Costa Rica

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Celine Khalife

English 6, period 3

Khalife 2
Costa Rica is a unique country in Central America because it has two coastlines, the
Caribbean and the Pacific. It is also bordered on the north by Nicaragua and on the south by
Panama. Costa Rica has about 4.872 million people. Its capital is San Jose. Three reasons to
include it on this list are the coffee exports, their soccer skills, and their amazing president, Laura
The first reason for selecting Costa Rica is their coffee exports. They have seven types of
coffee, Valle Central, Turrialba, Valle Occidental, Tres Rios, Brunca, Orosi, and Tarrazu. Valle
Central is the first coffee in Costa Rica and it is chocolaty, but if that is not good, valle
occidental has a good peach and apricot flavor. Orosi has a long bean with excellent quality, and
Turrialba is low with acid with a good size bean. Brunca has an early ripening, not too much
juice, and is perfect for everybody. This coffee caresses the palate with a memorable soft
and friendly finish.1 Costa Rica exports 25% of the U.S. coffee.2 There is a variety to choose
from for everybody who likes coffee, so this is the place for those people.
The second reason that this should be on the list is their soccer. Unlike all of the other
Central American countries who look to Mexico for soccer, Costa Rica looks to Brazil for
inspiration. They started playing in 1876.3 Their first team was in 1887.4 Costa Rica joined Fifa
in 1927 and they call their soccer league Liga Nacional de Fubol.5 The most ethnically diverse
country in Central America Said their coaches.6 This is important because if someone is a
soccer fan and he or she wants to move they could come and move to Costa Rica and have a

(Arnaiz, 2008)
(sports, 2002)

Khalife 3
This is the third reason that Costa Rica should be on the list and that is their president.
Costa Ricas president is Laura Chinchilla, she became president in 2010.7 She is from San Jose,
which is the capital of Costa Rica. Laura was vice president from 2006-2008.8 In 2002, she had a
4-year term in the Costa Rica Legislative Assembly.9 Laura Chinchilla Miranda (Twitter) is not
afraid to stand up for what she believes in, even if her beliefs go against the tide of popular
opinion.10 She is very important and this is because she is the first woman president of Costa
Rica and is very different from the president here.
In conclusion, this is why Costa Rica should be at the top of the global awareness list.
Costa Rica has all these different kinds of coffee to choose from. Soccer fans are going to have a
lot of fun cheering for Costa Rica next year in the world cup. Costa Ricas president is amazing
and works with her words, she is great and works really hard. Costa Rica will help people who
want to try new things and go to different places, but for the people who do go there; good luck,
and have a good time!


Khalife 4
(n.d.). Retrieved 11 7, 2014, from Tres Rios Valdivia Coffee:
Arnaiz, I. (2008). Costa rica Traveler. Retrieved 11 7, 2014, from Coffee in Costa Rica:
Costa Rica. (2012, May 16). Retrieved 11 8, 2014, from Costa Rica Soccer:
Encyclopedia of the Nations. (n.d.). Retrieved 11 7, 2014, from Costa Rica - Foreign trade:
news, C. R. (n.d.). the costa rica star. Retrieved 11 10, 2014, from Spotlight: Laura Chinchilla
Miranda, First Female President of Costa Rica:
sports, b. (2002). Retrieved 11 7, 2014, from Costa shocker for Scots:

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