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The Question that got

Her Home

A young girl walking to school falls in to a sink hole in the sidewalk and when she falls into it she sees a
completely different world.

LA Times
Girl in China falls into sinkhole while talking on cellphone
April 24, 2012|By Deborah Netburn | This story has been updated. See note below for details.

Call it the sinkhole tumble heard around the Web.

A teenage girl in north China was walking down the sidewalk while talking on her cellphone when she fell -suddenly and without warning -- into a sinkhole 20 feet deep.
The fall was captured by security cameras stationed near the sinkhole, and video of the girl falling through the
sidewalk has been making its way around the Internet.
Academic studies have shown that pedestrians are less aware of their environment and more prone to engaging
in unsafe behaviors when they are talking on a cellphone. According to various media outlets, there may have
been caution blocks on the street that the girl failed to see, although in this video we see no orange cones or
yellow security tape blocking off the area around the sinkhole, which opened up under her feet.
The good news: The girl was OK, even if she was shaken up.
Wang Wei, a taxi driver who saw the girl fall, jumped out of his cab to climb into the pit to help the
He told the Telegraph that when he first called out to the girl she didn't respond, but after he shook
her a bit she came to.
He also said she was shaking and couldn't stop crying.
We're glad the girl is physically OK, but we can imagine her ego has taken a bruising.
Updated at 12:23 p.m. April 24 2012

Routine is how I explained my life. Every day

the same exact thing happened. Until one day,
something changed. Like most of my days, I would
get up and go to school but this day seemed
different. Everything seemed normal, like every day I
would walk to school and see the different cars pass
by, see people getting the mail, but I unexpectedly
fell. This was no ordinary fall, it was a deep fall, and then I realized I had fallen into a
sinkhole. I rembered reading about these in science class and how common sinkholes
were in Florida. I cried for help and then remembered the decision I always had made to
take the shortcut through the forest. I had always chosen to go through the forest
because the way it looked. The forest was whimsical and reminded me of movies I
used to watch when I was younger. I realized then I was doomed and had no hope of
gettinf of this hole.
The sinkhole got deeper and deeper until I was falling in mid-air. When I was
falling I felt like the atmosphere was closing in on me and I felt trapped. Then I felt
myself touch ground. I thought for aminute, was this hope? Had I Sierra Porter, found
hope? I decided to get up and see what had happened during the time I had left. It was,
The mysterious place I had landed in looked, peaceful. I had landed in a field of
flowers, the sky was the perfect shade of blue, and there was a beautiful city in the
distance with thousands of blimps, flying right above the city. The flowers were all
different colors like, amber, lilac, fuchsia, and yellow. When I was looking around, I saw
girl in the distance. She was tall; she had a long braid and had blue eyes. She looked
like she was around my age and was wearing black leggings a flannel shirt and some
black combat boots. This is what I usually saw some of the girls wearing at my school,
she looked she was like an outsider to this place.
She yelled, Hey!
I yelled back, Hey!
What are you doing here? she asked.
I dont know, I responded.
I started to walk her way.
Do you know where you are? she asked.

Who are you? the girl asked.

Im Sierra Porter.
Who are you? I asked.
Im Jasmine, and this place where you land in is Atheria.
Do you know how I got here? I asked.
No, but I know people who do.
Where did you come from? she asked.
We started walking are way to the city.
After I said that, there was awkward silence. We walked about 4 miles but only
felt like we had walked a block. I noticed the city was filled with little mountains, they
were like little baby mountains moved by a small force of tectonic plates. We stopped at
a small house. The house was small and yellow, with an oval door. When we went in to
the peculiar house, it smelled like the ocean and the main color of the house inside was
Are you ready? she asked.
For what? I asked.
To get you back home.
Why so quick? I asked.
Because why?
Because if you stay longer than 15 hours you will be forced to stay here by the King
But how did I get here, why were you standing there when I first got here?
Those questions can be answered when we get to the king.
Where going to have to take the blimps to the palace to get there in time.

We walked to the blimp station and boarded a blimp. On the blimp ride there, I
was filled with confusion. I had so many questions to ask. I was the kind of person that
would always make mental notes to myself. Therefore, I decided to make a list of what I
would ask. I had finished with 24 questions when we arrived.
The palace was huge, modern, and red. It seemed like the whole palace was red.
Jasmine pressed a button on the door and requested to see the king. We got in fairly
quick and entered through the triangular doors.
This is King Alexanders palace, said Jasmine.
So how did you get down here? I asked while we were walking down the hallway.
The same way you did.
Oh, so why were you there when I fell in too Atheria?
Before Jasmine could answers, we had walked all the way too what seemed like the
kings layer.
Um.. King Alexander, said Jasmine.
He did not respond.
King Alexander.
Yes, said King Alexander
He took his eyes off his book.
This is Sierra Porter; she came here from the portal.
I see, said the king
Why do you need me, said the king.
We need to get her back before the 15 hours is up.
Yes but I do guess that Sierra has some questions for me.
Ummyes sir, I do have questions, I said.
Before you ask me a question I have some rules before you ask.
Like what, I said.
You can only ask me 1 question and it must be a wise question, if the question you ask
is not wise you must stay in Atheria, said the King.

I thought for a moment what was the wisest question I could ask?. Would it be
not even asking a question?
How did I get here?
You got here by the sinkhole you have come here to learn a lesson.
Before I could ask what lesson, I was supposed to be taught, I woken from a deep sleep
and was in my bed.

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