Anthropometry Reflection Paper

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Anthropometry Reflection

Anthropometry is used in many things and there are four types of anthropometry. During
the past few weeks, we have been studying anthropometry in our classes. In math, we used
biometrics to measure bones and use the measurements for creating something like a desk. I
learned that in order to create things, you have to measure the torso, leg, and arm length. In
science, we designed cabins on top of Mt. WCS in Google SketchUp. We used ergonomics to
make our cabin, and I learned that architecture and engineering could be difficult most times. In
global studies, we learned about wellness and nutrition. Furthermore, we learned that many kids
in other countries do not have enough food to
eat. I learned that a solution to the hunger and
starvation is Plumpynut. In literature class, we
read a story, Shakespeare in the Bush. The
story was about an anthropologist, studying
other cultures and I learned that many cultures
have different beliefs and different points-ofview than what we believe. These branches of
anthropometry are the key to make the optimal learning environment for sixth graders.
We were given four afternoons to work on our anthropometry projects. Our assignment
was to do a poster and model that is the optimal learning environment for sixth graders. In
addition, our poster had two floor plans, a floor plan in 2-D, and a floor plan in 3-D. Our model
was the model of the front of the classroom. We created interactive boards, awkwardly shaped
lab tables to experiment on, and much more. The major steps that my partner and I took were,
researching ideas what we can make and which room to pick, and buying the right items for our

poster and model. The last major step in our project was, planning what to say to the audience.
My partner and I decided to use the science room to make the optimal science room because
there are lots of space and flooring. The results of the project were unique and we were very
proud of what we accomplished.
To sum it up, anthropometry is what we used to solve the question, What is the optimal
learning environment for sixth graders? What I learned about doing this project was measuring
humans is important by knowing how to make things the right size for people to use. The easiest
part was to glue everything together onto the base of the model. The most difficult part was
doing scales to match the floor plans because we wanted some furniture to be different sizes. In
our project, we only had a few things of what we envisioned. In my opinion, the poster was the
neatest part of the project. The model was not what we envisioned, because all furniture was too
tight on the base, and it was too crowded. To sum it up, some things I would like to change to
make it better in the future is to have more space for the front of the room. One part of
anthropometry I would use in the future would be ergonomics because I love designing
everything from dresses to buildings.

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