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1)A government is the system by which a state or community is governed

2)Prime Minister of UK today is David Cameron

3) The Prime Minister appoints his cabinet and makes the final decisions on major
issues such as whether a referendum should be held.
4)Monarch can declare a war in uK.
5)Constitution Monarchy - a monarchy governed according to a constitution that
limits and defines the powers of the sovereign. Also called: limited monarchy.
6)The suveren of uk today is Elizabeth II.
7) Elizabeth II came to power in 6 February 1952.
8)Function of Suveren:
*to appoint the prime minister at the end of the election.
*to enact legislation;to give/her Royal Assent to bills when theyve been passed by both Houses.
*to declare war/make peace;
*to recognize foreign states and governments;
*to be the Commander-n-chief of the Armed Forces;
*to confer peerages,knightoods and other honours;

9) the real power belong to prime minister.

10)Parlament consist by House of Commons and House of Lords.
11) The house of Commons was elected.
12)house of Commans consist by (646) mp.
13)Rg right to sit in the house of lords has passed through the family from generation to
14)Session used to run for 12 months.
15?where is sit prime minister during the session?
18)what does the Shadow cabinet do in the house of Commans
19) the main political party in uk is Conservative and Unionist Party(303); Labour
Party(257); Liberal Democrats(57)
20)Leader of the leading party(Conservative and Unionist Party) David Cameron.
21)what do the letters BBC and IBA stand for?
22)The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
23)England(London); Scotland(Edinburgh);Wales(Cardiff);Nothern Ireland(Belfast)
24) It is surrounded by over 1,000 smaller islands.
25) People of britain call their flag The Union Jack.
26)The upright red cross is the cross of St.George.
The white diagonal cross(white arms going into the corners) is of St.Andrew,the
patron saint of Scotland.
The red diagonals cross is the cross of St.Patrick,the patro saint of.
27) distribution of population in uk is (England 84%,Scotland 8.3%,Wales 4.8%,
N.Ireland 2.9%.
28) total area of uk is 93,800 square miles (243,000 km2).

29)Flowers and flag are he simbols of uk(England-St.Georges cross/Rose; ScotlandThistle/St.Andrews cross; Wales-The red Dragon/leek and daffodil; Nothern IrelandSt.Patricks cross/shamrock)
30)the population of London is 8.2 milion.In Ireland it was the city with same population , and it
cols Tehran.
31)N.Ireland also named like Ulster.
32) The Commonwealth of Nations, commonly known as the Commonwealth (formerly
the British Commonwealth), is anintergovernmental organisation of 53 member states that
were mostly territories of the former British Empire. . It was formally constituted by the London
Declaration in 1949
33) The fourteen British Overseas Territories (BOT) are territories under the jurisdiction and
sovereignty of the United Kingdom; they do not, however, form part of it.[1][2] Instead, they are
those parts of the former British Empire that have not chosen independence or have voted to
remain British territories. While each has its own internal leadership, most being self-governing,
they share the British monarch (Elizabeth II) ashead of state.
34)Britan climat +

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