Eb Customer ID Handling

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ascom Transmission

Engineering Bulletin

Customer ID handling

EN/LZTBU 880 103 RA


This document does not claim integrity and accuracy in detail.

This document is protected by copyright. All rights in this c onnection remain
with Ascom Transmission AG.
We reserve the right to make changes at any time without prior notice.

Order number:

EN/LZTBU 880 103 RA

Ascom Transmission AG
Schwarzenburgstrasse 73
CH-3097 Bern/Liebefeld

March 2002 by Ascom Transmission AG

ascom Transmission

Table of contents


How to change the Customer Identifier in a UMUX

How to renew a Central Card How to modify a
UNEM installation with a Customer Identifier


References to the Customer documentation
Terms used in this Application Note



What you should know



Steps to change or remove a Customer ID when the

Customer ID is known


Steps to remove a Customer ID on a

UMUX1200/1500 if the old Customer ID is NOT


Steps to remove a Customer ID on a

UMUX1100/1300 if the old Customer ID is NOT


Renew a COBU<x> hardware



Renew a CENCA hardware



Implement a CID in UNEM R4E and newer


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How to change the Customer

Identifier in a UMUX
How to renew a Central Card
How to modify a UNEM
installation with a Customer


This document describes how

to change a Custom ID on a UMUX

to renew a central card CENCA and COBU<x>
to implement a CID in the UNEM version R4
Such a change can be necessary

because the UNEM R4 handles Customer ID and system access passwords in a

different way to the UNEM R3.
to maintain correct operation of the management function when upgrading from
UNEM R3 to UNEM R4 and above.


References to the Customer documentation

For details of the

Customer ID and the handling of the Customer ID, refer to the User Guide UCST /
System Operation Basics [401], chapter 2 "Installation Procedures".
Maintenance of the control unit, refer to the User Guides

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UMUX 1500 [302], chapter 7 "Maintenance".

COBUX/COBUV [315], section "Maintenance"

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The described procedures are valid for


UMUX 1100
UMUX 1200
UMUX 1300
UMUX 1500
DSL line system (COLT-2)
All UCST versions

Terms used in this Application Note


Customer ID


Customer ID which is originally stored in the NE


New Customer ID, can also be an empty CID

which is equal to "no CID"


Name of an entry in the UCST dialogue Managed

NEs containing the CID_old

UMUX_newcid Name of an entry in the UCST dialogue Managed

NEs containing the CID_new



Element Manager (PC, Notebook, Workstation)


Network Element (UMUX)

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What you should know

The EM (UCST or UNEM) can only manage a NE (UMUX) if the Customer Identifiers of the
EM and the NE are matching.
The Customer Identifier of the NE is loaded during the initial commissioning.
If you have to re-install the UCST, the loss of the Customer Identifier is fatal and
will force you to reset and reconfigure all NEs that you have configured with
this particular identifier and installation of UCST!
The Customer Identifier labels a particular installation of the UCST and all the
NEs configured with it. Since the identifier is loaded to the NEs, there is no way
to access these NEs with any other Customer Identifier unless you reset and
reconfigure the NE!
As soon as you assign a Customer Identifier,
Identifier it is highly recommended that you store the
identifier together with the password for System Manager in a safe place.

A UNEM can handle one CID only. Therefore you cannot manage UMUXs with
different CID with the same UNEM.

If you create a new entry of a NE in the UCST dialogue Managed NEs then the
current CID of the UCST is part of this new created entry.

Even if you change the CID of the UCST with the tool "Customer Identifier
Setup" the existing Managed NEs entries keep their old CID!

Therefore it is possible to have two names (entries) in the Managed NEs section,
one with the old CID and one with the new CID!

The UMUX_oldcid was added with the original CID definition, the
UMUX_newcid was added after you modified the CID (see Step 3 below).

As soon as you apply a download to a UMUX then the current UCST CID is
stored in the UMUX independent of the selected name in the Managed NEs list.

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Steps to change or remove a

Customer ID when the Customer
ID is known
You need to have access to the NE with a UCST containing the CID_old and the

Step 1:
Establish a connection to the NE containing the CID_old with the existing Managed NEs
name UMUX_oldcid.
This step is to check the Prerequisites described above.

Step 2:
If everything works fine, close the UCST.

Step 3:
Modify the CID with the tool "Customer Identifier Setup". You find this tool in the
windows menu

Note: You need to know the System Manager password!

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Step 4:
Open the UCST again

Step 5:
Upload the config of the UMUX with the Managed NE name UMUX_oldcid.

Step 6:
Apply a partial download The new CID is set now in the UMUX.

Step 7:
Add a new Managed NE name UMUX_newcid with the same parameters as the

You can now connect to the UMUX with the UMUX_newcid only!


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Steps to remove a Customer ID on

a UMUX1200/1500 if the old
Customer ID is NOT known
In this case you have to replace the central controller unit hardware (COBU<x>) with a
"factory new" new one. The chapter 5 and 6 in this document explains you how you can
renew a used COBU<x> or CENCA hardware.
To save the current running configuration of the NE you must be able to access the NE
with a UCST having the correct CID_old installed (step 1). If such a UCST is not available
then you will loose the configuration and therefore have to reconfigure the whole NE from
scratch, beginning with step 3.

Step 1:
Establish a connection to the NE containing the CID_old with the existing Managed NEs
name UMUX_oldcid.
Apply an upload and store the configuration in a file.

Step 2:
Modify the CID with the tool "Customer Identifier Setup". Define as CID the CID_new
where CID_new could also be an empty CID (means no CID).
As an alternative you can also do a new installation of the whole UCST. This could also be
done with a newer UCST version. Define the CID_new during the installation process
where CID_new could also be an empty CID (means no CID).
Note: You can install several UCSTs in parallel on the same PC, one with the CID_old and
another with the CID_new.
After the installation, define the Managed NE name UMUX_newcid with the default IP
Node ID:
Set on your EM also the UCST RAS direct on F IP address to

Step 3:
Remove the central controller unit COBU<x> and replace it with a new one. You do not
have to power off the UMUX.
You loose the traffic for about 3 minutes.

Step 4:
Wait until the new central unit COBU<x> has rebooted. Connect then to the UMUX with
the new created Managed NE name UMUX_newcid with the default IP addresses.

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Step 5:
Open the safed configuration file and proceed a partial download. This will fail due to the
wrong configuration identifier. Proceed now a full download.

After the full download the UMUX will have

the CID_new and
its original Node ID address.
Therefore you have to update again

the UCST RAS direct on F IP address to the original address

modify the Managed NE name UMUX_newcid with the original IP address.


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Steps to remove a Customer ID on

a UMUX1100/1300 if the old
Customer ID is NOT known
In this case you have to replace the central controller unit hardware (CENCA) with an
"empty" new one.
To save the current running configuration of the NE you have to be able to access the NE
with a UCST having the correct CID_old installed (see step 1). If such a UCST is not
available then you will loose the configuration and therefore have to reconfigure the
whole NE from scratch.

Step 1:
Establish a connection to the NE containing the CID_old with the existing Managed NEs
name UMUX_oldcid.
Apply an upload and store the configuration in a file.

Step 2:
Modify the CID with the tool "Customer Identifier Setup". Define as CID the CID_new
where CID_new could also be an empty CID (means no CID).
As an alternative you can also do a new installation of the whole UCST. This could also be
done with a newer UCST version. Define the CID_new during the installation process
where CID_new could also be an empty CID (means no CID).
Note: You can install several UCSTs in parallel on the same PC, one with the CID_old and
another with the CID_new.
After the installation, define the Managed NE name UMUX_newcid with the correct HDLC
address "0".

Step 3:
Remove the central controller unit CENCA and replace it with a new one. You do not have
to power off the UMUX.
You loose the traffic for about 3 minutes.

Step 4:
Wait until the new central unit CENCA has rebooted. Connect then to the UMUX with the
new created Managed NE name UMUX_newcid with the default HDLC address "0".

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Step 5:
Open the safed configuration file and proceed a partial download. This will fail due to the
wrong configuration identifier. Proceed now a full download.

After the full download the UMUX will have

the CID_new and
its original HDLC address.
Therefore you have to

modify the Managed NE name UMUX_newcid with the original HDLC address.


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Renew a COBU<x> hardware

The following procedure renews a COBU<x> unit. After you proceeded the following step
your COBU<x> unit has the same state as a factory new HW of the COBU<x> except the
firmware files which remains on the COBU<x>.
A renewed COBU<x> has

the default Node Id address

the default Ethernet address
no CID
Step 1:
Place the COBU<x> on a suitable work surface with the FLASH-card facing up.
Please be aware that the COBU<x> hardware is sensitive to electrostatic

Step 2:
Remove the FLASH-card from the COBU<x> and insert it into a PC with a PCMCIA slot.
This PC must be capable to access the FLASH card. Therefore you need to run a designated
software. Ask your PC vendor for such a software.

Step 3:
Delete on the FLASH-card ALL directories except the FW.

Step 4:
This is also a possibility to copy or replace any unit firmware files: Copy all necessary unit
firmware files into the \FW\ directory.

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Step 5:
After the PC has finished writing/deleting on the FLASH-card remove it from the PC and
insert it back into the COBU<x>.
Some PCs take a long time to handle files on the FLASH-card. If you remove a
FLASH-card from the PC before all files are written/deleted then the FLASH-card
becomes corrupted. So give the PC enough time to write/delete all the files!
Note: Writing several unit software files to the FLASH-card can last up to several

Step 6:
Insert the FLASH-card back into the COBU<x> hardware.

The COBU<x> unit is now renewed and available for use in the UMUX1200 and


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Renew a CENCA hardware

The following procedure renews a CENCA unit. After you proceeded the following step
your CENCA unit has the same state as a factory new HW of the CENCA.
The whole configuration information including the CID is stored in a FLASH-EEPROM on
CENCA. The following steps explain how to erase the FLASH_EEPROM without any special
equipment so you can proceed it also in the field.
Please be aware that you will also loose the configuration information!

Step 1:
Place the CENCA on a suitable work surface.
Please be aware that the CENCA hardware is sensitive to electrostatic discharges.

Step 2:
Remove the FLASH-EEPROM (DIL 32 case) out of position A and place it in position B.

Step 3:
Insert the CENCA in a powered UMUX1100 or UMUX1300. You can insert it in any free
slot. Leave the unit at least 30 seconds in the shelf and then remove it again.
Note: This erases automatically the whole content of the FLASH_EEPROM.

The CENCA unit is now renewed and available for use in the UMUX1100 and UMUX1300.

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Implement a CID in UNEM R4E

and newer
From the UNEM version R4 you cannot set the Customer ID anymore during the UNEM
installation process. This may result in practical problems if you have to manage already
installed NEs which are configured with a CID.
Ascom generally recommends to remove all CIDs from the UMUX as described in the
former chapters. If due to any reason you cannot remove them then you have to upgrade
the UNEM installation.
The following section is a guideline how you can add a CID to an existing UNEM
The idea is that you define the CID in a UCST installation and then copy the relevant coded
CID information from the UCST installation to the UNEM installation.

What you should know

In a UCST and UNEM installation you have several passwords such as CID and User classes.
All these passwords are stored in a coded way in the UCST.INI file.
It is important to know that the CID password is linked with the user class
If you change the CID then the coded entries in the UCST.INI file of the user
classes will change too even if you did not change the user class password!

Step 1:
You need to have a UCST installation with the same CID definition as configured on the
UMUX you want to manage.
Check whether you are able to connect with the UCST to one of the UMUX. If this is
possible then you are sure that both CIDs, the one in the UCST installation and the one
downloaded in the UMUX, matches together.

Step 2:
Locate on your EM the UCST home directory. The default location is
c:\Program files\uCST Rxy
but this will vary depending on the individual installation.
Open the file ucst.ini and scroll down to the end of the file. There you find the section
[UCST Rxy] similar to this:
[UCST Rxy]

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You must now copy all the entries of your UCST to the UNEM installation.

Step 3:
Log in on your workstation as the unemadm.
unemadm Close

all running UCST windows.

All maps
and also the Main Window.
Open the "UNEM Administration Tool" and double-click on the "Startup and Shutdown"
Apply the "Status Stop Stop Core Components ONLY" command and wait until all
Core Components are shutdown.

Step 4:
Open the File Manager.
Change to the folder
and edit the file ucst.ini. At the bottom of the file you find the section [UCST Rxy] similar to
[UCST Rxy]
The "0" at the end of the line "CstId=0" tells you that there is no CID set yet.
You now have to update all 5 lines according the read-out of the UCST (step 2).

In our example the section must look like

[UCST Rxy]
Of course YOUR entry must have the appropriate numbers as read-out by your UCST.
Safe the ucst.ini file and close it.

Step 5:
You now have to restart the UNEM core components:
Apply the "Status Start Start Core Components ONLY" command and wait until all
Core Components are running.


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Restart the UNEM main window and open your map(s).

Step 6:
You now have to delete ALL Managed NE's entries and re-add them from new.
Note: You remember that the CID is also stored in the Managed NE's entries. That's why
you have to recreate them.

Step 7:
Add the NE symbol to your map for all NEs.

The UNEM should now discover, upload and manage the NEs.

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