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Launching Place Primary School

Issue 13

Thursday 14th May 2015

International Day of Families

Friday May 15th
The International Day of Families is an occasion to celebrate the importance of families to people, societies
and cultures around the world. The symbol of the International Day of Families consists of a solid green circle
with an image in red. The image consists of elements of simple drawings of a heart and a house. This indicates
that families are the center of society and provide a stable and supporting home for people of all ages
The International Day of Families has inspired a series of awareness-raising events, including
national family days. In many countries, that day provides an opportunity to highlight
different areas of interest and importance to families. Activities include workshops and conferences, radio
and television programmes, newspaper articles and cultural programmes highlighting relevant themes.
Please make sure that you take the time to celebrate this important day with your family. For more
information please go to:

Family Homework Challenge

At LPPS we are committed to building connections between home, school and the community. In an effort to celebrate:
who we are, where we come from and how we fit together, we are setting a family homework challenge. This family
homework challenge is optional but we encourage families to take the time to create the homework together.
Your task is to create an A4 or A3 collage or poster about your family. (Paper available from the classroom teacher). This
may include your family heritage and culture, hobbies, favourite things and any other special things that you would like
to share and celebrate with the school community.
The homework pieces will be displayed around the school, with some chosen (with permission), to be displayed on our
website. Please feel free to be creative: use your computer, add photos, drawings,
paintings or writing.
We ask that the homework project is completed by 29th May. Please return to
school by this date.

Student Absent Hot Line Number 5964 7783

Aerobic Comp Geelong
Grandparents Day
Open Night
Grades 3-6 Cross Country
School Council 7pm
Curriculum Day
(No Students required)
Grade 3-6
Sports Expo

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Walk Safely to School Day

Walk Safely to School Day (WSTSD) is an annual, national event where all Primary School children are encouraged to walk and commute
safely to school. It is a Community Event seeking to promote Road Safety, Health, Public Transport and the Environment.

Walk Safely to School Day will be held throughout Australia on Friday 22 May 2015.
The objectives of WSTSD are:

To encourage parents and carers to walk to school with primary school age children and reinforce safe pedestrian behaviour.
To promote the health benefits of walking and help create regular walking habits at an early age.
To ensure that children up to 10 years old hold an adult's hand when crossing the road.
To help children develop the vital road-crossing skills they will need as they become mature pedestrians.
To reduce the car dependency habits that are being created at an early age and which will be difficult to change as children become adults.
To reduce the level of air pollution created by motor vehicles.
To reduce the level of traffic congestion.
It would be great to see as many people as possible taking part in this day.

Our aerobics teams have once again been practicing and refining their routines in readiness for next Saturdays competition. Good luck to
our teams as they head off to Geelong on Saturday and a special thank you to Miss Nyman, Mrs Kemp and Miss Mackie for their brilliant
efforts. Their drive and enthusiasm is unsurpassed! Special mention must also go to the parents who help out with such things as hair,
transportation and costumes. Your help contributes in such a huge way to make our aerobics program the great success that it is.

Mothers Day
Special thanks go out to our hardworking Parents and Friends team who
worked tirelessly to source some great gifts for the Mother's Day stall. There was
a hive of activity last Friday. The children enthusiastically chose a special gift for
mums and grandmas.
We hope that the day was made special for all our wonderful Launching Place
mums and grandmothers.
Launching Place Primary School Carter Street Launching Place 3139 Telephone 5964 7783 Fax 5964 6171 Email

ABN 96 199 518 803

Page 3

Parents and Friends

Other events in discussions include the Disco, a Bus Shopping tour, Fathers Day and Raffles. If you have any
ideas & would like to come to a friendly meeting, please join us on Monday 18th May after assembly, venue
to be confirmed.

Cienna G

1/2 B

Fergus S

1/2 K

P & F team.

Jace S B

1/2 K

Cooper O

3/4 B

Taya H

3/4 K

Kasie P

3/4 K

Chelsea S

3/4 S

Ruby R-B

3/4 S

Alyssa H

5/6 F

Tony M

5/6 F


Erica C

5/6 L


Angus H

5/6 L

Canteen is pleased to welcome BBQ Snaps (similar to a grain wave) yet much yummier, at a introductory
price of $1.00; and they are gluten free as well. Parents if you would like to read the ingredient list please
see myself on Thursday mornings.
We have Cheesey Rice Wheel, Spc Apple Jelly, Two Fruits Tubs at 50 each.
Please note Cheese twistems and BBQ Lone Stars will be no longer available and removed from the


Larissa F, Gillian S, Jo R, Sue C

Fiona T, Maryann E, Jodie D, Rebecca C


Jaimie C, Gillian S, Meagan O, Kylie K

Larissa F, Paul T, Janine K, Fang (Maggie) L
Jodie S, Bianca D, Maryann E, Sheona B
Kelly W, Jo R, Bec A, Barb F

Orders are to be written on a brown paper bag with your childs name and grade at the top and items
ordered with prices; correct money is appreciated. If you dont have paper bags at home there will be a
cost of 10c per bag. Please dont staple or put sticky tape on lunch order bags.

Please Note: That other advertisements and publications published in this newsletter do not imply school or Department of Education and
Early Childhood Development endorsement.

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All money sent from home please put in an envelope clearly labelled- Name, amount, class and what you
are paying for.
A black case containing 15 games for a DS; please return to school office.
With the weather starting to cool down, we are needing to keep warm. If your child/ren are wearing jumpers or jackets
please put their name visible on the inside. If they get lost they can be returned. If you could check your child/rens jumpers,
etc, just in case they may have picked someone elses up by mistake. If that has happened could you please return them to
the school office so they can find their way back to the rightful owner.
Country Fair

Our Twilight Country Fair is confirmed for Friday 23rd October from 4-8pm. We are hoping for a HUGE success. If anyone has
business links for sponsorship or donations or any market stall holders could you please contact the office with the details. We need
all the help we can get so please come along to our next meeting on a new dateThursday 28th May in GP room.

Poster Competition for

Primary Schools
Design a poster to promote this event on the weekend of June 20 & 21

One entry per child & on the back please include : Name, Grade & School
Use either portrait or landscape format & use any medium that can be laminated
Prizes will be given for each grade level from combined WHYLD schools
First prize: a family pass to the luncheon at Rayners Peach Caf on Saturday 20th
Second prize: an A4 framed family photo taken at fireworks event on Sunday 21
Third prize: a souvenir cup
Please leave labelled entries at your school office, by Monday 18 May

What is Winter Warming about?

Winter Warming is an event for locals to venture out in the heart of
winter, enjoy some community spirit and celebrate the winter
solstice. On Saturday Rayners Peach Caf will host a luncheon for
families to come along and share a hearty meal, along with guest
speakers, games and activities. On Sunday all WHYLD residents are
invited to the free event at Wickhams Road Reserve where there
will be old fashioned games, sausage sizzle, roast chestnuts, hot
drinks, toasted marshmallows, a bonfire to keep warm, followed by
a spectacular fireworks display.

For further information please contact Meryl: 0458594606

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Learn to play the Violin at LPPS

Contact Sally Banks
Phone: 0422 266 598 or

If you book a job within 1

month of receiving a
quote from Nelson
Asphalting and you
mention LPPS school
newsletter, we will donate
2.5% of invoice price to
the school.

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Please see School Office for entry forms

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