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Lewis PTA Meeting Minutes

Feburary 4,2010
Lewis Library

Meeting called to order by President Jeanette Finley at 6:36 pm

Reading of Minutes from January 7th meeting

Secretary Cassandra Nicholson read the meeting minutes from 1/7/10 meeting. Motion to approve by
Angie Toops, seconded by Alea Bone, passed unamimously.

Financial Report
Treasurer Mark Perin submitted his treasures report and budget
-Sock hop raised $400
-Late Start Camp-$570.
-Popcorn Sale -$100
Cassanadra Nicholson of the t-shirt committee pointed out that the projected profits from tshirts had not
been changed from as voted on. Mark agreed to change.
The PTA has paid out $3,825 in classroom support.
Mark filed a 1099 Misc tax form as the PTA had an Independent Contractor work at the Outdoor Center
over the summer. This expense was paid for out of a grant received in the last fiscal year.
There is currently $24,000 in the PTA's Chase Account.
Mark presented his projected budget which states at the PTA could make $675 less then our projected
revenue which would come out of carry over revenue. The board will meet to dicuss the budget further
and decide if a budget revision should be done.

Leah Lyon-Landscape Architecure Student

presented her Master Plan for Lewis:
The plan though not yet in the final stages out lines possible future projects in the school grounds
covering Downspout disconnect, parking lot runoff, pedestrian thorough fare, native plant and garden
space. Leah has worked with parents and staff on the design. The plan will help us in the future to
identify grant opportunities and to stage garden projects so they are managable. We look forward to
Leah's final drawings and plans.

Committee Reports-
Lewis Eats Out-
Laughing Planet next Tuesday Feb 9, all day, 20% of all sales (including gift cards) go to
Sock hop-
huge attendance, fun event, Tom the DJ was fabulous
Late Start Wednesday Camp-
Next late start Wed is Feb 17, sign up forms in office. Last month I believe there were 10 kids
(many parents signed up for more than just one camp). The kids had a great time so spread the
Community Dinner-
canceled- the next Community Dinner will be May 21st.
Garden fair-
April 17th 10-3 Family Friendly Plant Sale & Art Market
will have Master Gardens & Master Recyclers there talking & teaching
April 2nd & 16th will be plant donation days for the fair...divide your plants, tell your friends &
neighbors & bring plants to Lewis on those day
Class projects will be seed packets, each child will design their own seed packet which will be
filled with native wildflower seed mix.

-Need to borrow CANOPY TENTS for this event.

If you have one to loan contact Alea Bone 503-788-7662

T shirt Committee-
Michelle Cannon asked if Lewis typically does a spring time T shirt order. Cassandra Nicholson
of the t shirt committee explained that we typically do not because we had previously lost
money doing so. Michelle said that she felt many people would be interested in purchasing
shirts as they are the coolest school shirt ever.

Unfinished Business-
Fire Lane- volunteers have been doing 'Informational Ticketing” trying to get folks to understand fire
lane rules & concerns. The fire lane should be painted red very soon. Principal Tim Lauer stated that
the goal in the end is to close the parking lot at afternoon pick up time but to first educated everyone on
parking options.

Talent Show- scheduled for April 23rd. Patty Jay has agreed to head this up again this year. She would
like to have auditions March 8th after school but we need the ok from Tim before that can be scheduled.
Patty is requesting that someone volunteer to type up permission slips. Sarah Kohn said she'd contact
last year's permission slip maker about that.

Long & Short Term Goals-

Monica Nettle typed up the suggestions as received from the survey at the Sock Hop

Long Term Goals 3 or more years:

covered play area-48
library improvements-16.5
new palystructure-9
additions to Outdoor Learning center-10.5
School Health-3
expand drama activities- 4

Short Term-1year or less

Reader board-18
Increase classroom support-67
giant fan in cafeteria-1
art focus-1
racial sensitivity training-2
Less computers more people-1
Ethos Music program-4
Reader Board-
Martin Nicholson contacted Security signs about possible readerboard design and a design and bid was
shown at the meeting. An existing motion to proceed with the sign board purchase was tabled again as
Tim Laurer has meeting with PPS facilities who are developing standards for school signs among other
items. The meeting will be on 2/5/10. Next month we will know what the PPS requirements will be and
if they will affect the cost.

Mark Perkin motioned to withdraw the $3500 previously motioned to be spent on the reader and put
this towards classroom support. Lori Hymowitz seconded the motion though, after discussion about
spending priorities, withdrew her second and the motion was not voted on.

Maika Yeigh brought a request from Ms Swan for $64 for items which the other second grade teachers
have which she does not. This request seems to have been lost in ensuing discussion reguarding
teachers classroom needs/wants. No money was approved at this meeting.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:15pm

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