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938 Aurora Blvd.,Cubao, Quezon City

Experiment No. 2

Submitted by:

Date Submitted:

Abalos, Leigh Ann

December 12, 2014

Abitria, Mikaela Rosebien

Alvarez, Ganimid Jr.
Arias, Rhodora
Bacani, Alyza
Santolorin, Maica

Engr. Dennis Jefferson Amora



Data Table:

60 Hz

200 microsecond


600 Hz

200 microsecond


The table shows the values set in the function generator and oscilloscope
to get the desired waveform of the rectifiers

Figure 2.1 Half-Wave Rectifier Schematic Diagram

Figure 2.1.2 Waveform output for Halfwave Rectifier

Figure 2.2 Full-Wave Rectifier Schematic Diagram

Figure 2.2.2 Waveform output for Fullwave Rectifier

According to a quotation by Carl Jung, resistance to the organized
mass can be affected only by the man who is as well organized in his
individuality as the mass itself. It means that resistances in a circuit depend
on the alignment to the position of the other given elements at the diagram
and the circuit itself. Schematic diagrams of electric circuits are used as
patterns on building the circuit that works.
In this lab activity two schematic diagrams are given to us and we
must construct the same set-up with the use of the materials provided:
four diodes, one 10000 ohms resistor, a breadboard, connecting wires and
probes, function generator, and the oscilloscope. We will analyze the
functions of each material, make a set-up out of it, and produce a sine
wave that must be same on the given expected results for each diagram.
Rectification is the process where a
current to a direct current power. It only
rectifier is very useful equipment for a DC
cannot run electronic equipment without

rectifier converts an alternating

allows one flow of electrons. A
power supply; it is because you
a DC power supply because it

energizes all electronic circuits like amplifiers, oscillators and etc.

Essentially rectifier needs unidirectional device. Diode has unidirectional
property hence suitable for rectifier. Rectifier broadly divided into two
categories: Half wave rectifier and Full wave rectifier.

A Half Wave Rectifier Circuit

Half wave rectifier requires only a half cycle of applied AC voltage. It

has only one diode in which conducts during positive cycle. During positive
half cycle of the input voltage anode of the diode is positive compared with
the cathode. During negative half cycle of input voltage, anode is negative
with respected to cathode and diode is in reverse bias. No current passes
through the diode hence output voltage is zero.

A Full Wave Rectifier

A full wave rectifier, also known as the bridge rectifier, is a circuit, which
converts an AC voltage to DC voltage using both half cycles of the input AC
voltage. The circuit has four diodes connected to form a bridge. The AC
input voltage is applied to the diagonally opposite ends of the bridge. The
load resistance is connected between the other two ends of the bridge.
For the positive half cycle of the input AC voltage, diodes D1 and D2
conduct, whereas diodes D3 and D4 remain in the OFF state. The
conducting diodes will be in series with the load resistance RL and hence
the load current flows through RL. For the negative half cycle of the input
AC voltage, diodes D3 and D4 conduct whereas, D1 and D2 remain OFF. The
conducting diodes D3 and D4 will be in series with the load resistance RL
and hence the current flows through RL in the same direction as in the
previous half cycle.
The sine wave that we will be generating on the oscilloscope with the
circuit that we will construct will be compared to the expected output sine
wave that is given. This lab activity will determine our knowledge about the
topics discussed and its application.

The course activity aims to understand the concept of rectification,
learn and analyse the nature of Half-Wave and Full Wave Rectifier and
differentiate the two.

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