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Type: Journal Article, Comparative Study

The zinc, an important enzymatic cofactor, is involved in many
metabolic processes. Its deficiency might be due either
to malabsorption or to excessive utilization. In the medical
literature of the latest 10 years, zinc was considered to play a part
in the immune processes. The authors of the present paper intend
to study the zinc and immunoglobulin levels in various diseases,
i.e., chronic progressivehepatitis, liver
cirrhosis (LC), dermatitis, bronchial asthma. This preliminary
investigation was carried out in 30 patients with LC in whom
serum zinc values were assayed by atomic absorption
spectrophotometry and the immunoglobulin levels were
determined using the Mancini type simple radial immunodiffusion
technique. All these patients presented considerable decrease of
serum zinc concentration, the values ranging between 3.06 and
7.65 mumol/l as compared with 19.8 +/- 1.5 mumol/l in the
controls, alongside with the increase of immunoglobulins G and
M. In the patients treated with Zincum metallicum CH5 it was
observed after about 30 days of treatment that the clinical state
was considerably improved and IgG and IgM as well as serum
zinc had resumed their normal values. This treatment should not
be interrupted since in LC, without permanent additional supply,
the serum zinc returns rapidly to the initial deficit or even lower.
BM 62
Cirrhosis (Liver)

CompositionAmmonium BenzoicumD20+200C, Aurum MurD20+200C, Calc

ArsD200+200C, Carduus MarD50+50C, Crotalus HorridusD50+50C, Muriatic
AcidD200+200C, Nux VomD200+200C, PhosphorusD200+200C, ViperaD200+200C
Specific IndicationChief symptoms of liver cirrhosis may be as abnormal nerve function,
ascites, breast enlargement in men, cough, vomiting of blood, curling of fingers, jaundice,

poor appetite, portal hypertension, weakness, abdominal pain and weight loss.
General IndicationMost patients with cirrhosis have few symptoms. Cirrhosis may be
suggested by yellowing of skin, known symptoms are weakness and loss of appetite.
Itching results from the back of bile into the blood and skin. Symptoms of exhaustion,
fatigue, nausea, weight loss, abdominal pain and spider like blood vessels may be
present. Though there are many other causes of the liver cirrhosis but the world wide
collective data indicate that the cirrhosis of liver may be due to alcoholic liver disease,
chronic hepatitis C, chronic hepatitis B and D, auto immune hepatitis, inherited disease,
non alcoholic steatohepatitis, blocked bile ducts, use of certain drugs, malnutrition,
reduced and loss of liver function, affects the body in many ways. The complicated
cirrhotic liver may cause oedema and ascites, bruising and bleeding, jaundice, itching,
gall stones, toxics in the blood or brain, sensitivity to medication and portal hypertension.
Liver & gallbladder disorders

CompositionBerb. VulgD3, Carduus MD2, ChelidoniumD2, CholestrinumD3, HydrastisD3,

General IndicationMay help in the symptoms of Hepatitis, jaundice, flatulence, bitter taste,
constipation, swelling of liver and abdomen with sensation of pressure, hepatic colic,
inflammation of bile duct, bile capillary and gall bladder, also indicated in cholelithiasis &
Liver, biliary & digestive disorders

CompositionBoldoD3, ChelidoniumD2, Fel TauriD2, Silybum MarianumD2, TaraxacumD3

General IndicationMay help in the symptoms of functional hyperbilirubinaemia and post
hepatic hyperbilirubinaemia, Supplementary treatment for cholecystitis, cholangitis and
biliary dyskinesia, burning syndrome and digestive disorders.
Liver biliary & digestive disorders

CompositionBoldoD3, ChelidoniumD2, Fel TauriD2, Silybum MarianumD2, TaraxacumD3

General IndicationMay help in the symptoms of functional hyperbilirubinaemia and post
hepatic hyperbilirubinaemia, Supplementary treatment for cholecystitis, cholangitis and
biliary dyskinesia, burning syndrome and digestive disorders.

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