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Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill is revered as the greatest prime

minister Great Britain ever had, and he is considered by many to be the best war
leader there ever was. He was born on November 20, 1874, to Lord Randolph
Churchill and Jeannie Jerome. His childhood was spent in Dublin, Ireland, where
Winstons father worked for his grandfather. When Winston went to school, he did
quite poorly because he was rebellious and independent. In 1888, he enrolled in
Harrow School, which led him to become part of Harrow Rifle Corps. This would set
him on a path for a storied career in government. Three of the strongest character
traits Winston Churchill embodied are wisdom, grit, and perseverance.
The first character trait Winston Churchill showed was wisdom. During World
War II, Winston Churchill knew Great Britain had to ally with the other super powers
in the world to beat the Germans. After Germany attacked Russia, and Japan
bombed Pearl Harbor, Churchill worked closely with Joseph Stalin and Franklin D.
Roosevelt, the leaders of those respective nations. In meetings in Tehran, Yalta, and
Potsdam, Churchill, Stalin, and Roosevelt forged the war strategy for the Allies. They
also laid the foundation for the life after the war, which led to the creation of the
United Nations. This bond with the United States and Russia led to the defeat of the
Axis Powers of Germany, Japan, and Italy. Wise people are able to use their
intelligence and experience to make good decisions, and Winston Churchill showed
he was wise when he managed to create this bond.
Another character trait Winston Churchill had was grit. In 1899, Churchill
worked for the newspaper the Morning Post as a war correspondent for the Boer
War. When he was reporting for the newspaper, he got captured by the Boers and
sent to a prison camp in South Africa. However, Churchill managed to escape 300
miles to safe Mozambique. Even though his story made him a minor national hero,

he did not return to London after his escape. He rejoined the British army in the
fight to capture Pretoria. After the British won the war, he returned to London and
recounted his daunting escape in the book London to Ladysmith via Pretoria. Grit is
the determination and resolve to never abandon hope, and Winston Churchill
showed he had grit when he escaped prison camp.
The last great character trait Winston Churchill showed was perseverance. In
the middle of World War I, Winston Churchill was already a force in government,
being the First Lord of Admiralty. A risky strategist, Churchill wanted to neutralize
the Ottoman Empire by attacking the Gallipoli peninsula and capturing it. His idea
had already been in government for a while, and everybody agreed to the plan.
Churchill originally wanted a naval battle, which was carried out on February 17,
1915. The attack started out good, but bad weather and reinforcements sent by the
Ottomans forced the Allies to retreat. Churchill then campaigned for a land invasion
of Gallipoli, and that battle was carried out on April 24. Since the Ottomans had a
month to prepare and send reinforcements, the battle was a terrible failure for the
Allies. Winston Churchill took the blame and resigned from office. He then joined
the front lines of the war in France. Perseverance is the steadiness and hard work
that pulls you through hardships, and Winston Churchill had to have this, because
he managed to become a great man even though he fell out of favor with his own
To sum it up, Winston Churchill is one of the most influential leaders to ever
lay foot in this world because of his three character traits: wisdom, grit, and
perseverance. Churchill and his character traits matter because if he did not have
those character traits, would the Allies have won the war? Would we still be in the
land of the free? Nevertheless, Churchill had those character traits, and they have

impacted the world in so many ways that if he was never born, the world may not
look the same.

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