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Using the IDEALS framework for your 2000 word research essay

IDEALS Framework
Identify the issue and
argument: What is the
issue and what position are
you arguing for?
Define the context: What
are the facts and
circumstances that frame
this issue?

Enumerate choices: What

are the plausible

Analyse options What is

the best course of action, all
things considered?

List reasons explicitly:

Lets be clear: Why we are
making these particular
Self-correct: Okay, lets
look at it again. What did
we miss?

John C Dumay 2015

Suggested content
This is the introduction to your essay. It will consist of a single
paragraph outlining statements evaluated, the claim you are arguing
for. A second paragraph identifies and/or defines key concepts,
alongside qualifiers that limit the scope of the argument.
Approximately 150 - 200 words (2 paragraphs).
Here you need to assess the context of the situation, especially the
opportunities and risks in the context of the situation. What available
data it there to support your outline of the context. For example, how
did the issues evolve? What is the history that frames the situation
today? This includes specific qualitative and/or quantitative data
about the issue. When considering the data you should also think about
the reliability and validity of the data, especially the source.
Approximately 300 words (3 paragraphs)
You need to argue for three choices. You must first enumerate each
alternative and then each statement will need to have for and against
positions evaluated.
For each alternative you need to write arguments clearly outlining the
reasons for or against the statements. You should base your arguments
on your research (literature review). You must ensure the reliability and
validity of data sources.
Approximately 700 - 1000 words (1 paragraph to introduce the choices
and 1 paragraph for each of the advantages or disadvantages of each
choice. Thus, 7 paragraphs in total).
Here you compare the relative strengths and weaknesses of the
argument. One paragraph should outline the comparisons between the
strengths and a second paragraph the weaknesses and identify which
choice is dominant because of this analysis.
Approximately 200 words (2 paragraphs)
This is the main conclusion to your essay. You must link each
statement evaluated to the position you argue for.
Explain your position, arguing for your preferred position. For
example, any of the reasons for or against outweigh other or what is
ultimate the most important in the case you are analysing?
Approximately 200 words (2 paragraphs).
This step is for you to review the conclusion to ensure that you have
not chosen a dominant option. You should list the limitations of the
decision. What might have changed your conclusion had other
information and or resources been available?
Approximately 50 - 100 words (1 paragraph)
Keep references to a minimum and only cite the most important
articles that add weight to your essay. Avoid giving more than one
reference at a time. Make sure all data in your arguments have a
reference and a page number. Your References section will not count
towards your word count.

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