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growing in faith...sharing Gods love
ays &
May B rsaries

Another of my favorite Easter passages comes from the good doctor
Luke, who tells the story of two disciples and their walk on the road to
Emmaus. They were despondent and fretful that all that they had
expected did not come to pass. As Luke writes in 24:21, we had
hoped that he was the one I have been in those shoes. I have been
on that walk. And much like those two had done, I sometimes wonder if
I have missed Easter. Let me clarify.
A person can be in church on that wonderful Sunday morning, singing
the glorious resurrection hymns, chanting the hallelujahs, and still not
feel the joy. The resurrection story might not have found any resonance
in your heart. Now, you might have felt all the joy, and if you did act
on it. But if this was one of those Sunday messages that left you still
wanting, if you feel as though you have missed Easter fear not. The
Bible offers wonderful assurance for us when our spirits are not flying,
and the message of Easter fails to find meaning for your life.
Want to know what that assurance is? Christ understands. If you
missed Easter, Christ understands. The gospel lessons of the New
Testament do not demand that we understand Christ. Those lessons
offer the insights that Christ understands us. If you did not feel the joy
of the risen Christ on Easter, dont feel as if you have to hang your head
and walk off to Emmaus or some other destination. Christ understands.
Our relationship with Christ does not depend on our quality of
understanding of Him. His presence is with us even when we are not
aware or are not seeking Him. He was with a woman who came to
anoint his body and did not have the slightest suspicion that He might
be alive. He came to two despondent travelers worn out from grief. He
comes to us where we are, with or without our knowledge of His
presence and hope.
Sisters and brothers, if for whatever reason you might have missed
Easter this season, be assured that Christ has not missed out on you.
Christ understands and will eventually appear for you in your thoughts
and in your heart. The risen Christ is a patient and loving Savior. He will
wait for you through your despair or loneliness, and then call you to the
joy of realizing He is risen, He is risen indeed! And like Thomas, we will
confess, My Lord, and my God. Its pretty cool stuff when you realize
Gods peace be with you, and I will see you in church.
Pastor Mark




Merlyn Appelgate
Mike Vint
Jeff Hellie
Seth Appelgate
Jeff Farrington
Bill Havelka
Ron Groth
Mattison Vaske
Allen Burt
Annette (Lynch) & Dennis
Lyn McMartin
Nicholas Collins
Amy Bland
Carter Anderson
Joel & Sarah Vint
Mindy Krull
Maxxon Handorf
Joel & Sarah Vint
Kevin Groth
Logan Anderson
Jayla Sullivan
Darlene Koster
Chuck & Dana Rosacker
Travis Appelgate
Tim Handorf
Kelly Newcomb
TJ & Ann (Koster) Schaffer
Jayden Beichley
Brett Koopman
Shannon Rose Fleming
Lydia Svendsen
Mike & Cathy Vint
Nathan Callahan
Sydney Hook
Deb (Svendsen) Benoit
Gayle Krull
Jake & Janel Sullivan
Duane & Barbara Beichley

pel N ew s
Graduation Recognition May 10
The Nurturing Committee will recognize high school graduates and
college graduates during the worship service on Sunday, May 10. The
names that have been provided so far are: Sonya Beichley Rouser,
Tyson Strayer, Bryce Newcomb, Michael Burt, Noah Winters, Sierra
Winters, Noah Thurston, and Jeff Hughes. Please let the committee
know of any other graduates from Chapel to be recognized. We will
miss our seniors but wish them well as they venture on to another stage
in their lives. We look forward to still seeing you graduates at Chapel!
GMGs Baccalaureate
The community is invited to GMGs Baccalaureate service to honor the
Class of 2015 on Wednesday, May 13, at 7:00 pm at Garwin United
Methodist Church. Please join in the celebration! Graduation will be at
Garwin on Sunday, May 17 at 2:00 pm.

You Are Invited to Graduation Receptions for:

1. Noah Winters on Saturday, May 2, from 1-4 pm at the Green
Mountain Lions Building. He will attend UNI in the fall.
2. Bryce Newcombs Graduation Reception will be held on Sunday,
May 17, 4-6pm at the Garwin Legion. Bryce will be a student,
runner and long jumper for UNI!
3. Noah Thurston graduation reception Saturday, May 2nd, 4 to 7 p.m. at
Garwin ShelterHouse. Noah plans to attend Iowa Central in Fort
Dodge to study music.
4. Tyson Strayers party will be Saturday, May 16, from 2-5 pm at Chapel
Church. He will attend Iowa Central Community College in Fort
Dodge, majoring in Broadcasting.
5. Matt Carlons, Do not know details.
6. Sonya Beichley Rouser will graduate from North Central University,
Minneapolis, on May 1 with a BA degree in Elementary Education.
Her husband, Josh, and she have moved to Hopkins, MN, where Josh
will continue construction work. They will both be apartment
caretakers at the apartment complex where they live. Sonya is
currently taking her teaching licensure examinations for the state of
7. Michael Burt is graduating with an agricultural business and economic
degree. He will be a merchandiser for Archer Daniel Midland at
Minneapolis, MN.
8. Sierra Winters, Do not know details.

House of Compassion

The House of Compassions Supply Closet supplies low-income families with

basic toiletries, cleaning supplies, and over-the-counter medications.
Approximately 531 households use the closet each month.
Chapel is committed to help restock the supply closet each May. Shirley
Svendsen works in the Closet on a regular basis. Please bring any of these
items to the narthex anytime: shampoo/conditioner, laundry detergent,
dishwashing soap, toilet paper, paper towels, tissues, disposable diapers, cold
& flu medicines, and aspirin & non-aspirin. Thank you.


Farm Fresh Eggs

Heidi Langenbaus neighbor has farm fresh eggs for sale for $1.25/dozen. If
anyone is interested, please contact Heidi who can bring them to church! Call

her at 1-641-750-5063 or text her.



Congratulations to GMGs students

who did well at many kinds of contests

this spring, including Angel Schewe &
Frances Jackson, sixth graders, who
are part of the first GMG team to ever
qualify for the State Math Bee!

Reserve Ice Cream Social date for

Saturday, June 20 Committee- Dale
& Heidi Langenbau, Matt & Ann
Jackson, Rusty Brown & Kristen
Congratulations to Angie Bessman and
Marcus Ryerson on their recent
engagement. Rick, start saving your
Congratulations to Zach Krull for being
KWWLs recent Student of the Week!
Austin Groth, a junior at Buena Vista
University, Storm Lake, was recently
elected President of the Student
Senate for next year. He will govern
the student body. Austin is a
Marketing and Accounting major. Hes
the son of David & Lee Groth and
grandson of Ron & Lois Groth.
Sonya Beichley Rouser, a senior at
North Central University, was the
recipient of the 2015 Outstanding
Elementary Education Graduate
Welcome home, Snow Birds!
Put your prayer requests in the Prayer
Box; Pastor Mark has key, all
Casto family, who lost Liesel in
accident, received news that a CO girl
received Liesels tissue, thankful she is
still helping others.
Claire Handorf has volunteered to be
the Bible School director. Please
contact her if you are able to help in
any way. Thank you.
We have two upcoming bridal showers
- One for Brent Havelka, who is getting
married August 15, and the other for
Siera Richter, who is getting married
New Years Eve. No details yet until
we firm up dates with the families. If
you'd like to chair either one or be on
the committee, please sign up on the
back board.

Cha pel N ew s
Need Volunteers

It has been decided that adults will continue to meet in the sanctuary
at 9:30 am for a short devotional and announcements each Sunday
before regular Sunday School. If you would like to help, please
contact Vaugn Kloster.



Thank You
Thank you for the cards and prayers while I have been recuperating
after my surgeries. I hope to get a walking cast May 1. Jace Hlas


Vacation Bible School

Spread the word that Bible School will be at Chapel this year on
Monday-Friday, June 8-12, from 1-3:30 pm. Children will be
introduced to Weird Animals around the world, which will remind
them that nothing compares to the extraordinary love of Jesus!
Claire Handorf has volunteered to be in charge so stay tuned to a
very exciting time at VBS this year!
May SS Teachers
Jr SS Opening: Diana Collins
Pre-K: Diana Collins
1st-4th: Diana Collins
5th-6th: Sue Koster
Jr/Sr High: Marla Hlas
M&M: Ron Groth
May 3: All-Group Movie Morning
June SS Teachers
Pre-K/6th Grade Multi-Age, including Opening (materials in west bookcase by
copier; write date by what you use, copy and return to bookcase):
June 7: Janice Collins
June 14: VBS program 1-3:30 pm, no SS (tentative date until we hear for sure)
June 21: Ann Jackson
June 28: Chris & Marci Krull
Jr/Sr High: Marla Hlas
M&M: Stan Koster
Wanted Jr/Sr High Teacher for month of August!

Junior Sunday School has a very exciting couple of weeks

ahead of us! On May 2nd, we are going to be completing a
mission project at the Van Orman House. We will be having a
spring yard clean-up day for them. We'll be raking, maybe
planting a few flowers, and placing stepping stones.
our Junior Sunday School numbers are down, we would
welcome any adult or YF help! Bring yourself & a rake!
Van Orman house is VERY excited about having us out and is
planning a pizza lunch for us.
Thank you, Ann Jackson

Donald Mann, rehab after breaking

his second hip; may come home
Jace Hlas, recent surgery with six
procedures, recuperating
Tricia Steen, recently in Ames
Matt & Mindy Bartel family, lost
house to fire
Mike Schewe, recent surgery;
Grace & Angels father
Philip Ormston, slow progress;
TIRR Memorial Hermann,
Room #605; 1333 Moursund St;
Houston, TX 77030
Dan Steens mother, recent
exploratory surgery
Jeff Kosters friend, depression
Cathy Vints friend, Sonny, died in
a fire
Pastor Dean Kelly, parotid gland
tumor on jaw, he will have surgery
at an undetermined time; Marvalyn
& he sold Grundy Center condo
and will relocate in Pella to
Friendship Village to be nearer
their daughter.
Ann Jackson, health concerns;
pray for healing
Sue Koster, back surgery

Cha pel N ew s
Wanted: Jr Sunday School Teachers
Heidi Langenbau, Junior Sunday School superintendent, wonders if
you would be willing to help teach one of the Jr. Sunday School
classes. The more teachers we have, the less work it is for
everyone, and the material is easy to use. The year runs from
September May. Please contact Heidi ASAP at 641-499-2541 or, if you are willing to help. Thank you.
Easter Sunrise
Early on Easter morning many gathered for the Sunrise Service at
7:30 am. Marla Hlas planned the meaningful service led by the YF.
The youth had pre-videotaped footage on asking Chapel friends and
each other questions, such as the meaning of Easter, when they
accepted Christ as their Savior, and one word to describe Jesus.
A delicious breakfast of Skiers French Toast, sausage, frozen fruit
cup, and drink was served by the Volunteers. Thank you to all who
attended and especially to those who had a part in making Easter
Sunrise a morning to remember.
Here are a couple of recipes that some of you asked for:
Skiers French Toast
Grease 9x13 pan. Preheat oven to 350 degrees
French Bread cut in 1 inch pieces (the recipe says you can use Texas Toast
also but we could only get 6 pieces/pan so we used French Bread and could
get 8 slices in instead)
Boil 1 minute:
1/2 c. Butter
2 Tbsp. white Corn Syrup
1 c. Brown Sugar
Put in bottom of pan. Spread evenly.
Put bread over this, making sure pieces are close together.
Beat: 5 Eggs
Add: 1 scant c. Carnation Milk
1 tsp. Vanilla
1/4 tsp. Salt
--dash Cinnamon (opt.)
Pour this mixture over bread. Cover and refrigerate overnight. Bake 45
Frozen Fruit Cups
3 oz. lemon jello
1 c. boiling water
6 oz. can frozen orange juice
20 oz. chunk pineapple with juice
2 11 oz. cans mandarin oranges with juice
c. fresh strawberries, cut up
3 bananas, cut up
Dissolve jello in water and stir well. Add rest, stir, put in 14 plastic punch
cups and freeze overnight. Makes 14 servings. Bananas do not discolor
much if added at same time as pineapple.

ad .



Sat-Sun, June 6-7: IA Annual

Conference, Iowa Events Center,
Des Moines
Mon-Fri, June 8-12; 1:00-3:30 pm,
Bible School at Chapel Claire
Handorf director
Sun, June 14: 10 am VBS
Program in Fellowship Hall; no
regular SS or church
Fri, June 19: Newsletter items
Sat, June 20: 6:30 am, Chapels
Ice Cream Social (5 pm)
Sun, June 21: Fathers Day
Recognition (by Witness committee
Tricia Steen chrm & YF)
Thurs, June 25-Sun, June 28:
Corn Carnival; theme Hooked on
Mon, June 30: 9 am, newsletters
in Fellowship Hall

rship A


March 29: N/A

April 5: 117
April 12: 71
April 19: 71

Cha pel N ew s
Easter Flowers
Thank you to Lois Groth for providing the palms for Palm Sunday
and for planning and placing the beautiful Easter lilies and yellow
chrysanthemums in the front of the sanctuary Easter morning. The
following is a list of flowers given:
Don & Phyllis Mann
Kathryn Burt
Karen Handorf
Connie Buchman
Gayle & Cindy Krull
Myrene Appelgate
Nancy Peshel
Stan & Sue Koster

Vaugn & Carolyn Kloster

Gayle & Cindy Krull
Dan & Tricia Steen
Larry Catherwood
Lynn & Claire Handorf
Mike & Cathy Vint

In Memory of:
Our parents & Rita & Sidney Handorf
Donald Burt
Craig Handorf
Chuck Buchman & Virgil Johnson
Bobbie Krull, Mort Kellogg, Punk &
Evie Krull
Floyd Appelgate
Donald Burt
Loved ones
In Honor of:
Children & grandchildren
Our Chapel Family
Lyle & Jessie Esbeck
Emmert & Neoma Steen
Lawrence & Brenda Catherwood
Pastor Dean & Marvalyn Kelly
Our grandchildren

In Memory of:
Shirly Svendsen
Jim Svendsen
Merlyn & Connie Appelgate Elmer & Ester Martens
Leroy & Gladys Appelgate
Bill & Cindy Ormston
Loved ones gone home
Doug & Linda Svendsen
Jim Svendsen, Frank Roop & John
Ross & Beverly Iverson
Boyd Iverson, Ross' brother died 1
year ago of cancer
John & Pam Fleming
our departed loved ones
Ron & Lois Groth
Chapel Friends
Bill & Cindy Ormston
Leon & Carol Lamer
Ross & Beverly Iverson
Larry Catherwood

In Honor of:
Don & Phyllis Mann
Pastor Mark & Dottie Keefer
our sons and family
our family
Joann Smith, neighbor with ovarian
Donna Lepley, Jack Tompkins

Sat/May 2, 9 am Wolverine 5K Run, Union
Grove Lake; 1-4 pm Noah Winters
reception at Gr Mtn Lions Bldg; 4-7 pm
Noah Thurstons graduation reception at
Garwin Shelter House; Jr Sunday School
Cleanup at Van Orman House; adults
welcome, too
Sun/May 3, 9:30 am Sunday School;
9:30-11:30 am Jr SS Movie Time; Add
Childrens Church Treats: Ross Murty &
Kyan McBride
10:30 am Worship/Communion
Thurs/May 7, 7 pm UMW Program: Karen
Collins, Marcia Wiese; Education &
Interpretation Report: Karen Collins; Roll
Call: Describe something your parents did
for fun; Hostesses: Carolyn Kloster,
Connie Buchman
Sat/May 9, 9 am Marshall County
Mounties 4-H Club
Sun/May 10, 9:30 am Sunday School;
10:30 am Worship, Mothers Day
Recognition (by Witness Committee/Tricia
Steen chrm & YF) and Graduation
Recognition (by Nurturing/Worship
Committee: Tammy Burt, Ross Iverson, Bill
Backoff, Phil Collins, Linda Svendsen,
Marci Krull); No Childrens Church
Wed/May 13, 12:30 pm, LCA, Amana Ox
Yoke Inn; 7:00 pm GMG Baccalaureate at
Garwin UMC
Thurs/May 14, 3:30-5:30 pm, Girl Scouts
Fri/May 15, Newsletter items due to Amy
Niedermann or Sue Koster; Evans
Wedding, contact Jennifer Daniel or
Kathryn Burt
Sat/May 16, 2-5 pm Fellowship Hall, Tyson
Strayers reception
Sun/May 17, 9:30 am Sunday School;
10:30 am Worship; 2:00 pm GMG
graduation; 4-6 pm Bryce Newcombs
reception at Garwin Legion; Tell ICS
committee for work changes
Sun/May 24, 9:30 am Sunday School;
10:30 am Short worship service (Trinity
Sunday), ending at cemetery where
children place flowers on grave. Cemetery
service by Nurturing/Worship committee:
Tammy Burt, Ross Iverson, Bill Backoff,
Phil Collins, Linda Svendsen, Marci Krull
Mon/May 25, 9:10-9:20 am Memorial Day
service at Chapel; 11:00 am Main service
at All-Veterans Park, Gladbrook; 11:00 am
- 1:00 pm Lunch at Gladbrook Memorial
Tues/May 26, 9:00 am Prepare newsletter
for mailing
Sun/May 31, 9:30 am Sunday School;
10:30 am Worship

Cha pel N ew s
Memorial Day Services Planned on May 24 & 25
A brief Memorial Day service at the cemetery to honor veterans and Memorial Day will be held on Sunday,
May 24, following a shortened worship service at Chapel. Family members of honored veterans are
especially invited during the memorial service to place a flower in memory of their loved one. Children of
the church will place flowers at the graves of those veterans whose families are unable to attend.
Veterans at Chapel Cemetery include:
Civil War: Edgar H. Finch, John Hooper, Charles Zink & Joseph Milholland
World War I: Henry Mauck, Roscoe Mann, Homer Lynch, Roy Kline, & Henry Vahrenwald
World War II: Kenneth W. Parson, Leo Willard Hoing, Walter L. Stevenson, Leslie Carty, Albert Hoing,
Ernest Dunham, Lowell Appelgate, Walter L. Giesenberg, Melvin Edwards, John R. Fleming, Harold
Read, Holloway Dunn, George W. Wirth, Earl G. Ward, James Berhow, Peter Pukacz, Sidney Handorf,
Charles Plett, Gerald Case, Zeal Bessman, LaVern Eckhart
Korean War: John Bruns, James Svendsen, Richard Svendsen
Vietnam War: Allen Weitzell, Shirley Weitzell
Anyone wanting to assist with the memorial service is welcome to contact the Nurturing/Worship
committee. If we missed any deceased veterans, please contact any committee member, Tammy Burt,
Ross Iverson, Bill Backoff, Phil Collins, Linda Svendsen, Marci Krull
On Monday, May 25, please join the Gladbrook Legion & Auxiliary and Lincoln Amvets & Auxiliary at the
Chapel Cemetery from 9:10-9:20 am for a short service, including a meditation, placing of wreath, and
Taps. The main service will be at the All-Veterans Park at 11 am. You are invited to eat lunch at the
Gladbrook Memorial Building from 11 am 1 pm.
Save June 20 for Ice Cream Social
The Ice Cream Social Committee is cranking out ideas for this years Social which will be Saturday, June
20, at 5:00 pm. Before we hand out assignment sheets, please let us know if you cannot work on June 20,
morning and/or night by Sunday, May 17. If we do not hear from you, we will assign you where we need
you. We encourage all of you to wear a special Chapel purple ICS t-shirt to the Social at 5 pm so that
guests can spot you easily, plus it is nice for all of us to be unifed. Contact us if you need one.
Please save plastic shopping bags, gallon ice cream pails, and newspaper for use out in the shed. Also,
we would very much appreciate volunteers to be on the committee with us Were pretty fun to be with!
Thank you for all of your help. We are looking forward to another successful Ice Cream Social! Dale &
Heidi Langenbau, Matt & Ann Jackson, Rusty Brown and Kristen Rhodes.

Chapels Email and Blog

Just a reminder that if you would like to send Chapel an email, just type in - A big
thanks to Linda Svendsen for managing everything connnected with our email address! If you have a new
email address or would like to be added or deleted from Chapels list, please email Linda Svendsen at and Amy Niedermann at and also Sue Koster at
We hope you are looking at Chapels blog, It is a great way to keep
connected to what is going on in our Chapel Family and has an abundance of information, including the
audio sermons, calendar, yearly jobs, and monthly newsletters..
Thank you to Lori Somers for helping with Chapels blog.
Children's Church is moved to May 3rd due to Mother's Day the second weekend. We will be
having a movie day. Please bring a pillow and blanket if you wish! We will be starting at
Sunday school time, 9:30, so we can watch the whole movie!

C hapel N ew s
Bible Trivia Contest
Chapel United Methodist Church,
Enclosed is your check for $545.00 to give to a Tama County project Congratulations! What a fun night! Hope
you enjoyed it as much as we did. We also received $235.00 for Heifer Project International. We are hoping this will
become a yearly event. We all need to brush up on our Bible facts to be able to compete against your team next
In His Service,
Toledo Christ United Methodist Church
(Last months newsletter correctly reported that Chapels money went to the Northwest Tama County Food Pantry in
the Gladbrook-Garwin area.)
Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will
be able to test and approve what Gods will is his good, pleasing and perfect will.-Romans 12:2 (NIV)
As Dan and Sarah Beane worked in Belize this winter to prepare for our summer project at Cayo Deaf
Institute, the Transformers mission team began preparing to go to Belize July 20 through August 5. Randy and
Susan Beichley, Jay Beichley, Cole Langenbau, and Tyson Strayer met in January, February, and March to have
devotions, learn about Belize, Cayo Deaf Institute and its Mennonite heritage, view videos of previous trips to
Belize, learn some sign language, and spend time in prayer. The team chose Romans 12:2 as their team verse,
and T-shirts have been designed using the Transformer theme.
The Transformers met on April 12, with Dan and Sarah Beane re-joining the group and bringing information
of the team project for the summer. The team will be part of a renovation project for house #11 on the CDI grounds.
The house serves as home for the youngest boys attending CDI and their house parents. The Transformers will
help rebuild the porch on house #11 and paint the exterior of the home. As time allows, the team will also paint the
exterior of house #12, which has been remodeled by another mission team, and paint the exterior of the portion of
the laundry building which has not yet been painted. Chapels Love in Action team painted a portion of the laundry
building in 2012.
We ask for your prayers as we continue to prepare for our time in Belize. We also welcome your financial
support of our project at CDI. The renovation will serve to improve the safety, as well as the function, of house #11
for the youngest students at CDI. We Transformers also trust that God will work among us as team members,
drawing us to Him, as the Holy Spirit moves in each of us.
We pray each member of our church family will be transformed with us!
Prayer and Spiritual Warfare
Amilliah Kenya, who attended Chapel several years ago with her husband, Charles, and their children has written a
book entitled, Prayer and Spiritual Warfare: Spiritual Victory for the 21st Century. The book will help you face
today's challenges; disclose impeccable weapons of spiritual warfare; teach you to pray effectively; and set you
apart to fulfill God's holy purpose. Her book is available at;; and
Spring Breakfast
The Annual Spring Breakfast of the Gladbrook Chapel United Methodist Church was held on Saturday, March 28,
2015 in the church fellowship hall. A delicious breakfast was served to 37 guests. Hostesses were Shirley
Svendsen, Cindy Krull, Susan Beichley, and Myrene Appelgate.
The program committee of Sue Koster, Phyllis Mann, and Connie Buchman introduced Joann Neven from
Marshalltown. She presented a program on the evolution of aprons, beginning with Adam and Eve. We were
fortunate to examine many aprons from her collection.
The guests were invited from area churches: Gladbrook United Methodist, Garwin United Methodist, Peace United
Church of Christ, Green Mountain United Church of Christ, Garwin Christian Church, Iowa River Church of the
Brethren, and Lincoln Salem Church.
Respectfully submitted,
Carolyn Kloster, secretary

C hapel N ew s
The Chapel Ladies Cemetery Aid met at 12:30 pm on Wednesday, April 8, 2015, at the Tremont Grille for lunch.
Connie Appelgate led us in devotions. She read from the book Encouraging Words for Women.
President Connie Appelgate opened the business meeting. Six members answered roll call. The minutes of our
March meeting were read and approved. There was no correspondence. The treasurers report was presented
and placed on file. No bills were presented.
Old Business: The flags need to be looked over and sorted. The program books need to be printed.
New Business: Our by-laws were read and approved by the group. Mae Wogan has moved out of state. It was
the consensus of the group to leave her name on our honorary list of members.
Committee reports: Six cards have been sent since last meeting. The flags will be flown at the next burial and on
Memorial Day weekend.
Vivian LeVier presented a program on her trip to China last October sponsored by the Marshalltown Chamber of
Commerce. She displayed photos on her laptop of the places they were taken. Some of these were parks,
factories, a tea plantation, and the Great Wall. She showed us some items she had purchased and then handed
all of us a sample of green tea leaves from the tea plantation.
We all had a very enjoyable afternoon.
Respectfully submitted,
Carolyn Kloster, secretary
A Mothers Love

A New Beginning
By Joanna Fuchs

There are times when only a Mother's love

Can understand our tears,
Can soothe our disappoints
And calm all of our fears.

As you make a new beginning in your life, graduate,

be aware of important things you didnt learn in school:

There are times when only a Mother's love

Can share the joy we feel
When something we've dreamed about
Quite suddenly is real.
There are times when only a Mother's faith
Can help us on life's way
And inspire in us the confidence
We need from day to day.
For a Mother's heart and a Mother's faith
And a Mother's steadfast love
Were fashioned by the Angels
And sent from God above.

As you pursue your dreams,

remember to take time to help and serve others
even if doing so slows you down a little.
As you explore and develop your unique talents,
remain humble,
realizing that your special abilities
are gifts from God.
As life hands you challenges, welcome them
as ways to become smarter and stronger.
As you acquire material things,
know that your most important possessions
are honesty, integrity,
and the desire to make a difference.
Congratulations, graduate.
May your new path take you where you want to go
and also bring you pleasant surprises!

Praise God by Dr. Jeremiah

We should always remember to praise God for His miracles in whatever form they come. He blesses, heals,
rescues, delivers, helps, and uplifts more times everyday than we can count. We should always be saying,
Thank You, Lord - Most High, All-Powerful, All-Good Lord! All praise is Yours, all glory, all honor, and all

Administrative Council
Members Present: Linda Havelka, Vaugn and Carolyn Kloster, Bill Backoff, Kathryn Burt, Bill and Cindy Ormston, Heidi Langenbau,
Tricia Steen, Leon Lamer, Nancy Peshel, Rick Bessman, Matt and Ann Jackson, Rusty Brown & Kristin Rhodes, Lori Somers and Amy
Chair, Lori Somers, called the Administrative Council meeting to order on Sunday, April 12, 2015 at 12:25. She thanked the Ormstons
and the Steens for the delicious lunch. Kathryn Burt made the motion to approve the minutes of the last Administrative Council meeting
as printed in the Chapel Chimes. The motion was seconded by Linda Havelka and motion passed.
Treasurers Report: Vaugn Kloster- A print out of the treasurers report was distributed to the council. The balance on hand at the end
of March was $21,612.89. Heidi Langenbau moved to approve the treasurers report. Bill Ormston seconded the motion and the motion
passed. Vaugn provided a proposed budget sheet for the year 2015 as a motion. Linda Havelka seconded it. There was discussion and
agreement that Vaugn will have authority to pay bills that fall within the proposed budget. Motion passed. Further comments included
posting the monthly budget in the newsletter or in the weekly bulletin but were tabled at this time. Doug Svendsen and Bill Ormston,
along with Vaugn Kloster provided a financial audit and everything balances. Vaugn is checking to see if Jester Insurance is the work
comp insurance. He doesnt know.
Pastoral Report: Mark Keefer- No report. Leon Lamer spoke with pastor after worship, and Pastor Mark had no concerns to report.
Trustees Report: Leon Lamer announced that Stan Koster will be the new chair. A new hot water heater was installed the week before
Easter by Borota. In the next couple of weeks the trustees will meet with the architect and construction company about the canopy for
the front of the church. The trustees will be installing a yellow strip on the first step, near the ramp, to notify them that this is the top of the
first step.
PPR: Darrel Burt reported to Leon Lamer who voiced that Pastor Mark is happy. Pastor Mark would like to be more involved in the
service as he gets more comfortable with the order of worship. He will not need as many lay people to be involved during Sunday
worship service.
YF: Marla Hlas- No report. Chapel appreciated the youths and her work for the excellent Easter Sunrise service.
Sunday School: Heidi Langenbau, Jr. SS- Ann Jackson purchased Jr. Sunday School material from Children Ministries. Heidi also
mentioned that attendance was low. Ann Jackson (correction previously said Bill Backoff) submitted her expenses for Sunday School
supplies to Rick Bessman. Adult Sunday School will vote next Sunday whether to continue with opening or have class meet right at 9:30
with no opening.
Childrens Church: Ann Jackson will be the new leader next year.
Sunday School Treasurer: Rick Bessman- Sunday School income was $312.30. Sunday School expenses were $494.91. The ending
balance for Sunday School was $2,615.56. Heidi Langenbau will verify that other Jr. Sunday School materials havent been ordered.
Lay Leader: Allen Burt- No report.
Witness Ministries: Kathryn Burt- Lenten Study was completed recently during Sunday School hour in the Fellowship Hall. Mothers
Day will be the next activity of this committee. If you have any suggestions on Lenten and Advent studies, they would like your input and
Missions Committee: Linda Havelka- The Junior and Senior Sunday School class will be helping at the Van Orman House by raking
and putting in stepping stones. The Mission committee is also looking at some local projects at the Wolfe Ranch to remove trees from the
fence line and also do some fencing. Dylan DeBruin will be coming to speak to the church following service on June 7, 2015 to share
what Childrens Hope Chest is doing in Uganda. This is the group Siera Richter traveled with in the past. The Mission Committee will
also invite area groups and other youth who may be interested in hearing about sponsoring care points/villages and/or children on a
monthly basis. The committee supports a variety of mission projects so that members can continue to show support for mission work
through Chapel.
Age-Level Committee: Claire Handorf will be chair Bible School. Chapel is hosting this year. June dates to be determined, depending
on swim lessons.
Nurturing Committee: Bill Backoff- Planning to do something for the young adults graduating from high school or college. The names
that were provided were Sonya Beichley Rouser, Tyson Strayer, Bryce Newcomb, Michael Burt, Noah Winters, Sierra Winters, Noah
Thurston and Jeff Hughes. Please let the committee know of any other graduates from Chapel to be recognized.
Old Business: No report.
New Business: Vaugn Kloster purchased a DVD player to be used in the Fellowship Hall. The trustees will help design a shelf or
cabinet for the DVD player and electricity to that area.
Rusty Brown and Kristen Rhodes joined the Ice Cream Social Committee. The nominating committee will come up with names to replace
Ad Council Vice Chair Dan Steen.
The next meeting will be Sunday June 28, 2015 with Carolyn Kloster and Lori Somers providing the meal. The meeting was adjourned at
1:10 pm.
Amy Niedermann

growing in faith...sharing Gods love
A monthly publication of
Chapel United Methodist Church
1597Abbott Avenue
Gladbrook, Iowa 50635

Pastor Mark Keefer (319) 479-8502; cell (319) 239-4743;
Secretary Amy Niedermann- (641)499-2530; cell (641) 691-3315
Group Email:
Chapel Blog:


Don Carlon &

Steve Bishop


M u s i c & F l o w e r s Childrens sermon


Sunday School

Marcia Wiese &

Sue Koster

Lynn & Claire



Jim & LeAnn Fleming No Childrens Church

Carol Lamer

Preschool-K: Diana Collins

Gr 1-4: Diana Collins
Gr. 5-6: Sue Koster


Chris & Marci Krull

Cathy Vint

Carol Lamer





Kathryn Burt

Pastor Mark

Ann & Frances

Ann & Frances

Jr SS Opening: Diana Collins

Jr/Sr: Marla Hlas
Parenting: Dee Burt

Ross & Beverly


Marla Hlas


Dan & Sarah Beane Susan Beichley



Dan & Tricia


Childrens Church: Movie Janice Collins &

Morning; Treats Ross
Murty & Kyan McBride

Marcia Wiese &

Sue Koster

Mike & Cathy Vint

Pastor Mark

Barbara Burt &

Barbara Burt &
Jake Hlas &
Garrett Groth

Childrens Church during Sunday School;

Movie starts @ 9:30 am.

Adult I: Kathryn Burt

M&M: Ron Groth
Jr/Sr High: Marla Hlas
M&M: Stan Koster
Janice Collins
VBS program 10 am, no SS
Ann Jackson
Chris & Marci Krull

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