting for advertisements and sponsorships related to the My School DC EdFest held annually to provide educational information to District residents. The ultimate goal would be to have this event entirely privately funded. 7, TITLE V, SUBTITLE A. TEMPORARY ASSISTANCE FOR NEEDY FAMILIES AMENDMENT. Amend section 5002 to read as follows: Sec. $002. The District of Columbia Public Assistance Act of 1982, effective April 6, 1982 (D.C. Law 4-101; D.C. Official Code § 4-205.01 et seq.), is amended as follows: (a) Section 552 (D.C. Official Code § 4-205.52) is amended as follows: (1) Subsection (¢-3)(3) is amended by striking the date “2016” and inserting the date “2017” in its place. (2) A new subsection (4-1) is added to read as follows: "(@-1) (1) Effective October 1, 2015, the assistance levels set forth in subsection (©) of this section shall be adjusted annually for the rate of inflation, except for the following: "(A) For fiscal year 2017 the assistance level shall be increased by 15.3%; "(B) For fiscal year 2018 the assistance level shall be increased by 13.3%; and "(C) For fiscal year 2019 the assistance level shall be increased by 11.8%. "(2) In annually adjusting the assistance levels for the rate of inflation, the prior year's assistance level shall be increased by an amount equal to the prior year’s assistance level {3} Errata Letter for the FY 2015/2016 Budget Submission multiplied by the CPI percentage increase in the Consumer Price Index for Urban Consumers (CPI-U) for all items from the preceding calendar year, as determined by the United States Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics.". Background — This amendment is necessary to legally effectuate the Mayor's TANF extension as proposed in her budget submission, This initiative is funded in the budget. 8. TITLE V, SUBTITLE C. POWER EXPANSION AMENDMENT Add anew subtitle C to read as follows: SUBTITLE C. POWER EXPANSION AMENDMENT Sec. 5021 Short title. This subtitle may be cited as the “POWER Expansion Amendment Act of 2015”. Sec, 5022 Section 572a(a) of the District of Columbia Public Assistance Act of 1982, effective April 20, 1999 (D.C. Law 12-241, D C Official Code § 4-205.72a(a)), is amended as follows: (1) Strike the phrase “beginning October 1, 2013,”. (2) Paragraph (1A) is amended to read as follows: *(A) Beginning on October 1, 2016, is a single custodial parent or caretaker with a child under 6 months old, provided, that no parent or caretaker may remain eligible under this paragraph for more than 12 months," (3) Paragraph (1B) is amended by striking the phrase “Is needed” and inserting the phrase “Beginning on October 1, 2013, is needed” in its place. Background - This subtitle amends the District of Columbia Public Assistance Act of 1982 to delay the eligibility categories for the POWER program. More specifically it delays the commencement of the provision allowing a single custodial parent or caretaker with a child under six (6) months of age to receive cash assistance without time limits for up to twelve (12) months. This provision would now take effect starting in FY 2017. 9, BODY-WORN CAMERA PROGRAM. ‘The last thing 1 would like to note is our strategy on the implementation of foree-wide body- ‘worn camera program. While I am not proposing any amendments or funding changes as part of this errata, it was important to highlight our path forward. We know that when interactions between the police and the public are recorded, public safety is enhanced, accountability is increased, and police services are improved. We want to work with the Council and stakeholders to strike the right balance between equipping our officers with innovative body camera technology and ensuring that individual privacy is protected. We are concemed that the Committee on Judiciary is contemplating a $3.1 million reduction in police funding. Meanwhile, we intend to draft rules and regulations, subject to Council approval, before implementing the body worn camera program. With our partners on the Council, we look forward to finding the most prudent and cost effective strategy to place our police force on the razor’s edge of technology as soon as possible. Footage will always be available for review by involved parties and law enforcement in order to ensure that justice is served. { + } Errata Letter for the FY 2015/2016 Budget Submission ‘Thank you for your consideration of these changes, Sincerely, Murid Bowser

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