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The Memphis Zoo STARTED in 1901 with a black bear cub named Natch . The cub BELONGED to the baseball team.
The team GAVE Natch to the City and Park Commission . The Commission HAD no cages, so they TIED the cub to a tree
in the city park . Some people FOUND Natch tied to the tree . They WENT back home and TOLD their friends about the
little cub . Very soon everybody KNEW about Natch . The cub DRAWED a lot of people to the park . He BECAME their
favorite pet . Children LAID food for him at the foot of the tree . Adults BROUGHT more animals to keep him company.
The authorities HOLDED meetings to decide the animals fate. At first they PAID a park keeper to feed the animals. Then
they BUILT houses for the animals and HIRED a zookeeper.

Last Sunday my friend and I LEFT town early in the morning.

We DROVE to our favorite picnic spot by Lake Michigan.
The road WINDED gently around the hills.
When we GOT hungry, we ( STOP) at a bakery. The baker SOLD us freshly baked rolls.
When we REACHED the lake, we PARKED our car and LAID down our picnic things.
We ATE a hearty breakfast, then FED the birds crumbs from our meal.
The weather WAS great. The sun SHONE all morning and a mild wind KEPT blowing. We

GOT a lovely


About noon the wind GREW in intensity. It BENDED the branches of the trees and BLEW away our things.
Suddenly the day LOST all its charm.

The birds FLEW down in circles around us. The rain FELL heavily on us.
We PUT the food back in the basket and SHOOK the water off the tablecloth.
As we WORE thin dresses and HAD no umbrellas, we RAN for cover under a tree. My dress STUCK in a dead
branch and TORE badly.

I FED the wind in all my bones. I nearly FROZE with cold.

Suddenly lightning STRUCK . We WERE under a tree.
We DIVED for the car.
Once home we SHUT all the windows and LIT a big fire.
We SPENT the whole afternoon indoors.
My friend WATCHED TV and I KNITTED a scarf.
Late in the afternon the wind BROKE ) the cloud front.
It STOPPED raining and the temperature ROSE .
My friend and I WENT out for a walk, but this time we TOOK our umbrellas with us.
About seven oclock the sun SET and it BECAME cold again. We quickly STRIDED back home.


What ( you, DO) yesterday afternoon when I ( CALL) you?

What time you (CALL) me ?
About four oclock.
Are you sure you ( DIAL) the right number?
Of course, I am . I (TRY) four times. The line ( BE) busy all the time. I (THINK) your telephone ( BE ) out-of-order.
Now I remember. I (LEAVE) the receiver off the hook. I ( WRITE) some letters and ( not WANT) to be disturbed. But
why ( you, CALL ) me ?
I (WANT) to go for a walk. I (WONDER) if you would like to join me.
As a matter of fact, I ( WORK) hard.
But you ( SAY) you (WRITE) letters!
Isnt that hard work ?

Last night my husband and I (GO) to a Japanese restaurant. We (HAVE) dinner there with another couple. After we
( ORDER) our food, the waiter ( BRING) us several dishes and ( PLACE) them in the center of our table. We ( TAKE)
turns serving ourselves. While we (LOAD) our plates with food, the waiter ( COME) again and (ASK) what we
( WANT) to drink. We all (ORDER) wine. Just as we
woman (EAT) by herself at a nearby table. She

( START) to eat, the waiter ( BRING) us the wine. A

( ASK) me if the wine (BE) good. I ( REPLY) , Yes. Then she

( ASK) me if she (CAN) taste it. I (SIP) my wine when she (ASK), so I ( NOT SAY ) or do anything. The other woman
in the group ( PASS) her glass. The stranger ( THANK) my friend, ( TAKE) a sip, then (PASS) the glass back. As we
( DRIVE) back home after dinner, my husband ( SAY) it ( BE) rude of me not to share my glass with the woman at the
nearby table. I ( BE) hurt by what he ( SAY) . Besides, I (NOT AGREE) with him.



Saptamana trecuta Adrian a lucrat intens la pregatirea lucrarii despre literatura engleza contemporana. Acum doua
zile a terminat-o.

2. Lunea trecuta orele au inceput mai tarziu ca de obicei pentru ca toti copiii erau ocupati cu pregatirea serbarii scolare.
3. Ieri a plouat toata ziua, asa ca am stat acasa si m-am uitat la televizor.
4. Duminica trecuta Carmen a scris cateva scrisori , apoi a ascultat un concert la radio.
5. Fratele meu si-a terminat micul dejun acum o ora. A mancat paine cu unt si a baut lapte.
6. George si-a vizitat prietenii acum cateva zile.
7. De obicei plec la scoala devreme, dar ieri am plecat mai tarziu si am alergat sa prind autobuzul.
8. Acum cateva zile a fost ziua lui Victor, asa ca i-am cumparat un cadou si mama i-a facut un tort.
9. Saptamana trecuta am cheltuit foarte mult.
Acum cateva zile echipa noastra de fotbal a castigat meciul.


L-am vazut pe fratele tau cand traversa strada.

Ma uitam la televizor cand a sosit postasul.
Tom tocmai pleca cand l-a strigat Dan.
George si Maria se plimbau prin parc cand a inceput sa ploua.
In timp ce Diana asculta un concert la radio, cineva a batut la usa.
George isi spala masina cand Angela a venit acasa.
Prietenul meu mi-a telefonat in timp ce dormeam.
Baietelul alerga cand, deodata, a cazut si s-a lovit la picior.
Ea a ajuns la teatru tocmai cand se stingeau luminile.
In timp ce Doris spala vasele, a spart o farfurie.


At noon yesterday, Sarah ( PUT) colorful dishes and napkins on the table. The table ( LOOK) festive. Joe ( COOK)
chicken on the barbecue grill. It ( SMELL) delicious.
Alex ( STAND) by his father with the container that ( HOLD) the sauce. He ( TASTE) the sauce to see if it (HAVE)
enough spices in it.
On a small wooden stage a band ( PLAY) . The tune they ( PLAY) was their own composition. It


great. Some children (STAND) in front of the platform. They ( LOOK ) at the performers and making faces at them; they
( BE ) silly. Two young people ( DANCE) to the rhythm of the music. They

( RECOGNIZE) the tune from the

radio.They ( LOVE) the live performance of their favourite song. They ( THINK) it was great. While they ( DANCE),
they ( TALK) about their future together. It ( BE ) the middle of the day. The sky ( BE ) blue and there ( BE ) no wind.
The sunshine ( FEEL) warm. The Scotts ( EAT) their picnic lunch and talking happily. Suddenly, the Scotts ( SEE ) a
police car driving up. They ( STOP ) eating to watch it. The officer ( WALK ) over and ( TELL ) them their car was
parked illegally. The day ( NOT SEEM) so bright for the Scotts any more. Joe ( LEAVE) the table in a hurry to move the
family car.


* Cand eram mic, de vreo 12 sau 13 ani, m-am indragostit prima data. Aleasa mea era o colega de clasa pe care o
sorbeam din priviri tot timpul. Bineinteles ca in acelasi timp ma si lasam privit de ea, placerea asta fiind chiar mai mare.
Adica, in timpul orelor o priveam eu, din spate ea statea in prima banca - , iar in recreatie ma privea ea ( mancandu-si
senvisul) pentru ca eu faceam toate nazbatiile posibile si-i atrageam privirea. Suferinta mea ( nu se poate dragoste fara
suferinta ) incepea dupa amiaza cand plecam amandoi la casele noastre si deci nu ne mai puteam vedea unul pe altul.
* - Cand profesorul ne-a spus sa ne oprim din scris, noi mai lucram inca la ultima problema.
- A sunat de doua ori telefonul in timp ce faceam baie.
- Cand i-am cunoscut pe George si Paula in 1980, locuiau la Buzau.

- Cand traversam strada, doua masini au trecut pe langa mine in mare viteza.
- Cand am ajuns azi acasa, tata statea de vorba cu vecinul.
- Am pus masa in timp ce Eduard vorbea la telefon.
- Ce faceai luna trecuta pe vremea asta? Invatam pentru examene.
- Sandra era ocupata cu impachetatul pentru ca pleca a doua zi.
- Unde te duceai cand te-am vazut ? Ma duceam la cinematograf.
- Cristina manca multe prajituri cand era mica. Acum mananca numai fructe.


While Peter and Mary ( LIE) beside the swimming-pool, we ( HAVE) a drink at the hotel bar.
When I ( WALK) down Station Road yesterday, I (MEET) Mr Meyer, an old friend of my fathers.
While Sue ( GET OFF ) the bus, a few rude youngsters ( TRY) to get in at the same time.
I ( WANT) to visit you yesterday, but you ( NOT/ TO BE ) at home. It ( BE) at 3 oclock. What ( you/ DO) at that
time ?


He ( RECOGNIZE) me at once, although I ( WEAR) a scarf around my face.

When the old lady (TRY) to cross the street, suddenly a car (COME) round the corner and nearly

( HIT ) her.

He ( EAT ) some sandwiches and then ( HELP ) himself to some biscuits.

When my friend ( COME ) to see me yesterday I ( NOT/ CAN/ COME) downstairs, because I

( HAVE) a


9. When it ( START) to rain , the children ( TRY ) to put up their tent.

He ( CLIMB ) through the window, ( SWITCH ON ) the lights and ( GO ) into the kitchen.
When she ( HEAR) the terrible news, she ( BURST ) into tears.
While the doctor ( EXAMINE ) him, his wife ( WAIT) in the waiting-room.
Some weeks ago he ( BREAK ) his arm, but nevertheless he ( GO) to work some days later.
What ( you/ DO ) when the robbery ( TAKE PLACE ) ?
While the mechanic ( CHECK) the engine, Sam ( WAIT) in the little office.
We ( WATCH) TV when it ( START ) to rain. So mother (SWITCH) off the TV, because she ( BE ) afraid
of the lightning.


The organizer(ANNOUNCE) the very famous singer. Some minutes later she (APPEAR) on the stage.
When he (WORK ) for his company, he (not/ LIKE ) his job.
Paul ( BE ) very eager when he was a school-boy.When his friends(PLAY), he (SIT) in his room and

( study).


Last week we ( VISIT ) friends of ours in the afternoon, then we (GO) to the cinema.

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