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Course Information

Introduction Course International Arbitration

Date and Time
Saturday 4 April 2015 9.00am to 6.00pm
To be confirmed
Course Director
Mr Philip Punwar
Professional Qualification
Attendance and successful completion of the assignment allows candidates to apply for Associate level membership
of the CIArb which then allows you to use the designation ACIArb.
Entry Requirements
There are no entry requirements. The course is intended for candidates who:
are new to the field of international arbitration and have not had any legal training;
wish to learn more about international arbitration and its benefits to users;
are considering further study to become a Chartered Arbitrator;
wish to become an Associate member of CIArb.
Limited Places
The number of delegates is limited and therefore places on the course shall be on a first pay first served basis.
Course Fee
AED 2,000 including lunch
Note: The course fee does not include membership fees. To know the appropriate membership fees please see the
CIArb website:
Refunds are discretionary and based on the timing of a cancellation.
Please address all queries by e-mail to Mr Jamie Armitage -

Registration - Payment of Course Fees Introduction Course International Arbitration

A) Bank Transfer

Account Name:




Account No.:

HSBC Bank Middle East Limited

Swift Code:


The transfer should be referenced [your surname] IC April 2015

B) Cheque

Payable to CHARTERED INSTITUTE OF ARBITRATORS REP.OFFICE and delivered to Atheeq Mohammad,

Accountant at the offices of Al Tamimi Investments, Building 72, 2nd Floor, Office 202, Dubai Healthcare City,
On the back of the cheque write [your surname] IC April 2015

In all cases send an e-mail (referenced [your surname] IC April 2015 Payment of Course Fees) confirming the
date and method by which you made the payment, together with your contact details / a scanned copy of your
business card to: ; ;
Approximately one month before the course, following payment of the course fee, you will be provided with the
course material sent by e-mail. You will not receive the course material until payment of the course fee.

The Chartered Institute of Arbitrators reserves the right to cancel or change the date, venue or content of
programmes and the names of speakers, lecturers and tutors without prior notice.
What is the aim of the module?
To provide an understanding of the general principles of international arbitration and a comparison of the main
alternative dispute resolution processes arbitration, mediation and adjudication. The course will give candidates a
basic understanding of the principles of good practice and procedure in international arbitration.
What is covered within the syllabus?
Comparison of Dispute Resolution Procedures
Essential features, laws and rules: The UNCITRAL Model Law
Composition, Powers and Jurisdiction of the arbitral tribunal
Statement of Claim and Defence
Organising the Proceedings
Costs and Interest
Arbitral Awards, drafting and enforcement
Exercise in drafting an arbitration clause

How will I be assessed?

Assessment consists of one assignment that is distributed to candidates on the day of the course. Candidates will be
given 28 days to complete and submit the assignment. The pass mark is a clear pass or fail based on understanding
and knowledge. Results are dispatched by e-mail from the CIArb in London to candidates normally eight to twelve
weeks from the submission deadline.
What is my next step when I complete the course?
On successful completion of this course, candidates:
may progress onto Module 1 of any of the CIArb Pathways mediation, domestic arbitration, international
arbitration or adjudication.
will be eligible to apply for Associate level membership of the CIArb, and take advantage of a range of educational
and professional benefits.

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