ME6310 Final ExamSpring2015

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AE/ME 6310 5-7-15 FINAL EXAM Name:(last, first)_____________________________________

Circle one AE 6310


Solution is due 11:00 am May 14, 2015, room 311WH

Student ID number ____________________________

ABC = last three digits of your student ID

ABC = ____________________

1. Find the pressure q that causes yielding to occur the simply supported thin annular plate. The inner edge is
free. The ring is to be made of A36 Structural Steel.

Outer radius a = sqrt(ABC) inches (round to 3 digits) _______________
Inner radius b = sqrt(a)__________________ Thickness t = b/10 ___________________.
Solve this problem with two different FEM models and with a tabulated Theoretical solution. Compare the
results. Document your work completely. Show the mesh, loadings, boundary conditions, and material
properties used. Give the source of your theoretical solution. Summarize on the sheet provided.
2. Use a Newton Method to solve the stiffening spring problem described on
slides 19-20 in the Mavspace Nonlinear Probs B Slides 11 & 12 but let P =
0.1*SQRT(NN), where NN = the last two nonzero digits of your student ID
number. (For 809 use 89) Plot the load-deflection curve similar to that shown on
slide 12.
Provide good illustrations. Highlight your major results so they can be found
easily. You will loose credit if any the above are not observed. You will be graded
on the accuracy of your solution and how effective you are in convincing the
reader that your results are correct.
Remember to document your work correctly. Some other engineer should be able
to pick up your report and duplicate the work exactly without having to discuss it
with you. You will loose credit if this is not the case. However, also remember extra credit is NOT given for
extra BULK. Print only important results.
Your solution must not exceed 10 pages.
Since all problems are different, you may discuss the problem solution methods.

3. Solve the nonlinear cantilever beam problem described in WBTutorial-14-Ch10.pdf pages 3-10except use a force P = 10*N where N = the last nonzero digits of your student ID number. You only
need submit the equivalent of pages 9 and 10.
4. Solve the thermal stress problem described in WBTutorial-Ch7-1.pdf pages 35-49 to find the
maximum von Mises stress except use a Pressure = 10*NN where NN = the last two nonzero digits of
your student ID number. (For 809 use89). Use the method described on page 48.You only need submit
the equivalent of pages 45 and 47.

AE-ME 6310 Take-Home Final SUMMARY SHEET

Last Name, First Name ___________________________________________________
Problem 1
FEM Method 1

FEM Method 1


(a) Pressure that causes yielding




(b) Maximum von Mises Stress




(c) Maximum vertical displacement ______________



Problem 2
Maximum Deflection ________________________________
Problem 3
Maximum Deflection ________________________________
Problem 4
Maximum Stress ________________________________

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