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What is applied
Structures and functions
of language
Professor: Blanca Cely
ID: 339882

NRC: 15062

By: Cristina M. Borda


What is applied linguistics?

Applied Linguistics is concerned with study of language structure, the

acquisition of first or many languages, the role of language in communication, and
the status of language as the product of particular cultures and other social groups.
A background in linguistics is essential for language teachers, translators, speechlanguage and so on, and many other language professionals. Applied linguistic is a
model that give useful tools to have benchmark both learning and teaching.

The demand for languages teaching require a specific knowledge focuses in this
idea the issue if other disciplines are as important as linguistics for applied
linguistics, inter disciplines such as neuroscience, psychology, sociology into many
courses, as does education, ideas about language learning. To some applied
linguists the discipline draws on any subject with anything to say about language
teaching or language learning. To others linguistics is the sole source of ideas for
learning a foreign language.

Although the learning of language offers no unique direction or precision those how
languages are learn applied linguistics has become in allied for doing readily. The
question is why the applied linguistics usually ignored in the class. Maybe, the
reason which can be taken to complete. It can be complexity .because the
expectations; no two students learned in the same way. It may be a solution think
that the applied linguistics is a process that open minds surely it would be a
teacher with creativity that can develop it , because the teacher is called to play
learning results

What is applied linguistics?

Applied linguistic can give teachers a useful strategic to acquisition a successful

language leaning. The main idea uses a teaching methods that is applied
linguistics has it a greatest way for getting good results. Despite, the thought of
many people, it is necessary looking beyond the sentence as a unit of language,
and think that the communications has just applied in the reality , and the big
concept is teachers must be training for breaking paradigms

Applied linguistics then means many things to many people around the world.
Students can recognize what a book or a course in applied linguistics is about
involves reading the small print to discover its position. Those with an interest in
linguistic theory is focused langue is the rules of sign system which might be
grammar. it is a help for do not feel frustrated when anyone studies for example
in a classroom teaching techniques; those who want to handle large amounts of
spoken or written data will be disappointed by single example sentences. But with
the time the results will be better at the moment to practice it, parole is the
articulation of signs for instance, speech and writing.

Finally, Teachers should be formed that language use and teaching methods with
help the students because the learners will be limited to activities and it is
necessary to build a teacher's imagination, activities that permit interaction, .
Applied linguistics has its an interesting validity; it serves to get good results in
Colombia because the main problem is lead a good get good results with learning
a second language.

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