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Exercise 1
Fill in the blanks with the appropriate conjunctions.
1. __________ he tired hard, he failed to get through the security.
2. Wait here __________ I tell you to move.
3. Take your umbrella __________ it is going to rain.
4. Sazali is slow __________ smart.
5. __________ he was ill, he had to stay at home.
6. I shall not ride in his carriage __________ invited.
7. Be kind __________ you will be rewarded.
8. __________ Azlan __________ his wife are attending the ceremony.
9. __________ soon __________ he is ready, bring down the cake.
He is __________ here __________ there.

Exercise 1

Read the sentences below and fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions.
1. She stood __________ the window and looked out as if waiting __________
2. Tina spilt some orange juice __________ her pants.
3. The letter N comes __________ O and P in the alphabet.
4. We can hardly see planes in the sky because they normally fly __________
the clouds.
5. I had to wait for along time at the checkout line __________ the grocery
store because the Lady __________ of me had bought a lot of groceries.
6. Nazim was away for a long time because he travelled round Europe
__________ six months last year.
7. He does not speak in English. Do you think he can speak the language
__________ two months?
8. We were sitting in front __________ this group of friends at the movie
theatre. They could not stop talking

__________ the time the movie

started to the time it ended.

9. If you want to go the park, you will have to drive by the Farmers Market
Grocery Store, __________ the bridge and __________ the corner of West
Street, you will see it on your left.
David ran __________ the house next door to help his neighbour
when he saw a suspicious-looking man lurking around outside the house.

Exercise 2
Write a sentence for each of the following illustrations. Use suitable
prepositions in the sentences.








Exercise 1
Change the conjunctions in the following sentences to different ones. Notice
how themeanings of the sentences change. Write your answers on the lines.

1. Mr. James and his family went to Kuala Lumpur once a month.
2. Although Steven was seventeen when he signed up for karate classes, he
had to bring a note from a parent or a guardian.
3. Siti ran to the bus stop, but the bus had already gone.
4. I had checked all of my answers with a calculator, so I was surprised
when I failed the test.
5. The Robert family was ready to go on a picnic, yet the rain continued to
6. Because the salesman was very good at his job, he was able to convince
the minister to buy the old purple car.
7. Tony had worked at the same job since his family bought the company
eighteen years ago.
8. John was not able to get a good job because he refused to take a shower.

Exercise 2
Circle all the conjunctions in the following sentences. Be careful, because many
of the conjunctions can also be adverbs or prepositions.
1. Hamburgers, pizzas and fried chicken are the most popular, although
least healthy, fast foods.
2. Since last August, the stock market has been falling, but our economy is
still very strong.
3. Everybody but Brenda passed the math test, although she was usually
the best student.
4. Henrys car stalled a lot and made funny noises, so he took it to the
5. George offered Alice a rede since he was going in that direction anyway.
6. We did not have any vinegar or lettuce, yet I was told to make a salad.
7. The policeman was tired and sick, yet he still had to direct traffic around
the accident scene.
Exercise 3
Join the following pairs of sentences with suitable conjunctions. Be sure to use
the correct punctuation. Write the joined sentences on the lines.
1. Louis liked reggae music. Carla preferred classical music.
2. The horse galloped toward the barn. A rabbit suddenly ran out of the tall
3. Many women watch television soap operas. The love scenes are often too

4. There is now a new president in theUnited States. There was much
confusion in counting the votes.
5. We eat a lot of ice cream in this country. There are many overweight
6. Walter had bad breath. He ate garlic every day.

Exercise 1
Supply an appropriate interjection for each sentence.

1. (pain) ________, that looked like it hurt.

2. (anger) ________, thats my bike!
3. (surprise) ________, you scared me!
Exercise 2
Use each of the following interjection in a sentence.
1. woah : _____________________________________________________________
2. psst : ____________________________________________________________
3. oops : _____________________________________________________________
4. uh : _______________________________________________________________
5. hey : ______________________________________________________________
Exercise 3
Fill in the blanks with suitable interjections in the sentences given below.
1. ________, how come you are here?
2. ________, the lady is no more.
3. ________, everybody is sleeping.
4. ________, I am so scared.
5. ________, I stood first.
6. ________, you knocked that ball out of the park.
7. ________, you really need to take care of yourself.
8. ________, what did you say.
9. ________, now I understand the problem.
________, that really hurts.
Exercise 4
Match the interjections with an emotion it might be used with to show that


7. Hey

expressing greeting
expressing pain
expressing pleasure
expressing surprise
introducing a remark
expressing doubt
calling attention

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