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Session No.:
Session Title: : Differentiated Instruction; Language Art
This session provides opportunity for CPs to create and plan activities with differentiated
instructions, process and goals for Language Arts; to select and adapt/adopt activities for
the three different levels: beginner, intermediate and advance by uisng module book 1 and
KSSR Year 1 textbook.
By the end of this session, CPs will be able to:
1. identify activities according to the levels: beginner, intermediate and
2. adapt activities for use with different levels.
120 minutes
Story book, picture cards, envelopes, incomplete booklets, pictures with
pages for story, sentence strips, word strips, star stickers.
Activity 1: Select and Identify [60 minutes]
Activity 2: Adapt and Modify [50 minutes]
Activity 3: Reflection [10 minutes]
Activity 1 Select and Identify

1. Model a language art lesson plan using differentiated instruction

2. Reflect on the components and the flow of the lesson plan. Make the
CPs aware of the language, art and the combination of them .
3. Discuss important aspects of an effective lesson art activity; creativity,
expression, safety etc
4. Suggest activities for different levels and ask CPs to reflect on the
instruction given for each level of proficiency:
Language Arts - beginner
Paste the correct words to the correct sentences and pictures to
complete the booklet.
Language Arts - intermediate
Paste the correct sentences to the pictures to complete the booklet.
Language Arts - Advanced
Paste the correct sentences to the pictures and sequence them to
complete the booklet.

5. Encourage CPs to give constructive feedback. Ask high-yield

questions; eg
a. How would you implement it in your classroom?
b. Would you rather the pupils cut their own cards?

1. We are going to study to touch on the sound /k/ of the Teachers


Activity 2

Module - focusing on Language Arts activities. We feel that the

activities designed for the unit need to cater for all levels and thus
more options should be discussed. Having our pupils in mind, we
have adapted the activities into two levels beginner and
intermediate. Lets go through the activities together....
2. So now you must have realised that activities in the module are
pitched at different levels, some easier than the others; some more
difficult. It is therefore important for you to be able to recognise
your pupils ability and adjust accordingly.
Adapt and Modify
1. Inform CPs that they have to explore the Teachers Module Book 1 and
identify activities for 3 different levels: beginner, intermediate and
2. Remind CPs that adaptation and modification is required when using
activities from the module.
- How would you adapt this activity? Why?
Its too difficult, so Ill make it simpler.
Its suitable for my pupils, so Ill just use it.


Activity 3


Its good for practice, but Ill have to make it a bit more challenging.
3. Ask CPs to adapt the selected activities accordingly.Remind CPs that
they should be aware of their pupils ability when adapting or modifying
the activities for use in remedial teaching.
4. Allow time for preparation.
5. Get CPs to present their work.
6. Invite comments from everyone in the group.
7. Trainer gives feedback.
What are your comments of these activities?
Is adaptation necessary?
Are you confident of adapting/modifying activities to meet your pupils
1. Distribute reflection grids to CPs.
2. Give them time to fill up the grids, giving feedback on what they have
learnt, what they are still doubtful/have questions, and what they would
like to learn more.
3. Encourage them to give constructive comments for improvement.
Well we have come to the end of this two-hour session. Fill in the grids
given to you. We will be responding to your comments and be given
back to you by tomorrow morning. You might find these prompts
- I have learnt ....
- I need further clarification on/in ....
- I would like to know more about ....
- I need help in ....

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