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International Summit: 9-10 June 2015

Site Visit: 11 June 2015
InterContinental Citystars Hotel, Cairo, Egypt

AND WATERWAYS Expanding Ports and Meeting

the Goals of the Suez Canal
Development Plan

Hear from key

speakers including:
Esteemed Summit Chairman:
Vice Admiral Mohab Hussein
Mameesh, Chairman,
Suez Canal Authority
Rear Admiral Abdelkader Darwish,
Alexandria Port Authority

Why you should attend:

q Meet with the regions top officials to discuss the future of trade and
investment in the sector and influence decision making at the start of
a new era
q Learn what shape new hinterland links and logistics cities will take
in order to best position your business to reap the benefits of these

Eng. Hani Kandeel,

Chief of Marine and Environment
Central Dept.,
Damietta Port Authority

q Better understand port operations to reduce dwell time, increase

operating efficiency and increase profits

Klaus Holm Laursen,

Managing Director,
Suez Canal Container Terminal

q Improve your understanding of dredger operations from those

working on the worlds most demanding dredging projects

Gamal Hegazy,
General Authority for Dry Ports and
Land Ports

q Network extensively with fellow trade logistics professionals to

improve corporate visibility and generate new business

Dont miss the exclusive site visit to

10th Ramadan Dry Port on 11 June 2015!

Eng. Samir Salama,

Acting Chairman,
River Transport Authority

Researched and developed by:


Media Partners:

For more information or to register Tel: +971 4 364 2975 @iqpcmena Email:

Dear Colleague,
Egypt stands poised to take advantage of great advances in trade
infrastructure; expanding the Suez Canal, developing its ports and
revitalising its core infrastructure through the creation of new economic
and infrastructure developments. With tight deadlines and ambitious
vision, these projects represent the biggest infrastructural changes Egypt
has seen in modern times.
As these projects progress, it has become critical to understand the
challenges of working on these projects to best meet the demands and
complete these undertakings on time and on budget. Join us at the Egypt
Ports and Waterways Summit to discuss these developments and find
solutions to the challenges of Egypts maritime future.
Infrastructure IQ is proud to present our first ports and waterways
expansion and efficiency summit for Egyptian port and canal authorities,
operators and EPCs. This comes at an unprecedented time in Egyptian
port and canal expansion projects, with a wide range of exciting new
projects taking place across the sector.
The summit will focus on operational and construction challenges affecting
port expansion, development and efficiency for Egyptian ports, canals and
surrounding infrastructure projects to increase port and canal capacity,
handle larger ships and reduce waiting time for vessels.
Specifically, this conference will address the areas of terminal handling
efficiencies, easing port congestion through industrial land development
and containerisation as well as intermodal transport network and
hinterland and inland water transport links. The conference will also deal
with the pressing topics of canal construction, dredging operations and
the creation of industrial and logistics cities.
I look forward to welcoming you at the summit in Cairo.
Rory Keith
Conference Director
IQPC Middle East & North Africa

The summit will grapple with

three of the regions key
q How can authorities deliver projects on
time and on budget?
q How can the regions ports expand to
achieve maximum operating efficiency
and profits?
q What shape proper onshore (including
terminal) facilities and hinterland links
should take to enable efficient inland
freight distribution and enable regional
logistics centres to flourish and to
ultimately increase port capacity?

IQPC provides business executives around the world

with tailored practical conferences, large scale events,
topical seminars and training programmes, keeping
them up-to-date with industry trends, technological
developments and the regulatory landscape. IQPC
conferences are market leading must attend events
for their respective industries. IQPC produces more
than 1,700 events annually around the world, and
continues to grow. Founded in 1973, IQPC now has
offices in major cities across six continents including:
Bengaluru, Berlin, Doha, Dubai, Johannesburg,
London, New York, Riyadh, Singapore, Sydney, Tampa,
and Toronto. IQPC leverages a global research base
of best practices to produce an unrivalled portfolio of

Who should attend?

Crane Leasing

Quay Wall and

Jetty Construction

Port Management

Concrete, Cement
and Other

Docking and

On Site

Container Solutions
and Services

Port Operators


Capacity Planning


EPC (Engineering,
Procurement and


Power Generation
and Transmission


Transport Solution


For more information or to register Tel: +971 4 364 2975 @iqpcmena Email:

Summit Day One: Tuesday, 9 June 2015

09:30 Chairmans welcome remarks and opening speech
Vice Admiral Mohab Hussein Mameesh, Chairman, Suez
Canal Authority
10:00 Keynote speech: Outlining the new developments at

Alexandria Port
Understanding the development plans for Egypts largest
Implementing greater container capacity to increase port
Creating facilities for tourists in order to boost both port
revenues and improve the economy of the surrounding
Rear Admiral Abdelkader Darwish, Chairman, Alexandria
Port Authority
10:30 Examining the success of the Suez Canal Container

Terminal and what the model for development might be

able to offer other ports in the region
Looking at joint venture relationships in container
terminal creation
Examining what it takes to create a successful
transhipment hub
Lessons from the Phase II development: how to
successfully expand to accommodate the latest
generation of super post-panamax vessels
Klaus Holm Laursen, Managing Director, Suez Canal
Container Terminal
11:00 Coffee and networking break
11:45 Looking at expansion works and dredging operations at

Damietta Port
Evaluating Damiettas plans for the expansion of facilities
Dredging the basin at the port to allow for the deep
drafts of supercontainers
Dredging the shipping channels to increase the capacity
of the port

14:15 Increasing the share of river transport in Egypt: The way

Identification of obstacles in utilising river Nile as a mode
of transport
How to best utilise one of Egypts greatest natural
resource namely the river Nile
Implementing the necessary reforms to advance the
river transport sector
Prof. Dr. Khaled Abbas, Professor of Transport Planning
and Traffic Engineering, Egyptian National Institute of
Transport; Ex-Chairman, Nile River Authority
14:45 Measuring port performance to increase operating

efficiency and reduce cargo dwell and standing times
Increasing port performance by accounting for more
than just volume of containerised cargo
Lessons learned from applications at Damietta Port: how
revenues were increased
Using multiple regression analysis to evaluate
performance over time
Dr. Khaled El Sakty, Head of Transport Logistics
Department and Vice Dean of College of International
Transport and Logistics, AASTMT
15:15 Using Electronic Data Interchange to coordinate

between different stakeholders in the supply chain
Using the technology of the information age to stop the
backlogging of goods in port
Coordinating between different stakeholders to track
and trace cargo throughout the entirety of the import
and export procedures
Increasing operating efficiency to allow for greater
volume of handled goods
Dr. Hisham Fouad, Team Leader, EU Delegation in Egypt
15:45 Chairman`s closing remarks and end of summit day one

Eng. Hani Kandeel, Chief of Marine and Environment

Central Dept., Damietta Port Authority
12:15 The benefits of river transport in Egypt
The vital role of river transport in the development of
trade in Egypt: A financial perspective
Safety in transport: why river transport is appealing
Reducing emissions and fuel usage by using river
Eng. Samir Salama, Acting Chairman, River Transport
12:45 The new Suez Canal and its effects on the ports industry
Examining the effect of canal expansion to predict the
future of Egyptian port operation
Establishing Egypt as the worlds top transhipment hub
by increasing the capacity and efficiency of Egyptian
Looking at the importance of the region in the global
Dr. Sherif Osman, Associate Professor of International
Transport and Logistics, AASTMT
13:15 Networking lunch

For more information or to register Tel: +971 4 364 2975 @iqpcmena Email:

Summit Day Two: Wednesday, 10 June 2015

08:45 Registration and welcome refreshments
09:20 Chairmans welcome remarks
09:30 Keynote speech: The development of dry ports, land

ports and inland logistics facilities in Egypt
Developing Egypts inland trade infrastructure to support
developments elsewhere
Implementing a network of dry ports to distribute goods
and act as regional logistics hubs
Creating land ports on Egypts borders to increase trade
and transhipment with Egypts neighbours
Gamal Hegazy, Chairman, General Authority for Dry Ports
and Land Ports
10:00 Examining the role of Public Private Partnerships in the

development of ports and waterways
Developing Safaga Port with the assistance of PPP to
create a win-win for port operators and users
Funding river freight with PPP to assist this under-
developed sector
Using PPP to fund Egypts new dry ports
Atter Hannoura, Director, PPP Central Unit, Ministry of
10:30 Sohar, It all starts here: Looking at the development of

the Port of Sohar and what it might offer for the other

ports in the region
Creating a gateway port which is a hub for regional road,
rail, airport and transportation links
Looking at a different EPC model of contracting and its
benefits for other ports looking to expand in the region
Investing in an infrastructure which is unique of its
nature; necessary to receive a vessel more than
Eng. Mahdi Al Lawatia, Asset Development Manager,
Sohar Port and Freezone, Oman
11:00 Coffee and networking break
11:30 Coordinating efforts on the new canal to meet targets

and minimise impact on local populations
Coordinating the efforts of the consortiums to meet time
Working with governmental organisations to ensure
compliance in all areas of work
Finding logistical solutions to minimise the impact of
construction work on local populations

12:00 Reducing dredger downtime to increase dredger

Ensuring upkeep of diesel engines to prolong service
Maintaining electrical systems to allow for long running
Predicting and managing downtime to minimise the
impact on work schedule
Ahmed Metwally, Business Manager, Suez Canal
12:30 Reforming supply chain logistics from port to destination
Proposing solutions to logistical issues from the
perspective of a end user
Applying the lessons of a decade in the logistics industry
in order to propose advancements for the industry
Improving levels of knowledge to facilitate problem
solving ability and organisational sustainability in the
logistical sphere
Mario Ramzy, Supply Chain Manager, Damco Egypt
13:00 Networking lunch
14:00 The economic importance of passenger and freight

transport on Lake Nasser
What inland water transport can offer to Upper Egypt in
terms of economics
Relieving the stress on roads by promoting increased
use of water transit
Encouraging sustainability in the area through IWT
Eng. Mohamed El Sherbiny, General Manager, Upper
Egypt Region, River Transport Authority
14:30 Egyptian Foreign Trade and the Role of Rail and River
How distributors and end users can save money by
avoiding costly road use
Looking at what infrastructure is necessary to develop
Egypts river transport sector
How the goals of the ENR can be incorporated into the
reformed vision of Egypts freight transport future
Abdelkader Lashine, Chairman, TCBTRANS
15:00 Chairman`s closing remarks and end of summit day two

Eng. Ahmed Harid, Head of Canal Section, New Suez

Canal Project, Suez Canal Authority

What attendees of our past marine and coastal events said:

Well attended and incisive
event featuring various
major maritime projects
regionally and globally

Its an excellent event to

exchange the information
among different authorities and
discussions with main contractors

Capt. Feisal A. Saad, Qatar Petroleum

Eng. Nabeel Mohammed, New Port Project - Qatar

The published programme is correct at time of printing. However, given the seniority of our speakers and the nature of their roles, speakers may
subsequently substitute or remove themselves from the programme. This is always regrettable, and we will always try to replace the speaker with a
speaker with equivalent insight. For the most up-to-date programme, please visit the event website.

For more information or to register Tel: +971 4 364 2975 @iqpcmena Email:

Site Visit: 10th Ramadan Dry Port: Thursday, 11 June 2015

Ports are not just confined to the sea!
Dry ports and land ports are some of the latest tools to facilitate the intermodal transhipment of sea
cargo to inland destinations.
Featuring road and rail links to sea ports and urban areas, dry ports also feature facilities for the
storage and consolidation of goods, maintenance for road or rail cargo carriers and customs
clearance services. The location of these facilities at a dry port relieves competition for storage and
customs space at the seaport itself, allowing for more flexible use of port space.
The development of dry ports in Egypt represents one of the most exciting new developments in
trade infrastructure in Egypt.
Undertake an exclusive visit with the General Authority for Dry Ports and Land Ports to
the site of the 10th Ramadan Dry Port. Witness first hand the development of Egypts new
inland logistics facilities, intertwined with industrial processing and production facilities.

Join us on this site visit to:

v Learn exactly
what shape inland
distribution facilities
and logistics centres
will take

v Meet with the General Authority

for Land Ports and Dry Ports
and advance your business
through extensive Q&A and
networking opportunities

v Place yourself at the forefront

of Egypts logistical future
with exposure to one of the
newest and most advanced
infrastructure projects

08:45 Meet in hotel lobby waiting area
09:00 Depart by bus for 10th Ramadan

Dry Port site
09:45 Site tour begins

12:30 Refreshments
13:00 Return to hotel
13:40 Q&A session back at the hotel
14:00 End of site visit

For more information or to register Tel: +971 4 364 2975 @iqpcmena Email:

Sponsorship Opportunities:
IQPC has been hosting events
developed for senior executives
for more than 40 years. We
serve businesses representing
over 15 sectors at more than
1,700 conferences around the
globe. Our client list includes
corporations such as IBM,
Cisco, Microsoft, Lockheed
Martin, Boeing, Weatherford
International, Halliburton,
ABN AMRO, Deutsche Bank,
GE, Siemens, BASF and Dow
Chemicals, just to name a
select few. Senior executives
travel from around the world
to our events looking to garner
best practices and concrete
solutions to assist them in
improving their organisations.
IQPC provides many different
platforms for you to increase
your market share, stay
ahead of your competition,
increase awareness to your
target audience and position
yourself as a key supplier to the
maritime trade industry.

Your platform getting your message across:

Because we know that each sponsor has a different message, business
development goal and branding objectives, each sponsorship package is tailored
to your corporate strategies. Though most sponsorship offers multiple levels and
types of exposure, there are a few main ways for you to highlight your corporate
1 Thought Leadership
As a sponsor at the Egypt Ports and Waterways Summit, your company will gain secondto-none exposure to senior-level decision makers at the point in time that they are seeking
solutions, information and systems for improving their firms strategies. For a select few
sponsors, you can build your reputation as a market leader through subject-specific
presentations, workshops and focus days. This highly selective sponsorship allows your
firm to establish tremendous capability and expertise in your specialty as well as highlight
successful work completed with your clients.
2 Premium Branding
We bring together buyers and suppliers for collaboration, networking and knowledge
sharing. Branding is often a major initiative for our clients who are seeking to get the
message out about their offerings. Build your companys brand and visibility in front of
senior decision-makers in order to get shortlisted. As a sponsor, your company branding
will appear alongside the global leaders associated with best practices in this field. Our
dedicated marketing team will help you achieve your promotional aims in the months
leading up to the conference. IQPC leverages multiple marketing channels including online,
direct mail, email, press releases, media partnerships and social media to publicise the
event and increase awareness about your participation to our extensive database, as well
as through our network of partners.
3 Featured Networking Events
Networking and information sharing are two major aspects of our conferences and IQPC
builds in many opportunities for sponsors to benefit from meeting industry leaders. Focused
and high-level, our events will provide you with the perfect environment to initiate new
business relationships, identify upcoming opportunities and achieve face-to-face contact
that overcrowded tradeshows can not deliver. The exhibition area is designed to be the
heart of the event a place to network and share strategies with key decision makers.
Sponsorship opportunities range from exhibition stands to sponsored lunches, cocktail
receptions, gala dinners and a host of other branding opportunities.
Additionally IQPC offers a selection of sponsorship opportunities that enables
our clients to increase their opportunity to develop new relationships during our
events, including one-to-one meetings with clients to understand their challenges,
requirements and opportunities.

Do you have a product or service

that our senior decision-makers
and influencers need?
The Egypt Ports and Waterways Summit offers you the perfect platform to showcase
your solution to your target market and meet and network with senior-level decision makers
who are leading the way in the industry
We specialise in providing business development, marketing and sales solutions that are
tailored to specifically deliver on your business objectives. We pay patient attention to what
our exhibition and sponsorship customers want, expect, need and value. Every sponsor
wants to create customers, develop qualified sales leads, convert leads into sales and retain
customers. Our tailored sponsorship packages help you to achieve these objectives.
If you would like more information on sponsorship and exhibition opportunities or to discuss
which package will best help you achieve your objectives, please contact
Ms. Sahar Ghomi on +971 4 360 2800 or email

For more information or to sponsor Tel: +971 4 360 2800 @iqpcmena Email:

International Summit: 9-10 June 2015


Site Visit: 11 June 2015



InterContinental Citystars Hotel,

Cairo, Egypt


Event Code: 25194.001

Please complete in BLOCK CAPITALS as information

is used to produce delegate badges.

Please photocopy for multiple bookings.

CALL: +971 4 364 2975

FAX: +971 4 363 1938



Discounts cannot be combined.
Discounts are not valid if payment is received after closing date.
Payment prior to conference is mandatory for attendance.

Book and pay before 19 March 2015 and save up to US$490

Companies Headquartered in Egypt*
Payment before
19 March 2015

Standard Price

Summit + Site Visit



Summit Only




*Company must not be part or fully owned, merged, franchised or subsidiary to any company which is headquartered and registered
outside of Egypt.

Standard Pricing - All Other Companies

Payment before
19 March 2015

Standard Price

Summit + Site Visit



Summit Only




Prices are stated net of any applicable local taxes.






First Name: ............................................................. Surname:.....................................................................................

Email: .................................................................... Telephone:.....................................................................................
Job Title:............................................................. Department:.....................................................................................
Organisation: ...........................................Nature of business:.....................................................................................
Postcode: .................................................................Country:.....................................................................................
Telephone: .......................................................................Fax:.....................................................................................
Approving Manager: .................................. Training Manager:.....................................................................................
Name of person completing form if different from delegate:.......................................................................................
Signature: ...................................................................... Date:.....................................................................................
I agree to IQPCs payment terms
If you have not received an acknowledgement before the conference, please call us to confirm your booking.


Please debit my credit card:



American Express

Card No:
Valid From:

Expiry Date:

Issue Number:

Card Holders name: .............................................. Signature:....................................................................................

Card billing address: (if different from Co.address).....................................................................................................
Country: ................................................................. Postcode:....................................................................................

Team discounts available on request.
Call +971 4 364 2975 for more information.


InterContinental Citystars Cairo, Egypt
Masaken Al Mohandesin Madinet Nasr,
PO Box 1026
Cairo, 11737, Egypt
Phone: +20 2 24800100
Hotel and travel costs are not included in the registration
fee. For assistance in your travel and accommodation
requirements, please refer to details below:
Room Reservations
Special / corporate rate for room accommodation
is available in the hotel. You may contact the hotel
directly as per the details above quoting IQPC Middle
East or the name of the conference. Hotels nearby
the conference venue include: The La Palm Beach
Hotel & The Labadi Beach Hotel
Additionally featuring in Accra (although not near the
conference venue): Moevenpick Ambassador Hotel
Flight Reservations
Contact Bindu Babu at SNTTA Travel and Tours LLC
Tel + 971 4 282 9000
Fax + 971 4 282 9988
Please book at the earliest for your convenience.

If you cannot make the conference, you can still
access all presentations delivered throughout
the conference days for just US$450, post event.
Contact us on +971 4 364 2975 for further details.
Payment is due in full at the time of registration and includes lunches,
refreshments and detailed conference materials. Payment prior to
conference is mandatory for attendance.
Your registration will not be confirmed until payment is received and
may be subject to cancellation.
If a booking is received 10 working days before the conference a
credit card number will be required to confirm your place, likewise if
full payment has not been received before the conference date.
Any respective payment charges to be borne by the payer. Please
ensure that IQPC receives the full invoiced amount.
All Early Bird Discounts require payment at time of registration and
before the cut-off date in order to receive any discount.
Any other discounts offered by IQPC (including team discounts)
require payment at the time of registration.
Discounts cannot be combined with any other offer.
You may substitute delegates at any time by providing reasonable
advance notice to IQPC.
For any cancellations received in writing not less than eight (8) days
prior to the conference, you will receive a 90% credit to be used at
another IQPC conference which must occur within one year from the
date of issuance of such credit. An administration fee of 10% of the
contract fee will be retained by IQPC for all permitted cancellations.
No credit will be issued for any cancellations occurring within seven
(7) days (inclusive) of the conference.
In the event that IQPC cancels an event for any reason, you will
receive a credit for 100% of the contract fee paid. You may use this
credit for another IQPC event to be mutually agreed with IQPC,
which must occur within one year from the date of cancellation.
In the event that IQPC postpones an event for any reason and the
delegate is unable or unwilling to attend on the rescheduled date,
you will receive a credit for 100% of the contract fee paid. You may
use this credit for another IQPC event to be mutually agreed
with IQPC, which must occur within one year from the date of
Except as specified above, no credits will be issued for cancellations.
There are no refunds given under any circumstances.
IQPC is not responsible for any loss or damage as a result of a
substitution, alteration or cancellation/postponement of an event.
IQPC shall assume no liability whatsoever in the event this
conference is cancelled, rescheduled or postponed due to a
fortuitous event, Act of God, unforeseen occurrence or any other
event that renders performance of this conference impracticable,
illegal or impossible. For purposes of this clause, a fortuitous event
shall include, but not be limited to: war, fire, labour strike, extreme
weather or other emergency.
Please note that speakers and topics were confirmed at the time
of publishing; however, circumstances beyond the control of the
organisers may necessitate substitutions, alterations or cancellations
of the speakers and/or topics. As such, IQPC reserves the right to
alter or modify the advertised speakers and/or topics if necessary.
Any substitutions or alterations will be updated on our web page as
soon as possible.
Please email our database manager at and inform
him/her of any incorrect details which will be amended accordingly.

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