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The Blood Moons

In the Bible when it speaks of the Moon turning to Blood, it is not at this time
meaning literally. It is a spiritual meaning that refers back to Jesus who was the
"Light of The World" and the world he was speaking of was the World of Darkness.
He was lifted up between Heaven and Earth just like the Moon is between the Sun
and the Earth. He was turned to Blood, as He was crucified for our sins, the Bible
likens Him to a Rag or cloth or robe that has been "Dipped In Blood". He was the
Son of God. The Father types the Sun, the Son types the Moon and Humanity types
the Earth.
So when did He , Jesus, as the moon, was He turned to Blood? At Calvary or the
Cross. So what does the Moon show by it appearing blood red 4 times and especially
right here at Easter? It means the Days of the Gentiles are over, the end of the Blood
of His Sacrifice. The Bible says the "Days of The Gentiles", being filled. The USA is
the head of the Gentiles and we see America is no longer a Christian Nation, that
When she was attacked on 9/11 it meant God had lifted the hedge of protection from
America. we have been in a wilderness of sins ever since. The Bible tells us when
God leaves off with the Gentiles He will begin returning back to the Jews or Israel!
We see this happening as well as they have now all of the items needed to begin their
animal Levitical sacrifices. Which means they have returned back to the Days of the
Old Testament.
WHEN did they leave off with the days of the OT? At Calvary!!!! God put them out
of His presence and grafted in the Gentiles for a certain time period which is now
ended! So what does the Blood Moons mean? God is left the Gentiles and is
returning back to the Jews, bringing them back to Calvary where He left them and
Paul said the receiving of the Jews once again by God indicates the Resurrection of
The Dead! What is it that raises the dead but the return of the Messiah! So here we
are, a Blood Moon at Easter and what does Easter mean? The Resurrection of The
Dead! Early in the morning on the 3rd day Christ arose! We are in the early
morning stages of the 3rd day. A Day with the Lord is a Thousand days so we have
come past over 2015 years since His Death so we are now 15 years into the 3rd day!
Now we have a blood moon. 4 of them and anyone that studied Biblical prophesy
knows 4 is the Jewish number as to how God deals with them. What does this mean?
It means for the Bride of Jesus Christ to lift up your head for the Change of your
Body is at Hand, for the Gentiles it means Great Tribulation! For the Jews it means
Great Tribulation, to the 144,000 Elect Jews it means God will spare you and seal
you in and will receive you in the Middle of the Week or 7 Years Tribulation that
appears to be a hairs breadth away of beginning! This is where we are at folks so the
Bride is sealed in BEFORE all of this happens and She is sealed in right now and
simply awaits the change of her body! It is a very very late hour folks!
Patrick Henry Nichols I

Hilton Head Island


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