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Berlin Wall holds an important place in history. It was an offspring of cold war which separated
Germany for many years. Even after unification it took many years for Germany to accept it.


Separation between East and West Germany will fell in 1989.

History of Berlin Wall:

Formed after Second World War

Allied Powers divided Germany into four zones each occupied by USA France Soviet
Union and Japan as per the Potsdam Agreement.
Berlin which was the capital city also divided in four zones.
Relation between Soviet Union and other powers disintegrated during Cold War era.
West Germany by allies (USA France Soviet Union and Japan) was federal republic
whereas East Germany by Soviet Union was German Democratic Republic.

Overview of Capitalist and Socialist economy:

Capitalist economy is the one that is owned and operated for the purpose of profit
whereas in socialist economy emphasis on profit being distributed among the society or
workforce in addition to receiving a wage.
In Capitalist economy the accumulation of capital drives economic activity - the need to
continuously produce profits and reinvest this profit into the economy whereas in
Socialist economy economic activity and production especially are adjusted to meet
human needs and economic demands.

Formation of Berlin Wall:

On 1 April 1952, East German leaders met the Soviet leader Joseph Stalin in Moscow;
during the discussions Stalin's foreign minister Vyacheslav Molotov proposed that the
East Germans should introduce a system of passes for visits of West Berlin residents to
the territory of East Berlin.
Demarcation line was drawn between West Germany and East Germany termed as
German border.
On 11 December 1957, East Germany introduced a new passport law that reduced the
overall number of refugees leaving Eastern Germany.
On 1 August 1961 , it was Nikita Khrushchev from whom the initiative for the
construction of the wall came.
With the closing of the inner German border officially in 1952, the border in Berlin
remained considerably more accessible then because it was administered by all four
occupying powers.
Repressive living conditions in East Germany due to communist society resulting in mass
exodus of people in 1960s.
As a result Soviet Union tried to bring West Germany under its control. It even tried to
threaten USA on this issue but it was determined to defend West Germany.
On 13 August 1961 wall was erected late night when everyone was sleeping known as
Berlin Wall.

Berlin Wall: 13 August 1931

Aftereffects of Berlin Wall:

No longer could East Berliners cross the border for operas, plays, soccer games, etc. No
longer could the approximately 60,000 commuters head to West Berlin for well-paying
jobs. No longer could families, friends, and lovers cross the border to meet their loved
Wall was over 100 miles.
The houses contained between the fences were razed and the inhabitants relocated, thus
establishing what later became known as the Death Strip.
There were four versions of wall.:
Wire fence (1961)
Improved wire fence (19621965)
Concrete wall (19651975)
Grenzmauer 75 (Border Wall 75) (19751989)
Various checkpoints were made at the crossing of Berlin wall. Among them most famous
was checkpoint Charlie which was now a tourist destination.

Stalemate at Charlie Point

Checkpoint Charlie

Fall Of Berlin Wall:

As Communism began to falter in Poland Hungary Czechoslovakia in 1988 and 1989 new
exodus points opened to East Germans who wanted to flee
On Nov 9 1989 an official statement announced borders were open
People gathered to witness one of the most celebrated moment in history.
German State reunified on October 3 1990.

3. Images:
Name: Naina Agarwal

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