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1. What is the definition of global warming?

Answer: Global warming is the increase of average temperature of atmosphere,

ocean, and earth land.
2. Please identify, how global warming is occurred?
Answer: Global warming occurs because of the formation of greenhouse gasses like
carbon dioxide, methane and sulfur hexaflouride. All of the greenhouse gasses are
appear because of human activities. The mechanism of the occurrence of global
warming is as follows: Heat from sun until the earth's surface, some of them will be
absorbed by the earth's surface and the other will be reflected into the atmosphere.
The atmosphere is a layer of air that surrounds the earth. Heat reflected by the earth's
atmosphere to be partially transparent to space and some of them will be reflected
back to the earth's surface. The reflection of heat by atmosphere is caused the
atmosphere contain gases that absorb heat and reflect it back like a glass. These gases
are called greenhouse gases consist of water vapor, carbon dioxide (CO 2) and
methane. Greenhouses gases will be absorb and reflect heat to the earth. Finally, the
heat stored in earths surface and makes the earth become warm. This process is
repeating until the temperature of earth is getting increase and increase.
3. Please analyze, what are the impacts of global warming?
Answer: The impacts of global warming are the melting of icecap, raising sea levels,
extreme climate change, and the increasing of heat waves. Consequently, the sea level
would rise and coastal areas would be flooded.
4. Now days, global warming is becoming global issue. How do you help to reduce the
rate of global warming?
Answer: to reduce the rate of global warming, it can be done by reducing the
consumption of meat, planting some trees to surrounding.
5. What is meant by greenhouse effect?
Answer: greenhouse is the process by which thermal radiation from a planetary
surface is absorbed by atmospheric greenhouse gases, and is re-radiated in all
What is the cause of greenhouse effect?
The causes of greenhouse effect are:
a. Burning fossil fuels
b. Deforestation
c. Increase in population
d. Farming
e. Industrial waste
7. What are belong to greenhouse gases?

Answer: greenhouse gases consist of water vapor, carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane,
NO2, sulfur hexafluoride (SF6), perfluorocarbon (PFC), hydrofluorocarbon (HFC).
The major gases that contribute to greenhouse effect are carbon dioxide (CO 2) and
methane, NO2 generated from the burning of fossil fuels, farming, and deforestation.
But, for sulfur hexafluoride (SF6), perfluorocarbon (PFC), hydrofluorocarbon (HFC)
gases only contribute less than 1% to greenhouse effect.
8. How is the relationship between ozone depletion and global warming as well as
climate change?
Answer: the ozone depletion and global warming are caused by CFC and CO 2 gases.
Because of the occurrence of ozone depletion and global warming the temperature in
earth will increase. Because of the increase of temperature, it can influence to climate
change. For example, the rainy season will not occur on the time, but summer will
always appear.
9. What can we do to reduce the production of greenhouse gases?
Answer: To reduce the production of greenhouse gases can be done by improving
energy efficiency in automobiles and in household heating and lighting, and by
developing non fossil fuel energy sources, such as photovoltaic cells. Beside that it
also can reduce by preventing forest loss or stop cutting down the trees in forest.
10. Why do the effort for preventing global warming still ineffective?
Answer: there are some causes why the effort of global warming still ineffective,
a. The production of carbon dioxide cannot be stopped because all of living thing in
this earth produce this gas, and also CO 2 is the uneasily decomposed gas. Besides
that, CO2 also comes from the industrial activities.
b. The nature properties of cloud. Cloud is arranged by water vapor which can
reflect the heat
c. The production of methane gas which cannot be stopped. It is caused by the
increase of living thing, so methane gas will also generates more from their
d. The effect of methane heating is 72 power folds stronger than the heat of CO 2
since 20 years.

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