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The Interviewer

(Fade in from black to show a close up of someone writing on a

recruitment form)
(Adam has a pen, a pad of paper, some official documents as
well as an ID badge)
(Adam picks up the ID badge from the desk and examines it)
(A message on a phone rings. A close up of the phone on the
table is shown)
(Adam puts the card down as he answers the call but puts it on
(Camera focuses on phone as Ryans voice is heard)
Ryan: Mr Logan, we have Josh Martin here in reception. Hes
here for his interview.
(Adam looks puzzled)
Adam: Sorry, who?
Ryan: Josh Martin.
(Adam continues to look puzzled. He puts the ID card away.)
Ryan: Should I send him in sir?
Adam: Yes very well. Send him in. Thanks Connor.
(Call is cut followed by a knock on the door)
Adam: Come in.
(Lee opens the door and walks in)
Adam: You must be Mr Martin. Is that correct?
Lee: Yeah.
Adam: Well, take a seat.
(Adam points to the only available seat as Lee sits down)
Adam: How are you today?
Lee: Im great. A bit nervous but thats to be expected. Isnt it?
(Adam nods slowly, smiling contently)

Adam: No need to be nervous.

Lee: Ok.
(Lee says slowly as he nods his head, his hand is shaking)
Adam: Right, my name is Andrew Logan. Im head of job
recruitment here within the company. So the first question I
always ask potential employees is why you want to have a
career in engineering.
Lee: Well, I guess, it started when I was 10 years old. That was
when I started to have a real fascination with engineering. I was
interested by how things fit together and work the way they do.
(Jotting down some notes, smiling)
Adam: Great answer. Next is why do you want to have a career
with our company?
Lee: Well, umm. I think its because of the career prospects and
all the benefits that you offer. You know, the travel, the skills
gained, and the pay isnt bad either. How much was the pay a
month again?
Adam: For the work youd be doing it would be estimated about
45,000 a year.
Lee: Right, cool.
Adam: And where do you see yourself in 5 years time?
Lee: Well I see myself progressing within your company,
providing electrical support to European countries.
Adam: Travel?
Lee: What?
Adam: Youve mentioned travelling twice?
Lee: Umm, yeah. Dont you specialise in engineering abroad?
Adam: Yes we do but this interview isnt for international work.
Youll be based here.
Lee: Here, what do you mean? Where?
(Adam picks up on Lees frustration)

Adam: Manchester, youll be based at the engineering college

on Cooper Road. Are you ok?
Lee: Yeah. Im fine, its just I assumed Id be working abroad.
Adam: Why would you assume that?
Lee: I dont know I just did.
Adam: Can I ask where you found this job advertised.
Lee: It was umm in the gazette last week.
Adam: What day?
Lee: I cant remember.
Adam: Well at least you get to be close to your friends and
(Lee murmurs)
Lee: I havent got any friends or family. Im sorry Andrew
(Lee stands up)
Lee: I apologise for wasting your time but Im really looking for
a job abroad. Im sorry.
(Lee starts to leave)
Adam: Hold your horses.
(Lee stops)
Adam: It just so happens that we do have a vacancy overseas
working as a structural engineer in Finland. Would that suit?
Lee: Yes, thats fantastic. Thank you.
Adam: Dont thank me yet, you havent got the job.
(Lee sits back down)
Adam: Ok, so to work as an engineer in a different country you
need to have a visa. Which we will help you fill out. You also
need to have a number of specific qualifications. Do you have
Lee: Yes, I have an A Level in Physics and an A Level in Maths.
As well as a foundation degree in engineering.

Adam: You went to Uni?

Lee: Yes. For a couple of years?
(Adam writes down information)
Adam: Well thats great. You certainly have the skills required to
take on a role as an engineer.
(Adam pauses before asking the next question)
Adam: Have you ever worked for this council before Josh?
Lee: No, Im new to the area.
Adam: And youve already registered with this council?
Lee: Yes, just this week.
Adam: Then why do you still have an old ID badge from
Stockton-On-Tees borough council in circulation.
(Adam pushes the card towards Lee)
Adam: However, the most crucial and bizarre point I have to
make is it is the same picture but a different name.
Lee: Ummm. What?
Adam: This is you isnt it?
Lee: Yes, its me. Like I said I registered a week ago, umm. But I
changed my name when I moved here. I wanted a fresh start.
You know, new name, new place and new opportunities.
(Adam does not believe what he is saying)
Adam: Listen Josh or whatever your name is. Im not overly
keen on people who lie to my face in the interview and trust me
when I say there have been a few who try. But they always get
found out.
Lee: Like I said, it was a misunderstanding.
Adam: Fair enough. Lets move on. Do you have a criminal
(Lee stutters)
Lee: What?

(Adam pushes the question)

Adam: Do you have a criminal record?
Lee: No. I dont.
Adam: You sure?
Lee: Why wouldnt I be?
(Adam smiles sarcastically)
Adam: Ohh, you failed the test for a second time within a
matter of seconds.
Lee: What?
(Lee starts to get annoyed)
Adam: Youre lying, youve got a criminal record. Youve been to
Lee: For crying out loud, no I havent.
(Lee starts to raise his voice)
Adam: Your employee assessment form suggests differently.
(Adam holds the form up to show Lee)
Lee: How dare you!
Adam: Its a standard procedure in this company.
Lee: Without informing me.
(Lee starts to get angry)
Lee: Ok. Yeah, fine. You got me. Ive been to prison, but that
was all in the past. Look I dont have to justify myself to you.
Im out of here. You can stuff your job.
Adam: What crime did you commit?
(Lee speaks as he heads to the door)
Lee: I dont have to explain myself to you.
Adam: Fine if youre not man enough to say it I will and you can
just nod when I come to the right one.
(Adam starts to list possible crimes)

Adam: Murder, rape, kidnapping, sexual assault, child sexual

Lee: Aggravated robbery.
(Lee says frustrated)
Adam: How long did you serve?
Lee: 5 years. It was a stupid thing to do, I realise but at the
time I had the debt collectors on my back chasing me for
missed payments on my University loans so I was desperate.
Adam: So, you robbed a convenience store.
(Lee nods his head)
Lee: I had no choice. Look Ive done my time. None of this crap
matters now.
Adam: You do realise a criminal record as serious as yours will
count against you for the job placement.
(Lee snickers)
Lee: You really think I still want the job now?
Adam: And dont you?
Lee: No! Youre of your head.
Adam: Then why are you still here?
(Silence for 5 seconds)
(Lee starts to leave)
Lee: All because of one mistake. One mistake.
Adam: Except it wasnt just one mistake was it because back in
2010 you robbed another convenience store and
embarrassingly, you were caught again and were sentenced to
a further 2 years in prison.
(Lee gets angry)
Lee: Well I guess theres nothing more to be said! Goodbye.
Adam: I wouldnt leave just yet.
Lee: What?

(Lee realises the truth as he looks around the room. Shots of all
the folders are shown)
(Lee tries to open the door but it has been locked)
Lee: Open this door.
Adam: You see I didnt realise who you actually were until you
were so persistent on working abroad and then I caught on.
Lee: Open the door now!
Adam: And then I realised your motive for wanting this job. Its
all coming together now. You still havent paid off youre
student loan debts which is why you were so interested in the
pay but the amount of money you racked up through interest
and all the rest of it, the yearly pay wouldnt be able to cover
the amount you own.
(Flashback of Adam looking at his bank documents from
Lee: Youve got it all wrong.
Adam: No I dont think I have. You see, with your past with the
two robberies you got caught. So Im thinking and hear me out,
you created two identities under two different councils, keeping
the old one as you moved to this area.
(Flashback of Adam looking at the ID card which Adam turns
over and the camera shows what he was looking at)
You knew that under your real name the criminal records would
be visible at the point of inspection but under the name Josh
Martin your crimes were able to go undetected for quite some
time. You hoped an overseas job could be guaranteed so that
the night you leave to work abroad you would, perhaps rob
another store? Take the money, go to Finland and never come
back again in. The police in this country would need to have all
sorts of jurisdictions in order to start an international manhunt
and that wouldnt be financially practical. You would have
gotten away with it.
(Lee smirks but is still uneasy)
Lee: You dont have any evidence of that crime.

Adam: Maybe not. But I have enough proof to charge you with
creating a fraudulent identity.
(Adam takes out some handcuffs)
(Adam locks Lee in the room)
(Adam makes a call on his phone)
Adam: Yeah, its DI Logan. I have the suspect restrained,
requesting back up.
(Voice through the phone)
Voice: On our way. Good job sir, we caught him.
(Phone call cuts)
(Adam smirks as the camera fades to black)

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