Chapter 22 Review Items

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Chapter 22 Review Items

1. U.S. consumer experiences at home during the war.

2. The Good Neighbor policy.
3. the experience of African American soldiers during the war.
4. Friedrich Hayek's Road to Serfdom
5. Korematsu v. United States
6. the Yalta Conference and decisions made at the conference.
7. Growth of the West during and after the World War Two.
8. Spanish Civil War Generalissimo Francisco Franco.
9. The National Resources Planning Board.
10. Economic Bill of Rights.
11. The America First Committee.
12. Charles Lindbergh.
13. Father Coughlin.
14. Henry Ford.
15. Cash and Carry plan.
16. isolationist U.S. public opinion in the 1930s.
17. U.S. lack of success in the first 6 months of the Pacific War.
18. Henry Luce and The American Century.
19. the experience of Japanese-Americans during their internment by
the U.S. Government.
20. The Four Freedoms Show.
21. global military, political and economic changes resulting from
World War Two.
Chapter 23 Review Items
1. How did the Cold War begin?
2. who were the most common victims of McCarthyism?
3. The Truman Doctrine.
4. Dixiecrats.
5. 1948 Progressive Party.
6. U.S. attitudes toward post WW2 colonial independence movements.
7. Julius and Ethel Rosenberg.
8. the Taft-Hartley Act.
9. N.A.T.O.
10. 1948 Democratic Convention
11. Hubert H. Humphrey.
12. President Truman and Civil Rights.
13. The Long Telegram.
14. The Iron Curtain.
15. Henry Steele Commager
16. The impact of the Cold War on Civil Rights.
17. Alger Hiss.


Wittaker Chambers.
What was the cause of the Soviet blockade of West Berlin?
The Fair Deal.
Strom Thurmond.
the 1948 Presidential race.

Chapter 24 Review Items

1. factors that spurred the growth of the suburban middle class.
2. factors that contributed to the emergence of the civil rights
movement in the 1950s.
3. President Eisenhower's response to opposition to desegregation in
Arkansas in 1957.
4. CIA overthrows of governments in the 1950s.
5. The Southern Manifesto.
6. the characteristics of the people that Eisenhower appointed to
Cabinet positions.
7. the provisions of the social contract between labor and employers
in the 1950s.
8. agricultural production in the 1950s.
9. the nature of U.S. - Soviet relations during the Eisenhower
10. William Levitt and Levittown.
11. Thurgood Marshall's main argument to the Supreme Court in Brown
v. Bd. Of Education(1954)
12. Women in the workplace after World War II.
13. televison and advertising in the 1950s.
14. new innovations in the 1950s that affected daily life.
15. what did the new conservatives of the 1950s want government to
Chapter 25 Review Items
1. attitude of the new left toward most University Professors.
2. Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party.
3. Martin Luther King and the Poor People's Campaign.
4. JFK's tardiness in active support of Civil Rights.
5. Freedom Riders.
6. significance of the TET Offensive in 1968.
7. beliefs of the Young Americans For Freedom.
8. reasons for establishing the Peace Corps.
9. emergence of the Black Power Movement.
10. beliefs of the New Left.
11. beliefs of Barry Goldwater.
12. beliefs of Malcolm X.
13. Betty Friedan and The Feminine Mystique


tendencies in rulings by the Warren Court.

1968 Presidential Campaign.
Nixon's promises in the 1968 Campaign.
beliefs of the Black Panther Party.
beliefs of the radical feminists.
1963 March on Washington.
1964 Presidential Campaign.
1965 Voting Rights Act.

Chapter 26 Review Items

1. Ronald Reagan's foreign policy.
2. President Reagan's actions regarding defense spending and the
3. The Carter Doctrine.
4. Nixon and S.A.L.T.
5. The effects of Three Mile Island.
6. Bakke v. California (read this carefully)
7. Nixon's recognition of China
8. Nixon's Family Assistance Plan
9. Phyllis Schafly
10. The ERA
11. Reagan and 'Vietnam Syndrome'
12. Reagan and the Soviet Union in his 2nd term
13. Iranian hostage crisis and it's effect on U.S. politics
14. Carter's response to Soviet invasion of Afghanistan
15. Reagan's economic policies and economic inequality
16. The Reagan Revolution
17. Nixon's New Federalism
18. Nixon and Affirmative Action
19. Presidential elections of 1972, 1976 and 1980
20. Nixon's foreign policy regarding 3rd world nations
Chapter 27 Review Items
1. The specifics of the ruling of the Supreme Court in Bush v. Gore.
2. The Contract with America - who proposed what SPECIFICS did
he propose?
3. Characteristics of the American economy in the late 1990s specific
effect on groups in the nation.
4. The status of African-American civil rights during the 1990s.
5. Nelson Mandela and Apartheid.
6. The rise of school segregation in the 1990s.
7. The 1990s 'culture wars.'
8. The 1995 truck bombing of the Federal building in Oklahoma City
(who, what, why)

9. President Clinton's response to the violence during the Balkan Crisis

of the 1990s.
10. Voting participation in the U.S. at the beginning of the 21st century.
11. George W. Bush and the New World Order
12. The Velvet Revolution.
13. Importance of the Christian Coaltion in the late 1990s.
14. The politics of English as the official language in the 1990s.
15. The legal reason for impeachment of President Clinton.
16. The negative aspects of the bubble.
17. Tiananmen Square protests in Beijing.
18. The long history of internationalization of commerce.
Chapter 28 Review Items
1. Groups affected by the 2007 recession.
2. Alan Greenspan and his statements to Congress investigation the
financial crisis of 2008.
3. Ruling of the Supreme Court in Hamdan vs. Rumsfield.
4. Bush administration economic policies in his first term.
5. Voting groups in the 2008 election who voted for whom?
6. What Cabinet member opposed George W. Bush's refusal to follow
the Geneva Conventions regarding prisoners of war?
7. General policies pursued by the George W. Bush first administration.
8. Effects of the 2008 stock market crash on consumer spending and
business investment.
9. Meaning and importance of too big to fail.
10. Actions of President Obama in his first year in office.
11. President George W. Bush and NSA warrantless wiretapping.
12. Scooter Libby (chief staff for Dick Cheney).

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