An Easy Decision: Community Member Calls For Change in Lorian Leadership

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The Lorian

March 5, 2015


calls for change
in Lorian

photo courtesy of Jim Naprstek/

Senior Steven DeWitt gets crowned champion of the 157-pound division in Saturdays NCAA Central Region Qualifier Meet
at the Five Flags Center after a 5-2 decision over Wartburgs Drew Waggenhoffer. DeWitt was named Most Outstanding
Wrestler of the Tournament.

An easy decision
DeWitt named Most
Outstanding Wrestler at
NCAA Central Region Qualifier

over Dubuques Stephen Rosenburg and

Coes Luke Kremer in the first two rounds
of the 141-pound bracket, Steger suffered
his first defeat of the season, surrendering
a pin fall to Buena Vistas Nashid Barrow
halfway through the third period of their
semifinal bout.
I got pretty mad at myself, said Steger. The whole tournament kind of went
up in flames.
If Steger was mad at himself, he took it
out on his opponents in the wrestlebacks,
pinning Rosenburg and Wartburgs Kaz
Onoo to grab third place and a trip to Nationals.
Sophomore Greg Vance came within
heartbeats of joining DeWitt and Steger on
their trip to Pennsylvania. The 165-pound
Dubuque Wahlert product was a pinning
machine on Saturday, scoring 1st period
falls in each of his four victories. Vance
was knocked to the consolation bracket
by eventual first-place finisher Andrew
Steiert of Wartburg in the quarterfinal
round, and lost an overtime heart-breaker
to Luthers Blake Letney in the third-place
match, falling just short of qualifying for

the NCAA Championships.

133lb. first-year Michael Triplett also
came up short in his third-place match,
losing a 10-2 major decision to Nathan
Shank of Cornell.
by Drew Brashaw | asst. sports editor
More noteworthy than Tripletts perJunior Nick Steger and senior Steven
formance in his final match are the cirDeWitt are headed to Hershey, PA, for the
cumstances which brought him there.
NCAA Championships next Friday. They
After advancing to the semifinals with a
came very close to having company.
hiccup-quick pin fall victory over UniverWhile Stegers and DeWitts success
sity of the Ozarks Trevor Lister, and a 4-3
shouldnt come as a surprise to anyone
decision over Centrals Aaron Anderson,
whos followed Duhawk wrestling this
Triplett was bounced from the champiseason, the NCAA Central Region qualifyonship bracket by eventual winner Coning tournament hosted by Loras at the
nor Campo of Wartburg. Trailing 14-2 in
Dubuque Five Flags Center on Saturday
the third period of his first wrestleback,
featured its share of unexpected exciteTriplett tossed Coes Brady Ruden with
an underhook and stuck him for the imFor DeWitt, Saturday unfolded preciseprobable comeback victory.
ly as planned.
I thought to myself, keep calm and
The 5th-ranked senior steamrolled his
fight back, and you can win the match,
way through the 157-pound bracket and
said Triplett. The third period came, and
punched his ticket to Nationals as a Rethats what happened. I kept calm and I
gional Champion. After receiving a firstfought back, and I ended up on top.
round bye, DeWitt started his day with a
Junior Malcolm Watson at 197 pounds
12-4 major decision over Cornells Aaron
and sophomore Evan Weaver at 149
Engle in the quarterfinal round. In the
pounds each finished in fifth place.
semifinals, DeWitt defeated
We had seven guys
Reed VanAnrooy of Luther,
at the end of the
NCAA Central Region Qualifier results
the eventual third-place
day, and I was pleased with
qualifier. DeWitt staved
that, said Steward. I think
(Top-3 wrestlers qualify)
165 Results
off VanAnrooys takedown 125 Results
weve got some good mojo
1st place match: Andrew Steiert (Wartattempt in the waning mo- 1st place match: Jake Agnitsch (Wartburg) over Farai Sewera (Coe) (SV-2 5-3).
going on, and I think the
3rd place match: Blake Letney (Luther)
ments of the 3rd period to burg) over Daniel Page (Central) (Dec
future bodes well.
over Greg Vance (Loras) (TB-1 2-1). 5th
secure the 3-2 decision and 3-2). 3rd place match: Jan Rosenburg
While the rest of the
place match: Michael Maksimovic
silence the otherwise rau- (Coe) over Jimmy Panozzo (Augustana)
(Cornell) over Manuel Mendoza (Dubuque) team may begin looking
(Fall 2:48). 5th place match: Scott Smith
cous contingent of Norse (Cornell) over Joey Cisneros (Dubuque)
to the future, the focus refans in attendance.
(Dec 2-1).
174 Results
mains squarely on the presThe final round in the 133 Results
1st place match: Brent Hamm (Cornell)
ent for DeWitt and Steger.
157-pound bracket featured 1st place match: Connor Campo (Wartover Brandon Welter (Wartburg) (Dec 3-2).
For both of them, their
3rd place match: Ryan Harrington (Coe)
a rematch from just two burg) over Evan Obert (Luther) (Dec 11-4).
goal ever since they came
place match: Nathan Shank (Corover Justin Kreiter (Luther) (Dec 6-2). 5th
weeks earlier, as DeWitt 3rd
nell) over Michael Triplett (Loras) (MD
place match: Elton Turnage (Dubuque)
to Loras has been to win it,
squared off against Wart- 10-2). 5th place match: Brady Ruden
over Jordan Richardson (Augustana)
so Im not going to be shy
burgs Drew Waggenhoffer (Coe) over Brendan Gould (Augustana)
about saying it, Steward
in the championship bout.
184 Results
said. Thats why theyre
Just like at the dual meet on
1st place match: Devin Peterson
doing this.
Friday the 13th, the match- 1st place match: Drew Van Anrooy
(Wartburg) over Ryan Sheldon (Coe) (Dec
(Luther) over Nashid Barrow (Buena
To accomplish my goal,
4-0). 3rd place match: Jayden DeVilbiss
up ended with DeWitts Vista) (Dec 8-5). 3rd place match: Nick
(Luther) over Thomas Reyhons (AugustaI have to come back to the
hand being raised. His 5-2 Steger (Loras) over Kaz Onoo (Wartburg)
na) (Fall 1:45). 5th place match: Zach
practice room with a new
decision capped a perfor- (Fall 3:24). 5th place match: Stephen
Moss (Central) over Awais Arain (Loras)
mindset, Said DeWitt. I
mance that earned DeWitt Rosenburg (Dubuque) over Jared Brathor
(Dec 8-2).
(Cornell) (Dec 8-4).
had some good wins, but
outstanding wrestler of the
197 Results
these arent the All-Ameritournament honors, a dis- 149 Results
1st place match: Gerard Roman (Wart1st place match: Kenneth Martin (Wartcans Im going to be facing
tinction his coach considers burg) over Dakota Gray (Luther) (Fall
burg) over Matt Seabold (Central) (Dec
(at Nationals).
an understatement.
1:01). 3rd place match: Trevor Engle
(Coe) over Aburough Abegesah (Cornell)
Steger will look to use his
I think hes the most (Cornell) over Jonathan Melton (Simp(Dec 10-3). 5th place match: Malcolm
first loss of the year as motioutstanding wrestler in the son) (SV-1 6-4). 5th place match: Evan
Watson (Loras) over Christos Giatras
Weaver (Loras) over Josh Donkle (Coe)
vation for Nationals.
country, said Duhawks (Dec 11-6).
(Augustana) (Dec 12-6).
Im going to work a lot
head coach Randy Steward 157 Results
285 Results
harder this week, Steger
following the award presen- 1st place match: Steven DeWitt (Loras)
1st place match: Benjamin Nagle (Wartsaid. Im going to run that
burg) over Jack Seaman (Augustana) (Dec
over Drew Wagenhoffer (Wartburg) (Dec
7-2). 3rd place match: Conner Herman
much harder, lift that much
For Steger, the road to 5-2). 3rd place match: Reed Van Anrooy
(Luther) over Creighton Fox (Coe) (Fall
more weight. Hopefully it
Hershey took an unexpect- (Luther) over Aaron Engle (Cornell) 18-19,
(Dec 8-1). 5th place match: Brian Travis
4:51). 5th place match: Dan Howell
all pays off at the end.
ed detour.
(Dubuque) over Seth Shatto (Buena Vista)
(Dubuque) over Jay Pike (Central) (Dec
After earning decisions (Dec 8-5).

Editors note: On Feb. 26, 2015,

the Lorian ran an editorial titled 8
things I learned as a sportswriter. The
following is a response to that editorial.
To read the Feb. 26 issue and many
others, visit
Someone needs to say something. I
guess that someone is me.
While Ive never written for the
paper myself, Ive always been a loyal
reader of the Lorian. Colin and Mary
have done an outstanding job over the
past three years, as did Nick Joos and
others before them. That being said,
theres been a cancer growing over the
past two years a cancer whose selfentitled narcissism has been ruining
this paper. Im talking, of course, about
your so-called sports editor.
Last week, he wrote an editorial titled
8 things I learned as a sportswriter.
Jesus Christ ... where do I start?
How about the hypocrisy? This
comes from the guy whos constantly
bitching about the laziness of Buzzfeed
listicles, but what, its OK when
HES the one writing them? The only
difference between this guy and a
Buzzfeed contributor is his superiority
complex. Hes as lazy and incompetent
as everyone else on that site. Hes just
too delusional to realize it.
Secondly, who the hell does he think
he is? John Clayton!? Hes been a
sportswriter for all of five minutes and
suddenly hes handing down life lessons
like some mountain-dwelling yogi? The
arrogance of this guy!
I swear arrogance oughta be
his middle name. I bet he thinks hes
SOOO interesting. Oh, you have a
blog, do you? You write for a big fancy
newspaper?? Oooh, look at me, I have
a part-time job!
Get over yourself.
Typical writer, am I right?
Completely obsessed with perpetuating
his own self-importance. What kind
of person has a blog, anyway? Think
of the narcissism behind that decision
to just start posting things online,
assuming people will read them. I bet
he just sits there, staring at the screen,
letting each new page view feed his
already over-blown ego. Its sad how
he defines his self-worth through the
approval of others. What a loser.
And has he written anything
insightful lately? Not even close! His
recent articles essentially amount to
insane, profanity-laced diatribes about
nothing. All he does is hate on things.
Whats that? The majority of people
like something? Well we cant have
that! Let me spend the next 750 words
making abortion jokes and swearing in
The fact of the matter is this guy
needs to go. Hes been given too much
freedom. Hes been given too much
influence. He was probably hugged too
much as a child. Are we really going to
let the guy who walks around wearing
polos in a shallow attempt to distract
women from his lack of personality
write for our paper!? This is our
college. Its time to make a stand. The
people have spoken.
~ Ryan Graham
community member

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