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NEWSLETTER TERM 4, Week 1, 17 October 2014

Tena Koutou Katoa, Talofa Iava, Malo e lelei, Namaste,

Welcome to Term 4 everyone. Its going to be full on with
camp, Homai fest, prizegiving and lots of other end of year
activities. We are excited about all the things happening
throughout the school this term.
Matua Paul
Matua Paul has resigned from his caretaker position and we
welcome Mr Sotelo as our new caretaker. Mr Sotelo has
been filling in for Matua Paul while he was away.
All children who bring scooters also need to
bring a padlock or something to lock up
their scooters. Although not compulsory
protective equipment such as helmets
should be encouraged.
As a PB4L (Positive Behaviour for Learning) School we
promote positive behaviours for all students. We have
noticed an increase in disgusting language and swearing.
We do not condone this. Please talk about this with your
Maori Consultation Hui
The staff and Board of Trustees would like to invite all Maori
whanau to attend our annual Maori Consultation Hui. Come
along and see how we support Maori Learners as Maori, at
Homai. A panui will be sent out, highlighting the evenings
programme. Lite snacks will be provided.
Activity Fees

Thanks to parents who have been paying activity fees ready

for Yr 5 camp and the other exciting activities which will be
happening in Term 4. Reminder that activity fees need to be
paid each term, $20 for 1 child, $25 for 2 children, $30 for 3
children, $35 for 4 children.
Kapa Haka Group
We invite any parents available to help on Wednesday
and/or Thursday afternoons from 1.30-2.30pm to help with
costume fitting our students.
Coming Up
Friday 24 October
27 October
28-31 October
3-7 November
Tuesday 4 November
Wednesday 12 November
Tuesday 18 November
Friday 21 November
Wednesday 3 December
Wednesday 10 December
Tuesday 16 December
Wednesday 17 December
Thursday 18 December

Whole School Assembly

Labour Day School closed
Yr 5 Camp & Yr 6 Leadership Week
Dental Van at Homai
Interschool Softball Competition
Jam Bus
Interschool Athletics Comp
Whole School Assembly
Homai Fest
Big Day In
Homais Values Challenge
Last Day of Term 4
Whole School Assembly

Heads Up for Next Year

Next year we plan to be a litter free school. This means that
children will need to take all their lunchbox rubbish home each

Hats - Remember sun hats this term be


Homai Fest
This will be in week 8 Celebrating Homai and as part of our
connected curriculum children are able to select and do art and

cultural aspects of the curriculum. There are opportunities for

community to hold food and art stalls on this day. A flyer was
sent home yesterday with details of this.

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