Alternate Ending - The Bet

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The bet an alternate ending

The banker stood in front of the door, continuously reminding himself why he
was there. I have no money! he thought, I have no choice but to take his
life or it will be mine that is taken. He began angrily muttering to himself,
not realising that his voice had become audible.
Five more minutes had passed, but the banker lost track of time. Suddenly,
footsteps could be heard echoing through the dark and empty halls, which
took the banker by surprise. It was the watchman.
Is anyone there? The watchman screamed as he reached the end of the
passage. No one could be seen as the banker had hidden in one of the coat
closets built into the wall. After a few minutes of inspection, the watchman,
graveled and worried, decided to wake the prisoner.
No, I havent seen anyone. The lawyer said without even so much as
turning his head as he sat motionless in his chair. The watchman concluded
that the mysterious black shadow-figure he saw entering the lodge, was just
his imagination, and he decided to return to his booth.
The banker sighed in relief. He decided to wait for the lawyer to fall asleep
again so he can abscond. Thirty minutes passed by, and just as he was
about to get out of the closet, the lawyer began talking. I know youre
there, he said. The sound of his voice made the bankers skin prickle with
I can hear you. The lawyer continued as the banker attempted to regain
control of his breathing. The lawyer was so used to the silence, that he would
have even noticed a mouse if it ran across the floors beneath the lodge. I
was expecting this. I had much time to think about you, about the kind of
person you are. Youre predictable. Youre materialistic; all you care for is
money and yourself. You speak of what is and isnt moral, you say that
imprisonment for life is worse than the death penalty, yet youre here, about
to kill me, after youve watched me slowly dying for the past fifteen years.
Well, thats not going to happen. At this point, the lawyer had gotten out of
his chair and was leaning against the door, revealing his pallid complexion.
The bankers stood still in the closet, debating whether he should get out, or
remain silent and trick the lawyer into believing that no one is there.
However, the lawyer continued zealously speaking his mind, and the banker

could tell that he had prepared for this moment. All you want is to keep your
money, and you will go as far as killing a man after he has gone through hell
to do so. Well tomorrow, I will win the bet and claim my prize, and it will ruin
you, because I know that in the past couple of years, youve lost everything,
and are in great debt. The watchman tells me that you ask people about me,
because youre too afraid to look at me through the window yourself, and
What? The banker finally revealed himself and spoke. Thats right, youre
a coward! replied the lawyer, then, there was a silence. After a few minutes,
the banker collapsed and began crying loudly. Get up you fool! shouted the
lawyer. However, the banker was not crying of anger, but of relief. You call
me a fool, but it is not me who unknowingly lost the bet!
The lawyer was shocked. What are you talking about? The banker took a
few minutes to regain his posture, and began speaking. Fifteen years ago,
as we discussed the conditions of this bet, it was decided that you shall not
see a human being, nor hear the voice of one, but you just admitted to doing
both! The lawyer was staggered. He couldnt believe it. After fifteen years in
solitary confinement, doing nothing but imagining his life with the two million
he was promised, it was all for nothing.
Do not worry, said the banker in an arrogant tone, for the time you have
spent here was not a complete waste of time. Erudition and wisdom will take
you far in your lifetime, and
Suddenly, the watchman came running down the hallway. I knew that
someone was here! He shouted, but then froze in shock realizing that it was
the banker. Have you been talking to this man? asked the banker,
confidently. The watchman glanced at the lawyer who was shaking his head.
Not a word. He replied. The bankers eyes opened widely and his heartbeat
trebled. Do not lie to me, I am your boss!
The watchman, who has grew to like the lawyer after the countless
conversations they had, thought about what to say. He knew that the banker
was now poor, and could not continue to pay him in a few more weeks, and
therefore, he decided to help the lawyer. I am not lying sir. The prisoner
could be seen through the window of his room, holding back a grin.
The lawyer has already told me that you have been talking to him and
the lawyer interrupted him: I said no such thing! The banker realized that
he had no evidence of the lawyer breaking any rule, and he fell to the

The hospital was called immediately, but by the time the ambulance had
arrived, the banker had already died of a heart attack. The lawyer had won
the bet, but since the banker had very little money, it was decided that all of
his belongings would go to the lawyer.

-Samar El-Houssami

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