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Detailed Description

Formulated for symptoms associated with constipation such as difficult

elimination, hard stools, pain, cramping, itching and bloating.
Directions: Ages 12 and up, take 6 drops or pellets orally (ages 0 to 11, give 3 drops or
pellets) as needed or as directed by a healthcare professional. Under age 2, crush or
dissolve pellets in purified water. Sensitive persons begin with 1 drop or pellet and
gradually increase to full dose.
Active Ingredients: Abiesnigra 15x, Aesculushippocastanum 15x, Aloe socotrina 15x,
Alumina 15x, Bryonia 15x, Carbovegetabilis 15x, Chelidoniummajus 15x,
Collinsoniacanadensis 15x, Graphites 15x, Hydrastis canadensis15x, Kali carbonicum 15x,
Lycopodiumclavatum 15x, Magnesia muriatica 15x, Mezereum 15x, Nux vomica 15x,
Podophyllumpeltatum 15x, Rhamnuspurshiana 15x, Sanicula 15x, Selenium metallicum
15x, Sepia 15x, Silicea 15x, Tabacum 15x, Veratrum album 15x, Zincummetallicum 15x,
Echinacea 3x, Iris versicolor 3x, Phytolaccadecandra 3x, Taraxacumofficinale 3x.
Liquid Inactive Ingredients: USP Purified water; USP Gluten-free, non-GMO,
organic cane dispensing alcohol 20%.
Pellet Inactive Ingredients: Gluten-free, non-GMO, beet-derived sucrose pellets.
According to the MateriaMedica the following remedies in Constipation may be
administered for the following conditions:
Abiesnigra: Constipation; Stomach pain
Aesculushippocastanum: Constipation; Hard, dry, knotty, white stools
Aloe socotrina: Constipation with heavy pressure in lower part of abdomen
Alumina: Constipation of the most aggravated kind; Marble-like masses pass, but
rectum feels full
Bryonia: Constipation; Burning in anus with stools
Carbovegetabilis: Constipation; Discharge of blood from rectum
Chelidoniummajus: Constipation; Stools float; Burning and itching of anus;
Alternating constipation and diarrhea
Collinsoniacanadensis: Constipation during pregnancy
Echinacea: Blood flows after stools; Abdomen is tender and distended
Graphites: Constipation, large, difficult, knotty stools; Smarting, sore pain in anus on
wiping it
Hydrastiscanadensis: Raw, smarting in rectum with stools
Iris versicolor: Constipation; Anus feels sore as if sharp points sticking in it
Kali carbonicum: Constipation after or during menses; Burning in rectum and anus
Lycopodiumclavatum: Constipation in pregnancy; Stool is hard, difficult, small and
Magnesia muriatica: Stools are knotty like sheep's dung
Mezereum: Stools, hard, large as if they would split the anus
Nux vomica: Constipation with frequent ineffectual urging
Phytolaccadecandra: Constipation; Constipation of the aged
Podophyllumpeltatum: Constipation alternating with diarrhea; Constipation, claycolored, hard, dry, difficult
Rhamnuspurshiana: Chronic constipation
Sanicula: Stool of one large heavy mass, must be removed or crumbles at anus
Selenium metallicum: Hard evacuations, followed by a di scharge of mucus

Sepia: Constipation obstinate, no urging for days

Silicea: Constipation always before and during menses
Tabacum: Constipation, alternates with diarrhea
Taraxacumofficinale: Constipation following an abundant expulsion of feces
Veratrum album: Constipation from inactivity; Stools large with much straining
Zincummetallicum: Hard, small, constipated stool; Stools, large, dry, difficult

Bakson's LAXATIVE AID contains the following

ingredients all of which are listed in the HOMEOPATHIC PHARMACOPOEIA
Active Ingredients
Carduusmarianus (St. Mary's Thistle) 2x (Plant Kingdom)
Chelidoniummajus (Calandine) 2x (Plant Kingdom)
Cholesterinum (Cholesterine) 6x (Animal Kingdom)
Colocynthis (Bitter Cucumber) 6x (Plant Kingdom)
Lycopodiumclavatum (Clubmoss) 4x (Plant Kingdom)
Nux vomica (Poison Nut) 4x (Plant Kingdom)
Calcareafluorica (Fluorspar) 3x (Mineral Kingdom)
Silicea (Silicon Dioxide) 6x (Mineral Kingdom)
Kali muriaticum (Potassium Chloride) 3x (Mineral Kingdom)
Natrummuriaticum (Sea salt) 6x (Mineral Kingdom)
Inactive Ingredients
Lactose and Magnesium Stearate added as fillers.
The action of each ingredient is as follows:

Carduusmarianus: Commonly called St. Mary's thistle relieves hemorrhagic

hemorrhoids, prolapsed rectum, hard and knotty clayey stools associated with
a sluggish liver..
Chelidoniummajus: Commonly called calandine, is useful in treating
constipation where stools are like hard round balls, bright yellow, pasty and
clay colored. Chelidonium is mainly a liver remedy.
Cholesterinum: Commonly called cholestrine, relieves liver and gall bladder
disorders and promotes normal stool formation.
Colocynthis: Commonly called bitter cucumber relieves hard stools occurring
once in 2-3 days with severe tenesmus (ineffectual and painful straining at
stool and during urination).
Lycopodium: Commonly called Clubmoss relieves ineffectual urge for bowel
evacuation; hard, difficult, small and incomplete stools; tender and aching
Nux vomica: Commonly called poison nut, is used to treat frequent ineffectual
urging for bowel movements. Incomplete and unsatisfactory stools with a
feeling as if part remained unexpelled. Painful, blind hemorrhoids.
Calcareafluorica: Commonly called fluorspar, relieves inability to expel stools
and fissure in anus.
Silicea: Commonly called silicon dioxide, is suitable in cases where the rectum
seems to have lost the power of expulsion. Stools recede after being partly
expelled. Dry hard stools in poorly nourished children with pale and earthy
face. Constipation before and during menses.
Kali muriaticum: Commonly called potassium chloride, is excellent in long
standing cases of constipation and light colored stools due to want of bile from
sluggish liver.
Natrummuriaticum: Commonly called sea salt, is indicated in constipation
associated with hemorrhoids; proctalgia; dry & hard stools which are difficult to
pass and cause bleeding with burning pain after evacuation.

For temporary symptomatic relief of chronic constipation; constipation before

and during menses. Dry, difficult stools in children with late dentition; painful
constipation and spasm of sphincter.
You may take Laxative Aid with meals or on an empty stomach.
Adults and Children over 12: 1 tablet 3 times a day.
Children 2 to 12 years of age: 1 tablet 2 times a day.
Children under 2 years of age, consult a doctor.
Tablets may be chewed, swallowed or dissolved in a cup of lukewarm
water. This product will not cause drowsiness or impair ability to operate
a motorized vehicle and may be taken with other medications.

GHR 5 (20 ml drops)


Bryonia; Cascara sagrada;

Collinsoniacanadensis; Hydrastis;



GHR 5 is effective against the following


Constipation due to any reason

Constipation with headache

Infrequent and hard to pass bowel movements

Incomplete defecation and hard stool

Inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract & digestive disorders

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) with constipation

GHR 5 has no side effects.

If the constipation is due to partial paralysis of the rectum then this remedy should
be thought of. The patient will complaint of ineffectual urging to pass stool but will
pass only very small bits. The stools are hard, small and covered with mucous that
makes it look shiny like grease. The rectum feels sore and burns. This is only better
by cold water. This is also useful where the large piles are obstructing the passage
of stool.
There might be prolapse of the anus while coughing. All the symptoms are
aggravated by walking.
Causticum 200, 5 pills 4 times a day should be given in order to relieve the
A 30 year old male patient came to my clinic with the complaint of constipation.
While taking the case I found out that his diet consisted of only junk food. He would
not eat any vegetables and only live on very spicy, fast food especially from
outside. For the last few months he was taking laxatives every day in order to
relieve the constipation but now even this was not working.
He described his symptoms by saying that he had a constant urge to pass stool. He
would go to the toilet but pass only little and feel unsatisfied. Because of his
frequent use of laxatives and purgatives he would even suffer from diarrhoea
alternating with constipation. The more he strains at stool the worse it gets.
I prescribed Nux Vomica 200, 5 pills in repeated doses till he was cured.

This is a very useful remedy in cases of fissures of the anus caused by constipation
or vice versa. The anus feels very sore and constricted. The patient describes the
pain as if the rectum is full of broken glasses. There are sudden spasms with knifelike stabbing pains.
Fissures of the anus is a prominent symptom. Here cracks develop around the anus.
Stools have to be expelled with great effort and the rectal area aches and burns for
hours after stool. Only cold water gives some relief. Ratanhia has also proved to be
a very useful remedy in treating pinworms.
Ratanhia IM, 5 pills 4 times a day will heal the rectal area and fissures.
As I have written earlier different age groups have different common causes for
constipation. In the next article we will deal with the common causes of constipation
in children and old people and how they can be tackled. Constipat

Ws 30 ndications
Acute and chronic constipation
Acute and chronic constipation Opium 6DH, Magnesia Mur. 6DH, Sanicula 6DH, Hydrastis 6DH
Bio Combination No. 4

(Calc Fluor, Kali Mur, Nat Mur, Silicea)6x

BM 175

ChelidoniumD1+10C, Cascara SagD1+10C, Croton TigD1+10C, BryoniaD1+10C, Crocust SatD1+10C, Euonymus

EuropaD2+20C, HydrastisD1+10C
Acute and chronic constipation bm21

Acute Composition AluminaD5, BryoniaD5, ColocynthisD6, GraphiteD10, HydrastisD3, LycopodiumD4, Mag

MurD12, Nux VomicaD5,OpiumD30, PlumbumD7

General IndicationAcute and habitual

constipation. Constipation due to dryness in
intestines and rectum. Constipation due to
indigestion, emotional or nervous tension.
CompositionAloes SocoD1, AlumenD3, Bryonia, Croton TigD1, Hydrastis, Mag MurD3
Indications ws30

Acute and chronic constipation

Acute and chronic constipation Opium 6DH, Magnesia Mur. 6DH, Sanicula 6DH, Hydrastis 6DH

Treatment of Constipation

Alumina 30: Constipation sometimes occurs due to dryness and inactivity

of the intestines. There is no desire to evacuate the bowels till there is a
large accumulation of stools. The stool, even though soft, requires much
straining to be expelled, it adheres to the rectum like clay. The person has
an abnormal craving for indigestible things like chalk, charcoal, etc. and
also an aversion to meat and potatoes.

Bryonia 30: Some symptoms that can confirm the use of Bryonia can be
mentioned as constipation due to extreme dryness of mucous membranes
of the large intestine. There is no desire to pass stools. When they do pass
out, the stools are hard and dry as if burnt. Constipation causes headache
that becomes worse on moving the head. There is extreme thirst for large
quantities of cold water. There is also a dislike for milk and fried foods.

Graphites 30: the important symptoms of using medicine can be

mentioned as constipation due to dryness of mucous membranes. The
stools are very hard, in the form of large lumps, which are joined together
by slimy threads. Drinking hot milk relieves constipation. A dry, cracking
skin and a sad, weeping disposition are some other features of this

Nux v 30: Nux v is useful at the time when constipation occurs from
consuming an excess of tea-coffee and leading a sedentary life. There is
frequent, ineffectual desire to pass stools. Only a small amount of stools
are evacuated, the person never feeling satisfied. Sometimes constipation
also occurs alternates with diarrhoea. An oversensitive nature and a
tendency to catch colds are other pointers to this remedy.

Senna 30: The extract or concoction prepared from the leaves of senna
has been used as a purgative since ancient times. Severe constipation
with pain in the abdomen, especially in the liver region is some of the
other symptoms. The stools are often hard and dark. There is flatulence
and loss of appetite. For all these symptoms the medicine named Senna is
very important.

Silicea 30: Obstinate constipation, stools are retained for a long time in
the intestines. They pass out only after great straining. The stools are
partly expelled and then recede back, forcing the person to remove them
mechanically with the fingers. The patient has intolerance for cold
weather. In fact, he wraps himself with warm clothes even in summer.
However, he has a liking for cold drinks and foods like ice cream. These
symptoms affirm the usage of the medicine Silicea.

Alumina 30: Constipation sometimes occurs due to dryness and inactivity of the
intestines. There is no desire to evacuate

the bowels till there is a large accumulation of stools. The stool, even though soft,
requires much straining to be

expelled, it adheres to the rectum like clay. The person has an abnormal craving for
indigestible things like chalk,

charcoal, etc. and also an aversion to meat and potatoes.

Bryonia 30: Some symptoms that can confirm the use of Bryonia can be mentioned
as constipation due to extreme dryness of

mucous membranes of the large intestine. There is no desire to pass stools. When
they do pass out, the stools are hard and

dry as if burnt. Constipation causes headache that becomes worse on moving the
head. There is extreme thirst for large

quantities of cold water. There is also a dislike for milk and fried foods.

Graphites 30: the important symptoms of using medicine can be mentioned as

constipation due to dryness of mucous membranes.

The stools are very hard, in the form of large lumps, which are joined together by
slimy threads. Drinking hot milk relieves

constipation. A dry, cracking skin and a sad, weeping disposition are some other
features of this remedy.

Nux v 30: Nux v is useful at the time when constipation occurs from consuming an
excess of tea-coffee and leading a

sedentary life. There is frequent, ineffectual desire to pass stools. Only a small
amount of stools are evacuated, the

person never feeling satisfied. Sometimes constipation also occurs alternates with
diarrhoea. An oversensitive nature and a

tendency to catch colds are other pointers to this remedy.

Senna 30: The extract or concoction prepared from the leaves of senna has been
used as a purgative since ancient times.

Severe constipation with pain in the abdomen, especially in the liver region is some
of the other symptoms. The stools are

often hard and dark. There is flatulence and loss of appetite. For all these symptoms
the medicine named Senna is very


Silicea 30: Obstinate constipation, stools are retained for a long time in the
intestines. They pass out only after great

straining. The stools are partly expelled and then recede back, forcing the person to
remove them mechanically with the

fingers. The patient has intolerance for cold weather. In fact, he wraps himself with
warm clothes even in summer. However,

he has a liking for cold drinks and foods like ice cream. These symptoms affirm the
usage of the medicine Silicea.

Indications ws35
For stomatitis and oral ulcers
Borax 4DH, Nat. Sulph. 4DH, Acid Nit. 6DH, Baptisia 6DH, Nux Vomica 7DH

Constipation is passage of small amounts of hard, dry bowel movements, usually fewer than three times a week.
People who are constipated may find it difficult and painful to have a bowel movement. Other symptoms of constipation include
feeling bloated, uncomfortable, and sluggish.

Some causes of constipation are

not enough fiber in the diet ,not uses of liquids like water, milk ,fruit juices,
lake of exersices, some types of medicines, older age,traveling, and problems in rectum and colone and some others causes.

some best medicines are

1 Nux vomica
2 Sulpher
3 Plumbemb
4 Bryonia
5 Natrummur
6 Lycopodium
7 Platina
8 verat


To purchase Constipation and other homeopathic remedies online, please click the button above.
An aid in relieving constipation that has lasted several days. Not a laxative.
Active Ingredients
Capsicum 6c
Hydrastis can 6c
Leptandra 6c
Nuxvom 6c
Podophyllinum 6c

Homeopathy for Constipation

Almost everyone at one time or another has suffered from occasional
constipation due to a sudden change in diet, pregnancy, travel, or stress.
The most common causes of constipation are functional or organic disorders.

Constipation is difficulty in having a bowel movement. Bowel movements

are infrequent and hard to pass. This may be due to a loss of muscle tone in
the intestine or because of very hard stools. Constipation exists when an
individual does not eliminate fecal matter at least once in twenty-four hours. It
may be due to a lack of fiber in the diet, inadequate fluid intake, abuse of
laxatives, poor bowel habits, or emotional disturbances.
Constipation causes a number of uncomfortable symptoms. Bacteria of
putrefaction multiply and produce poisons that enter the bloodstream and
cause headaches, heartburn, bloating, gas, fatigue, depression, and anxiety.
Straining can bring about rectal problems such as hemorrhoids and fissures.

The most common cause of constipation in children is either a functional

disorder caused by poor bowel habits, or an organic disorder due to celiac
disease or Hirschsprung disease.
Constipation can also alternate with diarrhea. Spastic constipation, also
known as irritable bowel syndrome, or IBS, is an irritation of the intestine
caused by high levels of stress. It is characterized by recurrent abdominal pain
associated with diarrhea and constipation.
Organic constipation is caused by a physical change to an organ. It
may resultfrom scar tissues, inflammatory conditions, tumors, or cancer of the
bowels. There are two significant changes that occur when organic disease is
the cause of constipation: (1) Blood in the stool, and (2) change in bowel
habits and in the character of the stool. Consult with your physician
immediately. Cancer discovered in the early stage is curable.
Homeopathy in Practice
Constipation is a prime contibutor to physical and mental ailments. When
the human system is poisoned by impurities from the waste products of
constipation, the immune system is affected. When the immune system
becomes less effective, it opens the door for illnesses and diseases to occur.

Diet for Constipation

Don't overlook the call of nature.
Cultivate regular habits of elimination.
Avoid iron supplements, they cause constipation.
Eat foods high in fiber such as fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains, and
Practice good food-combining.
In the morning drink a cup of warm water to which the juice of half a lemon is
Take one teaspoon of ground flax seeds with yogurt before bedtime.
Drink a large glass of juice made from fresh fruits.

Apply a castor oil pack on the abdomen to relieve pain.

Make yourself a ginger tea.
Engage in 30 minutes of physical activity.
Drink eight to ten glasses of water, per day.
Colon hydrotherapy is beneficial for constipation.

Leading Remedies in Homeopathy

Argentum nitricum treats constipation caused by the overuse of laxatives.
Barytacarbonica treats chronic constipation in the elderly 55 yrs and older.
Berberis vulgaris is recommended if constipation is caused by a kidney
Bryonia treats constipation with indigestion.
Lycopodium treats constipation in infants. Symptoms include an urge to stool
without result with painful flatulence. The child cries between 4and
8 p.m.
Plumbum relieves pain and spasm of the anal sphincter. Stools resemble
sheep poop.
Alumina treats constipation due to insufficient secretion of mucus in the
Collinsonia treats chronic constipation. The stools are dry, hard,
and difficultto expel. Person doubles over from pain.
Graphites treats functional constipation. Very large stools with mucus.
Distended abdomen.
Nux vomica relieves bloating, stomach cramps, and gas. The person
is sensitive, anxious, and nervous.

Silicea is indicated for rectal atony.

Chelidonium treats constipation due to liver problem. Stools come out in
hard,pale and discoloured lumps.
Hepar sulfur is indicated in the treatment of bowel (antnee)obstruction.
Taraxacum treats constipation in children.
Nuxmoscata treats constipation due to extreme dry mucus.
Platina is recommended to a woman who is constipated during her period.
Calcareacarbonica is recommended if the person feels better constipated.
Senna relieves constipation with gas.
Sulphur relieves the burning of the anus caused by constipation.
Gemmotherapy Treatment
Oligo Trace-Elements Treatment
Tissue Salts Remedies
Nat mur
Nat sulph
Organotherapy Treatment
Sigmoid colon
Mucus of the colon

CompositionChelidoniumD1+10C, Cascara SagD1+10C, Croton TigD1+10C, BryoniaD1+10C, Crocust SatD1+10C,

Euonymus EuropaD2+20C, HydrastisD1+10C

Specific IndicationMostly there are three types of constipations seen, atonic constipation, that is irregular
habit of bowel movement and loss of natural reflaxes. Spastic constipation, it is due to irritating foods and
nervous disorders, thirdly obstructive constipation, it is because of the obstruction of the large intestine or
malignancy of the colon.

General IndicationConstipation is one of the commonest gastrointestinal symptoms suffered by human

beings. This condition is truly universal and seen in all age groups, sexes, classes and races. Incomplete
evacuation of hard dried faeces. If the bowel is not cleared well it can lead to a lot of symptoms such as
mood disturbances, headache, flatulence, coated tongue, foul breath and lack of appetie. A diet that is low in
fruits, vegetables and whole grain, has made constipation a common problem. BM Constipation compositum
is quite helpful in the following causes of constipation such as irregular eating time. Faulty dietary habits like
use of highly refined foods. Inadequate intake of water or fluids. Lack of sufficient rest. Change in ones usual
routine due to illness, in travel, nervous tension, and worry. Poor muscle tone of small intestines due to lack
of exercise in invalids and the aged, Intake of durgs and medicines like antispasmodic, antimotility drugs,
codine, opiate, antacids etc. Difficult or painful evacuation due to conditions like fissures, Irregular times of
evacuation. Due to an abnormally large colon, decreased movement of intestine as in habitual constipation
and pregnancy.
Bio Combination No. 4

Composition(Calc Fluor, Kali Mur, Nat Mur, Silicea)6x

General IndicationBowels constipated without apparent cause, liver torpid, stools dry, hard and black; dull
headache; foul breath and bad taste in mouth, tongue coated.
Adult:10drops, children half of the same,3-4 times a day in some water. Adult:4 tablets, children half of the
same 3-4 times a day or as prescribed by homoeopathic doctor.
Acute and chronic constipation

CompositionAluminaD5, BryoniaD5, ColocynthisD6, GraphiteD10, HydrastisD3, LycopodiumD4, Mag MurD12, Nux

VomicaD5,OpiumD30, PlumbumD7

General IndicationMay help in the symptoms of acute and chronic constipation. Atonic and spasmodic
constipation. Dry hard stool as if burnt. Poor digestion, prolapsed rectum. Sinking feeling in stomach and dull

Acute & habitual constipation

CompositionAloes SocoD1, AlumenD3, Bryonia, Croton TigD1, Hydrastis, Mag MurD3

General IndicationAcute and habitual constipation. Constipation due to dryness in intestines and
rectum. Constipation due to indigestion, emotional or nervous tension.

bowel obstruction

chronic constipation

hemorrhoids (a mass of dilated veins in swollen tissue around the anus)

hernia (a protrusion of an organ through a tear in the muscle wall)

spastic colitis (irritable bowel syndrome, a condition characterized by

alternating periods of diarrhea and constipation)

laxative dependency

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