Amulet of The Gypsy Dancer

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We are the Peoples Liberation Army and Strategic Team for Emergency Response and

Extreme Diplomacy; P.L.A.S.T.E.R.E.D. for short.

our party, introducing ourselves to anyone and everyone
Amulet of the Gypsy Dancer: This Amulet grants three powers. The Warmth power is always
on, while the Endowment and Reduced powers are switchable at will.

Warmth: The Amulet allows the wearer to withstand cold temperatures as if heavy winter
clothes were worn.

Endowment: Wearer gains the benefit of the feat "Anatomicly Over-Endowed". If the
wearer has the feat already, then the wearer's bust increases by another cup size and
gains an additional +1 to App and Cha based checks, +1 to naked defese, and -1 to
attack and Damage checks to opponents.

Reduced: Any and all armor and clothes the wearer have on become the Bikini version
and gains the benefits of such with the additional benefit of rounding up the wearer's
Naked Defence bonus, i.e. 3.5 rounds up to become 4, not rounded down to 3.
Cursed version: as above, but add the following.

Cursed: The Amulet can't be taken off without a "remove curse" spell casted by a level
20 spell caster.

Faulty enchantments: The Endowment and Reduced powers are always on and require
a command word to be switched off. However, the command word only turns them off for
1d4+2 half hours, after which the enchantmets come back on and the command word
can't be used for 2d6+6 hours.

Always windy: While Capes and cloaks are normally not effected by the Reduced
power, they seem to always shift and blow away from, and exposing, the body as if blown
by an unseen wind.
Bikini template: Gain "Naked Defence" (Half of the wearer's Apperence modfier to AC). Arcane
Spell Failure is reduced by 15%. Weight is reduced to one-fifth. Donning: Light armor takes 2
rounds, or 1 round to don hastily. Medium and heavy armor takes 1 minute, or 5 rounds to don
hastily. Half or full plate armor takes 4 minutes to don, or 1 minute to don hastily. Removing: light
armor is a move action. Removing medium or heavy armor takes 2 rounds, and removing half or
full plate bikini armor takes 1 minute.

Out in the field, dressed in leather,

was a tiny girl, picking flowers for her mother.
Skipping through town neive and free,
unware of the adults, eyeing her lustfully.
Passing an alley, she snatched and grabbed,
By two large breasted adults, fat throbing meat in hand.
From each end, the girl is impaled,
gaging, and bucking, to no avail.
Through and through, the cocks to thrust,
grinding togeather with each pass.
Till with a cry of glee to the women do cum,
flooding the girl nearly to her limit.
Spent and content, the women release the girl,
with a splashing of cum, on her small form.
With the women departed, the girl does stand,
neive and ignorately blissful.
She regathers, her flowers, for her mommy most beautiful.

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