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Once upon a time, in a village named Kattupatti there was no rain.

People had Famines and brought drinking water from long distance.
Animals in the forest were also suffering. They decided to do something.

They knew that human beings would prepare gruel and worship nature to get
rain. They decided to do the same.

Rabbit told doggy . Doggy told pecky , the hen. Pecky told Aami, the mango tree.
The news spread like wild fire.

The local newspaper wanted to report it. There is going to be an interesting

event and we are going to cover it said the editor.
Yes sir , I too heard that the animals are going to pray for rain . We shall publish
it replied the reporter.

On the particular day, the animals gathered, the villagers also came there to
offer their prayers.

A lady lit the firewood and started making the gruel. Ula ula ula ula.
sounded everyone to mark the beginning of the event.

Elephants danced together. Cats and mice prayed together.

Everyone offered their prayers.

Finally the water Gene appeared before them.

What do you want oh...! villagers it asked. We want rain , we need water, that
is our wish replied the animals and the villagers.
I am happy and satisfied with your prayers. Your unity won my heart. I will grant
rain promised the Gene.

Yahooooo.!shouted everyone. Its started raining.

There were streams from mountains and the ponds were filled with water.
Everyone thanked the animals for their efforts and lived happily ever after.

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