Working Paper Human Rights Committee Online Children Selling

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Working Paper

Human Rights Committee

Online Children Selling
Submmitees: Spain, China, Germany and South Africa
Co-submittees: France, Romania, Mexico, Morocco, Japan, Canada, Algeria, Italy
and the United States of America.
Concerned by the treatment of children as machines, and appalled by the
illegal traffic of children, specifically online, the Submmitees and Cosubmittees of this Working Paper would like the Human Right committee to
approve the following points;
1. Using documentation of several degrees (Passports, IDs, etc.) to be
presented by the parents at waypoints (Airports, Maritime Ports), to be sure
that they are actually the legal guardians of the children, and that the
children are not being kidnapped. This will decrease the number of illegally
transported children.
1.1 Suggesting, the improvement of the immigration process in order to
verify if the papers are authentic.
1.2 In certain places were states having certain autonomy (USA, EU) or
there is an autonomous provinces (Vojvodina and Kosovo in Serbia, and
Hong Kong in China), there will be patrols that will ask for these special
identifications. To identify the children that are travelling and making sure
that they are travelling legally with their legal guardians. (These checks
will only happen when a child is travelling, as the Schengen treaty states
that inside the EU, no ID check are necessary)
1.3 Considering, Europe as a major buyer, it is necessary to modify and
empower the Schengen treaty. Through this treaty it is possible to track
any immigration in European soil. The Schengen treaty is a treaty inside

the European Union, which works as if it was a whole nation. This means
that if you enter the EU through a single port (airport, maritime port), you
do not need to show and identification at another port, as long as you
enter that port from a waypoint inside the EU. This would help track
children entering, because forces from the EU community can work
tracking the children and/or their illegal guardians.
2 Establishing, fake web pages in order to discover and catch possible clients
and buyers in this activity, by reducing the demand, the offer is also reduced.
Training for the infiltrates for the matter of the usage of Internet traps is
necessary. The infiltrated people will work in two ways, the ones that are
creating the fake profiles will create one to attract possible buyers, and then
when a possible buyer applies for the buying of the child and have gotten to an
agreement with the possible buyer, when this happens the infiltrated person will
give a tip to the police for them to be able to arrest the person of interest, the
same will be applied for the people that will work as a possible buyer to apply to
buy a child.
3 Requesting, the attention and help from the Interpol in this topic, considering
its role in the persecution of international criminals.
4 Clarifying, the laws regarding online child selling, suggest the nations to
implement sanctions to people that sell and buy children.
5 Suggesting, campaigns to help authorities to identify cases of child trafficking.

6 Recommending, other countries to create a legal framework regarding this

issue, for example the creations of laws like in the case of Canada, where fines
and imprisonment are often applied, in order to extend government formation
and support.

7 Encouraging, the creation of campaigns to promote legal adoption through

each nations government approved organizations and foundations, instead of

illegal adoption through the Child selling webs. These campaigns will be
conducted by NGOS like UNICEF and Save the Children.

8 Motivating, the calling intelligence agencies like INTERPOL, CIA, NSA and
other organizations that can solution the problem of the internet by
implementing their knowledge of this area.
9 Encouraging the usage of NGOs such as UNICEF and Save The Children to
give the necessary treatments that the child will need after being rescued and
taking the child into the legal adoption system in the case that the biological
parents of this child is not found or does not want him/her back.

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